89-490 WMITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COIIQCII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF I NT PAUL File NO• �� ��� BLUE - MAVOR Council esolution �� �� Presented By eferred To ` t� -��'��� Committee: Date � `"°�� �!^ Out of Committee By Date An Administrative es lution establishing the rate of pay for Citizen Se ice Senior Analyst in the Salary Plan and Ra es of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the rate of p y or the title of Citizen Service Senior Analyst be set at the rate set fo th in Grade 10, Section ID3, of the Professional Employees Non-Superv so y Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that this es lution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period aft r he passage, approval, and publication of this resolution. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond OFF OF PERSONNE AND OR RELATIONS �� in Favor Goswitz Rettman n B Scheibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson APR 1 3 1989 F m Approve 'ty Attorney Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Yas ed b ounci( S etar BY — � gy, � t\ppro by �Navor: at APR 14 Approv d y ay or mi 'on to Council B �g�� APR 2 2 i98 . � � �- y�o Citizen Servi S nior Analyst Disadvantages if Approved: The incumbent is currently holding the nc assified title of "City Information and Complaint Officer" which is paid at Gr e of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges. The new title will be pa d at Grade 10 of the Professional Non-Supervisory Standard Ranges. The difference in pay is as follows: Base 5-Year Grade 10 PEA: $1047.73 biwe kl $1375.46 biweekly Grade 9 SPSO: 1017.70 biwe kl 1340.03 biweekly $ 30.03 biwe kl $ 35.43 biweekly Annual cost to the City at the bas r te - $30.03 x 26 = $780.78 The cost for the remainder of 1989 as uming an effective date of April 1 is estimated to be approximately $586 . . .� �-�����o r � • CITY OF SAINT PAUL O fi e of Personnel and Labor Relatfons C1 ss ication and Compensstion Division 2 City Ha11, Saint Peu1, NN 55102 612-298-4221 T0: Catherine Nelson, Pr si nt Professional Employe s ssociation, Inc. FROM: Sheryl Le�Manager Classification and C p sation Division DATE: January 24, 1989 RE: Z�aenty Day Notice It has been determined that th cl ss specification of Citizen Service Senior Analyst should c eated. I have attached a copy of the class specification for yo r view. Please notify me within twenty days of receipt of this em , if you wish to discuss this action. If I do not hear from ou within that timeframe, I will , assume agreement and will proce d ith the process. I will also be processing a res lu ion establishing the rate of pay for Citizen Service Senior Anal st in Professional Grade 10. I hereby waive the time remaini g n this 20 day notice foz the purpose of creating this class pe ification. Catherine Nelson Date , � . �,�-��-��o ♦ � , ,• •4 's b�� CiTY f AINT PAUL ,. ' '�� INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM - ����1�° 4�`t,' 1,�'� � � TO: Councilmember Robert Long, Ch ir inance, Management and Personnel Committee FROM: Gregory Blees, Budget Director � DATE: March 2, 1989 �� '� ,�' � RE: Estimated Budget Impact for Re m ended Change in Employee Salary Rates ACTION REQUESTED FOR THE JOB TITLE OF: Citize Se 'ce SeniorAnalyst DATED: 2/16/8 Regrade Existing »J��::::::Creat New Authorize Premium Pay ESTIMATED BUDGET IMPACT: CURRENT YEAR NEXT YEAR Salaries Fringes Salaries Fringes Reflecting: Total Costs ;X)C:;::;:Change in C sts GeneralFund 694 174 943 236 Street Maintenance Fund Sewer Service Fund Water Utility Fund Other: Other: Other: TOTALS 694 174 943 236 CURRENT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: �'X;:: Salary Reserve In Specified Contingency In G neral Fund. Money Available In A Vacant Position In Autho ized udget: Money Available By Underspending Appropria ions or Other Non Salary Item(s): Offset By Downgrading Other Positions: Resolution Increasing Current Year Budget Fo Spe ial Fund Is Attached Other: NEXT YEAR FINANCING PLAN: Reduce Service Levels For: �;:;:;:;Increase Property Taxes By: $1,1 9 Increase Street Maintenance Assessments By: Increase Water Rates By: Increase Sewer Rates By: Increase User Charges For: Other: COMMENTS The incumbent holds the trtle"City ln/ormation and omplaint o//icer at grade 9(SPSO)and step G. Assumptions:25�.fi fo�fringe benerts,2�.6 neg iate increase in 1990,April 1 certi/ication date. cc: Sheryl Le,Mary Wandersee,Gary Pederson DepartmentlOffice Director: Leeann Turchin Prepared by Saint Paul Budget Office(Kline) 046/CSSENIOR 02-Mar-89 r . �/'�-y�� DEP NGL DATE INITIATED Personnel & Labor Rel ati ons 02/16/89 GREEN SHEET NO. 3 2 8 CONTACT PERSON 6 NE INITIAU DATE INITIAUDATE � EPARTMENT DIRECTOR �CITY COUNpL S he ryl Le�x4221 Nu�Fon ITY AITORNEY �CITY CLERK MUST BE ON COUNGL A(iENDA BY(DAl'� ROUTING UDOET DIRECTOR �FIN.&MOT.8ERVICES DIR. YOR(OR A8313TANn � TOTAL#�OF 81GNATURE PAOES 1 (CLIP ALL L A NS FOR 81GNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED: Establishing the rate of pay for the new ti le "Citizen Service Senior Analyst. " RECOMMENDATIONH:Apprare(Iq w Reject(R) COUNCIL I E/RESEARCH i�PORT OPTIONAL _PLANNINCi COUAM13810N _CIVIL$ERVICE COMM18910N ��YBT PHONE t�. _CIB COMMITTEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENT8: _DISTRICT COURT _ 8UPPORTS WHICH COUNGL OBJECTiVE4 INITL4TIN0 PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(1Nho,What,When,Where,Why): This title was established as a result �f t e eor�anization of the Information and Complaint Office and the establishment of the Citizen Se vice Pro�ram. ADVANTAOE3 IF APPROVEO: This is a single-incumbent title. This tit e ill function as a lead worker over Citizen Service Analyst(s) , clerical staff, and int rn , in the Information and Complaint Office. DISADVANTAOES IF APPHOVED: See attached. RECEIVED M AR 101989 RECEivEo �nnYOas oFFic�E � DISADVANTIU�ES IF NOT APPROVED: Implementation of the reorganization will n t e co.mplete. Employeg����t����ice wi�(1 continue to be paid and classified inapprop ia ly. ���"r�1 Re�e�rch Center i�IAR 1 J i��� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i COSt 0'F �SHC d1111Ud��y gT/REVENUE BUDQETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE CTIVITY NUMBER FlNANqAL INFORMATION:(IXPWI� ,� � "°��. 18. Resoiution 89-490 - establishing t te of pay for Approved Citizen Service Senior Analyst in e alary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resoluti Grade 10, Section ID3, of the Professional 1 ees Non- Supervise�y Standard Ranges. (Ref rr from Council March 23) 19. Resolution 89-491 - amending the S la y Plan and Approved Rates of Compensation Resolution f r ire/Arson Investigator in Grade 39 of the Fi e on-Supervisory Standard Ranges and establishing a sa ary range under the 1989 Fire Non-Supervisory Stan ar Range. (Referred from Council March 23) 20. Resolution 89-492 - changing the r te of pay for Approved Loans Supervisor in the Salary Pla a Rates of Compensation Resolution in Grade 4 , ection ID2. Referred from Council March 23) 21. Resolution 89-92 - amending the 'I1i'ti n Reimbursement Laid over two weeks Policy in Section III, H in the Sa ar Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Refe re from Council January 19, laid over January 30) 22. Resolution 89-502 - fulfilling a d g free workplace Approved as outlined. (Referred from Counc'1 arch 23) 23. Report from Personnel Office on st tu of Public Discussed Works Program Coordinator position an others. 24. Discussion of policy issue on empl ym nt interviews Discussed for out-of-town applicants. 25. Resolution 89-467 - authorizing an ag eement with Tempararily withdrawn Briggs & Morgan to provide profess'on 1 services to by PED the Department of Planning and Eco om'c Development in developing and implementing its le islative program for 1989. (Referred from ou cil March 21) . . . . ... . _ ....... .. _ . ._... . _ . _ . • - � _. . . . .. .._... . . ... . . :.,_. � _ _. . . _�_. _._..._.:.�_.,,r ' � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � *,it$�i � s� � '�' � OFFICE OF 'PF[F. CITY COUNCIL Committee Report Finance. Manaqement. & Personnei Committee APRIL 3, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of March 20 meeting. Approved 2. Discussion of Administrative Order for the Public Reviewed Works Department transferring $41,750 from an administrative contingency account to appropriate data processing hardware and software accounts. 3. Resolution 89-229 - approvi.ng Wage and Benefit Policy Approved as amended for non-represented management personnel (Referred from Council February 16, laid over March 20) 4. Resolution 89-353 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $132,456 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police and Mankato State University to jointly sponsor seminar on Satanic Cults. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 5. Resolution 89-355 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $24,640 to the Financing and Spending Plans for Police Officers Clothing Trust Fund. - (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20) 6. Resolution 89-356 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $24,640 to the Police General Fund - Clothing Allowance. (Referred from Council March 2, laid over March 20 ) 7. Resolution 89-427 - amending the 1989 budget by Approved adding $27,750 to the Financing and Spending Plans for St. Paul Police Employee Assistance Program. (Referred from Council March 14) 8. Resolution 89-494 - approving a five-year plan having Approved as amended the City change from an annual budget process to a two- year budget process for the operating and maintenance budgets. (Referred from Council March 23) CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 8�p�4a