89-539 WMITE - CITY CLERK COUf1C1I PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA LT L ��9 CANARV - DEPARTMENT BI.UE - MAVOR File �O• Coun 'l Resolution y5 � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � - RESOLVED: That application (I # 8401) for a Physical Cultural Health Services Club by Sh ne Segal DBA Grand Tan at 80 No. Snelling Ave. , be and the same is er by approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays ^ Dimond ' � i.ong In Fa or Goswitz Rettman � sche;n�i _ A gai n t BY Sonnen Wilson � 2 8 Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date — + Certified Pass d ci S r By Z'/� '�! By. � t�ppro d by Mavor. Date � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By PUBLtSHfD aF:� - � � 8s � ON�iIfM�.9R � . . , o�� �rm a�re cowr�o �Q ! �� . _ ; GR�E�i S►#�E� �o: o=a3���I �. +ca��n�a� �T - o�+�ane�r�r anECroR rMrae�on�er� Kri s �lanHorn � i �.,�.�� 3�«� °E`r. _ . — ���, 2 Council Research F• ,; . ,. �_ .� �A,�,� ...— , Applica�Cion for a Physical Cu1 r 1 Health Services C1ub License. Nvtificati�n Date: 2-10-89 F{e��^firrg flate: 3-28-89 . 'NPDro+h.UU a�(R11 , REPORT: • '� � NaMINt;OOM�ION � � CMI,SEA1flCE COAaMSSlON .. DATE x�. : . . on7E olR � MVIILYBT� . : � . PIiONE ND. - � .. . �OW119Q�C.OMMI�ION- 18D 816 BCMOOI BORRD � � . � , � � . . . . . STAFF� . . .. � GtlIHTER OOAMAI88WN . A818 . .. ADDi N�FO.A�DED; _OR A DL M�FO��-�..� _ p� C M�DED• . . DIBTAICf COIMCL * T10N: . � . . - � _ � . . .BIAPORIB WMICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? . - - ' � . � . . � . . � � . . '. . . . . . ' NTIATMO PIIOlLlM.M�tlf OPl01171Dr1Y(YMw.1MMt..MI11M1�YVl�er►.N�hY): . Shane .Segal �SA Grand.Tan requ ts Council appr.ova1 of his app1ication far a Ph,ysical Cu'�tiuraT �Hedlth er ices C1.ub at 80 No: Snel�ing.: - - ` �n+ca►1f�t lco.�.�w�pe..A..u�: . , ,_�. All fees and applications have ee submitted. Alt 'required departt�nts have.r.e�i.ewe►d and approv�d tkris a�p 1 ication. ` . � -. ��r:w►�x.r�e Tu v�noa+>: _. . . - , . ., : If Counei l appr.aval is not rece ve , appl icant wi 11 not be al lc�ved to operate a Physical Cultural� Hea th Service Club. � - �ter+m�+�es: . c�s . �y�;,rt, '� � tI1�T011Y1R1[�ITB: l FEB �2 i:�89 ��: , , . ��-��� DIVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�:RMIT ADMI IS TION DATE �Ct G� l � , INTERDF,PARTMENTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ,�� _ Home Address � �'1 Business Name (,`,,,J •� S�kQ�C�iome Phone ,��q x� �'�(�o�,(p Business Address U Type of License(s)�,,,,��¢,Q �a�..Q, Business Phone � 1 - US C�SJ �r„ ,�, .,�,�� �� , Q s , Public Hearing Date License I.D. 4� �(��Q � at 9:00 a.m. in the �ouncil Chamber , 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� 31 3 � ��3�0 llate Nutice Sent; Dealer �� � � � to Applicant I c�� ,n rederal F3_rearms # 1� � '� Public Hearing DATE TI�' PE TIUN � REVIEW VEKFIED CO UTER) COMMENTS A proved No A roved I r ' Bldg I & D ��/ � /�' ( , Health Divn. a ' � � � , �� , Fire Dept. � G � � � � � � v�i � I Police Dept. � Is � b �L License Divn. � �{a`' � �1� City Attorney � '� � �� Date Received: Site Plan To Council Research � �1a��1 Lease or Letter Date from Landlord �- '. � � . � �i-,5.�9 � C __ OF ST. PAuZ � DEPARThmQ'P OF F CE AND MARAGF�+1T S:RVICES LICENS PII�.IT DIV�SION These statea�ent °or-�s are issued in d icate. Please ansWer all questions !'til.�y aad completely. Tt:is appl'_cation is th rou t�y checked. Any _°slsification �ill be cause for deniel. � ,7 � Dae ( — •� / 19 1. Application °or 5 �� �� 1 C �c z T �., .�, ��A..rt� SP�� (License) (Permit) 2. Name of app 1 i cant�c f�. 'ti 'T N N '�-�c,.c �p N� c��a�� , Zf apglicent is/has been a marri d emale, l±st 9aidea name !+. Date of b irth �- 7- � � e Place of b?rth m p I�,. IY1 �► t 5. Are you a c=tizen of the United ta es � S Native y•e S Naturalized 5. Are you a reg:stered voter t�— Where J�p iYtS�e� C� u ,..T -� '. Home address '1 2 't G"y� p Home te2ephone � �`f� � "c( b � � °. ?resen� business address � � �n�. 1 � 1 Busiaeas telephone (o�+�-O 5 � S� 9. Including yo�ir oresent buainesa/ mp �yment, What�busineas/emplvyme� have you fallowed Por �he past five years Business/�r.ployment Address ��� �� �.�, h�� l+J � s3 � � . �? , � �-r . R ANo �A •� -7S� Grcc � p � �� -c GRA �vs� TA �.+ ( oa < <! 7Z �Ne;;S � PAri� �r, 10. yfarriec° � V If anssrer is ��,ves", is name and address of spouse '_1. ?�tave you ever been arrested Por a o fenae that has resulted in a cocnrictionY / IP ansti+er is ",yes��, list dates of� ar ests, where, charges, convictiona snd sentences. n Ir t� _ _ ' I " Date o! arrest 19 w'here CHAF.GE CONVT_CT?O1�` SF�ITENCE :��e �° arrest 19 '�, re �' C�L=.RGr C^Ptt'I^'"+-': S..��TI'::1V�rr (,,���-s3� _ . 12. List the names an� a3^resses ,!i rsarried, r.ame oP s�ouse also) of a1Z p�rsons, • - cor�orati�as, pzr�.^.ershi�s, ss ciations or organizations Which in ar.y �+ay have: a. A zor�gage interest in t' e icensed prerise, ►�,� N t.- b. A security interest in t icensed premises, license, or furniahings of the licensed premise, � AT A' �� � D � c. A pro�issory note for f ds loaned for the operation oP the licenaed premise or the purchaae of �he 1 'ce se, �o � d. �:nanciaZly contribuLed 'o e purchase of the premise or the licenst it- se2f �J e n,�2 e. Any otner interest eit?�e., d' ect or ?ndirect, either .°inancial or otherwise il in the licensed premise 'r e license itself, � b � � -f�. �.ttach a copy hereto of any and a '1 cuments referred to in this at*idavit. 1? Give names and addresses of ao ersons, residents oP St. Paul, Minnesota, Who ca.� give inPormation concern'ng ou. NAME ADDRESS IY�v�i� ��1�, t 1 c� -z 2 p �+ 'o c �p t� L'1/��..<<� �j �.,, �:e��.� t1 � � . ��:,�c�SO�' ��i2r� �PF� �CZ<� �4. Address o° premises !or Whic ' L' ense or Perait is made $C) 1�3 S nH. 1\ �r ti Address � O �3 S 'v1�� � � 7.one classification �M e rc �P` '_5. BetWeen what cross streetsAs � �.+ � S�� ���r '�ihich side of street � s . o-� 16. �i�e under which this busiae 's '11 be conducted �,a A„ � i c�h,, 1?. �+isiness Lelephone n�nber � - o S o � lp. Attach to this applicat�on, d ailed description of the design, location, and square �ootage oP t;�e pre�is s be licensed R ov•'�+ �s �a F-r b � � F � �Ac �� pf St> � �.� , hez-r roc.� wa��. s ...ar�+ Ce���n ':�. �re �re�nises noa OCC4Died ►� � What bLSiness HoF lon� J�s-r �r Ne� ��.' . . . . . . ��=5.� 9 20. � List license wt:ich y�u curre tl hold, or fortaer� heZd, or may have an intere • i n tu � 21. Have any of the licenses lis ed by you in No. 20 ever been revoked. Yea No IP snsWer is '�ye '�, list dates and reasona: ?_2. Do you have an interest oP ype in arLy ot,ber busiaeaa or business premiaes. I.° answer is "yes", list bus ne s, business address aad telephone nu�ber. cs - SE�, A� wh� � 1 � � � �- - Sgb3 2?. IF business is incorporate�?, ;gi _ date of incort�oration 19 S�' �] and attach cooy oP Articles P corporation and mirnrtes of first meeting. 2�+. List al? officers oP the co or ion giving their names, oPPice held, hame address, and home and busine s lephoae numbers: SNAw.� � S�IoAL Cti� o-F t � �oAQa � —� � -1 r�o cz c, Sz P�a u �, c�1 �v s S c t l. (��i � ' 9 � � 4. 25. Zf business is partnership, 1 st partner(s) address and telephvne n�bers: �� �� ti'� e Address 1�e1.Ao. - __ 26. Is there anyone else vho will ha e an interest in this business or pr�iees? :f answer is "yes", Rive name h address, ttlephone n�bers and in v�at manner is their interest: '?. Are yau goinq to operate this bu iness personally �it not, vho rill operate ?t. R� H�ne address �e1.Ao. . � ����39 ,_ , _.., , . �Are you �oinR to have a !�.anaf;er, or assistant in this business? It ansWer is ' yes , give na�e an�l ho:ae addre s nd hoaje telephone nu.�►ber: ��'� 5 Name Lh e Y ._ ��l o�2�.1 Home addres s Te 1.Yo. '9• Has anyone you have named in qu st ons 22 through 25 ever been arrested? If answer is "yes", list name of rs n, dates oP arrest, where, charges, convic- tions and sentence ?�• I � understaad this premise may be in- ted b the police and other city oPficials at a� and aIl � mes when the busi ss is in er tion. State of Minnesota) )SS Couaty of�Ramsey ) � j-� -� � �„'`_ �--� Si ature � " � � in first duly sworn, deposes at�d says ��on oat that he has r d t,h °oregoing at ment bearing his signature and ?mows the conter.ts thereo.°, and t the same i t e of his own knowledge except as to those �aatVC�S �herein stated upon informati n nd belieP and as to those matters he be- lieves them to be true. Subscribed and sWOrn to bePo�e me ,Si�znature of Applicant . is / day of � 1, � V _�„� 1 7��''?p'� �Totar� ?sblic, Rarnsev C�unty, Minneso °'�"'""�'�°` - - . ^�-������iGi R ;� ,. _;,,;,,":��r, '�!y co�nission expires � ' a - ,�� �^�' � 1 . '_ , - — .1•- � n,�,;'�:tirdK� .... �• � � . ..� . .. ...fs:-�:.Vr .�;-.,`Ar.i�i;�-:�... .. ,. , ai�e si t . • ���� .�39 �- S�ZNT PA � CITY COUN��IL PUB�IC K I�� �TO'�ICE RECEIVED I�Z�EN�E PI�Z�A�ZaN FEB 10198� ' � CITY CLERt� . �� NO. Dear Property Owners: L78401 , �, PUK.POSE Application !fo a Physical Culture �, Health Services Club. t�P�j�+c�'-N� Shane Segal ba Grand Tan �D�r��TdLV 80 N. Snelli g venue i�aRI�C � �(arc 2 1989 9:00 a.s. Cic� oun ii C'aamoers, 3rd iloor City Hall - Cou�� iiouse 3y Licens an Perait Jivision, De�art�enc oL c'�ance and �02*ZC�. S�:�T `ianagement Se 'ces, Room 203 City Hall - Court �ouse, Saint Paul', � esota 298-�OSo This date may be changed wit o t the consent and/or �nnow�edge of the License and Permit Division. t is suggested that you call the Citj C1erk' s Of fice at 298-4231 i ou wish confirscat;on.