89-505 WNITE - CtTV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII //� CANp�V� DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PA U L Q'/ BLU � - MAVOR File NO. �"`� Counc esolution _- � � S�� ___� Presented By �eferred To � � Committee: Date � °Z`�✓� I Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, on January 6, 1987, t e aint Paul City Council established a Community Festival Revolving Loan F nd and Grant Program, administered by the Division of Parks and Recreation fo t e purpose of assisting neighborhood festivals with expenses, startup co ts and insurance coverage; and WHEREAS, on August 6, 1987 the Sa nt Paul City Council did pass rules to administer the grant program; and WHEREAS, after operating under th rules it has become clear that some of the rules should be amended; now th refore, be it RESOLVED, that the following a en ments be made to the rules: �-.-�-���r�i�,-�- �-t� �a-e�r�r� �--�4a�--���e�-�eo-�,-�.��c � ��-c}�-ei.+�-e�wga�-���-e��-���v��e----- -��se---------------- . ) Verification of nonpro£it status-a�e7-or copy c�--�4t;�'.r�-�a�+���e�-s��-F�y-- of organizational bylaws or incorporation papers� 2. ) Under Festivals, add: Are def ne as an event which promotes the city of Saint Paul and/or a Saint P ul nei hborhood, o a cu tura , socia or educationa nature inc u ing t ot imite to music, dance, food dispensing, parades or commemo at ve activities. The event should be open to the public free of cha ge be local in nature and recognize specific geographic boundaries 3. ) Add Advisory Board: The Mayor sh 11 appoint an Advisory Board to oversee distribution of the fu ds in the following manner: 1. The Adv i s o r Boa rd wi 11 co s i t o f e�e-a���-(,��-,�r-�-a�-�ge-e�=-- -ei�e �€���e�-�r-e�+-ea�Ek�-r�a�� a�td��etrw a�-�°ge�;,�„��5. Pr �ar�€ embers wi 11 be appoi nted ey arly. Vacancies will be fi led from the appropriate war or at- large as needed. The Advi o Board will consist of two le from each ward with an em hasis on outh rtici ts. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ��g [n Favor Goswitz ,�- s�n�ne� _ Against ' By � Sonnen I Wilson Form prov d by 'ty orney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY � g�. Approved by lVlavor: Date _ Appr d by Mayor for Su 'iss' n to Council gy B M�HITE - GTV CLERK Pi21K - FINANCE COUACII � CANARy -.yDEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PAU L O BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � � � - Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. The Division of Parks and � ec eation will assi n one staff inember to convene the dvisor Bo rd an to a minister t e rogram. 3. The Department of Communit S rvices will be authorized to modify — ea ines, gui e ines an mp emen c anges o e program as nee e a er ini ia a op on y e i y ounci . e visory oar wi ma e recommen a io s a ou e program o e epar ment as nee e . a�or c anges n e program wi e roug o e i y ounci or ac ion. an es requiring ounci ac ions inc u e: c anges in e e igi e or an za ions, purposes o gran s or oans, e c. . 4. ) Under General Procedures, add: 4. ) 2. A plications may be submit ed at any time and must be accompanied by a require suppor ing ma er a s. e visory oar wi etermine mon y mee ing a s or consi era �on o proposa s. 3. Applications should be sub it ed 3 months in advance of need to — permi ime or review an e e . �--�r�-i-carrrts-�for-�farn}i�g -a�ar�-e�da•��rt-kr-w���-�e-- cvYrsi-d�re��rt-t�h�� -B�o�.trcf�ne^e�i-+tc�. 5. ) Under Evaluation, change the d e ate for the Division of Parks and Recreation annual report to th C ty Council from January 1 to February 1. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor �ee�rr Rettman sche;ne� Against �' �tson MAY 2 � 1989 Fo� Approv d y ty ttorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P� sed by Counc�l Secre ary BY gy. Q•C/j`C�//� A►pprove Nav � Da _ MAY 2� Appro d by Mayor for Sub ' si to Council By �"—� PUBIt� ���d ° 319 9_ . , l����..s �PARTMENT�FFlCE/COUNCIL DATE INITIA D s� � O � COMMUNITY SERVICES 3-8- 9 GREEN SHEET NO. � OONTACT PER80N 6 PNONE IN111AU DATE INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNqL Vi� Witt enstein 292-7409 �� CITYATTORNEY �CITYCLERK MUST 8E�1 COUNdL AQENDA BY(DAT� ROU7INO BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.6 MOT.�RVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSIBT � TOTAL�OF SIQNATURE PA�8 1 (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR 81QNA r ��"°"`�°"�°: REC�IVED Change rul es governi ng Communi ty Festi val Fu d P�AR 13 �g89 MAR 0 8 1989 RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(A)or Reject(R) COUNqL M EE/RESEARCFI OP A _PLANNING OOMMISSION _qVl�SERVICE COMMISSION """"'� ��E�� RECEIVED _qB OOMMITTEE _ COMMENTS: —sT,�F — ��a9. —����,� — M AR 1 � SUPPORTS WMICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? �' Recreation/Neighborhoods �g 4r�ICE ' INCMTINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOR7UNITY(Who,Whet,When,Whsro,Why): Council request to have citizen committee re ommend approval of grants and loans. Changes due date for grant or loan reques s o 3 months prior to event rather than Feb. 1 of each year. Staff report to Council due Feb. 1 of eac y ar instead of Jan. 1. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: Committee will recommend approval/disappr val . Timeline will be easier for groups to com ly ith. Staff will have sufficient time to prepar r ort to Council . DISADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: None OIBADVANTAQE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Timeline may be too short to allow all gra t nd loan requests to be considered. Staff will not be able to provide complete da a in reports to Caa�c�,a�;; ;?���L��Ch C�11���' f�=1!�� 15 �i�,�9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = —�' COST/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIiiCLE ONE7 YE8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE S i 1 S rvices - Nei hborhood ACTIVITY NUMOER 23143 FlNANqAI INFORMA710N:(EXPLAIN) Fe S t i V d 1 F u n d . , . , � . ��X- �� Members: - �� .�-�`� ,r '`• CI'1`Y OF A NT PAUL Janice Rettman, chair ; ,�cas€r�,a r . < BI�� WI�SOfI � •���s� Ei`� OI'FICE OF T � E ITY COUNCIL Bob Long �� �� �� Date: May 18, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN Councilpersoq Commi e Report To: Saint Paul City Council From : Community and Hum Services Committee Janice Rettman, Cha r A meeting of the Community and Human Ser ic s Committee was held on Wednesday, May 17, 1989: 1. A roval of Minutes of Ma 3, 1989 m et n . Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. Cit Council A enda 2/9/89, Item No. 12. Resolution - 89-218 - Authorizin ro er Cit Officials to execute a h za dous materials res onse a reement with the Centennial Fire Protection is rict. (For Action.) (Laid over to March 15, 1989 at Gar Oldin 's re u st.) (Laid over to A ril 5, 1989; Terr Sullivan to submit le al o ini n.) (Laid over to A ril 19, 1989.) (Laid over to Ma 17, 1989. Cit At 'or e 's Office and Local 21 to discuss outstanding issues.) Laid over to June 21, 1989. . Cit Council A enda 3/23/89, Item No. 31: Resolution - 89-505 - Chan in the rules which overn the Communit Fest'va Revolvin Loan Fund. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services C mm'ttee.) Recommended for approval, with amendm nt , on 3-0 vote. The amendments are: �.-} �i��e� Be€��c���eas; �a�eg�eg� � 6e tea}�� 6�et�gs e� A�gs�c�$e��eas� a�� e.- 44e� �e� �e e sekee�; e�r��el�; �e �g�etts e�gsr���e��ea e� ��}�a�e ea�e���}se.- �- P4t�s� �s�e e 9e� e€ ��-�ews. l.) Verification of nonprofit status 'sa or copy of organizational bylaws or incorporation papers. — 2.) Under Festivals, add: Are definld s an event which promotes the city of Saint Paul and/or a Saint Pau n i hborhood, of„a cultural, social or educational nature including but no limited to music, dance, food dispensing, parades or commemora iv activities. The event should be open to the public free of charg , e local in nature and recognize specific geographic boundaries. CITY HALL ROOM NO. 704 SAI T AUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 8 6 Community and Human Services Committee COMMITTEE REPORT May 3, 1989 Page Two 3. Resolution - 89-SOS: (Continued) 3.) 1. The Advisory Board will consist of eae s���� {�}_�ee�s e€ ege e� e��e�} ea� e�e �e��� {���e� �� �ee�s e€ 8ge} �e��e� €�e� ese� �e��; e�� €e�� e�-�e�ge �effi�e�s. A �e�e� e€ �$ 14 members who will be appointed ey arly. The Advisory Board will consist of two ep ople from each ward with an emphasis on youth participants. 2. The Division of Parks and Recreation will assign one staff inember to convene the Advisory Board and to administer the program. 3. The Department of Community Services will be authorized to modify deadlines, guidelines and implement changes to the ro ram as needed after initial adoption � the City Council. The Advisory Board will make recommendations about the ro ram to the Department as needed. Major changes in the program will be brought to the City Council for action. (Changes requiring Council actions include: changes in the eligible organizations, purposes of rg ants or loans, etc.) 4.) 2. Applications � be submitted at a� time and must be accompanied � all required supporting materials. The Advisory Board will determine monthly meeting dates for consideration of proposals. 3. Applications should be submitted 3 months in advance of need to ep rmit time for review and development of a contract. 4.- �p���esa�s €er €�a��ag �eee��e� ������ a es�en�s� mea�� ���� �e eeas��e�e� e� ��e ne�� mea��'-s $ee�� ffiee��ag.- 5.) Under Evaluation, change the due date for the Division of Parks and Recreation annual report to the City Council from January 1 to February 1. .4. City Council Agenda 2/9/89, Item No. 2: Administrative Order D-10090 - Providing authority and procedures for initiation of adverse license proceedings. (Laid over to April 5, 1989.) (Laid over to April 19, 1989.) (Paul McCloskey to work on administrative ordinance. To be presented May, 1989.) No action required by the City Council. , '� 5. Library Community Response (discussion item after District Councils' review of new proposed strategic plan. Report given. This issue will be addressed at June 21, 1989 meeting. :6. Parking Ramp Ordinance. Amended substitute Ordinance No. 89-644 recommended for approval on 5-0 vote; Ordinance No. 89-761 withdrawn. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr