89-528 . . � City of St.Paul COUN FILE . � 01�� Resdlution Approving Assessmen B and Fixing Time of Hearing There and Fixing Time of Hearing on the ar Fi e No. 18533E-2 of Damages Voting Ward In the matter of 5 Condemning and taking permanent utility easements , subject to easements of record and existing struc ur s , under and across the Northwest Quarter of Section 19 , Townshi 29 North , Range 22 West and the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 , Township 29 North , Range 23 West , Ramsey County , Minnesota descri ed as follows : The East 20 feet of Lo s 19 through 25 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas ; Also , that part of L t 26 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the ol owing described line : Beginning at the southe st corner of said Lot 26 ; thence west along th s uth line of said Lot 26 a distance of 20 . 00 feet ; thence north and parallel with the east line of ai Lot 26 a distance of 16. 95 feet ; thence northwest r y a distance of 34. 21 feet to a point on the n r h line of said Lot 26 a distance of 45. 48 fee w st of the northeast corner of said Lot 26 ; thenc e st along the north line of said Lot 26 a distance of 29 . 95 feet ; thence southeasterly a distan' e of 20. 87 feet to a point on the east line of said o 26 ; thence south along the east line of said Lot � 6 to the point of beginning; Also , that part of L�ot 27 , Block 4 , Rice Street Villas bounded by the ollowing described line ; Beginning at a point o t e south line and 15. 53 feet west of the southeast ' co ner of said Lot 27 ; thence west along the south in of said Lot 27 a distance of 29 . 95 feet ; thenc � northwesterly a distance of 59. 41 feet to a point on the north line of said Lot 27 distant 62. 88 feet � a t of the northwest corner of said Lot 27 ; thence ea t along the north line of said Lot 27 a distance of 2 . S feet ; thence southeasterly to the point of beginn n ; Also , temporary easements as sh w on the map on file in the Division of Valuations and Assessments , De artment of Finance and Management Services . Said temporary ease en s to expire on December 31 , 1989 , or upon completion of the project , w ichever occurs first. These easements are in conjun t on with the Albemarle /Nebraska Area Storm Sewer Separation Project . ..__,.,,.. - i"IHR L � 1�7U�7 PuBlIS1iE9 Ar'K - d 19a9