89-509 WNITE — C�TY CLERK PINK — FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council Y CANARY — DEPARTMENT ��—/�D� BLUE — MAVOR File NO. �� LI .,... .....n.... Counc l Reso ution �a , �...._.. .....� Presented By. eferred To � � � Committee: Date 6,��1'�/�� ';�—a,� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Minnesota Depar e t of Transportati�� is about to let a contract for the removal of th existing traffic contr_��l signal, and installation of temporary and pe manent traffic control signals with street lights, emergercy veh ' cl pre-emption, advance warning flasher and signing at the intersection o T H. 51 (Snelling Ave. ) and Marshall Ave. RESOLV-ED, That the proper Ci y fficials be authorized and directed to execute, on i�ehalf of the City of St. Paul, Agreement No. 65446� between the City of St. Paul and he Minnesota Department of Transportation; explaining the responsibilities f r ost� maintenance and operation for the traffic control signal projec ' o Trunk Highway 51 (Snelling Ave. ) and Marshall Ave. �' r� � � � � COUNCIL MEMBERS (P TK 3–3–8 9) Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Public �v�dor s-Traffic-Donald E. Sobania� L.o� _�_ In Fav r Goswitz `� � � �"� Rettman `''�•l• �' Scheibel `� Agains BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted hy Council: Date Ar R 1 � � Form Approv City Atto y Certified Pas e C�S ta BY - By ( Appro d by IVlavor: Da �P � �� 98 Appr ved by ayor for Submiss' to Council � By – — PUBIISF�D aPR 2 `� � 98 _ . . . ��-�o� �PARTMENT/OFFICFJCOUNqL ' DATE INITI 0 � �^n P�� 1 ic Works-Traf f ic En . 3-3- 9 GREEN SHEET NO. L 7 CON''CT PERSON 6 PHONE INITIAL!DATE INITIAUDATE ART�AECTOR CITY COUNpL 1 U�. 'r. K u r t z 2 9 2-7 4 51 � CT'ATTORNEY GTY CLERK MU T 8E ON COUNdL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROU71N0 BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.BERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSIBT � C i t v C o u n c i 1 TOTAL A�OF 81GNATURE PAGES (CUP AL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACiION REQUE8TED: Approve agreement between Mn � DOT a d the City of St. Paul covering the cost, maintenance and operation of remov n and re-installing a permanent traffic tr.affic signal on Trunk Highway 51 ( nelling Ave. ) and Marshall Ave. REWMMENDATIONS:Approw py or Reject(R) COUN(�L ITTEE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNIN(i(�MMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMI8810N ANALYST RECEIVED"°"E'�� ��u� 14 1989 _q8 COMMITTEE — COMME _�����RT = MAR 13 1989 ��,�Y�R`S OFFICE suPPORrswHict+couNa�oaiecnvE� OFFICf OFTHE DIRECTOR INfT1A71PKi PfiOBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOFITUNITY(Who,What,When,WMro,Why): �1 i ^/t I/.� �' R I('�C. Mn � DOT is initiating the traffic s gn 1 proje�� �i' ��u���n with the redesign and grade change of the r il oad bridge and pipeline near the Snelling Ave. and Marshall Ave. in er ection. ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: The proposed project will allow fo i proved geometrics of the intersection, :. better lighting and enhanced traff c ignal indications and additional phasing. Approving this agreement wi 1 secure Federal funding and State funding for the project. DISADVANTAQE8 IF APPROVED: There will be some lane closings a d elays to traffic during construction. Mn � DOT will handle all complaints ur ' ng construction. DI8ADVAN'fAOES If NOT APPROVED: To be determined Cou;�cil Rescarch Center f��IAR 1�'. i�89 TOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a 13 8, 8 3 3.Z S CpgT/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� � NO �uNa�o sou� F e d s: 7 6.7 5`� ACTIVITY NUMBER N o t y e t a v a i 1 a b 1 e Fl,�►r,an�,Nr-o�,�„or,:cExPU,�n S t a t e: 17.4 3 7�$� City: 5.8125� , � , � . . � . ���-�5a9 'I MINNESOTA TRA SP RTATION DEPARTMENT , �I TRAFFIC C NTROL SIGNAL ' AGREE EN N0. 65446 BE wE�ri THE STATE OF MINNESOTA EPARTMEN'" OF TRANSPORTATION ND THE CI Y OF ST. PAUL TO Remove the existing Traffic on rol SignaZ , Install and Remove temporary Traffic Control Si na s with Street Lights and Install a permanent Traffic Control ig al with Street Lights , Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption, Advance a ning Flasher and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Ave ue at Legislative Route No. 108 (r�arshall Avenue) - Marshall �Av nue; Install Interconnect on Trunk Highway No . 51 (Snelli venue) from Selby Avenue to St . Anthony Avenue in St . Paul, am ey County, Minnesota . S .P . 6215-67 S.P. 164-252-02 F.P. M 5421 (8) C.R.P. 0089 (1) Prepared by Traffic Engineering ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED City of St . Paul $3 ,822 .44 $11 , 302 . 50 � .�,�_ , � , � . . � . ����5o q THIS AGREEMENT ma e nd entered into by and between the State of Minnesota, Departm nt of Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the "State" , an the City of St. Paul , hereinafter referred to as the "City" , IT ESSETH: WHEREAS , the Stat h s determined that there is justification and it is in he public' s best interest to remove the existing traffic control s gnal, install and remove temporary traffic control signals with s reet lights and install a permanent traffic control si n 1 with street lights , emergency vehicle pre-emption, advance w rning flasher and signing on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelling Ave u ) at Legislati��e Route No. 108 (Marshall Avenue) - Marshall A enue; install interconnect on Trunk Highway No. 51 (Snelli g Avenue) from Selby Avenue to St. Anthony Avenue; and WHEREAS , it is con i ered in the public ' s best interest for the State to provide a n w cabinet and control equipment to operate said temporary traff c control signals , at its sole cost and expense; and WHEREAS , it is con i ered in the public ' s best interest for the State to provide two ( ) pedestal poles and bases for said permanent traffic contr l signal; and WHEREAS , it is con i ered in the public' s best interest for the City to provide a ne raffic signal controller and 65446 1- � �-~t`_ . � � � . . � . �"�'9--.509 cabinet with emergency vehic e pre-emption control and interface equipment to operate said pe m nent traffic control signal; and WHEREAS , it is ant ' c ' pated that the temporary traffic control signals with street i hts and the permanent traffic control signal with street 1 g ts , emergency vehicle pre-emption, advance warning flasher and i ning work is eligible for 76 .75 percent Federal-aid Urban Fu ds ; and WHEREAS , the engin ering and inspection to be performed on the traffic control signa w rk provided for herein is not eligible for 76 . 75 percent F de al-aid Urban Funds ; and WHEREAS , an existi g gency Agreement provides for payment by the City to the M nn sota Department of Transportation, Agency Accou t, for the City' s share of the contract costs for the traff ' c ontrol signal work provided for under this construction cont ac ; and WHEREAS , the City nd State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operat 'on of the temporary traffic control signals with street lights a he permanent traffic control signal with street lights, e er ency vehicle pre-emption, advance warning flasher and signing a ereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLO�aS : 6 446 2- ��� � . � , � . . � . (��'�i�5o9 l . The State sh 1 prepare the necessary plan , specifications and proposal a shall perform the engineering and inspection required to comp ete the items of work hereinafter set forth. Such work as descri ed immediately above shall constitute "Engineering and Inspection a d shall be so referred to hereinafter . 2 . The contract co t of the work , or if the work is not contracted , the cost of al labor , materials, and eguipment rental required to complete th work , except the cost of providing the power supply o he service poles or pads , shall constitute the actual "Cons ru tion Cost" and shall be so referred to hereinafter . 3 . The City sha l urnish to the State a new traffic signal controller and cabin t ith emergency vehicle pre-emption control and interface equip en which shall be installed under State Project No. 6215-67 , ta e Project No. 164-252-02 , Federal-aid Project No . M 5 21 8) , and Combined Road Project No. 0089 (1) . Such material a described immediately above sha11 be hereinafter referred to s Department furnished materials" . 4 . The State with t own forces and equipment or by contract shall perform the ra fic control signal work provided for under State Project No. 62 5-67, State Project No . 5446 -3- . �;/ �. ._� � .�_ ; � . � � . . . . ��-��� 164-252-Q2 , Federal-aid Proj c No. M 5421 (8) and Combined Road Plan rlo. 0089 (1) with the Co s ruction Costs shared as follows : a . Trunk Hi h ay No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) at Legislat 'v Route No. 108 (Marshall Avenue) - Marshall A enue . 1) - R m ve the existing traffic control s 'g al , install and remove temporary t a fic control signals with street 1' g ts and install a permanent traffic c n ro1 signal with street lights , e e gency vehicle pre-emption, and a v nce warning flasher . Estimated C n truction Cost is $110 , 708 . 25 which e c udes State furnished materials and D p rtment furnished materials . A ticipated Federal-aid share is 76. 75 p r ent. Anticipated State ' s share is 1 .43?5 percent . City' s share is 5 ' 8 25 percent. - C t ' s share for the Engineering and I s ection is specified in Paragraphs 8 d 9a . 65446 4- � � ��� , , � . . . . ��g'��� 2) - ta e furnished materials (pedestal ol s and bases) . Estimated on truction Cost is $300 . 00 . nt ' cipated Federal-aid share is 76 .75 er ent . Anticipated State' s share is 7 . 375 percent . City' s share is . 8 25 percent . - it ' s share for the Engineering and ns ection is specified in Paragraphs c nd 9c . 3 ) ep rtment furnished materials (pe manent controller and cabinet with e gency vehicle pre-emption control nd interface equipment) . Estimated n truction Cost is $12 ,000 .00 . t cipated Federal-aid share is 76 .75 r ent . Anticipated State' s share is 17 . 375 percent. City' s share is 5 .8 25 percent. b. Trunk Hi h ay No. 51 (Snelling Avenue) from Selby Av n e to St. Anthony Avenue . - I s all interconnect. Estimated C n truction Cost is $15 ,825 .00 . 5446 -5- ,, _( � � � ,-r-� ' . � . � . . . . ����� t cipated Federal-aid share is 76 . 75 p r ent. Anticipated State ' s share is 1 . 9 percent . City' s share is 4 . 36 p r ent. - C ' t ' s share for the Engineering and I s ection is specified in Paragraphs 8' nd 9a. 5 . The State sha 1 install or cause the installation of overhead signing , at no c s to the City. 6 . Payment to th ity will be made by the State for the State ' s share and the Fe e al-aid portion [as specified in Paragraph 4a (3) ] of the actu 1 costs for the Department furnished materials (estimated cost $1 ,000 . 00) furnished to the State and upon submission by the City f n invoice in quintuplicate to the State' s District Engineer at Oa dale or his duly authorized representative itemizing the co ts and certified by a responsible City Official that said mate ia s have been furnished under the terms of this agreement. Th i voice and supporting records are subject to audit by the Stat ' ' s and Federal Highway Administration' s representat ' ve at the direction of either party. 7 . The amount to be encumbered for payment to the City from Trunk Highway Fund f r the Department furnished materials provided under thi A re�ment is $11 , 302 . 50 which 6 446 6- _�-�.��� c� ' _ � _ � . . . ��-��� includes $9 , 210 . 00 for the d ral-aid portion . In the event that at any time it appears th t such reimbursement will exceed said sum, the City shall pro p ly notify the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his d 1 authorized representative in writing of the reason for th ncrease in cost and the amount of additional funds necessary f r the Department furnished materials . If approved by t e State' s District Engineer at Oakdale, or his duly authori e representative, additional funds shall be encumbered by the S a e and notice by the State ' s District Engineer at Oakdale or his duly authorized representative will be made o the City of that additional encumbrance . 8 . Upon executio of this agreement and a request in writing by the State , the Ci y hall advance to the State an amount equal to its portion f he project cost . The City' s total portion shall consist f he sum of the following : a. The City s hare for Engineering and Inspecti n [ identified in Paragraph 4a (1) and 4b] base o the actual bid price , is six (6) percent f /2 of the Construction Cost [same as three ' (3 percent of the Construction Cost] . 6 446 7- � ��� . � , � . . . ��'-�QR b. The Cit ' s share of the State furnished materia s as specified in Paragraph 4a (2) � based o t e estimated State furnished materia s osts . c . The Cit ' s share for Engineering and Inspecti n [ identified in Paragraph 4a (2) ] based on t e estimated State furnished material osts, is six (6) percent of 1/2 of the Cons r ction Cost [same as three (3) percent f the Construction Cost] . 9 . Upon completi n and final acceptance of the project, the City' s final sh r shall consist of the sum of the following : a. The City s share for Engineering and Inspecti n [ identified in Paragraph 4a (1) and 4b] base n the final payment to the Contract ' r , is six (6) percent of 1/2 of the Construc i n Cost [same as three (3) percent of the C nstruction Cost] . b. The City s share of the State furnished material [ s specified in Paragraph 4a (2) � based on th actual State furnished materials costs . 6 446 s- � �� � . � , - . . . ��,�.-�a� c . The Cit ' s share for Engineering and Inspect on ( identified in Paragraph 4a (2) ] based o t e actual State furnished materials costs, ' s ix (6) percent of 1/2 of the Constru ti n Cost [same as three (3 ) percent of the on truction Cost] . The amount of the fu ds advanced by the City in excess of the City' s final share will be returned to the City without interest and the City agrees t pay to the State that amount of its final share which is in x ess of the amount of the funds advanced by the City . 10 . The State' s C n ractor shall provide an adequate electrical power supply to t e service pads or poles, for the temporary traffic control si nals , and upon completion of said temporary traffic control si nals with street lights installations the City shall pr vide necessary electrical power for their operation at the c st and expense of the City . 11 . Upon completi n f the temporary traffic control signals, it shall be the Sta e ' responsibility, at its cost and expense , to maintain the tra fi controller and cabinet . It shall be the State ' s Contrac or s responsibility, at his cost and expense, to perform all othe t mporary traffic control signal with street lights maintenan e . 6 446 9- , ��,. �� .. . ��9 5a9 12 . The City sha l erpetuate an adequate electrical power supply to the service pa or pole , and upon completion of said permanent traffic cont ol signal with street lights installation shall continue to provide necessary electrical power for its operation at the co t nd expense of the City. 13 . Upon completi n of the work contemplated in Paragraphs 4 and 5 hereof, i hall be the City' s responsibility, at its cost and expense, to � a ntain and keep in repair said permanent traffic control si n 1 with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption, advance w rning flasher and signing . 14 . Any and all p r ons engaged in the aforesaid work to be performed by the State shall not be considered employees of the City and any and all cla ms that may or might arise under the Worker ' s Compensation Act of this State on behalf of said employees while so engaged , nd any and all claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said employees while so e ga ed on any of the work contemplated herein shall no b the obligation and responsibility of the City. Th State shall not be responsible under the Worker ' s Compensati n Act for any employees of the City. 15 . Timing of the �te porary traffic control signals provided for herein shall be e ermined by the State, through its 6 446 - 0- �_ -L�` .. .. �d��-�5"oq Commissioner of Transportation and no changes shall be made therein except with the appr v 1 of the State . 16 . Timing of the p rmanent traffic control signal provided for herein shall be i itially determined by the City' s Traffic Engineer . Adjustmen s of said signal timing may be determined by the State, thr u h its Commissioner of Transportation, and no chang s shall be made thereafter except with the approval of the Sta e . 17 . Upon executio � y the City and the State and completion of the constructi n work provided for herein, this agreement shall supersede an t rminate the maintenance and operation terms in Agreement No. 55352 dated June 8 , 1967, for the intersection of Snelling Av nue (Trunk Highway P7o. 51) at Marshall (Paragraph 4 -- 621 -4 (g) ] , and the terms and conditions for maintenance a d perations contained in any other existing agreements that may ex st between the parties, for the traffic control signal conta "ne herein . 6 446 - 1- � .��� �. . . . /J��_50G (�F f CI Y F ST. PAUL — RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: By Mayor (City Seal) Director of Public Works APPROVED AS TO EXECUTION: By Director of Finance and Management Service Assistant City Attorney STAT F MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATIO RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL: DEPARTNSENT OF TRANSPORTATION By District Engineer Assistant Commissioner Operations Division Dated : APPROVED AS TO FORM AND EXEC TI N: DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION By Special Assistant Attorney G ne al State of Minnesota Dated : 6 446 12- , _� . ��_ � Members: ". � 'S°9 - CITY O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair �����,,;,, Janice Rettman ,=����io�� f OFFIC� O HE CITY COIINUIL Tom Dimond Date: April 5, 198 �cEivED Com�n tee Report � . aP� 0 51989 To: Saint Paul City Coun il c��Y c�.���` From :Public Works, Utilit e , and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, h ir 1. Approval of in tes of March 22, 1989. Hearing Date � 2• DISCUSSION: la tics Ordinance Approved �`-0 W/Amendments � 3. 4/11/89 VACATION: Pe it n of the City of Saint Paul for Approved the vacation of art of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 3-0 2, Cole's R rr ngement, which is located east of I-35E bet ee Juno and Armstrong. Property is surplus a 11 be sold by sealed bids. 4. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION F SSESSMENTS: for work completed � Approved summer/fall 98 . For construction of storm 3-0 sewer servic onnections incidental to the PHALEN CREEK EW R PROJECT. 5. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION F SSESSMENTS: for work completed Approved summer/fall 1 86 For storm sewer service stub 3-Q connections s equested by the property owner for the ben fi of the SPACE CENTER property located on P IO AVENUE near University. Part of the SNEL 'IN /UNIVERSITY AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION F SSESSMENTS: for work completed Approved summer/fall '19 4. For improving KASOTA 3-0 -� AVENUE/ENERGY P RK DRIVE from 700 feet west of Snelling Aven e. For install ti of water main in Kasota ' Avenue/Energy P k Drive from 700 feet west of Snelling Aven ' t Raymond Avenue. CITY HAtL SEVENTH FLO R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 ♦e 7. 4/18/89 FINAL ORDER: For the CONCORD STREET STREETSCAPE Approved IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PHASE I on the north side of 3-0 CONCORD from 50 feet southeast of Ada Street to approximately 125.06 feet northwest of State Street and the south side of Concord Street from approximately 78.59 feet northwest of George Street to approximately 362.81 feet southeast of State Street. To include 14 lantern style lights and other decorative items as determined by P.E.D. and the Concord Street Business Association. Also the operating costs of the above standard street lighting system from January thru December, 1989. 8. 4/18/89 FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk reconstruction with Laid Over integral curb on the North side of W. SEVENTH In STREET from Smith Avenue to Forbes Avenue; East Committee side SMITH AVENUE from W. Seventh Street to to Forbes Avenue, and West side FORBES AVENUE from 4-19-89. Smith Avenue to W. Seventh Street. 9. RESOLUTION 89-429: Amending C.F. 84-632 adopted Approved May 17, 1984, and approving St. Paul's 3-0-Revised ASSESSMENT POLICY regarding construction and Resolution reconstruction of sidewalks. (Referred to to be sub- Committee 3/14/89) . mitted. 10. RESOLUTION 89-428: Amending the 1985 CIB Budget Approved by transferring $341,725.71 from 3-0 Curtice/Mt.Hope/Andrew Project to Residential Sidewalk Reconstruction. (Referred to Committee 3/14/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-446: Amending the 1985 CIB Budget Approved by transferring $68,963.32 from Contingency to 3-0 RAYMOND BRIDGE, Manvel to Energy Park Drive. (Referred to Committee 3/16/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 89-469: Approving an agreement Approved between Minnesota Department of Transportation 3-0 and the City covering the cost, maintenance and operation of a traffic signal installation at T.H. 5 (MINNEHAHA) and Forest St. (Referred to Committee 3/21/89) . 13. RESOLUTION 89-299: Directing proper City Approved officials to execute Lease Agreement with w/amend. to Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Inc. for a sign on change lease property purchased by City from Burlington from 3 to 1 Northern, Inc. west of I-35E and north of Cayuga year. for storm water ponding. (Laid over in Committee 3/8/89) . 2 � . . _ ���-��9 14. RESOLUTION 8 -5 9: Authorizing proper City Approved officials to s prb`b��"°��gr��ettt between MnDOT 3-0 which covers os , maintenance and operation of removing an einstalling permanent traffic signal on T H. 5 at SNELLING & MARSHALL. rxed to o ittee 3/23/89 15. RESOLUTION 8 -5 0: Authorizing proper City Approved officials to ex cute agreement to reconstruct 3-0 Soo Line ai road Bridge located at the intersection f NELLING & MARSHALL. (Referred to Committee /2 /89) . 16. RESOLUTION 89 50 : Amending the 1985 CIB Budget Approved by adding $1 ,0 0 for construction of MARSHALL 3-0 AVENUE from Mi sissippi River Blvd. to Otis Avenue. 17. ORDINANCE 88- 00 : Rainleader Disconnect. No further action needed. Already apprd. 18. RESOLUTION 89 32 - Plan to phase out certain Laid Over In water systems. (L id over in Committee 3/8/89) . Committee to May 3, 1989. 19. RESOLUTION 89- 23 - Retaining the law firm of Laid Over in Larkin, Hoffma , aly and Lindgren, Ltd. as Committee to special counse t assist in the development of 4-19-89. the EIS for th i provement of SHEPARD ROAD. (Referred to C mm ttee 3/30/89) . 20. Other Business 3