89-515 \
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City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. ��'��
FIXING TIME OF HEARING THE EON File No. 587— (75 thru 78)
Voting Assessment No. 3447, 3448, 3449, 3450
Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, co an expenses for sidewalk reconstruction at
2 587-75 North side E. Fi th Street from Cedar Street to Minnesota
(3447) Street (with nt gral Curb) and
2 S87-76 North side W. Fi th Street from Main Street to 75 feet
(3448) more-or-less es of Main Street and West side Main Street
from W. Fifth St eet to 110 feet more-or-less north of W.
Fifth Street wi h Integral Curb) and
2 587-77 North side Gr nd Avenue from Avon Street to 225 feet more-
(3449) or-less east f von Street (with Integral Curb) and
2 S87-78 North side Gr nd Avenue from Lexington Parkway to Oxford
(3450) Street at 108 a d 1089 Grand Avenue (with Integral Curb)
PreliminaryOrder 87-761 approve� M�Y 26, 1987
FinalOrder 87-934 approver� June 25, 1987
The assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been
submitted to the Council,and the Council having consi ere same and found the said assessment satisfactory,therefore,be it
RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing ha on said assessment on the 2nd day of
May 1989 at the hour of nine o'clock A.M., in the Council Chamber of the
Court �iouse and City Hall Building, in the City of t. P ul; that the Director of Finance give notice of said meetings,as
required by the Charter, stating in said notice the t e nd place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the
amount assessed against the lot or lots of the partic ar wner to whom the notice is directed.
COUNCILPERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
MAR 2 � 1989
Yeas Dimond Nays
Goswitz � Certifie as ed by Council Secr ry
Rettman In Favor By
Scheibel p
Sonnen Against
.,.�; - Mayor
M�R 2 7 1989 �
PUBLtSi�ED A P R - 1 198�