89-493 WNITE - CITY CLERK t PINK - FINANCE COURCII //J� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. • ���� - unci esolution f ��`� Presented B � �� eferr � ��' Committee: Date -1 `�`� �J Out of Committee By Date WI�2EAS, tY�e Mayor reccnmerx3.s that the City o int Paul join with the City of Minneapolis to support the 'It,v�n City Area L�bor Mar�age�nt C ttee (�,C) , and WHEREAS, Saint Paul will benefit frcan an as ' ia ion with the 7'CALl�C by partaking of the sezvices the Cca�enittee offers (e.g., educatiarial confe e, newsletters, carisultant services, facilitators, etc.) , and WHERE'AS, the Mayor, pursuant to Section 10.07 4 f the City Charter recam�nds the follawing transf�rs for th�e 1989 General Fund budgetz � Ctirrent Amer�d.ed Z�,ANSF�',R FRpNI: Budget Changes Budget G�Z�L aCti�E�RI�I�9ENI' ACCOiJNi'S ------------ ------------ ------------ 0906Q cbntingent Reserve- General 09060-0537 Operating Transfer Out 13,426 (5,000) 8,426 ---------- Zbtal (5,000) 'I'RAl�F'ER TO: F,XECUTIVE ADMIIVISTRATION Personnel Office 00161 Labor Relations 00161-0299 Miscellaneaus Contracted Servi es 0 5,000 5,000 Atl Other Personnel Off ice Spending 1,851,353 0 1,851,353 ---------- ---------- - 'Potal 1,851,353 5,000 1,856,353 'I'OTAL GEI�2AL� F'[TrD 123,907,698 0 123,907,698 NET CHA� 0 Therefore, be it RE.90LVID, that the City il appraves tl�ese changes to the 1989 budget. Approval Recamie,nded: --- --- , �-`--��t��'��--- Budget Dir�tor COUNCIL MEMBERS Reque e artment of: Yeas Nays rsonnel Of 1 Dimond �� � [n Favor • �r- _ � scne;�� � Against ��`.y`-�-�-��� �ewne�r Wilson y� fW 1 2 J � Form Appro ed City t rn Adopted by Council: Date Certified P� •sed by Council Secretary BY �� . � � By �] ' Approv d � Mav : �'!AY 2� Appro d May r ubmis 'on to Council B� '" �1--�'� POBUSti� J u��� �<; 1 8. . ; . , (��,..��3 DEPARTM�IT�FFlCFJWUItlqL DATE INITIA D Of i e o Pe sonne & Labor Relatio S 3-3 s GREEN SHEET NO. 3N4 3 � CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY COUNqL Ra f ae 1 V i s c a s i 11 a s � cm�noRNev �arv c�RK , MUBT BE ON COUNqI AOENDA BY(DA1'� pOUTINO D(iET DIRECTOR �FIN.d MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(OR A8S18TMIT) � TOTAL�l OF SIGNATURE PAQE8 � (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR SIGNATUR� ACTION REQUESTED: City of Saint Paul join with the City of in eapolis to support the Twin City Area Labor- Management Committee (TCALMC) by transfer in $5,000 to this Association. RECOMMENDATtONS:Approve(A)or Reject(R) COUNCIL M EE/RESEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL —PLANNINQ COMMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��Y� P � _CIB COMMITTEE _ —STA� _ �""ME"�: MAR OB 1989 —a������ _ SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 �� r � �1 � �������� B f�'9 INITIATINCi PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNfTY(Who,What,When,Where,Wh»: One of the drawbacks to the TCALMC reachi i s full potential fostering Labor-Management cooperation has been the constant focus �n fu ding,Eontributions of this nature will be used to leverage other organizations and u it o� government. RECEIVED MAR 0 91989 ADVANTAGES IF APPFiOVED: 1 . See attached 2. 17 minute film entitled "Build Minneso a" is recommended far viewing in relation to this request. DISADVANTAQEB IF APPROVED: ��C G�V� Expenditure of $5,000. Pri�art 6 'I� �;;,��ET t"lEFICE DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: l . Saint Paul will not be perceived as pa o the leadership in support of TCALMC. 2. Focus of TCALMC will continue to be on un -raising rather than on accomplishing its primary mission of fostering Labor- an gement cooperation. C�t;n��l �ese�rch Center fv11�R 1� ';��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = S,OOO. T/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINa SOURCE 09060 - General Fund IVITY NUMBER 0537 FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) . . . . ��- �.� COUNCIL DO TED 1989 BUDGET GENERAL CONTI GE T RESERVE (09060-0537) as o F bruary 28, 1989 C un il Changes/Transfers Aop ed ------------------------------- 98 Council B dg t File Date Amount Available --- -- --- --------- ------- ------------ ------------ Beginning Balance 06 000 Human Rights Director Search 89-125 1/26/89 <29,800) D.A.R.E. Grant Match (Police) 89-63 1/10/89 (21,000) Helping Hand Strategic Planning Increase pending (12,200) Mpls/St. Paul House Tour Promotion withdrawn 2/2/89 0 EFS Rental Assistance Contract pending (33,000) HIO Automation pending (54,089) Police License Clerk pending (32,062) Park's Rec Center Dir Fringes pending (6,923) Feasibility Study: On site Child Care pending (3,500) Contribution to Twin City Area Labor Management Committee (TCALMC) pending (5,000) --- -- ---- ------------ ------------ Ending Balance 06 000 (197,574) 8,426 pending - Pending action by the Finance Co it ee or identified but not yet submitted by the department. withdrawn - Request withdrawn before counci a tion OMBS/Jeanetta, Kline 700/GRESRV89.wk1 2/28/89 . . . �= �9-�93 S j GTY F AINT PAUL INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM i T0: George Latimer� Mayor City of Saint Paul FROM: Mark Robertson, Assistant Direc or of Personnel�� Office of Personnel and Labor R la ions DATE: January 18, 1989 �: Justification for Approval of $ 00 .00 Expenditure for TCALMC Please find below a summary of the ma� r ctivities of the 1�iin city Area Labor-Management Committee: The TCALMC assists at least four busin ss s and labor organizations per year to form in-house Labor-Management Committ s ith a view to having them grow into functioning committees. Conducts at least one ma3or education c nf rence annually for approximately 350 + participants inviting nationally known pe kers� in a continuing effort to foster dialogue between labor and management. In 1988 the Conference was held in Saint Paul. It may again be held in Saint Pa 1 n 1989. Publishes a bi-monthly newsletter with nf rmation related to labor-management ; cooperation with a distribution of 750. Conducts three quarterly membership mee in s which include programs and topics relating to labor-management cooperatio a d issues. Is available on a individual basis as a re ource to provide information and consultive services as requested regard ng the fostering of labor-management cooperation. Monitors and acts as a clearinghouse fo ,i entification of Labor-Management Committees in the greater �in City are . Co-sponsors workshops with other organi ti ns on curnent union and management issues. Organizations involved are: U f , AFL-CIO, and MN Vocational Institute. Coordinate activities relating to Employ e ssistance. Co-sponsors workshops and provides assistance to those companies a d ions who �rish to set up such programs. Maintains a Facilitator Resource Center or facilitators and group leaders to '• eachange information and share ideas abo t abor-management. cc: Rafael Viscasillas � , - . � � � ��� _��3 City of Saint Paul � INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM Of ice of Personnel and Labor Relations Telephone - 298-4221 T0: Chris Cloutier Mayor's Office FR: Mark Robertson �N Office of Personnel and Labor Re at ons DATE: February 7, 1989 RE: TCALMC February 9, 1989 The meeting with Betty Bednarczyk and D n auer will have, I believe, two objectives when they meet with Mayors ti er and Frazer. They are: 1. Commitment - The primary objective f he meeting will be to get a firm commitment from all parties to work tow rd the success of TCllrIC. I expect that the discussion will be in terms of pers na commitment, but suggestions of what direction and/or programs should be off re by the organization to best serve present and future members will also be di cussed. 2. Resources - One of the drawbac o TC LMC reaching its fu st potential has been the constant focus on nding. secondary agenda will herefore be to reach a consensus by both ayors to ak a contribution of $5000. on behalf of their respective cities f r 1989, an g t their support for a dues contribution increase o,f $1 0.00 per ye r ( 100� increase but the fir t increase since the organiz ion was for d) . These contributions wil be used as "examples" which hopeful y will gene te other contributions whic , with the state grant along with exis ng funding il result in approximate $100,000.00 or the amount necessary to st ngly foc o program offerings 1989. cc: Rafael A. Viscasillas � � - � � ���_�� SECTION V UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS co tinued) � In the discretion of the appo nt ng officer, an appointee in any of the exempt positions herei be ore listed may be paid any of the steps — A through the five y ar rate -- in the Standard Range applicable to the position; p ov ded, however, that if an employee has completed ten years of fu 1- ime service in a position or positions listed above or in p sition or positions in accordance with Section 3 of the Civil S rvi ce Rules, or a combination of service in such positions, he may be ra ted the ten-year salary step; and provided also that if such employee ha c mpleted fifteen years of full-time service as listed above, he m y e granted the fifteen-year step. Provided further, however, th t n appointee to any of the following positions may be paid at any f he steps in the Salary Range: Administrative As istant Affirmative Ac io Director Assistant to t e ayor V Assistant to t e yor VI Administrative Se retary to the Superintendent Budget Directo Chief of Polic City Attorney City Clerk and o issioner of Registration Deputy City Att r y Director, Depa me t of Community Services r Director, Depa me t of Finance & Management Services < �� Director, Depar me t of Planning &`Economic Development Director, Depar me t of Public Works Executive Assis an to the Mayor Fire Chief Labor Relations Di ector Personnel Direc or Issued April, 1987 28 . , - . ... _ . . ._ � -- . . . . .._..... . _.... __ .... _..��......_......._..�...:�� . . . . . I :. � �'��-.��93. . � �' CITY OF S I T PAUL t.c.z�Ii:`ti r TY COUNCIL OFFICE OF rH C Committ e eport Finance Mana ement ersonnei Committee MAY 15, 98 I 1. Approval of minutes of May 1 , 1989 me ti g. Approved 3-0 � i 2. Completion of discussion regarding Ca it 1 Resolution � A•llocation Financing Policies, 1990-1 94 Approved 3-0 � 3. Completion of discussion regarding 19 0 Resolution � Budget Goals and Policies. Approved 3-0 I 4. Discussion of Mayor's mid-year budget su plement Information only � recomrnendations including the followi g: no action required A. Resolution 89-400 - amending the 98 budget Approved 3-0 by adding $45,071 to the Financi� a d Spending Plans for Community Services Depa tm nt Parks and Recreation Building Maintenance. (R ferred from Council March 9) B. Resolution 89-493 - amending he 1989 budget Approved 3-0 by transferring $5,000 from Conti ge t Reserve to Executive Administration Personne 0 fice Labor elations. (Referred from Counci M rch 23) C. Resolution 89-495 and 89-496 a ending the 1989 Approved 3-0 budget by adding $30,000 to the F na cing and Spending Plans from General Fund to Execut ve Administration for the five-year implementation plan ch nging to a two-year budgeting process. (Referred fro C uncil March ,23, laid over April 3) D. Resotution 89-831 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding' $19,215 to the Financing b Sp nding Plans ` for PED Data Processing Hardware un to replace , and add equipment. (Referred fro C uncil May 9) 5. Resolution 89-744 - amending the 1989 bu get by Approved 3-0 addding $1 ,425.84 to the Financing 8 pe ding Plans for Pubiic Works Equipment Services. (R ferred from Council May 2) - CITY HALL SEVENT F OOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 f 4 6. Resolution 89-829 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $50,500 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Community Services Division of Libraries for supply and storage closet in auditorium of St. Anthony Park Branch Library. (Referred from Council May 9) 7. Resolution 89-832 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $16,448 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Police Special Investigations, Narcotics Controi Surveillance Program. (Referred from Councii May 9) 8. Resolution 89-833 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved 3-0 adding $11,200 to the Financing 8 Spending Plans for Police Special Investigations for the purchase of certain investigative equipment. (Referred from Council May 9) � 9. Resolution 89-816 - authorizing severance pay in Approved 3-0 the amount of $4,000 to the estate of Sergeant Michael D. Markuson. (Referred from Council May 4) 10. Resolution 89-764 - approving and ratifying Memorandum Approved 3-0 of Agreement between the Professional Employees Associ- ation. (Referred from Council May 4} 11. Resolution 89-767 - amending Section 8.A. 1 of the Laid over Civil Service Rules pertaining to filling vacancies. indefinitely (Referred from Council May 4) 12. Resolution XX-XXXX - supporting repeal of Section 89, Approved 3-0 Tax Reform Act of 1986. Additional item Reports on budgeted administrative orders were distributed. �; _ �