89-474 �
FINAL ORDER `'� � � %'� �
gy ' ' F'�'" �-,���`�
�e No. Z—E9—P-1G51
Voting In the Matter of
I�prove Mar�land A�esua betx�en nt rstste 3SS aad Payn�s Aveaue
S i 6 �nd Jessie Strest fro� 200 feet oa h of Mar�land Avenue tc 100
fe�t north of �4sr�land A�enua y constracting s bitaQinons
overlay oa Marylsad Aveaue fro■ nt ratate 35E to 2�Q feet �reat
of Jeaaie Strest aad fro� 200 fee e st of Jessie Str�et to pa�ne
Avenae, and by pariag a sex ros a , placiag concrete curb and
gutter reconstrneting dri�eWays M er �ecessar�, reconstrnctfng a
portioa of the lightiag s7ste�, gr ding sad soddia� boulevards
aad reconstracting �ide�ralks an �1 r laad Aveaue betreea 2�0 teet
qeat snd 2Q0 feet east of Jeasie t �et and oa Jessie Street fro�
200 feet sonth to 100 fa�et Aorth f srTland Avenue agd doisg all
' xork necessary and incideatal to a d i�pro�e�ents,. including the
planting of trees.
under Preliminary Order o ����� approved �`��d �
The Council of the City of Saint Paul has co duc ed a public hearing upon the above improvement, due notice
thereof having been given as prescribed by the City har er; and
WHEREAS, The Council has heard all persons, jec ions and recommendations pertaining to said proposed improve-
ment and has fully considered the same; now, there re, e it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of aint Paul does hereby order that the above-described improvement
be made, and the proper City officers are hereby dire ted nd authorized to proceed with the improvement;����t
MAR 2 81989
COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date
Yeas ���Nays
��ts Certified se b ouncil Secret
�� _
� ltett�aa � In Fav B
3ctteibel �
Sot�tn Against
Wilaost d/d� �� ,, Mayor
nw� �� ,
ppgl��p A P R - 81989
v&A 1 27 $9 �` '=t��
T01t , � wne rr�u o�x cor�er�
� Pubiic Works Depa'rtment 1-b-8 ' : ��� �J��� N0. Q ' 3��2
CONTACi o�r+�an�wr ox�ctofl:. w�ron 10�i►�eriw�
Pa u 1 S t. M�!r t�n � �.rv�wK+e+e�r a�s o�c►a+ 2 c�TV'c�c :
. . �lou'rt�c� euooero� '1 Council Research
P�tbl t �torks 2 �2-62$0; _ . °R0d" — «TM�,��Must -be in the .Cifiy C1erg.s.: 0 �e n '
=. ' �laCer t a n `y noun, e ruar3+ ' , ;-
on the Agenda P,ebruarg 7th.
�I'a�prove MARYLAND AVENUE between lnterstat 3 E and Payne Avenue by- constructing a
bituminous overiay, reconstructing the se ti n of Maryland Avenue between 200' West
and' 200' East of Jessie Street and recons ru � JESSIE STREET frdn 200` Sa�th and
100' t�rtM of Maryland Avenue. Also, tak s opes in vicinity of Ma:cyland and Jessie .
-t�ovm+�.w a,Fleha t�l) � c�` �rartr: .
. .RJINVMIO OOMIBBION � . � . CML BERYICE COhM�11SSiON DAT@ Ni � - -DA7E OUT - NMLYBT . . . .. � � PFqtE NO.� . - . ..
- �OWNO COAM�i . � 18D 828 8p100L BOARD � . . , .. .
.. ...�� .. SFAFF� . ., . . f�Y1NTER�� .. � A3 . . AOU1�FO.A110lD�'-� - RETD TO CWffI�P .. �� C4�6iRUENT. . . ..
- - - -ROFl I�L�0. , _.:f�ACK ADOm• .
W6Ri1f.T00UN01L •E%PLAWA . . �. � . . . � . � .
. . SIIPPORfB WNICH CO�IL OBJEC�VE4 � . . � . . . . �. . - . . � .
�Safer .and better neighbor#�oods.
Kn+►m+a w�pe�r��a�ra�rr lwno.r�u,v�n,vw,.rs.ra�:
This project was proposed by tF�e Department of Public W�rks as a continuation of roadway
improvements atc�ng Maryland Avenue. TF�is p oj ct wilt improVe the currently existing �c�or
y g p ,j : he poor si,ghtir�� .distance at the Maryland Avenue
rideabilit . throu hout the ro ect. A1so,
: and Jessie: Street intersection will, be impr v� to c,ompt!�t.rv�th the sighting dist�nce s�andard.
<.�n+nc,�c�eK cco�re.�+rs,�e�++.a».n.�>: . _ , , _, : . .
The bituminous overlay .of Maryland avenue w 11 restore roadway rideabelity and roadway
aes�hetics. The "r�construction and lowerin o the Maryland Avenue and Jessie Street
intersectton .will,; tmprove vehicle sig�ting is nce resultt�g. in improved safety.
Cd1�IC�MRet YYfiM�:�ed Tn.�Mwe1): _ .
� Quring reconstructlQn of the Maryland Rvenu a _Jessie Street intersec�ic�, the roadw�y
w'tli be closed to tih`�ough traffic. Adequat d our will be provided. During the bituminous
overl-ay pfiase, aimit�d trafifit lane usage wiil e prov'rded. 7hree to- four trees`wil� be -
removed as part of the project. They will placed with smailer trees,.
�� = , ' � ' _
` - . tntersaction not safe and
Do nathing. a s money. roadway continues to
_ , , deter i�orate at a�,ce i erate
o eighborhood rate.
is urbance.
:Recons�ruct and,wi:den Mar 1and Avenue. a r. Residents o se casts r��,
"�T°"'"�"�: and trafftc delays.
follows standard operating procedures. . �`-��;•�`f� iiE;,���,�Cp� ee�t@�- -
FEB � i�g�J
. • � ` r W �� 7�`f
CITY OF INT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair
�` �' Janice Rettman
����������- - Tom Dimond
� Date: March 8, 1989
Comm tt e Report �'FcF��,�,�
To: Saint Paul Cit Council �'�R��P
. Y �,�.r e �g
From :Public Works, Utilitie , nd Transportation E°��
� Roger J. Goswitz, C ai
The Public Works Commi:�:tee at its me ting of March 8, 1989, took the
following action:
� 1, Approval of minutes o F bruary 22, 1989.
Hearing Date
2, Ayd Mill Road Discuss on - 1/2 hour. Laid over in
c�ou�i��ee to
3, DISCUSSION: 35-E and -9 from Marion to Robert Street. Laid over to
4, DZSCUSSION: Robert St ee Bridge. ' Laid over to..
�3-22-89 -
5. 3/21/89 FINAL ORDER: Impr e RYLAND AVENUE from Interstate 35 to . Approve
� ' Payne Avenue and JES IE TREET from 200 feet south of Maryland With
to 100 feet north of a land. - c veat
^ Coudea��te�; � taki easement in the land necessary for �� �
d-►��Iopes, cut��' �ine� il s for reconstruction of street and
sidewalks on Maryla d rom 200 feet west of Jessie Street to
200 feet east of Je si Street and on Jessie Street from . 200
feet south to 100 fe t orth of Maryland Avenue.
6. 3/21/89 RATIFICATION OF AS ES MENTS: For construction of sanitary Approved
sewer in IDAHO AV NU from Arundel Street to Cumberland 3-0
Street. Also for sa it ry sewer connections.
7. 3/21/89 RATIFICATION OF AS ES MENTS: For construction of sanitary Approved
sewer in COTTAGE AVE UE from Dale Street to the east 190 feet. 3-0
S. 3/21/89 FINAL ORDER: Impro in PALACE AVENUE from Lexington Parkway Update
to approximately 200, fe t east of Lexington Parkway by grading
and paving, cons ru ting concrete curb and gutter and
constructing a sanit ry sewer. Also, constructing sanitary
service connections. onstructing a water service connection
� from the temporary w te main in Palace Avenue.
Acquiring easements or slope construction in the grading and
paving of Palace Ave ue.
(continued) '
.� �( � �
: u (J
� T
TO: Councilmember Janice Re tm n
FROM: Paul St. Martin ��� REGEfVED
Pubiic Works ( � �
MAR3 01989
DATE: March 28, 1989 ��K
CiTY Cl.
SUBJECT: City Project 89-P-1051
MARYLAND AVENUE - I- 5E to Payne Avenue
At the Public Works Committee meetin re arding the above referenced project, you
mentioned that you would like to know ow long Maryland Avenue will be closed to
thru traffic for the work at the Jessie Str et ntersection. At today's City Council hearing
on the project, the timeline for the closu e as not discussed.
For your information, we are planning t cl se Maryland Avenue to thru traffic for 60
calendar days in the area of the Jessie tr et intersection. The lowering of the
existing roadway necessitates lowering ' f t e existing water, gas and telephone
utilities and construction of small retaini g alls. We expect the utility work and the
roadway construction can be completed in 0 days and we will include this in the
project specifications. The bituminous ve ay work on the remainder of the project
will be completed under traffic after the es ie Street intersection work is completed.
For eastbound Maryland Avenue traffic, he detour route for the closure will be Bradley
to Rose to Edgerton to Maryland. For st ound Maryland Avenue traffic, the detour
route will be Edgerton to Brainerd to Br le to Maryland. We expect some of the
westbound traffic will travel further west n rainerd and access Maryland from ,
north-south streets west of Bradley.
If you have any questions or concerns, le e call me at extension 6280.
cc: AI Olson
� - ; ' ��~��"l
ATT " "
P-1051 :
1988 County id $100,000.00
1989 County id 371 ,800.00
1989 County id 5.000.00
... . : � � ����- ���
� �Summary of Eng ne ring Recommendations
Report Pre re - January 4, 1989
improve MARYLAND AVENUE betwe n i terstate 35E and Payne Avenue and
JESSIE STREET from 200' south of M ryl nd Avenue to 100' north of Maryland
Avenue (City Project No. 89-P-1051) b c nstructing a bituminous overlay on
MARYLAND AVENUE from Interstate 5 to 200' west of Jessie Street and from 200'
east of Jessie Street to Payne Avenue an by paving a new roadway, placing
concrete curb and gutter, reconstructin d iveways where necessary, reconstructing a
portion of the lighting system, grading nd sodding boulevards and reconstructing
sidewalks on MARYLAND AVENUE b tw en 200' west and 200' east of Jessie Street
and on JESSIE STREET from 200' so th t 100' north of Maryland Avenue, and doing
all other work necessary and incidenta to aid improvements. (Refer to attached map
for con�truction limits.)
Condemning and taking an easement i t e land necessary for the slopes, cuts and
fills, including the right of removal of la era support from the subject land or remainder
thereof occasioned by construction of lop s necessary for street and walk
reconstruction on MARYLAND AVEN E f om 200' west of Jessie Street to 200' east of
Jessie Street and on JESSIE STREET fro 200' south to 100' north of Maryland
Avenue. (Refer to attached slope diag a for easement limits.)
This project was initiated by the Depa me t of Public Works and has been approved
by the Capital Improvement Budget (C B) ommittee.
Maryland Avenue is a 40 foot wide, co cr te paved street with high traffic counts.
Parking is prohibited on both sides of t e treet. The driving surface is cracked and
uneven, with frequent bituminous patc ing Concrete curb and gutter exist on both
sides of the street throughout the proje t. he boulevards are in fair to good condition,
with trees at varying age. Driveways a d i tersection radii are in a fair to poor
condition. Sidewalks exist on both sid s o the street. This section of Maryland
Avenue is presently being served by e isti g sanitary and storm sewer systems.
The sight distance in the area of the J si Street intersection is poor. Between
January 1982 and December 1988, 1 f tal 13 personal injury and 19 other traffic
accidents were reported.
The ornamental lighting system for this pr ject is in good condition.
. . . . . � ���-���'
The majority of the existing driving su ac will be over{ayed with bituminous surfacing.
The remainder of the roadway will be ec nstructed with a full depth bituminous
pavement. The street elevation of Ma la d Avenue near Jessie Street will be
lowered to improve the sight distance.
Within the roadway reconstruction are , t e width will remain at 40'. New concrete
curb and gutter will be constructed. E isti g driveways and outwalks will be removed
and replaced where necessary. Boule ar s will be regraded and restored with topsoil
and sod.
Lighting poles will be lowered to meet e ew elevation (City Project V-0804).
The lowering of the street elevation in t e essie Strest and Maryland Avenue
intersection will necessitate the remov a d relocation of trees. The trees are young
trees with diameters of 6 to 8 inches. hre trees will be removed and six trees will be
relocated. The trees removed will be r pla ed with smaller trees. The City Forester
has recommended against the reconstr cti n at the Maryland Avenue and Jessie
Street intersection because of the loss f t es.
An informational meeting was held on J ly 0, 1988 at the Phalen Golf Course
Clubhouse meeting room. All adjacent ro erty owners and other interested parties
were invited to attend. Fourteen reside ts nd Councilperson Janice Rettman were
present. The major point of discussion as reconstruction of the roadway to 44'
versus a bituminous overlay. A vote wa ta en and only one person voted for the
reconstruction. The residents present p ef red an asphalt overlay because the
roadway would be quieter and this type f ork would cause minimal disruption.
The roadway reconstruction of Maryland Av nue at Jessie Street will be completed
first. It will be necessary to close this ar a f Maryland Avenue to thru traffic during the
reconstruction. Adequate detours will b pr vided.
This project could begin in the spring-su m r of 1989 and be completed by freeze up
in the fall of 1989.
Bituminous Overlay/Reconstruction $392,000.00
Lighting 5,000.00
Engineering and Inspection 79.800.00
TOTAL $476,800.00
. . . � � �6�-�'�`�
Bituminous Overlay/Reconstructi I n -1051)
County Aid (1988) $100,000.00
County Aid (1989) 371,800.00
Lighting (V-0804)
County Aid (1989) 5.000.00
TOTAL $476,800.00
If additional information is needed, ple se ontact Tom Stadsklev, Project Engineer, at
The Department of Public Works feels at this is a necessary and worthwhile project
and the Engineering Recommendation s f r the approval of the order.
Respectfully submitted,
" Donald E. Nygaard
Director of Public Works
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P A$Y 08DEg �:
Counci�Fiie No; 89-839—:By J ice tri�a,Rager:J..�kviEit2�-- .. - .
In thP Matter o!�i4tp►tove'M. , . Aveaue betwe�n Interstat�35E and Payrit"`'
Avenue and Jessi�e Sti�t f�ri' 't sbuth of'IUtarplaati'Avtnue'to'I00-f�tt
nortii oi Mar�i�nd Aveane by ting a bituminous'overlay a� Marr��and
Avenue from Interstate 35E to 2 f west of Jessie Street and from 2t10 feet eas�
of Jessie Street to Payne Avenu an by-'paving a�ew�'oad'pvay,pl�c�tng caAcrete
curb and gutter reconstructing d.m a�qs where x�es�ary, recanstructing q .-
portion of the lighting syst m, grading ,a�}d sqd�iing, boulevards and
reconstructing sidewalks on Ma lan Avenue between 200 feet west arid 2U0 feet
east of Jessie Stneet and on Jess' St et from 200'feet sduth'to 100 f�et narth of
Maryland Avenue and doing 11 ork necessary and incidental to said
improvements in Voting Ward 5 nd . �
The Council of the City of Sa' t P ul having received the report of the Mayor
upon the above improvement, an having considered said report, hereby
resolves: `
1. That the said report d h� same is hereby approved with no
alternatives, and that th est' ted cost th�reof is$476",80Q>00,fihanced
l�y 1988 Cot�xtty,Aid$100, . a�d 1989 County Aid�376,800.00...
2. That a public hearing be had on said improveme�st on:the 21at-da
March,1989,at�ni e o'cloc a .,in t}ie Council Cl�ambers of�ie �,3� a 1
`�i3f8'CZ�Of4�Tause Buildin in Gity of�aint Paul,
3. That.notiee vf'said publ' he riug be given tc� the,persons and iii the �_
maaner provided by tl�; ha �stating th�time anc�place of��ariag,
the nature of the improve en and the total cost thereof as eatimated.
Fite��+Toi�-89-P-1051. -
Adopted by the Counci�Feb 4;�b989. °
Ap�roved February 16, 1989. . . _..
(Fe 25, 1989).�. .