89-501 wHi'� - CiTr C�EaK COI1t1C11 J� � �lJ f PIN4 - FINANGE �//� C4NA�iV - D£'�ARTMENT G I TY OF S I NT PAU L V BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Counci esol tion , ---� � _ � � s Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date Out of Committee By Date A resolution honoring n al World Day by amending present practices a� the Ci y animal ,pound, expressing dissatisfaction with pres n State laws and requesting that the present State 1 ws be amended to prevent zhe practice of giving tray animals to research_ laboratories. WHEREAS , Rpril 24 was t Oth anniversary of Annual World Day for Laboratory Animals n since it was a day to bring the issue of laboratory an m is to the public ' s attention; and � WHEREAS , the Minnesota A im 1 Seizure Law currently requires the City' s animal pound to p ov de dogs and cats to laboratories upon request of such laborato i s where these animals are experi- mented on; and WHEREAS , the preferable ate for lost and abandoned -�et animals at the pound is to e nited with a responsible , caring pet owner; now, therefore, �e it RESOLVED, that the la or tories requesting such animals be no�ified that they must i at least 48 hours notice prior to th�ir arrival at the dog p und for their acceptance of such animals so that there is t ''me to make every effort to reunite the animals with their ow r before they must be given to such laboratories ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that s ch laboratories be required to pay the same fees as priv t citizens pay for adopting such animals , provided further t at in neither case shall ��.re� cost exceed the actual cost of ol ing and expediting such animals ; and, be it COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n Fa or coswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form t�prove by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` � ,4 Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � � gy, 6lpproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By � ' , ° i ���`�,`°� DEP NTIOFRCEICOUNC DATE IN o 1 3 6 3 c�t Council 3/14 88 GREEN SHEET No. INITUU DATE INITIALIDATE CONTACT PERSON 3 PHONE 29 H—S 3�H DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Moll 0'Rourke Kiki Sonnen �� CIT1f AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL A(iENDA BY(DAT� ROU7INQ BUOOET DIRECTOR �FlN.8 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. A ril 1� L 9SH MAYOR(OR A8818TMIT) � TOTAL N OF SIGNATURE PA�3ES 1 (CLIP AL LO ATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUE8TED: Designating April 24th for laboratory a ma s; requesting 30-day moratorium on sale of animals to laboratories, implementing a ma adoption cable TV program. RECOMMENDA710N3:Approve(A)w Re�ect(R) COUNqL EIRESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMMIS310N —GVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��YBT PHONE NO. _q8 COMMITTEE A Councilmember COMMENTB _STAFF — _DISTRICT COURT _ 3UPPORT3 WHICH COUNGL OBJECTIVE7 None INI'MTINQ PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,WMn,Whsre,Why): - use of animals by laboraties for exp ri entation. ADVANTAQES IF APPROVED: - Increased public awareness - Increased awareness of responsible p t wners. - Increased number of animal adoptions DI8ADVANTAOES IF APPF�VED: - Laboratories lose out on cheap sourc o test animals. DI3ADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: - More dogs and cats shipped to labs to un ergo painful suffering and death. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION S 558.OO �gT/REVBNUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE General Fund ACTIVITY NUMBER 03218 FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) Moratorium will result in loss of 1 mon h evenue from sale of animals to research facilities. ' ' ' i J�� I Lost yo u r pet . � � � ` Looking for a p t � who needs a ho ' ? ; ; � I V�a�c� � � � - ► ; , � - or� Ci� Cabl 4 i Y �� Tuesday & Thursd � � � at 6 & 10:30 p.m., � � Sunday at 11 p.m. Starring lost pets a d � abandoned animals, Pet le is a weekly visit to the Minn a olis Animal Control Shel r. � � � A City Cable 34 is atso available on Cha ne 3B. Weekly Schedule for City Cable 34 Video Hou�s Everyday at 5 & 9:30 p.m. Programs on�re Safety, �nne-Carfs, Recycling, Bus Benches designed by/oca!artists, The Minneapolis Home Tour and other topics. City Council Meettngs and Public Hearings - Monday, Wednesday 8 Saturday at 6 p.m. Vldeotapes of City Counci!and Minneapolis Community Development Agency meefings and important public hearings. Film,Video b Reco�ding presents . . . Tuesday& Thursday at 7:30 p.m., Saturday at 10:30 p.m. Behinr!the scenes inferviews with�lmmakers and musicians. Crime�Flte - Friday& Saturday at 6 p.m. . How citizens, Police Officers and Community Crime Prever�tion organizers flght crime. Pet Alert Tuesday�Thursday at 6 & 10:30 p.m., Sunday at 11 p.m. Find your/ost pet or an abandoned anfmal for your home. A Public Health Joumal . � Sunday at 10�0 p.m. � Useful information for good heafth from the JNinneapolis Heallh Departme� Vldeo#ext Messages . � - _ � _ 24 hours a day except when videos are shown � Park and Lr�rary events, Snow Emergency Messages and news briefs about City govemment. Monday and Wednesday Vtdec Hours will be delayed when City Council meetings run past 930 p.m. City Cable 3q is also available on Channel 38. City of Minneapolis Office of Telecommunications �-� ,i, 348-2767 - - �`�,��„ , �, � ' . � �.��,4_re� .. t.s.,'�'., a1/„4'.., . t • ' ' ��-�1 FURTHER RESOLVED , that t ansferance of such animals to the laboratories shall be m d only at those times that the pound is open to the public ; a d, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that th d' rector of the animal pound shall notify the office of the dir ct r of City Council Investigation and Research Center and the C ' ty Clerk immediately upon receiving notice of request from such 1 boratories , and the City Clerk shall include such notice o e next City Council Agenda as a communication item; and, be ' t FURTHER RESOLVED , that t e Council requests the Mayor to direct the City Animal P un and the City Cable Office to work with the Ramsey County Hu ane Society and Cable Access- St. Paul , Inc . to coordinat nd broadcas� a weekly cable TV program showing lost and ab n oned animals currently at the City Animal Pound and Ramse ounty Humane Society with in- structions for pet owners on h w to reclaim their pet animal and with instructions for peo 1 interested in adopting a lost or abandoned animal ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that h Council hereby states Saint Paul ' s opposition to the Sta e ' Animal Seizure Law, that the Council joins the governing bo ie of Minneapolis and Bloomington in their efforts to change Sta e laws which allow such practices , and that it strongly request he Minnesota State Legislature to amend State laws so as t p event such practices ; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED , that the a ministration is hereby directed to make efforts to negotiate a cost effective contract with the Ramsey County Humane Soci t to administer any additional euthanasia required in imple n ing this resolution; and, be it WHITE — C�TV CLERK � PINIF- — F191ANCE CITY OF ��� S INT PAUL Council � � CANAeR�� —�DffPARTMENT =��J^ / BLUE — MAVOR File NO. v � Counci esol io� . � , Presented By t�.l. � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date FINALLY RESOLVED, that h City Clerk be instructed to send a copy of this resolutio o every State Senator and State Representative who represents c ' t ' zens of Saint Paul . 3. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman p� B sche�ne► _ A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson �Y � � '� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ou ci , c BY By A►ppro ed y � avor: Da � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g By PUBL1St� M AY 2 7 1989 � �� � ���� Community and Human Services Committee � COMMITTEE REPORT May 3, 1989 Page Two 6. Cit Council A enda 4/6/89, Item No. ' 22 Resolution - 89-604 - A rovin the a ointment b the Ma or of KatP Se to serve as a member of the Saint Paul Overni ht Shelter Board. (F r referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.) Recommended for approval on 3-0 vot . _ .a...�_______ ____------ 7. '�� t�+RV� ,� .enda 3/23/89, Item N 7: Resolution - 89-SO1 - Re t�eg��i�n -. the Ma or to direct a 30-da morato iu . commencin A ril 24, 1989 on the sale, transfer, re uisition, or if o an animal under the Cit 's ossession or control to an medica a d/or roduct-testin laborator or their a ents or re resentatives and re uestin the Ma or to direct animal ound officers and cable TV officer t im lement and broadcast a weekl TV ro ram showin all lost and aba do ed animals currentl at the ound with instru�tions on how to reclaim ets an for eo le interested in ado tin an animal. (�or:.referral to the Commu it and Human Services Committee.) (�a�id over to Ma 3, 1989. �C't At or e 's Office t draft amendment ...✓ Recommended for a roval as,` mend , n -1 vote. 8. Cit Council A enda 3/23/89, Item o. 30: Resolution - 89-504 - Authorizin Division of Parks and Recreation t u dertake a Pest Control Pro ram on Cit ark ro erties and ost notificat on of same. (For referral to the Communit and Human Services Committee.j Recommended for approval c�n 3-0 vo e. cc: A1 Olson Ed Starr � � �� Members: _; � r�� �� Janice Rettman, chair `` � CZTY OF SAINZ` PAUL gill Wilson ticI[ir+�'� , . lit7<i I�11; OFFIC� OF THE CI'i`Y COUNCIL Bob Long Date: May 4, 1989 7ANICE RETTMAN RECEIVED Councilperson. C o m m i tte e R e p o r# MAY � �!-1989 To: Saint Paul City Council CITY Cl.tKt� From : Community and Human Services Committee Janice Rettman, Chair A meeting of the Community and Human Services Committee wa� held on Wednesday, May 3, 1989. 1. Approval of Minutes of April 19, 1989. Minutes approved on 3-0 vote. 2. City Council Agenda 10/20/89, Item No. 3: First Reading - 88-1674 - An ordinance amending Chapters 409 and 410 revising and updating various provisions of the Saint Paul Legislative code regulating the sale of alchoholic beverages and the conduct of licensed establishments. (Referred to Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from December 14, 1988.) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined by Kiki Sonnen.) (Laid over to April 5, 1989.) (Laid over to May 3, 1989. Phil Byrne will develop prototypes of matrix ) Recommended for approval of substitute ordinance ur. a 4-0 vote. Phil Byrne will subr�it ordinance to Chair. First reading to be scheduled for May 11, 1989. 3. City Council Agenda 10/27/89, Item No. 5: First Reading - 88-1721 - An ordinance amending Section 409.36(b) of the Saint Legislative Code pertaining to presumptivP penalties for license violations. (For referral to the Community and Human Services Committee.) (Laid over from December 14, 1988 ) (Laid over for four weeks or more, as determined b Kiki Sonnen ) (Laid over to May 3, 1989. Phil Byrne will develop prototypes of matrix.) � Recommended that 88-1721 be withdrawn, oa a 4-0 vote. 4. Presentation of ordinance addressing food inspection crisis situations. Ordinance will be brought directly to the City Clerk's Office for introduction. 5. Presentation of rough draft of new gambling ordinance. ` The Committee recommended for approval, on 4-0 vote, to the City Council the attached ordinance. The first reading should be scheduled for May 11, 1989. CITY HALL ROOM NO. 704 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5289 S�+�46 . . . ..- � � , - , � �,,..., �`��c..� WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINqNGE CANARV - OEP4RTMENT CITy OF AINT PAUL COUflCll (/jj BLUE - MAyOR File NO.- // ��/ __ _ Counci esolution �a �; Presented By '�-��`'t �L.z2X--?if '�� "`----% Referred To � �' Committee: Date ~-�'� Out o Committee By Date WHEREAS April 24 is the lOth Annu 1 orld Day for Laboratory Animais and since it 's the day to bring the i su of laboratory anima) use to the public's a tention; and WHEREAS, the ity's Animai Pound Q ov des dogs and cats to laboratories, where these ani is are experiment d n; and WHEREAS, the pref able fate for l st nd abandoned pet animals at the pound ' is to be united wit a responsible, c ring pet owner; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT SOLVED, th Ci y Council requests the Mayor to direct a 30-day moratori m cortxnenci g n April 24 on the sale, transfer, requisition or gift of an animal u de the City's possession or control to any medical and/or product esting la ratory or their agents or representatives; and BE 1T FURTHER RESOLVED, the Cou cil re uests the Mayor direct the animal pound officers and the cable TV f ce s to imptement and broadcast a weekiv cable TV program showing all lost d bandoned animals currentiy at the pound with instructions for pet own rs on how to reciaim their pet anima) and with instructions for people in sted in adopting a lost or abandoned animal . \ COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond LO1� In Favor Goswitz Rettman s�he�b�i _ Against By Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary gy gy, A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY — BY _` _ I . . '.:'� - � '� ,^ 1 sT.a� �.,�, .. J : WHITE — CITK�LERK � s. , �•V ��.�:�. � . � �. � ' . C011I1Cl1 .. � � . .__ ,t"�..-..___. • PINK — FINANCE �G I,TY OF I N�T PAU�L� .�� .,,��JJIr � CANARV — DEPARTMENT BLUE — MAYOR File NO• Council e�olution �'.. � � : Presented By _- -„-''J .. �,�r .��, � - .- , ; �:' ,. - t y/�Referred To �t` ' ` � ``-'"' ' ° ' ` � Committee: Date � �'� '. � � Out of Committee By Date �tt�',�+F��-� v,pr t t f� i G *_#� 1 iJ±:t� ��rt+ r i�� C���� t�c�r i.�ar��t�ry !?n i r��� �rid �i t�� i* .,i m *_.h� ��.�� �t� �r��n+a �:f+,e t. ue ci� I��r��tt�r�!� artit�f ��� �t� ttr� Ly.tt�t i C�'� 3�t;�.'t1L f�'!s i�r'� �tE k?E��, tt� �,�+.v'� �r�i rria t �uc�t � -�e�i � r�cx� �tf ca�� tv t�.iar��c�r i es, W�'i"�" �fi'If'�@ c'�R�'i�'i�a c�'!"C :'':C�C�ill�t�l'� S �t'!!� . � , 4tl�lE��r4�,� �he pref�r�r i� ��te !'c�� i � as� �bar�� pet �i a�1� �t �...#�� p� i� to �e +m i t+ed �r i��a � r�sP�tm�i t�l� r i nar �t +t�mer t , ,� #�1, 'it�t��C�. k� !x `1�5t�t.i��G. t . � �:., t'�..,txt�c i t �•eqf.te�t� th� M��{t�t� �.r� �i rec�t� a 3u-d�e� �-a�Cor c�r�: nu �,�n �,#�r t i �4 c�r� �#�.Y�€�1�. tr�sf�r. r��.t i�i t i� e�r� c�i f�t of a�►. ��ir�a i � �r tlr� t;t*�s'� �s�s�s�i c� ��r �:*art�rc�l tt� ar►�f �di ca i t�rr€�ie�r �rs�#; e�t i , t rr�t�ry tx �t r �n�� tar r�sres�nC�t i�f��: �u�d , B� !T F��!1'�t� €7�'�JLVE�1. tt'� {w � i ��� �..� Me�+vr tiir�ct �he �n�t�l c�v�f�c? ca�i'#cer� �ci �he �t•i� T+� �� ^� t.r. i wP!emer�t a�.# t��c�ei���t � ���c i v - ��D i e i'�r prc�cpra�i �h�+�r i nq �i 1 1��t ��n� an#ta�i s c�r���y �� t#�e Pc�+�t rr f±h �r���r-t�ct:i t�m� f�n' �t- � ^ro t�eae t� rer�i s ir� tt�i r r�t �im�� ;�r►d �r i th �n��t`t�c:'E�i c�rsa r�r R�°�i 1� ti�: ��t�c9 i►� �bRt ina � 1 c��t 4r �ttt�t�r'►e� � � t�fi F t�3 t. l a ;: , COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Depactment of: ` � Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Fa or Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel Again t y Sonnen Wilson � Form Appioved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� Approved by Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By ��� � � � �� �5� �, Ma 9 1989 �/1� '"�� y ' RECEIVED City Council MAY 121JV9 City Clerks Office CITY CLER�". Room 386 15 W. Kellogg Blvd . St . Paul , MN 55102 Dear Council Members , I am writing in regards to y ur animal control facility in St . Paul . I strongly urge and e ommend that you pass the one year moratorium commencing the sale , t ansfer , requisition or gift of any animal under the city ' s pos e sion or control to any medical and/or product--testing laborato y I feel that all animals (PETS) that are not reclaimed by the o n r should be put up for adoption or humanely euthanized . Let me s ate that from Title 9A 1 . 1 (11 ) , ' euthansia ' means the humane dest uction of an animal accomplished by a method which produces inst n aneous unconsciousness and immediate death without visible e idence of pain or distress . Not only do I feel our PETS should no be a product of vivisection , but must be euthanized humanely . hi can only be done properly by a veterinarian . Mr . Fritz and his taff at the present time , are per- forming this procedure at the St . Paul Pound . The 'distress ' portion of th s law is violated in this case . The fear and pain the animal i e periencing is not INVISIBLE. I understand that Mr . Fritz and is staff inject through the chest cavity directly into the heart . his has been known to cause great anony , pain , discomfort and di tr ss ! I am writing to express n t nly my feeling on all pets but also because I have had a pers na experience dealing with the St . Paul Pound regarding my lost p t . This by the way , is why I 'm now a member of MN Pet Owners Asso ia ion . On August 25 , 1987 I lost my cat . I searched and searched for him . I called the St . Paul Po nd giving the exact description of my cat . The pound employee to d e that they had no such cat come unto the premises . Naively , f gu ing I should be able to believe this city employee and I did . I felt that I had done ev ey hing to find my missing cat . Later when I got home after my co tinuous search and posting signs , there was my cat ! My sister-i -1 w had rescued my cat from this same facility , that over the p on said no such cat had been admitted into their pound . My sister-i -law had gone personally to the pound and he was indeed there . Let e remind you , I had called and was told he was not there . They assure e of this on the phone . My cat is not a cat that fits every desc i tion of a missing cat . He ' s all white with one green eye and o e blue eye . How many cats fit this description? The St . Paul Pou d should have encouraged me to come . . �� �_��l in person if this was going to be th case , but they didn ' t ! My cat is very distinguishable , yet I ca le and look at how poorly this was handled . How about the cats that fi a description to any missing cat? Black cat w/grn . eyes , Brow c t w/lite green eyes , orange tabby w/ gold eyes , etc , etc . Do these ci y employees encourage a personal visit? The answer is "NO" ! ! Sin e hey feel all of the public must be accompanied by a warden , they 0 OT encourage a visit . How many innocent animals ar s bjected to vivisection because an owner was not encouraged or didn ' k ow any better to go directly to the pound in search of their pet . If they told me they didn ' t have my cat , but indeed they did , well I ertainly don ' t want my tax monies going to such a poorly ran operat o . This really angers me that my hard earned tax dollar is support ' n this place . They even charged $28 . 50 because they said he wasn ' acinated against rabies , when indeed he was . I went back there with h' s vaccination certificate from my vet . I also inquired to them why d ' dn ' t I get a phone call from them telling me they had my cat . He h d on an I . D, tag that stated my phone number on the tag and it was also h nd written S times on the inside of his collar that they did in fact e ove ! I found out that the St . Paul Pound had set up a live trap to t a racoons . Accidently , my cat went into it . The pound then took my ca , yet never contacted me . There is NO LEASH LAW FOR CATS ! ! ! My neig b r , who ' s house where the trap was placed , likes my cat . He is welcom in his yard anytime , my cat stays home , but sometimes he ' ll go over t the neighbors for a visit on his mouse patrol . I am a tax-paying citizen f om St . Paul that really wants to see our city follow suit with Minnea ol s and have a responsible pound . Please vote "YES" and pass the o e ear moratorium . We also need an appropriate adoption program. L ts educate the public about the differences practiced at the pou d ompared to the Humane Society where pets aren ' t shipped off to re earch or euthanized inhumanely . Lets stop building bankrupt shop in complexes and put some $ ' s into living and feeling creatures tha w (manjhave domesticated . Sincerely , <;,//��� Jill E. Hellenberg