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�lrar�fex ba� c� funding trtm a pro3ect to a new project.
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MAR 1,4 i989 MAR 21989 - ��as oFFic�
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MAYOr�s oFficE o�icf oF rH CITY ATTOR�IEY . :
- DIREC OR � BUDGET t3f'r��E
rmn�rwo�ost�r,�efui,a�onnnrr,r�w,b.w�, . , ._ . � : _
A�ng with tt�e revonstruction of the r7ar 1 take Bridge, MnDdr wzll �e�on�truct Marsh�all
' �e. €rcni !Kissi�sinpi Ri�er ts].vd. u� Utis. �arts of �chis oorist�uctial a�e Ci�cy
c3osts am no rur�d�g fo� tYu.s has been }x�d . ; _
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, . withaxt tne c�.ty tur�aing the B�zdg!e oor�tr '11 ncat be able to be awarded.
_ C ;����, ��s�ar�h Cente�
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, 0!n r�nDOT Projects, vP.rtain it� «r x�o!po on of sane a.t-�s «�.st has been tt�e city`$
-restx�nsibility. . .
. �-�,-5�
- Members:
CITY F SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair
,����,,,,, Janice Rettman
inq�i�n , . OFFICE I�' H� CITY COIINOIL Tom Dimond
Date: April 5, 19 9
Co mittee Report ���E�v�a
� . �.P� o �198�
To: Saint Paul City Coun II {;4TY CL�ft�`
From :Public Works, Utili ie , and Transportation
Roger J. Goswitz, h ir
1• Approval of in tes of March 22, 1989.
Hearing Date b
2• DISCUSSION: la tics Ordinance Approved �0
3. 4/11/89 VACATION: Pe it on of the City of Saint Paul for Approved
the vacation of art of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 3-0
2, Cole's R r ngement, which is located east
of I-35E bet ee Juno and Armstrong. Property
is surplus a 11 be sold by sealed bids.
4. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION F SSESSMENTS: for work completed � Approved
summer/fall 98 . For construction of storm 3-0
sewer servic onnections incidental to the
5. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION F SSESSMENTS: for work completed Approved
summer/fall 1 86 For storm sewer service stub 3-0
connections s equested by the property owner
for the ben fi of the SPACE CENTER property
located on P IO AVENUE near University. Part
6. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION 0 A SESSMENTS: for work completed Approved
summer/fall 98 . For improving KASOTA 3-0 � -�
AVENUE/ENERGY PA K DRIVE from 700 feet west of
Snelling Avenu .
For installa io of water main in Kasota '
Avenue/Energy Pa k Drive from 700 feet west of
Snelling Avenu t Raymond Avenue.
� ♦
IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PHASE I on the north side of 3-0
CONCORD from SO feet southeast of Ada Street to
approximately 125.06 feet northwest of State
Street and the south side of Concord Street from
approximately 78.59 feet northwest of George
Street to approximately 362.81 feet southeast of
State Street. To include 14 lantern style
lights and other decorative items as determined
by P.E.D. and the Concord Street Business
Association. Also the operating costs of the
above standard street lighting system from
January thru December, 1989.
8. 4/18/89 FINAL ORDER: Sidewalk reconstruction with Laid Over
integral curb on the North side of W. SEVENTH In
STREET from Smith Avenue to Forbes Avenue; East Committee
side SMITH AVENUE from W. Seventh Street to to
Forbes Avenue, and West side FORBES AVENUE from 4-19-89.
Smith Avenue to W. Seventh Street.
9. RESOLUTION 89-429: Amending C.F. 84-632 adopted Approved
May 17, 1984, and approving St. Paul's 3-0-Revised
ASSESSMENT POLICY regarding construction and Resolution
reconstruction of sidewalks. (Referred to to be sub-
Committee 3/14/89) . mitted.
10. RESOLUTION 89-428: Amending the 1985 CIB Budget Approved
by transferring $341,725.71 from 3-0
Curtice/Mt.Hope/Andrew Project to Residential
Sidewalk Reconstruction. (Referred to Committee
3/14/89) .
11. RESOLUTION 89-446: Amending the 1985 CIB BudgQt Approved
by transferring $68,963.32 from Contingency to 3-0
RAYMOND BRIDGE, Manvel to Energy Park Drive.
(Referred to Co�ittee 3/16/89) .
12. RESOLUTION 89-469: Approving an agreement Approved
between Minnesota Department of Transportation 3-0
and the City covering the cost, maintenance and
operation of a traffic signal installation at
T.H. S (MINNEHAHA) and Forest St. (Referred to
Committee 3/21/89) .
13. RESOLUTION 89-299: Directing proper City Approved
officials to execute Lease Agreement with w/amend. to
Naegele Outdoor Advertising, Inc. for a sign on change lease
property purchased by City from Burlington from 3 to 1
Northern, Inc. west of I-35E and north of Cayuga year.
for storm water ponding. (Laid over in Committee
3/8/89) .
� . ,
_ �-��-��
14. RESOLUTION 9- 09: Authorizing proper City Approved
officials t pprove agreement between MnDOT 3-0
which covers co t, maintenance and operation of
removing a einstalling permanent traffic
signal on .H. 5 at SNELLING & MARSHALL.
(Referred to o ittee 3/23/89) .
15. RESOLUTION 8 -5 0: Authorizing proper City Approved
officials to ex cute agreement to reconstruct 3-0
Soo Line ai road Bridge located at the
intersection f NELLING & MARSHALL. (Referred
to Committee /2 /89) .
16. RESOLii�.ION .89 50 : �aending the 1985 CIB Budget Ap�ved
by adding:$1 ,0 for construction of" MARSHALL 3-0
AVENFfE "''from Mi sissippi River Blvd. to Otis
17. ORDINANCE 88- 00 : Rainleader Disconnect. No further
action needed.
Already apprd.
18. RESOLUTION 8 -3 3 - Plan to phase out certain Laid Over In
water systems. ( id over in Committee 3/8/89) . Committee to
May 3, 1989.
19. RESOLUTION 89 23: - Retaining the law firm of Laid Over in
Larkin, Hoffma , aly and Lindgren, Ltd. as Committee to
special counse t assist in the development of 4-19-89.
the EIS for th i provement of SHEPARD ROAD.
(Referred to C mm ttee 3/30/89) .
20. Other Business