89-491 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANGE � COUI�Cll CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF S I NT PAU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO• / -- � Counci esolution �� � Presented By �ferred To ���-'����' �✓'������ Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Administrative Re olution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Co pensation Resolution by establishing a s ar range under the 1989 Fire Non-Supervisory S an ard Ranges. RESOLVED, that the Salary P an and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section ID6, Fire No Su ervisory Standard Ranges, thereof, by inserting in proper numerical or er the salary range for Grades 38 and 39 as follows: Fire Grade 38: A B C E F G H 1316.02 1381.82 1450.91 150 .5 1586.66 1650.92 1736.61 1779.50 Fire Grade 39: A B C E F G H 1357.40 1425.27 1496.54 155 .0 1636.56 1702.84 1791.22 1835.46 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the at of pay for the classification of Fire/Arson Investigator to be ch ng d from the rate set forth in Grade 33, Section ID6, to Grade 39, Sectio' I 6, of the Fire Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary P1 n nd Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this re olution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period af er the passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS equested by Departme f: Yeas Nays v�mona OFFICE OF PER ONNE D LABOR RELATIONS �� � In Favor Goswitz Rettman �O B /1�� sche;be� _ Against Y sonnen Wilson APR l 31989 For Approved 'ty Attorney Adopted by CounciL Date � . Certified Pa.s ,by ouncil S ret By gy, 1�.r Approved y � avor. Date j 4 � Approv d May for ubmi ion to Council ` By / PiD81l�}ifD ��j�� � :� �9 9 .. ' , ���_�9i DEPAFlTMENTlOFflCEr00UNpL DATE INITIA Personnel .&�_Labor �:el atTOns 02/17/ 9 GREEN SHEET No. 3 2 9 WNTACT PE E INITIAL/DATE INiTIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNCIL Sheryl L Ri ck Kreyer x4221 � fTy AITORNEY �GTY CLEqK MUST BE ON COUNqL AOENDA BY(DAT� p0U7INO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.6 MOT.SERVICES DIR. MAYOR(Wi ABSISTANT) � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAGES 1 (d.IP ALL A IONS FOR SIONATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: -Establish the rate of pay for the title Fi e/ rson Investigator (formerly Fire Investigator) in Grade 39 of the Fire Non-Supervisory St nd rd Ranaes. -Amend Section ID6 in the Salary Plan and R te of Compensation Resolution to include the salar ran e for Grades 38 and 39. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approve(/U a Reject(R) CpUNCIL MI EE/REBEARCH REPORT OPTIONAL —PLANNINO COMMISSI�1 _CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS810M ANALY3T PHONE NO. —CIB COMMITTEE _ —STAFF _ COMMENTS: C�I 9 i 5" _DISTRICT COURT _ �f Y+D SUPPORTS WHICH COUNql08JECTIVE? RECEIVEQ MAR O� '��.,Q v INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What,WMn,Whero,�,,: MAR � 0 1°89 REC See attached. �� ��` � �������� �a�oas o�����EB 2 3 1989 BUDG�p,FF10E ADVANTAOES IF APPHOVED: 1. Re-establishes internal pay equity bas d n QES ev�luation. The oosition is currently 16.03% below the City's Pay Equity Lin . f 2. Restores the Fire Department's ability to ttract and retain employees in this positi,on. Dt3ADVANTAf3ES IF APPROVED: • Increasing the oresent two incumbents from Fi Non-Supervisory Grade 37 to Grade 39 will represent an increased annual averahe cost e position of $2,802.67. The total increased annual cost for a full year would be $5,60 .3 for the two positions. See attached for additional cost breakdown. DI8ADVANTAQEB IF NOT APPROVED: New incumbents in the Fire/Arson Investigat r lass will be paid less than fire Captain, eve though the Fire/Arson Investigator class re ui es two years as a Captain as a prerenuisite. The department will have difficulties attra ti g and retaininq individuals in this position. Gow:Y'CfI ��@�earch Center t��AR �� i��9 TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION = 4'�2�3.99 i f i mpl ement d T�NUe suooereo�c��oNe� ves NO Apri1 1, 1989. FUNDING SOURCE CTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFOHMATION:(EXPWN) . ' , � �,�G"�9/ Fire/ rs n Investigator Initiatin Problem Issue 0 rt nit : This action results from an ag ee ent between the City and Fire Fighters Local #21 to study th F re Investigator class as a condition of signing of the 19 8 argaining agreement. The Fire Investigator class was studied du ing the 1984 Compensation Study and the consultants recommended a ec ease in pay from Fire Grade 37 to Grade 33. Presently, all inc be ts are paid in Grade 37. The result of the most recent �ob tu found significant changes in the Fire Investigator job. Recent ch ges in laws pertaining to fire investigation have forced the ir Department to drastically change the responsibilities of the Fi �e I vestigator position. The positions have moved from the ire Prevention Unit to the Fire Suppression Unit, which places he incumbents directly at live fire scenes. The Fire Investigator, no , has complete control of the fire scene from the time of fire sup re sion. In addition, the department is requiring that the incumbent t ke additional formal training in fire and arson investigation, a d hat they become certified arson investigators. These are some f he changes that have affected this recommendation. Additional Cost Breakdown: Biweekly Grade 37 Gr de 39 Additional Cost Incumbent #1 $1723.66 $1 35.46 $111.80 Incumbent #2 $1599.05 $1 02.84 103.79 Total A di ional Cost: $215.59 Biweekly Total annual cost: $215.59 x 26 pay periods = $5,6 5. 4/yr. Additional cost in 1989: $215.59 x 19.5 pay periods = $4 20 .99 in 1989 (Estimate based on April l, 198 i plementation) , . , . �_��-��� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Of ic of Personnel and Labor Relations CZa si ication and Compensstion Division 26 City HaI1, Saint Pau1, MN 55102 612-298-4221 T0: Gary Olding, Presiden Fire Fighters Local # 1 FROM: Rick Krey�� Office of Personnel a d bor Relations DATE: December 20, 1988 RE: T�aenty Day Notice It has been determined that the cl ss specification of Fire Investigator should be revised o eflect a clarification of duties, a revision in title, and a chan e n minimum qualifications. I have attached a copy of the class sp ci ication entitled Fire/Arson Investigator for your review. le se notify me within twenty days of receipt of this memo, if you wi o discuss these changes. If I do not hear from you within that t e rame, I will assume agreement and will proceed with the process. I will also be processing a res lu ion to increase the rate of pay for Fire/Arson Investigator fro ' Fi e Grade 33 to Grade 39. I hereby waive the time remainin o this 20 day notice for the purpose of revising this class s ec fication. Gary Olding Date � � . • � C� ��-�qi •y : � CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPART E TAL MEMORANDUM �.,��� ; ' i;}',�i TO: Councilmember Robert Long, Ch ir Fi ance, Management and Personnel Committee � FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director �! � : 1„-�.�.,�� DATE: March 2, 1989 � RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Rec m nded Change in Employee Salary Rates ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Fire Ar ln stigator DATED: 2/17/89 ;:Tf�;:::;Regrade Existing Create ew Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs ;;�JC:';;Change in Cos General Fund 4,204 2,018 5,717 1,429 Street Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund Other: Other. Other: TOTALS 4,204 2,018 5,717 1,429 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: >'XXi:;::Salary Reserve In Specified Co�tingency In Gen ral F nd. Money Available In A Vacant Position In Authoriz d B get: Money Available By Underspending Appropriatio s Fo Other Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget For peci Fund Is Attached Other: NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: ;:;;Ff'�j':?:::;:Increase Property Taxes By: $7,14 Increase Street Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For: Other: COMMENTS Two incumbents,one at the 15 year step and the ther t the 5 year step. Assuming an April 1 implementation date and a 2 ne tiated increase Io�1990. Fire/ringe rates are estimated at 48�.b. cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson epartment/Office Director: Steve Conroy Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/FIRINVST 02—Mar-89 � � � ���� �� 18. Resolution 89-490 - establishing he rate of pay for Approved Citizen Service Senior Analyst in th Salary Plan � and Rates of Compensation Resolut on in Grade 10, Section ID3, of the Professional p oyees Non- Supervisory Standard Ranges. (Re er ed from Council March 23) 19. Resolution 89-491 - amending the al y Plan and Appraved Rates of Compensation Resolution or Fire/Arson Investigator in Grade 39 of the F re Non-Supervisory Standard Rat�ges and establishing s lary range under the 1989 Fire Non-Supervisory Sta a Range. Referred from Council March 23) -- --_-_ _ __ _ __ 20. Resolution 89-492 - changing the at of pay for Approved Loans Supervisor in the Salary Pl d Rates of Compensation Resolution in Grade 2, ection ID2. Referred from Council March 23) 21. Resolution 89-92 - amending the 'ti n Reimbursement Laid over two weeks Policy in Section III, H in the Sa ar Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Refe re from Council January 19, laid over January 30) 22. Resolution 89-502 - fulfilling a d g free workplace Approved as outlined. (Referred from Counc 1 arch 23) 23. Report from Personnel Office on st tu of Public Discussed Works Program Coordinator position an others. 24. Discussion of policy issue on empl ym nt interviews Discussed for out-of-town applicants. 25. Resolution 89-467 - authorizing an ag eement with Temporarily withdrawn Briggs & Morgan to provide profess on 1 services to by PED the Department of Planning and Eco om c Development in developing and implementing its le islative program for 1989. (Referred from u cil March 21) - . �� . � _ . . . . _._.... . , ,. ._. u� . ._.. _�.� . . __... . . ....... . . :. .. . . . . ._. _- --�-. . ^ _ � . � � . ,. _:. - . _ -... , _ . _ .,:.: : , �. :;_ , .: GITY- OF- �.A.3NT PAUL , _ 9 1'3'�14:11 . _ .,.. .y � . . .- . ��sf 3;�� : OFFICP�_OF TFiE CITY COUNCIL Committee Report Finance, Management. & Personnel Committee APRIL 3, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of March 20 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of Administrative Order for the Public Reviewed Works Department transferring $41,750 from an administrative contingency account to appropriate data processing hardware and software accounts. 3. Resolution 89-229 - approving Wage and Benefit Policy Approved as amended for non-represented management personnel (Referred from Council February 16, laid over March 20) 4. Resolution 89-353 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $132,456 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police and Mankato State University to jointly sponsor seminar on Satanic Cults. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 5. Resolution 89-355 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $24,640 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Officers Clothing Trust Fund. - (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 6. Resolution 89-356 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $24,640 to the Police General Fund - Clothing Allowance. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20 ) 7. Resolution 89-427 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $27,750 to the Financing and Spending Plans for St. Paul Police Fmployee Assistance Program. (Referred from Council March 14) 8. Resolution 89-494 - approving a five-year plan having Approved as amended the City change from an annual budget process to a two- year budget process for the operating and maintenance budgets. (Referred from Council March 23) CIT'Y HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s.�ae