89-504 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council {�,.D/ BLUERy - MAPORTMENT File NO. ��v . Counci esolution r j j�� � Presented By '�"���� Referred To �' Committee: Date �°��'1 �✓ Out of Committee By Date � WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 17370, un il File No.86-792, adopted July 10, 1986, requires that all City progra r pesticide use be reviewed and approved by the City Council prior o y application upon City property; and WHEREAS, The Division of Parks an Recreation's Conservatory and Golf Courses require intensive pest cont ol measures in order to maintain the economic and aesthetic values of th se facilities; and WHEREAS, Other park areas requ re less intensive pest control measures; and WHEREAS, The Division of Parks an Recreation's chemical programs use materials recommended and approved ' nd r Federal and State of Minnesota regulations and such materials are pp ied under the supervision of certified licensed personnel ; and WHEREAS, Warning signs will be; po ted at all sites where chemicals are applied as required by Ordinance N . 1 370; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVE , at the Division of Parks and Recreation may proceed with its 19 9 esticide Program, as attached, of pest management strategies using c emical controls with biological , cultural and mechanical controls t r duce pests to an acceptable level and provide proper notification of whe e esticide will be used on Parks _ property. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � Communi ty Servi ces Lo� � (n Fa or Goswitz Rettman � f� scneibe� � ' _ A ga i n t Sonnen. '.-5:��w j�...S o N M14Y � � Form pprov d b ity Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas y ounci Se tar BY By, �- A►ppr by INavor: Dat � MAY 1 _ APP�o by Mayor for ul�cil �_ PU�USlifD M!'-,Y N �7 1 89 . , � �r`�`°� DEPARTMENT/OFFI UNqL DATE INITUI o 4 7 6 COMMUNITY SERVICES GREEN SHEET NO. ��� OONTACT PERSON Q PMONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR GTY COUNqL Lloyd Burkholder 292-7400 � c�rrnTroRNev �cmc�RK MU3T BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTING BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SEFiVICE8 DIR. Apri 1 1, 1989 Approved & On Fi 1 e MAYOR(OR A8813TAN ❑ TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAQES �- (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR 81�3NATUR� ACTION REQUE8TED: Authorize Parks and Recreation Division o ndertake a Pest Control Program an City park properties and post notification of sa e. RECOI�AMENDATION3:Approve(A)or ReJect(R) CQ�INCIL EARCH REPORT O _PLANNINQ COMMISSION -CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� REC��D P�E N0. _pB OOMMITTEE _ -STAFF _ COMMENTS MAR 15 1989 _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNGI OBJECTIVET MAYOR'S OFFIG�A1fOR'S OFFiCE ��T� ��������. INITIATINO PROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Wh»: Approval and authorization to the Parks nd Recreation Division to undertake 1989 Pest Control Programs on City park property a d o post notification of same as required - Ordinance No. 17370, Council File No. 8 79 , adoptPd June 10, 1986. ADVANTA�ES IF APPROVED: The Division of Parks and Recreation us s hemical controls with biological , cultural , and mechanical controls to reduce pests to an acceptable level . � There are different approaches to pest on r�l on park sites according to the economic and aestheti� values of the site, availabil ty of labor and equipment and environmental and safety concerns. DISADVANTA6ES IF APPROVED: N/A DISADVANTA�ES IF NOT APPROVED: Lower revenues - Increased operating co t Loss of aesthetic value. �:��j:ri,.�� �;�:�v��;�c,� Cen�er f,1�,R 1 � �i���s� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = � COST/i�VENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE� � NO 23112, 03120, D3I22, 03195, FuNOiNO sou� ' ACTMTY NUMBER O313Z, 03172, 03101, 03192 FlNANGAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) Funds already exist in the 1989 Budgets for this expenditure. � . ���5�� ST. PAUL PAR S ND RECREATION DIVISION 1989 ES ICIDE PROGRAM Golf Courses . A. Funaicide 1 . Chinco 26019 Fun i ide Disease treatmen Dollar Spot; Brown Patch; Helminthosporium ( eaf Spot and Melting Out) ; Fusarium Blight; Snow Mol . Applied at label r commendations. 2 . Clearv's 3336 F c ' Disease treatmen Fusarium Blight; Brown Patch; Dollar Spot; Stripe Smu ; Snow Mold. Applied at label r commendations. 3. Tersan 1991 Fun ic de Disease treatme t Dollar Spot; Brown Patch; Fusarium Blight; Fusariu P tch; Stripe Smut. Applied at labe r commendations. 4. Theremec SP Fun ic 'de Disease treatme t Snow Mold, Pythium Blight. Applied at labe r commendations. 5 . Terrachlor F i e Disease treatme t Snow Mold, Brown Patch; Dollar Spot. Helminthosporiu . Applied at labe ecommendations. 6. Calo-Clor un i ' Disease treatme t - Snow Mold. Applied at labe ecommendations. 7 . Acti-Dione un li Disease treatm t - Dollar Spot; Helminthosporium; Brown Patch; Rust; S w Mold; Melting Out. Applied at lab 1 ecommendations. 8. Rubiaan Fun icide Disease treatm nt - Dollar Spot; Brown Patch; Snow Mold; Stripe Smut; F sa ium Blight. Applied at lab 1 ecommendations. � � , � . �r= Y�i-J��� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program Page 2 Golf Courses - continued A. Fun4icides - continu d 9 . PMAS Funaicide Disease treatme t Brown Patch; Snow Mold. Applied at labe ecommendations. 1Q. Daconil 2787 Fu icide Disease control - Helminthosporium; Brown Patch; Gray Leafspot; Dolla pot. 11 . Bavleton Fun i id Disease treatm t - Brown Patch; Dollar Spot; Powdery Mildew; Snow M ld and Fusarium Blight. B. Herbicides 1 . Trimec Her ici e Control - Broa le f weed control . Applied at lab 1 ecommendations. 2 . Ami ne �,,4 Q H i i d Control - Broa 1 af weed control . Applied at lab 1 recommendations. 3. Mecomec MCPP � H rbic Control - Broa 1 af weed control . Applied at la 1 recommendations. 4. Round ,l� Herbi i e Control - Non se ective vegetation control . Applied at la el recommendations. 5 . Banvel Herbi e Control - Bro dl af weed control . Applied at la el recommendations. 6 . Dacthal W-75 e i i e Control - Pre e rgent weed control . Applied at la el recommendations. . � � , � . ��d'�`�4� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program Page 3 Golf Courses - continued B. Herbicides - continu d 7 • �I F?P ± � �4 � ± 2 Control - Broadl a weed control . Applied at label r commendations. C. Insecticides 1 . Diazinon sec ' i e Control - Turf i s cts. Applied at label' r commendations. 2 . Turcam tici Control - Turf ins cts. Applied at label r commendations. 3. Sevin nsecti i e Control - Leaf at 'ng insects. Applied at labe r commendations. D. Poison Baits Control - Gophers a d oles. Applied at label di e tions. E. Aauatic Chemicals 1 . Aauazine Control - Algae Applied at lab 1 ecommendations. Municioal Stadium A. Herbicides 1 . Dyclomec - 4G Iso ' 1 sterilant) Control - Vege at 'on control Applied at lab 1 ecommendations. � � � � . � . � �y�5o� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program Page 4 Municinal Stadium A. Herbicides - continue 2. Round Up (Glyphos t ) Control - Vegetat 'o Control Applied at label e ommendations. #1 and #2 are broad spect u herbicides to control vegetation around trees, posts, cracks in c n rete and black top, agrilime areas, permiter tracks and fence a eas. 3. Trimec Herbi 'de Control - Broadl a weed control Applied at label r commendations. Parks an Recreation Areas A. Aauatic 1 . o er Sulfate r tals Control - Plank on Algae and Filomentous Algae Applied under p rm t from DNR Fishery Section. B. Herbicides 1 . ou �Jp (G1 yph sa e) Control - Veget ti n control Applied at labe r commendations. 2 . Parch Herbicide Control - Veget ti n control . Applied at labe r commendations. 3. Pramital H bic d Control - Veget ti n control Applied at labe r commendations. Non-selective v ge ation control in parks and recreation areas for agril me areas; cracks in concrete and blacktop; around trees, p s and signs; along fences and walls. _ � � . � . ����=.�0� Parks and Recreation 1989 Pesticide Program Page 5 Parks and Recreation reas = c nt nued B. Herbicides - ontinu d 4. Trimec Herbicide Control - Broadl af weed control Applied at label re ommendations. Used on selectiv s 'tes. Forestrv Section A. Chemicals 1 . Granular Sulfur This chemical wi 1 be used to treat Pin Oaks for Iron Chlorosis. How applied - Th ulfur is spread on the surface of the ground with a ha d spreader. The area covered is a 10 ' by 10 ' square ar u d the base of the tree. Amount - The dos g is 10 pounds per tree. Treatment is only done when w r anted. On the average, we treat 300 trees a year, f r total sulfur usage of 3,000 pounds. It is a two yea t eatment schedule, after that the tree should not have to be treated again. 2. Medicaps These chemicals ar used for a variety of treatments. These treatment i clude iron chlorosis, scale infestation, insect problems ne t to a lake, or other sensitive area, when spraying i n t possible. How applied - a 1/ " diameter hole is drilled into the tree and the capsule is placed inside this hole. Amount - The nu b r. of capsules used, depends upon the size of the tree. T e orumula is one capsule for every inch of tree diameter. O the average, we treat about 50 trees a year, for a tot 1 usage of about 200 medicaps a year. � . . . . �FY��i�✓`a`� Parks and Recreation 1989 Pesticide Program Page 6 Forestrv Section - Continued A. Chemicals - contin 3. Malathion This chemical is u ed to treat insect infestations on single trees. How applied - Th hemical is mixed with water, and then this mixture is p ayed on the tree. Amount - The che i al is mixed with water at a rate of 2 Tablespoons per a lon of water. The amount sprayed on the tree varies with t e size of tree, but on average, two gallons per tree' w 11 suffice. Trees are sprayed only on an as needed basis but on average, we will spray about 12 trees a year, f r total Malathion usage of about 48 Tablespoons per e r. 4. Diazinon This chemical i u ed to control carpenter ants in boulevard trees., How applied - T lis chemical comes in a grandular form, and is sprinkled in ircle, around the base of the tree. Amount - The ch i al comes in a shaker, and about one ounce is applie p r tree. Again , we only treat trees on an as needed ba is We treat about 10 trees a year, for a total Diazinon sa e of about 10 ounces. 5 . au et Capsules These chemicals ar used for a variety of treatments. These treatment i clude insect control for bronze birch borer, oak scal s; and disease control for verticelluim wilt, and fire li ht. How applied - a 11 64" hole is drilled into the tree and a mauget injector un t; which contains about two milliliters of solution, is in erted into the hole. Amount - The nu be of units used depends on the size of the tree. The or ula is one unit for every six inches of tree diameter. On the average we will treat about ten trees a year, f r total usage of about 20 units; or about 40 milliliters f hemical solution (about 1 and 1 /10 ounces) . � � � � � ��9- �"°� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program Page 7 �� A. Insecticides Pesticide applicatio ithin the Zoo Buildings are under contract to Plunkett' est Control Service. B. Herbicides 1 . Round .U� Herbi i Control - Vegeta io along perimeter electrical fences in wolf yards. Applied at label re ommendations. Conservatorv Public Disalavs - Palm Dome, N rt & South Wings, Fern Room, and #6 House Insecticides once per mon h if needed) and/or during week of show change (South Wing & #6 H us ) . No herbicides, .very little fungicides or fertilizers ery prominent signage used. During non-public hours only; we 1 entilated afterward . Growinq Greenhouses - #1 , #2 , 3 , #5 , #7 , #8, and Hoop Houses Fertilizers a�glied once ac week. Many crops will not grow properly without these re ul r feedings. Some require special fertiliers, i .e. , to main ain correct soil acidity. Very young cuttings and seedlings ha e the soil media soaked with fungicides to control diseases. Insect cides are applied on an as needed basis. Applications normally occ r as a three application series, i .e. , three sprayings over a 10 d y period. Herbicides are not used indoors. Outdoor Areas - Japanese Gar e and Flower Beds Weed control is the most i ficult problem in the Japanese Garden. Consequently, herbicide u e is mostly in this area. Use of the garden is carefully contr 1 ed during these times and is limited to May and June. These herb 'c des are very selective and 2 , 4, & D types are not used due to t e danger to desirable plant materials. Likewise, insecticides an ungicides are applied only the early part of the growing seas May and June) . Flower beds are fertiliz t the time of soil preparation (May and June) . Herbicides appli d re only once after planting and is limited to a pre-emergen y ype (prevents weed seed from germinating) . Other pes ic des are seldom used. � � � � � ��r-�5a� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program Page 8 Conservatorv - Continued A. Insecticides 1 . Orthene PT 1300 2 . Resmethrin PT 12 0 3. Dursban 4. Oxamil 10� Granu a 5 . Di-Syston 15� Gr n lar 6 . Guthion 50 W. P. 7 . Vapona 8. Dipel 9 . Nimogon 10. Thimet 15G 11 . Boric Acid Powde 12 . Fertilone - Dorm nt Oil Spray 13. Thiodan 50WP 14. Diazinon 50WP 15 . Orthotran 50 WP 16 . Nicotine Smoke 17 . Hopkins - Snail , S1 g pellets M2 18. Malathion 25 WP 19 . Sevin WP 20. Pentac 21 . Maurck - Aquaflo 22 . Sumithion 23. Karathane (Fungi id ) Applied at label rec mm ndations B. Funaicides 1 . Acti-Dione TGF � 2 . Plant Fume 103 3 . Termil 4. Pipron 5 . Milban 6 . Subdue 2E 7 . Carbamate 8. Tersan 9 . Terraclor 10 . Pithane M 11 . Kocide 101 12 . Benlate 13 . Truban , 14. Banrot 15 . Daconil 2787 Applied at label rec mm ndations � � � . � � ��-�o� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program � Page 9 Conservatorv - Continued C. Herbicides 1 . Vapam 2 . Dathal 3. Doupon - M 4. Posst 5 . Roundup 6 . Tref 1 an 7 . Acme Lawn Weed K ' ll r Applied at label rec mm ndations D. Growth Re4ulators 1 . Cycocel 2 . A-Rest 3 . B-Nine SP E. Baits 1 . Plunkett's mouse bait Town �auare Park A. Insecticides 1 . Pentac Applied at label r ommendations 2 . Ficam Applied at label r commendations 3. Resmethrin EC Applied at label r commendations 4. Avid EC Applied at label r commendations 5 . Telstar WP Applied at label r commendations . � . � �'s� Parks and Recreation Division 1989 Pesticide Program Page 10 esi n and Construction Contract specifications requir t at the contractor obtain the proper license for application of: A. Roundup Specified for vegeta iv control in mulched tree planting beds. B. -2 4-D Specified in combina i n with Mecomec and mixed in with fertilizer for broad e f weed control as fertilizer is applied to graded ar a prior to seeding/sodding. C. Pramito/25E Soil sterilant is sp cified for subgrade preparation prior to application o agrilime for infield areas on ballfields. These materials are e uired to be applied per manufacturer's instructions. . . ��� 5o�r CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF PARKS AND RECREATION 488-7291 MAINTENANCE AND FORESTRY SECTION 1 4 No. Lexington Parkway St. Paul, Minnesota 55103 February 28, 1989 T0: Council President mes S heibel FROM: Robert P. P' SUBJECT: 1989 Pesticide Program Attached please find the Division of Pa ks and Recreation's 1989 Pesticide Program. I would request that it be reviewed nd approved by the City Council as specified in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 17370, Co ncil File No. 86-792 at your earliest opportunity. The Division of Parks and Recreation us s chemical control with biological , cultural , and mechanical controls to reduce pe ts to an acceptable level . The Conssrvatory and Golf Courses require intensive p st control measures. At the other end of the pest management spectrum are low mai te ance areas. There are many different approaches to pest control on these it s according to the economic and aesthetic values of the site, availability of lab r and equipment, and environmental and safety concerns. Our chemical programs use materials ec mended and approved under Federal and State of Minnesota regulations. Mat ri ls are applied under the direct supervision of certified licensed personnel . Warning signs will be posted at all it s where chemicals are applied as required in the above Ordinance. Signs will 'ls be posted in strategic locations within buildings on a chemically treated si 'e, such as inside the golf course clubhouse at the cash register. Lloyd Burkholder, Supt. of Maintenan e, and supervisory personnel who are respon- sible for the chemical programs will be available to answer questions at meetings when the Council or Council committe s view this program. If you have questions or need additional information, plea e ntact Mr. Burkholder, Superintendent of Maintenance at 7400. Thank you for your consideration of he Division of Parks and Recreation's 1989 Pesticide Program. R.P.P. APPROVED: Kathle n Stack, Director Department of Community S rvices i � � � �� Community and Human Services Committee � COMMITTEE REPORT May 3, 1989 Page Two 6. Cit Council A enda 4/6/89, Item No. 2 : Resolution - 89-604 - A rovin the a ointment b the Ma or of Kat S n to serve as a member of the Saint Paul Overni ht Shelter Board. ( or referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . 7. Cit Council A enda 3/23/89, Item N . 7: Resolution - 89-501 - Re uestin the Ma or to direct a 30-da morato iu . coaunencin A ril 24, 1989 on the sale, transfer, re uisition, or if o an animal under the Cit 's ossession or control to an medica a d/or roduct-testin laborator or their a ents or re resentatives and re uestin the Ma or to direct animal ound officers and cable TV officer t im lement and broadcast a weekl TV ro ram showin all lost and aba do ed animals currentl at the ound with instructions on how to reclaim ets an for eo le interested in ado tin an animal. (For referral to the Commu it and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over to Ma 3, 1989. Cit At or e 's Office to draft amendments.) Recommended for approval, as amende , n 3-1 vote. _._._..._.._...__......... - --._.�,..__,..._ �. __...__-�__.._.. -e.. �. Cit Council A enda 3/23/89, Item N . 0: Resolution - 89-504 - Authorizin �`'`� a Division of Parks and Recreation to un ertake a Pest Control Pro ram on Cit a ark ro erties and ost notificati n f same. (For referral to the Communit p and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr _ � v;� Members: � r�.� �' Janice Rettman, chair •% �k_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,,,•�.;.:.:; Bill Wilson �ie:'�n; - OFFIC� OF THE CITY COUNCIL Bob Long Date: May 4, 1989 JANICE RETTMAN RECEIVED Councilperson. Committee Repor# To: Saint Paul Cit Council MAY � "-1989 y CITY (,LtKt� From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee was held on Wednesday, May 3, 1989. 1. Approval of Minutes of April 19, 1989. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 10/20/89, Item No. 3: First Reading - 88-1674 - An ordinance amending Chapters 409 and 410 revising and updating various provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative code regulating the sale of alchoholic beverages and the conduct of licensed establishments. (Referred to Communit and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from December 14, 1988.) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined by Kiki Sonnen.) (Laid over to April 5, 1989.) (Laid over to May 3, 1989. Phil Byrne will develop prototypes of matrix.) Recommended for approval of substitute ordinance or, a 4-0 vote. Phil Byrne will submit ordinance to Chair. First reading to be scheduled for May 11, 1989. 3. City Council Agenda 10/27/89, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1721 - An ordinance amending Section 409.36(b) of the Saint Legislative Code pertaining to presumptive penalties for license violations. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from December 14, 1988 ) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined by Kiki Sonnen.) (Laid over _to May 3, 1989. Phil Byrne will develop prototypes of matrix.) � Recommended that 88-1721 be withdrawn, on a 4-0 vote. 4. Presentation of ordinance addressing food inspection crisis situations. Ordinance will be brought directly to the City Clerk's Office for introduction. S. Presentation of rough draft of new gambling ordinance. " The Committee recommended for approval, on 4-0 vote, to the City Council the attached ordinance. ThP first reading should be scheduled for May 11, 1989. CITY HALL ROOM NO. 704 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 Srgo46