89-494 WMITE - C�TV CLERK COURCII /` /��J 'PINK - F�NANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L CAN�RV - D�'PARTMENT ,y-��7 BLUiE -MAVOR File �0. � Counc ''l Resolution �f � � _ Presented By � . �eferred To � �=��--� Committee: Date � "�`-'� � Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, the Mayor, City Council and de ar ment and office directors have expressed, for various reasons, an interest in changin t a two-year budget process for the operating and maintenance budgets for the City of Sa nt Paul; and WHEREAS, the Budget Office researched e opic, prepared a December 13, 1988 report identifying three options, and obtained fe dback on their preliminary recommendation; and WHEREAS, Mayor George Latimer has consi er d the corrnnents and concerns of interested persons and has fonaarded to the City C un il his February 6, 1989 recorrmendation that beginning in 1990, every other year ( " tail Year") , departments will request, with line-item detail, two-year spending, fi an ing and performance plans. In the other year (the "Planning Year") , emphasis will pl ced on program evaluation and strategic planning. The City Council will conti e o adopt budgets and the tax levy on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, Mayor Latimer has stated four o itions of his recorrHnendation: 1. That Council agree to arti 1 e multi-year policy direction for service delivery changes every oth r ar in the "Budget Goals and Policies" doctunent. 2. That there be a comnitment to intain the approved service delivery plan for the second budget year exc pt for the reasons specified in the Mayor's recomnendation. 3. That when department and o fi e staff conduct internal evaluations of their programs, they submit s ry reports to the Mayor and City Council. �l�o-,- �e"i���1Pr$�����6Bti-iV�3 �£r�e'H�"'@-E}��E��1F!3-3-��^-^�^c�^z�iir"'"'�rii�----- �i�E�'�le'1���0�'-►-�� � ��-2�1s"t���E�15-4���.�.�1.-��'E��.iR�3�Lr-0���.��--- ���f's'f�@�BFr��-�8�i���7- - -�-�'E�3E3�.i-- 4. That the Buckjet Office inv lv budget process participants in a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed pr ess to determine how to refine and improve it during the next five years n w page 1 of 2 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �+ • Dimond (. �,�II��� �� [n Fa or ��� Rettman B �he1be� A ga i n t Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBIISH�D �PK 2 ' l 89 WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAITL Council r�/� `�'!'� CANA�RV - D�PARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � � �� Counc 'l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 'IHEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Sai ul City Council agrees with the four conditions set forth by the Mayor and hereby appr e the attached Mayor's five-year plan for having the City change fram an annual budget ss to a two-year budget process for the operating and maintenance budgets. AND, BE IT RESOLVED that the Council r ts the Mayor to direct the Budget Director to take the lead responsibility for: 1. Designing a computer syste forms/reports needed to implement the proposed two-year budget process. 2. Preparing a training progr ich will instruct staff in new procedures associated with two-year b g ing. 3. Providing staff assistance to he Program Evaluation Task Force that has been requested by City Council. 4. Reporting back to Council cember 31, 1989, on the following issues: A. How the Truth in Tax ti legislation will affect two-year budgeting. B. What changes, if any, w' 1 be needed in the Administrative Code in order to implement two-yea b geting. C. Which departments, o i s and/or funds will participate in the two-year budgeting pilot prog Page 2 of 2 WP:RESOL COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �- �'' ����I �ng _�_ In Favo 6osw;tz Rettman � B �he1�� __ Against Y Sonnen Wilson APR 1 � �90 Form Appro by City ome Adopted by Council: Date A CertiEied Yas e ����Se t BY �� By Appro d by Mavor: Da _ � 4 Appro y Mayor for Sub sia to C ncil By BY pu�u �P R � :� � a r .�'—:/� � ��"R�19�f DEPARTMENTlOFFICEICOUNCIL ' ' DATE INITIATE �� � Bud9et office GREEN SHEET No. CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE � �NITWJ DATE IN111AUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CRY COUNCI Greg ttlees/Barb Renshaw X4140 N� CITYAITORNEY CYTYq.ERK�E MUST BE ON COUNqL A(iENDA BY(DATE) ROUTING FIN.3 MO'T.SERYICE3 DtR. P1arch 7� 1�H9 MAYOR(ORASSIBT TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAaE8 � (G'LIP ALL OC IONS FOR S16NATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: � :,M;� 's' Approval of four resolutions havi g to do with two-year budgeting for operations and maintenance. RECOMMENDATIONS:Apprare(A)a Rs�ct(R) COUNqL 1AM RCH i�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINO COMM18810N _CIVII 3ERVICE COMMISSION ��'Y8T PHONE NO. _qB COMMITTEE _ -3TAFF _ COMMENT8: _DISTRICT OOURT _ SUPPORTS WIi1CH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? INI7UTINCi PROBLEM,IS3UE,OP�RTUNITY(Who,Whet,When,Where,Wh�: Research was completed because o i terest expressed by Mayor, Council and department personnel on two-year bu geting. Mayor has recommended a two- year budget process for the oper ti g and maintenance budgets, which would begir� in 1990 for 1991/1992 , to nh nce the current budget process. Supports Policy B-1B (Two-Year B dg t Planning) in the "1989 Budget Goals and Policies" document. Include a program evaluation component, allowing the City to determine the effici n and effectiveness of programs. ADVANTA(iES IF APPROVED: Will improve the City's ability o plan its fiscal future, will provide a framework for more informed deci i n-making, and make transitions and shifts in programs easier to imp e ent. Obtaining external expertise and advice in determining appropriat rogram evaluation measures, e.g. criteria, standards, procedures, e c. , will help the City to develop a better process for program eval t on. DIBADVANTA(�ES IF APPROVED: Startup workload will be intens f r department staff inembers, Budget Office and City Council. Requi es redesign of computer system and budget forms and instructions. Will r qu re a comprehensive retraining program for approximately 200 employees in olved in annual budget preparation. DISADVANTAOEB IF NOT MPROVED: Less opportunity to fiscally pl n. Less information for decision m ki g. Transitions and program shifts il be more diffi�ult� -to 4 i�1���r�',�•i�vl' Loss of independent, profession l, external expertise. , , ,., :-r.. Loss of opportunity for program e ancement. �.11-',i� u +��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION a S 3 O� O O O �gT�pEVENUE StlDOETED(GRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE � O . Fu �Z�nol Q �t ACTIVITY NUMBER �O/�/ ��L'��Ll06aW' .��'%OI7,) FlNANdAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAIN) O 9DD� IUhPAy�• �/�'� 0 9oao (uJan�s �r�.a�• £�-� . w . , � ` �9 � . . . ��— ,s� .-k'': ' � , _. � . 1 s���'�. CITY OF SAINT PA�UL ��' �:� �o f ��! OFFICE OF 7HE CITY ATTORNEY `%: iii'i'ii'n �= <- m EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY , ,.,. `'`;,�a_, �fi'���� 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR March 7 , 1989 ���EiVE� Mayor George Latimer MU� 07 1°89 Room 347 City Hall fV�A1��J�'� C)�°���� Re: Resolutions for two-year ud eting. Dear Mayor Latimer: I have reviewed the four r s lutions having to do with the two-year budgeting for oper t ' ons and maintenances . I wish to call your attention to th esolutionsmarked "4-A" and "4-B" in which it is stated that th City Council has an intent to establish a five-member prog am evaluation task force to provide initial guidance for establis i g a systematic program evaluation process and requesting that y u submit five names of persons to serve on this committee . I just wish to call your attention to the fact that the commit e itself has not been established and as the resolution reco n' zes , the City Council would at some future date take the requ site legislative action to estab- lish this committee. The C ' ty Council action to establish a committee would also set fo th the purpose of the committee and consistent with the pro is ons of the City Charter, appoint- ments of inembers to the c ttee would be made by the Mayor and subject to the consent o t e City Council . I have approved the form o e four resolutions as being con- sistent with the City' s C a ter and laws. If you have any questions , please feel free o ontact me. Your very truly, J E J . SE ss ' stant City Attorney .cg Encl . cc : Greg Blees , Budget Dir ct r '`_y.. ` 1 � ' ����� . . � _ _ .�- � - �y WM17E - C�TY CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUI�CIl �/���J+ �ANARV - OEPARTMENT GITY OF A NT PAUL File �O. ��- / ' 9LUE - MAVOR - � Council solution � Pr2sented By ' �� ��� � �eferred To Committee: Date � °2`3�/ Out of Committee By Date Wf�REAS, the Mayor, City Council and depar e and office directors have expressed, for various reasons, an interest in changing t a tcvo-year budget process for the operating and maintenance budgets for the City of Sa'nt aul; and WHEREAS, the Budget Office researched the op'c, prepar2d a D�cember 13, 1988 report identifying three options, and obtained fe db ck on their preliminary reco�nendation; and WHEREAS, Mayor George Latimer has consider d e conments and concerns of interested persons and has forwarded to the City Coun il his February 6, 1989 recommendation that beginning in 1990, every other year (the " t il Year"), departments will request, with line-it�m detail, two-yaar_ spending, finan in and perfornlance plans. In the other year (the "Planning Year"), emphasis will be pl ce on program evaluation and strategic planning. The City Council will continue o dopt budgets and the tax levy on an annual basis; and WHEREAS, Mayor Latimer has stated four co i 'ons of his recomnendation: 1. That Council agree to articul te ulti-year policy direction for service deliv2ry changes every other e in the "Budget Goals an� Policies" document. 2. That there be a commitment to 'ntain the approved service delivery plan for the second budget year except fo the reasons specified in the Mayor's reco►�enendation. 3. That wlZen department and offi e taff conduct internal evaluations of their programs, they submit sumnary re rts to the �Iayor and City Council. ��— T�-��a 4. . That the Budget Office involv b dg�t process participants in a comprehensive evaluation of the proposed pr e s to determine how to refine and improve it during the next five years; n w page 1 of 2 � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond !-},���/ v���� ��g Tn Favor G�switz n Rettman `�� Scheihet __ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Ceriified Passed by Council Secretary BY By- Approved by Mavor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council o.. Rv �. - ' . . . .. . � . . . ......_.�..... . ._ . ... .. . ......�...� �.�.�..._...V..�.✓..�C.?wi..S . . . .;+... . . . �. .. _ . . . ..'� .... , " ��-. � s�i . � _.�'�.� C ITY OF A NT PAUL � ._ pc�t2:"ay;0 . . . . '�-==�1`"I OFFICF OF T E ITY COUNCIL Commi e Report Finance Mana ement Personnel Committee APRIL 3, 98 1. Approval of minutes of March 20 meetin . Approved 2. Discussion of Administrative Order fo t Public Reviewed Works Department transferring $41,750 ro an administrative contingency account to p opriate data processing hardware and software ac unts. 3. Resolution 89-229 - approving Wage an B nefit Policy Approved as amended for non-represented management person el (Referred from Council February 16, laid over M rc 20) 4. Resolution 89-353 - amending the 1989 bu get by Approved adding $132,456 to the Financing and pe ding Plans for Police and Mankato State Universi y o jointly sponsor seminar on Satanic Cults. ( fe red from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 5. Resolution 89-355 - amending the 198 b get by Approved as amended adding $24,640 to the Financing and pe ing Plans for Police Officers Clothing Trust F nd - (Referred from Council March 2, laid ov r March 20) 6. Resolution 89-356 - amending the 198 b dget by Approved as amended adding $24,640 to the Police General Fu d - Clothing Allowance. (Referred from ou cil March 2, laid over March 20 ) 7. Resolution 89-427 - amending the 19 dget by Approved adding $27,750 to the Financing and p ding Plans for St. Paul Police Fmployee Assist c Program. (Referred from Council March 14 . Resol�t'ion $5��94 - aPProvi�•nn f;iv -y "r pT�t hat�.ng , A� °�.x ' '�hd�d the City .�l�a�ge_from ,an annual, w� �,p a two- � year butlget_process for the operati g nd mainten�nce �ts. ' �e€erred frae Council Ma ch 23) CITY HALL S VE TH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �w 46