89-503 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA IT L Council �y /J GANARV - DEGARTMENT /�� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO.�J�`�- - Counc l Resolution �� �, � Presented By \ � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Sports Co 'ss on (MASC) , via the State Capital Bond Fund, provides for capital funds to assist polit'ca subdivisions of the State of Minnesota for the development of sport facilities, and WHEREAS, MASC has identified the need for he development of an indoor sports training facility for sports such as basketball, vo le ball, table te�i�iis, badminton, team handball, wheelchair sports, and martial arts, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul desires th d velopment of such a facility within the city, and has therefore conducted a preliminary tu y to determine the feasibility of developing and operating such a facility, and WHEREAS, the city concludes from this stud t at amateur sports organizations in the state, the region and the city have a need for su h training facility and that *�he state, region and the city would Senefit economically fr m eveloping the facility, and :+1?IEREAS, the c�t�� also concludes from this st dy that further analysis of the feasibility of operating the facility must be conducte b fore a final coBmoitment to the facility's development can be mrade; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ci y f Saint Paul supports the concept of a National Indoor Sperts Center on the East id of Saint Paul, on a site bounded by East Seventh Street, Maria Avenue, and the aban on d Burlington Northern Railroad right-of-way, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the city suppo ts a request for a study grant to further analyze the feasibility of the facility, a d 'f warranted, to develop a comprehensive bonding application for the 1990 legislati e ession, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Counc'1 irects staff to submit an application for a study grant to the Minne�ota Amateur Sport C mmission at their meeting of March 28th, 1989. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz �' Rettman � Sc6eibel A gai n s t Sonne� ii5l�ew p� MAR c�. � �oi7 Form Approved b City Att rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P•_ b ouncil e BY v gy, A►ppr by Ylavor: Date _ { MAR i: � � A r ve ay fo bmis "on to Council . � BY �U�t1S9� h�'�' � 989 (i1" o ���� DEPARTMENT/�FICEICOUNqL DATE INIT ED PED 3/9/ 9 GREEN SHEET No. 6 8 0 CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE INI'MU DATE INRIAUDATE Pe Lexdu, 3230 � °EP"AT""E"T a�crop arr oouNa� 99Y �M� CITY ATfORNEY CITY q.ERK MUST BE ON COUNpI AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTMIO BUOOET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MQT.SERVICES DIR. 3/21/89 Nu►voRca+�sT�wn [1� W. Hanson TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PAQES 1 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUEBTED: Approval of attached Council Resolution (re arding the proposed National Indoor Sports Center) for introduction to the Ci C uncil by 3/21/89 REOOMMENDATIONS:�PD►ove(n)or Re�ect IR) COUNGI. RCM REPORT OPTIONAL _PUWNINO COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� PHONE NO. _d8 COMMITfEE _ _STAFF _ �MENTS _D18TRICT COURT _ SUPPORTB WHICH COUNCII OBJECTIVE7 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM.ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who.What.Whsn,Whsre,Why): The attached resolution supports the con ep of developing an indoor sports training facility on the East Side of Saint Paul . T e construction of this facility would be financed by the Minnesota Amateur Sports Co ission (through the State Capital Bond Fund) , which is promoting the development of a�n te r sports facilities throughout the state. After 12 weeks of study, PED staff have on luded that a more extensive analysis wal:l be required to determine whether or not rev nu s will be sufficient to meet the costs of operating the facility. This resalution th refore supports a request for a study grant to further analyze the facility, and dir ct staff to apply for such a grant to the Minnesot �ov�wr�ES�F�o�o: ma eur por s ommi ss i on ei r mee i ng on arc , . The city will be able to seek state fund ng for further analysis of this proposed National Indoor Sports Center. �E�EtVE� MAR 0 9 1989 MAliOR"S OFFICE DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: None. asn�v�wr�oes iF r�or naPROVeo: The city may lose the opportunity for dev lo ment of a state-funded, potentially economically viable indoor amateur sports tr ining center. ��w�;.�:: e-�cseu��ch Cen�er t,l;�R 1� "i���9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = N•A• C08T/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ON� YE8 NO FUNDINQ SOURCE N•A• ACTIVITY NUMBER ' flNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) ��9-<.503 Members: Bill Wilson� chair- C~ITY O AINT PAUL Tom Dimond r'= � iiii't l�n OP`FIC� O T E CITY COIINCIL KII(I S011fl@tl Date: March 9, 19 9 WILLIAM L. WILSON MARK VOERDING Councilman _ C O CT� i te e R e p o rt Legislative Aide To: Saint Paul City Coun il From : Housing and Econ ic Development Committee Bill Wilson, Chair l. Approval of Minutes Minutes of FEBRUARY 8, 1989, co it ee meeting were APPROVED 2. Resolution approving the appoint en by the Mayor of Ron Ankey to serve on the Board of Appeals and Revi w or the Housing, Building and Fire Prevention Codes (C.F. 89-327) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 3. Ordinance granting non-exclusive fr nchise to Skycom, Inc. to own, operate and maintain advertising di play fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system (C.F. 88-1470) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 4. Ordinance pertaining to insuranc r quirements for skyway advertising display fixtures amending Sectio 1 0.07(a) of the St. Paul Legislative Code (D.F. 89-279) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 5. Ordinance amending Chapters 60 t ro gh 67 of the Legislative Code (zoning) pertaining to regulatio o colleges, universities and seminaries (C.F. 89-310) , COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYO��VER, W TH PUBLIC HEARING AND THIRD READING TO BE CONTINUED ON MARCH z.i, 98 6. Proposed Plan for National Indoo S rts Center COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 0 R OLUTION AS DRAFTED (NOT YET INTRODUCED) CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-4646 48 _ . ��� 5� Saint Paul National Indoor Sports en er Study Grant Proposal to the Minnes ta Amateur Sports Commission Executive Summary March 8, 1989 I. Introduction A. I�innesota Amateur S or s mmission In 1987 the Minnesota a ur Sports Commission (MASC) was formed to promote amateur spo s 'n Minnesota. MASC has an ambitious mission that calls for p o 16 national training centers for Olympic sports by 1990 n the development of athletic facilities for all of the major s e and winter Olympic sports. Projects completed or under cons r tion include the National Sports CenLer in Blaine which ' ea ures world class bicycling and soccer facilities, the Giant's' Ri ge ski complex and the Saint Clou3 State University ice ar na. B. Pur ose of the Saint Pa l ational Indoor S orts Center This proposed facility il play an important role in the MASC ' sports facility portfol o. This facility would be able to host training and small scal c mpetitions in the following sports: Badminton G nastics Table Tennis Basketball Ju o Taekwondo Boxing Ka ate Team Handball Fencing Ro ler-Skating Volleyball C. Recommended Course of A ti n PED staff have conducte a preliminary feasibility analysis of the facility. While it app ar there is great support for the facility from represent ti es of local and regional amateur sports groups, potential corpo at users, neighborhood residents, and Metropolitan State Univ rs ty and State University Baard officials, further anal si must be done to project annual revenues and operating nd maintenance costs. PED staff recommend, th re ore, that the city request MASC to pursue funding for a st dy grant from the state legislature. This would allow for further n lysis of the potential income and cost of operating the facili . ' If the study demonstrates more clearly that the facility could re k even, PED will then apply to MASC for bonding for facilit co struction. The attached draft resol ti n supports this course of action. II. Siting and Design � A number of sites have been an ly ed for the location of this facility, all on or adjacent to the new et opolitan State University headquarters. Two good possib li ies--one on the south side of East Sixth Street between Mounds an M ria, and one on the Metro U parking . ��� ��-� � lot bounded by Maria, Bates, as Sixth and East Seventh--have been eliminated, the former becaus t e necessary width of the facility could � not be accommodated, and the at er because the cost of acquiring 15 units of housing and building re lacement parking for Metro U was prohibitive. The current proposal is that he facility be located on the north side of East Seventh Street, betwe n wede Hollow and Maria Avenue, on the site of Nobles Industries. is site would be contingent on favorable negotiations with the owners f obles, who have expressed interest in relocating to another site in Sa nt Paul in order to expand their operations. The facility would contain ni e olleyball courts, a weight room, locker rooms, and an elevated runnin t ack. A retractable netting system would allow many different sp rt to be conducted simultaneously. The facility would have bleacher ea ing available for approximately 1000 people, for small scale compe it ons, and 350 surface parking on or adjacent to the site, as requ re by the zoning code. III. Ownership and Operation The Minnesota Amateur Sports o ission is prohibited from owning the amateur sports facilities the s onsor. The city would thus own the facility, and ideally, lease 't o another entity to operate. The proposed study grant woul a low the city to more completely estimate the facility's poten ia income and�operating costs, and if the operation appears feasible, t s licit a commitment for a facility operator. IV. Proposed Project Budget Uses Acquisition of land and buildi gs $1,700,000 � Construction ($79.00/sq, ft. ) 4,640,422 Sports Equipment 216,312 Professional and financing fee ; eserves 379,750 Total $6,936,484 Sources Minnesota Amateur Sports Commi si n $5,550,000 City/Other 1,386,484 Total $6,93b,484 ., , . ��y'-.603 Proposed Saint Paul National Indoor Sp rts Center Draft City Council Resolution � March 8, 1989 � WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Spor s ommission (MASC) , via the State Capital Bond Fund, provides for capital fun s o assist political subdivisions of the State of Miilnesota for the developm nt of sport facilities, and WHEREAS, MASC has identified the ne d or the development of an indoor sports training facility for sports such a b sketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, team handball, wheelchai s orts, and martial arts, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul des re the development of such a facility within the city, and has therefore on ucted a preliminary study to determine the feasibility of developing and o er ting such a facility, WHEREAS, the city concludes from th s tudy that amateur sports organizations in the state, the region and the ci y ave a need for such a training facility and that the state, region and the it would benefit economically from developing the facility, and WHEREAS, the city also concludes fr m his study that further analysis of the feasibility of operating the facili y ust be conducted before a final commitment to the facility's develo me t can be made; " NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that th City of Saint Paul supports �he concept of a National Indoor Sports Ce ter on the East Side of Saint Paul, on a site bounded by East Seventh Stre t, Maria Avenue, and the abandoned Burlington Northern Railroad right- f- ay, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cit s pports a request for a study grant to further analyze the feasibility of he facility, and if warranted, to develop a comprehensive bonding application fo the 1990 legislative session, and � BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Cit C uncil directs staff to submit an application for a study grant to th M' nesota Amateur Sports Commission at their meeting of March 28th. 1989.