89-521 �NHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY F SAINT PAUL Council /� /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT /y� /}/ / BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • ✓ �• � Coun i Resolution �5 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That pursuant to Minneso a tatutes 471 .59 commonly referred to as the "Joint Powers Act", the proper Ci y officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute the joint purc asing agreement with the City of Stillwater, said agreement providing for the j in purchase of equipment, material , and supplies as needed, copies of said ag eement to be kept on file and or record in the Department of Financ a d Management Services . DIRECTOR DEPARTM NT F FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: � Yeas �� Dimo�'d Finance � Mana ement Services �i(9N9( Goswi tz � In Fa or ���bRf�^ Long � XsYeKJ4�e1( Rettman � __ Again t BY X�P9�91�Xc9C Sche i be 1 ��� Sonnen �,,�i 1 sOn � 2 8 � Form prove by City t ney Adopted by Council. Date � Certified Pass b o c.'1 Se et BY 6 By Mpp dlppro y Mavor: Dat !�� 2 19 Approv Mayoc Eor Submission Cou il� PuB«s� a P R - 1 89 � , - ���-.�a� JOINT PU CH SING AGREEMENT ��� ����- �� BETWEEN C TY OF ST. PAUL AND CITY OF STILLWATER THIS AGREEMENT made and entered in o his 21st day of February, 1989 by and between the City of St. Paul , Rams y ounty, Minnesota, and the City of Stillwater, Washington County, Min es ta. WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and he City of Stillwater, pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 4 1. 9, are authorized to enter into agreements to exercise jointly the ,go ernmental powers and functions each has individually; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul and he City of Stillwater desire to combine their purchasing functions for the 'pu chase of equipment, materials, and supplies in order to secure more f vo able prices. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY AGREE b and between the parties hereto as follows, to-wit: 1. That the City of St. Paul shall�, ursuant to the procedures set forth in the St. Paul City Charter and pplicable State Statutes, make joint purchases for both the City of Stillwater and the City of St. Paul of whatever same or similar equi n , materials and supplies are authorized and requested by both the City 'of t. Paul and the County of Washington. 2. Each party shall make payment ir tly to the vendor according to established procedures. 3. Neither party shall assume any es onsibility for the accountability of funds expended by the other or he issuance of a purchase order by the other party. 4. Each party shall be separately � cc untable for its own expenditures of public funds made hereunder, i 5. After bids have been received b t e purchasing department of the City of St. Paul and awarded, each part s all enter into its own contract or agreement with the vendor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of St. Pa 1 and the City of Stillwater have executed this agreement the day and'�ye r first above written. CITY OF STILLWATER CITY OF S . P UL A Ci�2Ti�R! �����!/!�LL%�'K� � 1! YOR J • ' � �.. ITY LERK � EPT. INANCE & MANAGEMENT RVICE Approved as to form: ppr ved a orm: � ��� CI Y A TORNEY S I TANT ITY N Y , ���G�✓�� ( ,- RESOL TI N N0. 8030 JOINT POWE P RCHASE AGREEMENT WITH �IITY OF ST. PAUL BE IT RESOLUED that ursuant to MI'nn s ta St tut s mm n r f rred , p o a e 471.59, co o ly e e to as the "Joint Powers Act", the ay r and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the attach d oint Purchasing Agreement with the City of St. Paul , said agreement provid'ng for the joint purchase of equipment, materials and supplies as needed, c py of. said agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department o Pu lic Safety and Office of the City Clerk. Adopted by Council this 21st day F bruary, 1989. �_,;�1 l / � l7 /./ GZ��(t� L�� .G�fZIL>/t��i.� � MAYOR ATTEST: , t f,�1 CI Y LER ' - , . , ��y��a c � ter � a THE BINTHPLACE Of MINNESOTA � ER IFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CITY OF STILLWATER I, Mary Lou Johnson, Ci y lerk of the City of Stillwater, Minnesota do hereby certify that the forego'ng Resolution No. 8030, Joint Powers Purchase Agreement with City of S . aul , is a true and correct copy of a Resolution adopted by the -Stillwa er City Council on February 21, 1989. � � • CITY ERK SEAL CITY HALL: 216 NORTH FOURTH STIL WA ER, MINNESOTA 55082 PHONE: 612-439-6121