99-1026ORIG�NAL Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA rr�atea sy: Refected To: Committee:Date: �5— i Wt1EliF.AS, the Samt Paul Police llepartment received a644,215 fmm the United States llepartment of Justice 2 for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II for the period from October 1,1997, through September 30, 1999; and 3 4 WHEI2EAS, the 1999 spend'u�g plan for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II needs to be adjusted 5 for use of remaming gmnt fimds and 'mterest; and 6 7 WIIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to SecNon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 8 there am available for appropriation funds of $60,992 in eacess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 9 10 WFIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget: il 12 ADOPTED CIIANGES CIIAA'GES CIIANGES 13 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET COMPLETED REQUESTED REQUESTED 14 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 15 34140 - Locat Law Enforcement Block Grant II 16 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants - - 277,431 277,431 17 6602 - Interest On Investnnents - 40,213 22,736 62,949 18 9830- Use ofFund Balance 270,000 9,787 (239,175) 40,612 19 , � , , 20 TOTAL FINANCING CIIANGES 110,992 21 22 SPENAING PLAN: 23 436 - Police Special Projects F�nd 24 34140 - Loca1 Law Enforcement Block Grant II 25 0141- Overtime 8,380 - (8,380) 26 0219 - FeesAther Pmfessional Service - - 23,000 27 0386 - Clothmg-Uniforms - - 1,800 28 0387-Photo5upplies - - 1,800 29 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies - - 5,456 30 0439 - Fringe Benefits 1,363 3,000 (2,863) 31 0547-Paymentto Subcontractor 110,000 - (35,738) 32 �557-TransfertuGeneralFund iQ0,00Q - 47,925 33 All Other Acfivity Spending SQ257 74,992 - 34 , , 2 3 , 35 TOTAL SPENDING CHANGES 110,992 36 37 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,'Phat the City Council approves these changes to 1999 budnet_ Adopted by Council:Date: � � �� ��(�� AdopNon Certified by Council Secretary: � s �—�`� _ � _ Approved by sy: _ _ Requested by De e t / � By: � '' INw � Approv ecom ended by By: Form Appro d b City Att� B � Approved by Ma or u B Coimcil File # qq � �QZ(� Green Sheet # 100324 �c al Service 'rector: � 23,000 1,800 1,800 5,456 I,500 74,262 147,925 34740interest#2.cr.99 . �L DEPARTMENTlOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartment 9/21/99 GREEN SHEET No. 100324 CONTACT SO HON INITIALIDATE INfTIAL10ATE Cluef Finney 292-3588 1 D6PARlYFNi WtEGiOR 0. 8J' S cax��_ ��,(� MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �I � P1C85C PIOCCSS f�$AP 3�ntranonnr_ �� ❑mrmeK �FWWCI4LSEItVILE5d0._ �FWMCW.SQlV/ACCTG � t rywYOR�ORPSL��/jlf� u�wnHW�iiS {�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnor� a�nu�eo ' Approval of the attached council resolution amending the 1999 financing and spending plans for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II. RECOMMENDATION APPfOVB (AJ Of R¢J¢C[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEk THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worlced under a conirect for this depatlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a sk�ll not normally possessed by any curteM cdy employee? VES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II funding of $644,215 from the United States Department of Jusfice in 1998. The grant period is from October 1, 1997, through September 30, 1999. Accrued interest on the grant funds must be spent on the grant program. The 1999 spending and financing plan for this grant needs to be amended for the remaining grant funds and interest to be received and spent in 1999. ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED Budget authoriry to spend the remaining Local Law Enforcement Block Gzant II funds appropriately. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use grant funds and interest available. ' ���``�� °a ��� QCT1�19�,9 TOTAL AMpUNT OF TRANSACTION S CQ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II AGTNITY NUMBER 436-34140 FlNANCIPLMFORMATION(EXPWt� . 34140inierest#2.gr.99 ORIG�NAL Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA rr�atea sy: Refected To: Committee:Date: �5— i Wt1EliF.AS, the Samt Paul Police llepartment received a644,215 fmm the United States llepartment of Justice 2 for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II for the period from October 1,1997, through September 30, 1999; and 3 4 WHEI2EAS, the 1999 spend'u�g plan for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II needs to be adjusted 5 for use of remaming gmnt fimds and 'mterest; and 6 7 WIIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to SecNon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 8 there am available for appropriation funds of $60,992 in eacess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 9 10 WFIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget: il 12 ADOPTED CIIANGES CIIAA'GES CIIANGES 13 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET COMPLETED REQUESTED REQUESTED 14 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 15 34140 - Locat Law Enforcement Block Grant II 16 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants - - 277,431 277,431 17 6602 - Interest On Investnnents - 40,213 22,736 62,949 18 9830- Use ofFund Balance 270,000 9,787 (239,175) 40,612 19 , � , , 20 TOTAL FINANCING CIIANGES 110,992 21 22 SPENAING PLAN: 23 436 - Police Special Projects F�nd 24 34140 - Loca1 Law Enforcement Block Grant II 25 0141- Overtime 8,380 - (8,380) 26 0219 - FeesAther Pmfessional Service - - 23,000 27 0386 - Clothmg-Uniforms - - 1,800 28 0387-Photo5upplies - - 1,800 29 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies - - 5,456 30 0439 - Fringe Benefits 1,363 3,000 (2,863) 31 0547-Paymentto Subcontractor 110,000 - (35,738) 32 �557-TransfertuGeneralFund iQ0,00Q - 47,925 33 All Other Acfivity Spending SQ257 74,992 - 34 , , 2 3 , 35 TOTAL SPENDING CHANGES 110,992 36 37 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,'Phat the City Council approves these changes to 1999 budnet_ Adopted by Council:Date: � � �� ��(�� AdopNon Certified by Council Secretary: � s �—�`� _ � _ Approved by sy: _ _ Requested by De e t / � By: � '' INw � Approv ecom ended by By: Form Appro d b City Att� B � Approved by Ma or u B Coimcil File # qq � �QZ(� Green Sheet # 100324 �c al Service 'rector: � 23,000 1,800 1,800 5,456 I,500 74,262 147,925 34740interest#2.cr.99 . �L DEPARTMENTlOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartment 9/21/99 GREEN SHEET No. 100324 CONTACT SO HON INITIALIDATE INfTIAL10ATE Cluef Finney 292-3588 1 D6PARlYFNi WtEGiOR 0. 8J' S cax��_ ��,(� MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �I � P1C85C PIOCCSS f�$AP 3�ntranonnr_ �� ❑mrmeK �FWWCI4LSEItVILE5d0._ �FWMCW.SQlV/ACCTG � t rywYOR�ORPSL��/jlf� u�wnHW�iiS {�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnor� a�nu�eo ' Approval of the attached council resolution amending the 1999 financing and spending plans for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II. RECOMMENDATION APPfOVB (AJ Of R¢J¢C[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEk THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worlced under a conirect for this depatlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a sk�ll not normally possessed by any curteM cdy employee? VES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II funding of $644,215 from the United States Department of Jusfice in 1998. The grant period is from October 1, 1997, through September 30, 1999. Accrued interest on the grant funds must be spent on the grant program. The 1999 spending and financing plan for this grant needs to be amended for the remaining grant funds and interest to be received and spent in 1999. ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED Budget authoriry to spend the remaining Local Law Enforcement Block Gzant II funds appropriately. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use grant funds and interest available. ' ���``�� °a ��� QCT1�19�,9 TOTAL AMpUNT OF TRANSACTION S CQ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II AGTNITY NUMBER 436-34140 FlNANCIPLMFORMATION(EXPWt� . 34140inierest#2.gr.99 ORIG�NAL Return Copy To: Police Dept. Accounting RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MIlVNESOTA rr�atea sy: Refected To: Committee:Date: �5— i Wt1EliF.AS, the Samt Paul Police llepartment received a644,215 fmm the United States llepartment of Justice 2 for a Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II for the period from October 1,1997, through September 30, 1999; and 3 4 WHEI2EAS, the 1999 spend'u�g plan for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II needs to be adjusted 5 for use of remaming gmnt fimds and 'mterest; and 6 7 WIIEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to SecNon 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that 8 there am available for appropriation funds of $60,992 in eacess of those estimated in the 1999 budget; and 9 10 WFIEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 1999 budget: il 12 ADOPTED CIIANGES CIIAA'GES CIIANGES 13 FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET COMPLETED REQUESTED REQUESTED 14 436 - Police Special Projects Fund 15 34140 - Locat Law Enforcement Block Grant II 16 3099 - Other Federal Direct Grants - - 277,431 277,431 17 6602 - Interest On Investnnents - 40,213 22,736 62,949 18 9830- Use ofFund Balance 270,000 9,787 (239,175) 40,612 19 , � , , 20 TOTAL FINANCING CIIANGES 110,992 21 22 SPENAING PLAN: 23 436 - Police Special Projects F�nd 24 34140 - Loca1 Law Enforcement Block Grant II 25 0141- Overtime 8,380 - (8,380) 26 0219 - FeesAther Pmfessional Service - - 23,000 27 0386 - Clothmg-Uniforms - - 1,800 28 0387-Photo5upplies - - 1,800 29 0389 - Other Miscellaneous Supplies - - 5,456 30 0439 - Fringe Benefits 1,363 3,000 (2,863) 31 0547-Paymentto Subcontractor 110,000 - (35,738) 32 �557-TransfertuGeneralFund iQ0,00Q - 47,925 33 All Other Acfivity Spending SQ257 74,992 - 34 , , 2 3 , 35 TOTAL SPENDING CHANGES 110,992 36 37 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED,'Phat the City Council approves these changes to 1999 budnet_ Adopted by Council:Date: � � �� ��(�� AdopNon Certified by Council Secretary: � s �—�`� _ � _ Approved by sy: _ _ Requested by De e t / � By: � '' INw � Approv ecom ended by By: Form Appro d b City Att� B � Approved by Ma or u B Coimcil File # qq � �QZ(� Green Sheet # 100324 �c al Service 'rector: � 23,000 1,800 1,800 5,456 I,500 74,262 147,925 34740interest#2.cr.99 . �L DEPARTMENTlOFFlCEICOUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED PoliceDepartment 9/21/99 GREEN SHEET No. 100324 CONTACT SO HON INITIALIDATE INfTIAL10ATE Cluef Finney 292-3588 1 D6PARlYFNi WtEGiOR 0. 8J' S cax��_ ��,(� MUST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE) �I � P1C85C PIOCCSS f�$AP 3�ntranonnr_ �� ❑mrmeK �FWWCI4LSEItVILE5d0._ �FWMCW.SQlV/ACCTG � t rywYOR�ORPSL��/jlf� u�wnHW�iiS {�� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) cnor� a�nu�eo ' Approval of the attached council resolution amending the 1999 financing and spending plans for the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II. RECOMMENDATION APPfOVB (AJ Of R¢J¢C[ (R) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWEk THE FOLLOWING OUESTIONS: 1. Has this perso�rtn ever worlced under a conirect for this depatlment? PLANNING COMMISSION YES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has ihis person/firm ever been a ciry employee? CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION vES No 3 Does this persoNfirtn possess a sk�ll not normally possessed by any curteM cdy employee? VES NO 4. Is this personKrm a targeted vendor? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separate sheet antl attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY (WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, WHY) The Saint Paul Police Department received Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II funding of $644,215 from the United States Department of Jusfice in 1998. The grant period is from October 1, 1997, through September 30, 1999. Accrued interest on the grant funds must be spent on the grant program. The 1999 spending and financing plan for this grant needs to be amended for the remaining grant funds and interest to be received and spent in 1999. ADVANTAGES IP APPROVED Budget authoriry to spend the remaining Local Law Enforcement Block Gzant II funds appropriately. DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use grant funds and interest available. ' ���``�� °a ��� QCT1�19�,9 TOTAL AMpUNT OF TRANSACTION S CQ COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONEJ YES NO FUNDING SOURCE Local Law Enforcement Block Grant II AGTNITY NUMBER 436-34140 FlNANCIPLMFORMATION(EXPWt� . 34140inierest#2.gr.99