89-475 35 � .�__. City of St.Paul COLJNCIL FILE 1�10. ° ry�`� r` FINAL ORDER IN B f, a--„ , � .% ,�. •; ,.,_� � ;;, j �;,., �,�'r CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS , '� e No. 1�546-�5 In the Matter of tfotin� Ward S i 6 CoaAe�nfng aAd tai�i�� a�n �ase ea is tb• �aad nec�essary for the slop�a. eats aad fille, in�lttd a th� rigbt c+f removal at laeeral snpport iro■ th� sabject iaa� r r�auinder tlaezeaf oaesstoaed by eoastractien ot s � opes � e sssr� for atreet anc� �ra1k reeonstructio� oa Marylrnd A a t from 200 finet �r4st of Jesa�ie S�.reet to 200 fset �a�rt of J s ie Stre�t and om Jessie 8tr�et tro� 20� fRet south to 1Qt3 le+� �rtA a! Marqlaad Av�nae. under Administrative Order "`� approved "� under Preliminary Order ��— °�� approved � ` �� �/ A public hearing having been had upon the bo improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative her to, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Sai t Paul hereby orders said 'unprovement to be made R�S�c�'�����'��et�on�k �l�Ce�x�sx�xxa�g�e�xf�x�io�axi���t�ox�ac �x�na�c�snh�xxac�x�as��s�ao�x�e�x��t a� ��i0qx�ao�fi�cxi�t��t��me��ma�� a�c�o�tack�a�tadssxad#�a�n[��aat�c�� ' xai xa�x���������s�n��a�icac FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereb det rmines that the estate requited Wr thie improvement be as describ- ed above, and tLat the proper City officers submit rep L to the City Counoil for the pucpoae of the Connail's making an award o[damages for the interest 8�d�d[and determi tio oP assessments, it any, against the benetited property. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date _�R 2 g �� Yeasfl�,�pnd Nays � ��t� Certified P s d b Cou cil Secretary LOA� R�tt�aan �—In Fav r Schaibel $ounen a Against �Tileon MAR 2 9 �gg9 Mayor P��l"S� �P!� -- � 1989 V&A 1 7 9 ���—�� ORIGINATqR . . , • DA7E TED DATE COIIPIETEp Pub 1 i c Works Depai-tment� 1-6- 9 C71 REEN SHEET NO. ��3 �j 3 Z CO /CCT PERSON DEPARTMENT DIHECTOR MAYOR(OR ASSISTANn Pa u 1 $t. Ma r t i n �S�� Fa�nnce a Maruoer�rrr seav�s ar�croa 2 cm c�AK CON7ACT DEPT. CONTACT p�pNE prp. NUMB F _ ROUTI Ci BUDOETDIRECTOR 1 Council Research Public Works 292-6280 OROE - �.A�E�MLISt be in the City Clerk s Of ice n SUBJECT/DESCHIPTION OF PROJECT/REQUEST: ].gtET than Monday noon, e ruary t . ust e on the Agenda February 7th. Improve MARYLAND AVENUE between Interst te 35E and Payne Avenue by constructing a bituminous overlay, reconstructing the ec ion of Maryland Avenue between 200' West and 200' East of Jessie Street and reco st uct JESSIE STREET from 200' South and 100' North o� Maryland Avenue. Also, t ke slopes in vicinity of Maryland and Jessie RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)a Reject(H)) COUNCIL ES H REPONT: • PLANNM6 COMMISSIqJ CIViL SERVICE COMMISSION DATE IN DATE OUT ANALVST PHONE NO. ZONINO COMMISSION ISO 82S$Ci1001.BpARO � �_STAFF _ CHAHTEH COMMISSION PL AS IS -ADD'L INFO.ADDED* _O�A DL INFp.*� _FEC EDB�ACKEADDED* DISTHICT COUNCII *E%PIANA ION: � SUPPORTS WMICM CAUNCII OB.IECTNE9 Safer and better neighborhoods. INITIATINO PROBLEM.138U&OPPORTUNITY(WFa,Whet,When,Where,WhYI: This project was proposed by the Departme t Public Works as a continuation of roadway improvements along Maryland Avenue. This pr 'ect will improve the currently existing poor rideability throughout the project. Also, th poor sighting distance at the Maryland Avenue and Jessie Street intersection will be im rov d to comply with the sighting distance standard. JUSTiFICATION(Cod/Benefib�Advantages.Resulta�: The bituminous overlay of Maryland Avenue il restore roadway rideability and roadway aesthetics. The reconstruction and loweri g f the Maryland Avenue and Jessie Street intersection will improve vehicle sighting di tance resulting in improved safety. CONSEGUENCES(What,When,arW To Whom): During reconstruction of the Maryland Aven e nd Jessie Street intersection, the roadway will be closed to through traffic. Adequa e etour will be provided. During the bituminous overlay phase, limited traffic lane usage il be provided. Three to four trees will be removed as part of the project. They will be replaced with smaller trees. ALTERNATNES: C�IS Intersection not safe and Do nothing. S ves money. roadway continues to deteriorate at accelerate N neighborhood rate. disturbance. Reconstruct and widen Maryland Avenue. S fer. Residents oppose, costs m r lpSTORY/PRECEDENTS: d�ld t raff i c de 1 ays. Follows standard operating procedures. �csn�issues: . . . G� �-��� ' � Members: � CITY O AINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair Janice Rettman ����������� OFFICP O HE CITY COIINOIL ����������; . Tom Dimond Date: March 8, 19 9 Co m ttee Report ��cE���,� To: Saint Paul Cit Coun I il �'���1 . Y ��rY C 98g From :Public Works, Utili ie , and Transportation E�� Committee Roger J. Goswitz, air The Public Works Commi:�:tee at ts meeting of March 8, 1989, took the following action: 1, Approval of minute o February 22, 1989. Hearing Date COMMITTEE �' OLE ITEM �2 ONLY . 2, Ayd Mill Road Disc ss on - 1/2 hour. Laid over in c�o�i��ee to 3, DISCUSSION: 35-E a d -94 from Marion to Robert Street. 3a22_89er to 4, DZSCUSSION: Robert St eet Bridge. ' Laid over to.. -3-22-89 - 5. 3/21/89 ' FIN14�' . �: `' t �LAl�~�°�`lME�Ct���ir���t�+�� 35 a�f . '��e Pay�ie l�v��t�ue and SS E STREET from 200 feet south of Maryland �,�}� to 100 feet north f aryland. � c,�vatat �� .�;f;� ;��,�j�� ��t,-the land necessarq for � �° �, inp�g, �,� an I7.s ` for, reconstruction of street and , sidewalk�""`�'C1ti Mar a from 200 f.eet west o€ JQSSie Str�et to 200 fe�'t ''eas�t of es ie Str.aa#� :+snd a� Jesaie Street from . 200 feet southa�v 1Bfl fe t north of Maryland Avenue. 6. 3/Zl/89 RATIFICATION OF AS ESSMENTS: For construction of sanitary Approved sewer in IDAHO AV NUE from Arundel Street to Cumberland 3-0 Street. Also for sa itary sewer connections. 7. 3/21/89 RATIFICATION OF IAS ESSMENTS: For construction of sanitary Approved sewer in COTTAGE VE UE from Dale Street to the east 190 feet. 3-0 8. 3/21/89 FINAL ORDER: Im ro ing PALACE AVENUE from Lexington Parkway Update to approximately 00 feet east of Lexington Parkway by grading and paving, c ns ructing concrete curb and gutter and constructing a sa it ry sewer. Also, constructing sanitary service connectio s. Constructing a water service connection � from the temporar w ter main in Palace Avenue. Acquiring easemen s or slope construction in the grading and paving of Palace ve ue. (continued) ' CITY HALL SEVENTH LO R SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 aa • _ �/� C�G�� y s ���_�� ST. PAUL ITY C�UNCIL PUBLIC H I� RING NOTICE PUBLIC IMPROV ENT CONSTRUCTI�N CEIVED City Council Districts 5&6 Dear Property Owner: Planning District Council S n � 0 9 s 1� � �R - - File No. X89 P 1051 I'��( �����, and 185465 To decide whethe t improve MARYLAND AVENUB batwaen Interstate 35E ����9�+� and Payne Avenue �an JESSIE STREET from 200' south of Maryland Avenue to 100' n t d£ M��}rland Avenue hy construct�ng a bit:miir.aus overlay on MARY VENUE from Interstate 35E to 200' west of AN� � Jessie Street an f m 200' east of Jessie Street to Payne Avenue, and by paving a w oadway, placing concrete curb and gutter, LO C A TIO N reconstructing d iv ays where necessary, reconstructing a portion of the lighting yst m, grading and sodding boulevards and reconstructing a o tion of the lighting system, grading a�d sodding boulevards and r eo tructinR sidewalks on MARYLAND AVENUE from 200' west of Jes ie Street to 200' east of Jessie Street and on JESSIE STREET fr 200' south to 100' north of Marvland Avenue, ' and doing all ot 'er work necessarq and incidental to said improvements. I Also, condemning nd taking an easement in the land necessary for the slopes, cuts, an fills, including the right of removal of lateral support f om the sub�ect land or remainder thereof occasioned by co tr ction of slopes necessary for street and walk reconstruction on YLAND AVENUE from 200' west of Jessie Street to 200' east of J ss e Street and on JESSIE STREET from 200' south to 100' north of ar land Avenue. Tuesday, March 2 , 989, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council Cha be s, Third Floor Cit� Hall_Court House ---------------- ---------- ------- Please note that th Public Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this ite a d develop a reconenendation to the full City Council. Please 'br ng any unresolved concerns that you may have to this meeting 'n ednesday, March 8, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall- Court House at 9:00 A.M. ESTIMATED NS RUCTION COSTS $476,800 FINANCING ESTIMATED IN CING: INFORMATION Bittnnino erlay/Reconstruction County id (1988) $100,000 County id (1989) 371,800 Lighting County id (1989) 5,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED FINANCING $476,800 �_ __� ---- �����- i I j: h, . - �'��—, � —I ;� � -:,: 0��7,�+��� P �I�� � p' �a ' YI� •� � CKMWN MK 4�,� '�y_�� ,F�i �•� 't �� „�+��i �U u �� �•.TC� ` .A, � �� w�' -• � IaMO �K• '�•�,ati;• � ; T��....� �':�", r << (U�d �� �:6� �:��:, f� ' ♦ V� 'ti+�''�. Y .•� ������.Z.��� IO�� �: ..�� r� � � �y�`y � ~� � U�� ��iJ � , . �, . •.i � !� �' . �' - ! ryr i '• . :: . � : �''�rc� �t �ro•• �� Q U O �PMALEN PARK:• • � �� �� l�\//'•'`��','1� � � -.k �('°'' � �, p r..i, � f�� : GOLF C�uRSE..�, .I � '. ! 1'- t • L—.J `�� � l.J� 3 J` ►��l a No�[s 1 �' 1�' N U' � f -c- ru�ur�—wt �� lwwaa�' � rwc'r(;•� _ ;�' !f7! • ���I � � 'i �� y� `�.� O �L�.JN}i�.;: ,� �Y�:� � �� � .. :. � `� 3 « �. .�.... �'"`�I� � ��`'..�� ��` _ j ':1..:::) " i � � m� p"„�� ;�.: .�:,� MILIN OM � �Q � L"�T t�,I CE��� -� �r �nnn� ��:... ^ ��:�� � •.�w�laao..r '""1�1 � �'�'�' 1 ��� . �✓.\: �!