89-506 WHI7E - CITV GIERK PINK '"- FINANCE COUIICil CANARV - 6EPAR7MENT G I TY OF I NT PAU L File NO• �� �O� BLUE - MAV017 - . Counci esolution �� ��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Como Park Conserva or has been a major public attraction in Saint Paul since 1915, and is list d n the National Register of Historic Places and is in need of renovation a d estoration, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Co nc 1 by its Resolution 281035, October 18, 1983, adopted the Como Pa k onservatory Master Plan and authorized the appropriate City officials to sub it the plan to the Metropolitan Council for approval and to execute agreement a necessary to secure Metropolitan Council capital improvement funds for it restoration and improvement, and WHEREAS, the estimated cost of ai 'restoration and improvement work is $11.5 million, and WHEREAS, although the City has ec ived $1.435 million in Metropolitan Council grant funds these funds were de uate for only the beginning restoration work, and WHEREAS, the Como Conservatory es oration Fund is a non-profit organization formed with the assistan e f the Saint Paul Foundation to raise $1.7 million for the renovation and r st ration of the Conservatory, said funds intended to supplement funds the City ma receive from the Metropolitan Council and other sources, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, th t the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the appropriate Ci y officials to execute such agreements as necessary to accept and implement om Conservatory Restoration Fund grants, and Page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne;be� _ Against Sonnen Wilson Form Ap ved by 'ty A orney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, 1 llpproved by Mavor: Date Appr by Mayor for u ' •si � Council By WMITE - CITY CLERK PIWK `^- FINANfE G I TY O A I NT PAU L Council /� �CANARV -OEPARTMENT /y�� BI.UE - MAYOR File NO. v �~�a Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FURTHER RESOLVED, upon recommen at on of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Co mittee, that the Capital Improvement Budget for 1988, as heretofore adopte a d amended by the Council , shall be further amended to include the follow ng new project: CU RE T AMENDED B DG T CHANGE BUDGET C88 Capital Projects Ledger Como Conservatory Restoration 0- $1,700,000.00 $1,700,000.00 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Coun il of the City of Saint Paul hereby expresses its gratitude and appreciat on to the Board of Directors of the Como Conservatory Restoration Fund and to he Saint Paul Foundation for their work on behalf of the Conservatory Restoratio P oject. APPROVED AS TO FUNDING APPROVED '.I'h� St. P�u1 I,cng•Range Capita,l I�prav�rm�rt Grego lees Budget Commi#tee roceived #his re u;, Budget Director q �t or► (date) �' — � and z�commends Page 2 Of 2 , Slgned; ��C�t C'�.;v�. �� COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Dimond Communi $2Y'V1CeS �� [n Favor Gosw;tz Rettman � sche;ne� Against By , Sonnen —�ilsew Adopted by Council: Date 1"M� 2 3 �� Form p oved by ity Attorney Certified e Council retar BY sy Approv by �Vlavor. Date _ �R � � �9 APP� by Mayor for Sub i ion to�C�ouncil � i By PUBIISN�EO AP R - 1198 • ���o� DEPARTMEa"�T/OFFl COUNqL DATE INITIATED CS Parks and Recreati on 3-8-89 GREEN SHEET NO. '� 1 � CONTACT PER30N d PHONE INITIAU TE INITIAUDATE ENT DIfiECTOR �CfTY COUNqL Bob Piram John Wirka 292-7400 Nu�� �TMAn�N�' �i- �3 C7]cmrc�uc MU8T BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROU71Np DIRECTOR �j ��Q MOT.SERVICES DIR. �(/ � YOR(OR A3618TA �5,�.—�1'�'� `�j• TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAfiES 1 (CLIP ALL L A ONS FOR SIQNATUR� dl^ S d11 ecrea 1011 ACiION REQUESTED: Authorization to accept and implement C o ark Conservatory Restoration grants. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(A)or Ra�eCt(R) COUNCIL M E/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL —PLANNINO COMMIS810N —GVIL SERVICE COMMI3810N ��Y� PHONE NO. —GB WhIMI7TEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENTB: `� _DISTRiCT WURT — MA�VR�7 V�"FR�� 3UPPORTB WHlqi COUNCIL OBJECTiVE9 Recreation INITIATINp PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,Whsn,Whsre,Why): Como Conservatory Restoration Fu�nd, a n n- rofit organization formed to raise money for Conservatory renovation and r st ration, will provide funds to the City for this work. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Continued restoration of Como Park Con er atory. D18ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTkOES IF NOT APPROVED: Reduced or postponed restoration of C mo Park Conservatory. C��;^�rl Re��arch Center � (�rl a� �� �i�'��J TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 1 �OO OOO.00 CpgT/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCIE ONE) YES NO FuNOUro sour� Como Conservator Restorati o F CI ACTIVIT1f NUMBER to be assi gned FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN)