89-530 � i
FINAL ORDER f��,., �
By_ . :.
File No. �"1l06
Voting In the Matter of �t�as St. Clair � e b�t�een Dnnlap Etrset to 6ri�a Street
Ward b� repsirin.g ezisti:es Eridge . Place ne�r ste�l � tn o1d railroad
2 i 3 apaa aad refsae old abutaeat pier tbat faea t� �rsilroad tracts, a
n�w co�aerste d�ct vith a tb' M3. s rosd�ray and a lew sln� arsaris� oill be
evaatrac�ed over the totsl h of eLe bridge. llew �rat�rtisbt �zp�naian
joints dll ba pla►c�d an� a reinfaresd co�creta approsch panal vill be
constracted adjsc�at �tcr esc a af tlse bridge. The c�ontraet at�a�cded fot
thfa constr�ctian pt�o ject r�f rt Lt�at ttu btfdg� bt "op�n to ttaf f f C"
within aft�eLy (90) days af dat� th� btidge i� •cloe+od tro ttaffiC"
foc oa�structica. bsrriAC1 Y ticipatod cit�ar�t�x�a, ott�c ttaan
.= ws1�t cax3iticns. beyond cantrol ot tlie conttactat, svch as labEar
atrilas ac t�availability o eat,ucials.
� .
• under Preliminary Order ���°��D approved �`�����
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has on cted a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the Cit C arter; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all person ob' ctions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fuily considered the same; now, the efo , be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City Sa nt Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby d' ect d and authorized to proceed with the improvement;�ma$�Se�X
MAR 2 81989
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas }}� Nays
�t= Certified P d by Council Se retary
�� � In F vor By
$c�itiel J
�� Aga' st
�1s'O'° MAR 2 91989 Mayor
PUBi IS1iED �P Q - 819 89
, V&A 1/ 5/ 9 �.� � �"�
. _,
. , .. . �±
,. V1���� ��� IVfJ: ������
orte x�na o��e oo�na� _
Public Works Department 1-2� 8
� . .
�ooKr�cr vsaoN o�o�roA �,�on�w+�as�srMm
T r 8 c y �'f o e � — �vawce a wr�ac�e+r a�s ow�croR �crn cx.�c
. p0{�q� ' euoaEranr�croA 1_ C�im�i7 $��s+,grnh
Public �orks � 292-6�16 oROeH: "�cm�r�� b C +s: , gr
. , . • than n, an Moniiay, Eebruary 6. Must be on Agettda i�'eb. 7th
t�deck sad ro�eir ST.CLAtRA�IE. BRIDGE N0. 6 0 r Ayd Mill i�oed and Soo Li� R.R. P1ace new
s�loel 6een�i e e�-raitroe�apen and�efax ald ab snd pier thet fa�x the reil roed trecla.
File No. XB-1106
•,t�uw Uq a ne�.et(af) oouNCw �evorrr: : _
a�e ca�xrreea� avM.s�ncE cowiaswra o���ro o��arr arursr rr+or�wo.
aw+wa�aes� ��xs ac�+oo►,eo�ao
A sr� awaren� _�oot x�o;�ooerr* _w��ar�.�� -��ocr�*
oisrwcr oa�cx *ExPUru�
awronts wr+�+oa�oa�cnv��
Safar anA bet�ar n�iQb�hagda.
Wards 2 and 3
sm►twa aAaKeirr wa�,nrvo�nr Mna,wr�r.wnen.wi,sro.mmr):
T�e �ri� prolect w�a ra�cheduied to coincide 't the peving project on St.Clair Ave.for 1989.
- Tl�s�he�We will in�er�u�tcaffic only duriny. � 89 aonstructian s�eaon. .
�r ��.+,�: - - _
The enia�snnuel cos#aevi nga =3,000.00. p�sed r�eckiag catla for a 44'wide raAway�o
nwbch the �enr 44'�ridt approech roed�ray. Tbe ' 'n�4�!'rride btidqe roed�req is de�eeri�afie�vith
�bcb�n��na en e�40�ef it. The old acperoi j 'Ms l�ek,a�o�obsolct�e de�i�and.a�rustrn�
af the 3#ra�#urel s�beel at dingas. _
, ° : ,
: ;_�sM�•►..wti.►..,�a�►.v�:. . .,., _
A nerr!bri�ge de�csr�uid provide a coroiste� vidth to metch the new��r���aCenfier
. a�thsbrid�s:
FEB 3 �:�� _
� x��: �, . -
MrinEei��ci�ctir�bri�a. ou�nat csun bridge :BFi�e no�dwag _
l�sure tor t�r iruuld t�it tnetch ��
' �atruction. �repo�str�est.
� tr�v constructian nwArraq. .
. ,
_ Penx-
When.�rid�e�ek�6eaome axtienairrely deteri , . y are r�plac�d rrith a nerr�eck. _
, Tbe ma�nfiemn�x va�k re�uired by an Agceem� wi tbe Railr�ed is beinq fixed b�w�ark peid fer�j' _
tbe City.__ :
. - �-S �
- ' CITY OF � INT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair
- ��������u Janice Rettman
,_�����;n, OFFIC� OF I K CITY COIINCJIL Tom Dimond
Date: A'larch 22, 1989 �
Com it e Report
To: Saint Paul City Counci �
. From :Public Works, Utiliti s, and Transportation
Roger J. Goswitz, ir �
e u ic or s omm ttee at ts meet ng o arc , too the following
1. Approval of Mi te of March 8, 1989
Hearing Date
2. DISCUSSION: E fo ement of 24-Hour Parking Discussion Only
3. RESOLUTION: A d ill Road Approved 5-0
4. DISCUSSION: t. Paul Citizens Solid Waste Laid Over in
Task Force f na report. (Referred to Committee to
�' Committee 2/28 89 3/29/89
5. 3/28/89 RATIFICATION 0 A SESSMENTS: For the THOMAS Approved 4-0
AVENUE � Street Li hting Project from Snelling
Avenue to Hami ne Avenue.
6. 3/28/89 RATIFICATION F ASSESSMENTS: For Approved 3-0
installation f anitary sewer in WOODBURY
STREET from W no a Street to Curtice Street.
Also for sanit ry sewer connections.
7. 3/28/89 RATIFICATION 0 A SESSMENTS: For improving Approved 3-0
BENSON AVENUE� f om 450 feet east of Homer
Street to Gle T rrace by grading and paving
constructing c rb and gutter and storm sewer.
8. 4/04/89 RATIFICATION SESSMENTS: For grading and Laid Over In
paving the (N t South/East-West) alleys in Committee to
Block 1, Ki g's Arcade Park. (bounded by 4-5-89.
Wheelock Park ay, Arcade, Sherwood and Walsh)
9. 4/04/89 RATIFICATION � SSESSMENTS: For grading and Approved 3-0
paving the a le in Block 33, St. Anthony
Park, from 'he north line of Lot 8 in said
Block 33 to he north line of Lot 12 in said
Block 33. ( ou ded by Everett Ct., Energy
Park Dr. , Tai te St. and Marsh Ct.) �
� ♦e
. ,.. -_ ��_s�a
, � �
. .
10. 4/04/89 RATIFICATION OF SSESSMENTS: For improving Approved 3-0
ALAMEDA STRE T from Arlington Avenue to
Nebraska Aven e.
1. 3/28/89 b�t�"� 1 �tr�'��htd�Gri�s��e4�
re,� ` til!! ���-0
un p.� gg ,,�y
t� g E�=-�o`:'�"b2505.
12. 4/04/89 APPROVING T E AWARD OF DAMAGES: For Approved 3-0
acquiring per an nt utility easements for the
Syndicate/Fai mo nt Storm Sewer System across
part of Lots 7 nd 18, Ruth Addition, from
St. Clair to he east-west alley. (Along Soo
Line Right-o -W y between St. Clair and
13. 4/04/89 FINAL ORDER: cquiring permanent utility Approved 3-0
easements un er and across Soo Line Plat No.
4 located in he Northeast Quarter of Section
30, Township 29 Range 22. A part of the
Jackson/Magno ia Storm Sewer Separation
Project. (C� os ing Soo Line Right-of-Way
near Agate nd Magnolia) NOTE: This is
First Hearin n easement which approves
project and uthorizes staff to begin
14. 4/04/89 VACATION: P ti ion of State of Minnesota to Approved 3-0
`� vacate part o S mmit, Iglehart, College, and
Smith Avenue nd Rice and Ninth Streets
which lie sou h f I-94 and encompass the Old
Miller Hosp al Site. Purpose is for the
construction of the new Minnesota History
15. RESOLUTION ! 8 330 - Approving plans for Approved 3-0
construction o T.H. 35E and T.H. 94 from
Marion to R e t Streets including bridges
and requirin a 1 parking to be parallel with
curb ad�ace t to highway and 20 feet from
crosswalks n public streets intersecting
highway. (R fe red to Committee 2/28/89)
16. RESOLUTION - 89 361 - Authorizing proper City Laid Over In
officials o lease to Naegele Outdoor Committee to
Advertising, In . property located at 1060 W. 4-19-89
Seventh Str et to display advertising sign.
(Referred to Co ittee 3/2/89)
17. RESOLUTION - Ro ert Street Bridge Approved 3-0
18. DISCUSSION: �Br efing on Street Lighting Discussion Only
19. UPDATE - Pal ce Avenue Discussion Only
. . .
20. 3/30/89 VACATION: Pet' ti n of Ruth Thompson for the Referred Back to
vacation of pa t f the alleys in Block 5, Council without
Merrill's Addi io of Rice Street Villas discussion or
which is bound d y Wheelock • Parkway, Rice recommendation.
Street, W. Io a venue, and Park Street for
the purpose of on tructing a retail shopping
21. Other Business �
_ _ . _ . , . . V" �C/�`5`3 0
, .
Summary of Engi ee ng Recommendatlons
Jan 'a 19, 1989
'I ir li
Project -
Improve Saint Clair Avenue bet ee Dunlap St. to Griggs St. by repairing
existing Bridge No. 62505. This b 'dg carries St. Clair Ave. over Ayd Mill Road
and the tracks of the Soo Line Ra Iro d Company. The City Project No. for this
work is B-1106.
Initiating Action -
This project was initiated at the re ue t of the Department of Public Works, and
the Capital Improvement Budge h s recommended approval in the 1988
adopted budget.
Existing Conditions -
The original bridge was constructe i 1903 over the railroad tracks of Chicago,
Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railr ad, and was one span. In 1916. the C.M.St.P.
and P. R.R. was ordered by Ordin n No. 372 to strengthen this span to carry
streetcar lines. In 1962, the bridg w s extended to provide for construction of
Short Line Road, now called Ayd ill oad. The concrete deck placed in 1962
provides a 40' wide roadway with 6-6" sidewalk on each side. Considerable
delamination of the concrete surfa e, ith resulting spalling, has occurred due to
salt penetration of the concrete an sting of the reinforcing bars. It has been
necessary to patch over 40% of t e adway surface of this bridge. Also, the
leakage thru the expansion joints is using rusting of the structural steel at
hinges which are important sup o ing connections. The traffic volume is
approximately 6,700 vehicles per d y.
Pr000sed Imcrovements -
An entirely new concrete deck with a 4' wide roadway and a low slump overlay
will be constructed over the total I gt of the bridge. The existing steel beams
on the three newer spans will be r us d, but the steel beams on the old railroad
span will be replaced. The faces of th substructures (pier and abutment) facing
. . . . ���'�o
� Summary�of Engineering Recomme a ons
Advisability and Desirability -
St. Clair Ave. Br. No. 62505
the railroad span will be encase in new reinforced concrete. New watertight
expansion joints will be placed. n w reinforced concrete approach panel will
be constructed adjacent to each e d i the bridge.
Alternatives -
The alternative to the proposed i rovement would be to allow continued
deterioration of the existing bridg d ck and substructures. The annual cost of
repair would increase, and postin o load limits or closing of the bridge would
ultimately resuft.
Adverse Effects -
St. Clair Ave. thru traffic would b di continued during construction, but paving
and sewer work will close or red ce raffic on St. Clair Ave. during part of the
1989 construction season.
Positive Benefits -
Bridge construction at this time II e coordinated with the sewer and paving
work on St. Clair Ave. This way, I rk may be done while traffic is interrupted
for only one construction season.
The cost of annual deck maintena e ill be substantially reduced, plus there will
be a 44 foot wide roadway instead i t e existing 40 foot roadway.
�pecial Considerations -
No permanent easement or righ of ay acquisition will be needed� and no
assessments on adjoining properti s re being proposed, State Aid Funds will
cover most of the cost of the bridge pr 'ect. This work will necessitate the closure
of this bridge for about four months.
Time Schedule -
The present schedule calls for con t tion to begin June, 1989, and to open to
traffic by September 15, 1989, wi h II other bridge work to be completed by
November 1, 1989.
; -2
. , ������b
• " Sumrriary�of Engineering Recomme d ions
Advisability and Desirability
St. Clair Ave. Br. No. 62505
Cost Estimate -
Construction cost $634,000.00
Engineering and Inspecti n 111�000.00
Traffic 4,000.00
Estimated Financinq -
1988 Municipal State Aid $716,000.00
1988 Public Improvemen Ai 33,000.00
mm r Re mm n i
This project proposes removing e riginal span in Bridge No. 62505 over the
railroad and replacing it with ne st el beams. The newer spans will keep the
existing steel beams, and the en ire bridge will have a new deck with 44' wide
roadway and a 6'-0" walk on ea h ide. The existing expansion joints will be
replaced with new joint devices, nd he entire bridge roadway will receive a low
slump concrete overlay. There II new reinforced concrete approach panels
adjacent to each end of the bridg a new reinforced concrete faces on the side
of the pier and abutment toward t e r ilroad.
This project will be carried out un er contract let by the City of Saint Paul. The
Department of Public Works feels th this is a necessary and worthwhile project,
and the engineering recommenda ion is for approval.
Respectfully submitted,
� � ,
Donald E. Nygaard, I
Director of Public Works
cc: Paul St. Martin I
Joseph Mueller
. - ,_ - . ���5�.d
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City Council Districts 2&3
Dear Property Owner: Planning District Council 14&16
File No. XB1106
To deci e on whethe o roceed wi h the redeckin and re air of
d r t t g p
PU R POSE ST. CLAIR AVENUE BRI E 0. 62505 over Ayd Mill itoad and Soo Line
Railroad. Place new st 1 beams in old railroad span and reface
AN D �ld abutment and pie t t face the railroad tracks.
Tuesday, March 28, 1 89, at 9:00 A.M.
H EA RIN G City Council Chamber , ird Floor City Hall - Court House
Please note that the u lic Works Committee of the City Council will
discuss this item an d elop a recommendation to the full City
Council. Please bri 'g y unresolved concerns that you may have
to this meeting on W n day, March ��� 1989 in Room 707 City Hall -
Court House at 9:00 .M.
1988 Mu ic al State Aid $716,000
1988 Pu i Improvement Aid 33,000
ST. CLAIR AVENUE ���, ��/�
BRIDGE RERAIR +; � �� `i�
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