89-472 v WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUQCII BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY O AINT PAIIL File NO. �,���� - � Counc 'l Resolution �j�� .,� Presented By -��' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee B Date Y FINAL PL T PPROVAL FOR 1272 - 1276 SO H OINT DOUGLAS ROAD WHEREAS, Bruce Nelson has submitted ' h attached proposed final plat for City Council approval ; and WHEREAS, the appropriate City depar me s have reviewed the proposed final plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed final plat ha b en determined to meet the requirements of Section 67 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, tha t e City Council accepts and approves this final plat for 1272-1276 South Point Douglas Road. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays n�mo�a Planning a d Economic Dev opment Lo� _� [n Fa or Goswitz Retiman � B s�ne;ne� _ A gai n t Y Sonnen Wilson � 2 � � Form App ve ity orn Adopted hy Council: Date Certified Pas y uncil S t By gy, �aj,rs',� � [ � � Approve ayor Sub issio to Council A�ppro e y Mavor: Da � By B �UBIISNED " 1 9 � � . . ��--��� �:�t� . �P�wrro�c�couNa� onr�i mn o 7�6 PED- PLANNING DIVISION REEN S EE No. COMACT PER80N�PHONE I INITIAUDATE DEPARTMENT DIRE qTY Oa1NGL DANIEL K. BAYERS 228-3390 AITORNEY pT�b CLERK � MUBT BE ON OOUNdL AOENDA BY(D/1T� d �BUDOEf DIRECTOR �II�6�1. DIR. �MAYOR(OR ABSISTMIT) � �� � TOTAL#OF SIONATURE PAQE8 1 (qJP LL OCATIONS FOR 81GNATUR� Mq R ACTION REGUEBTED: f-`� �-" Resolution implements the council's act on of 2--23-89 which approv�d� � ����l��the Lane Addition, located at 1272-1276 Sou h oint Douglas Road. The plat creates two parcels, one parcel is commercial and one parcel is residential. F�O�IMENDATIONB:MP►we(A1 a Relect(R) COUN MITTEE/RESEAACH t�PORT ONAL —PLANNII�?i COMM188ION _CIVIL SERVICE COMMIS310N ��Y PHONE NO. p8 OOMMITTEE _ �' srn� _ ooMM —asrRicr couRr _ 8UPPORTB WHlpi OOUNdL OBJECTIVE9 INITIATINO PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPOR7UNITY(Wlw,What,When,Whsre,Why): Platting was �equested for the purpose f eparating a parcel that is within two separate zoning districts. REeEiv�a � MAR 0 7 i°89 ADVANTAOEB IF APPROVED: Will allow a residential and commercial us to be platted on two separate parcels and will reduce the opportunity for commerc al expansion in the residential area. asa�v�wraaes iF�w�ove�: None DISADVMI'fAOES IF NOT APPROVED: The residential parcel would remain in t o eparate zoni'ng d7Lstricts and wauld be - -- - noncom£orming with respect to zoning lot re uirements. G��.���'' !���n�Y�1� Center �i�:� �, ;,.,..,1� � ;:��J TOTAI AMaJNT OF TRANSACTION = COBT/REVENUE BUDOETED(qRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIVIT1f NUMBER FlNANCIAL INFORMATION:(EXPWf� �-�; , �` r- ���� �. <r: '���C 1 T= Op '�i� CITY OF SAINT PAUL a �������i�„ ; DEPA T ENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT �wm '��� �� � ho' DIVISION OF PLANNING 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 +se• 612-228-3270 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR February 16, 1989 , RECEIVFD Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386, City Hall Eg 2-� 1Sgg Saint Paul, MN 55102 /;lT � Y ����'h RE: Subdivision File #325 - Br e elson City Council Hearing: 2/23 9 PURPOSE: To review a final plat fo property located at 1272 - 1276 South Point Douglas Road. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff rec ds that the plat be approved. Dear Sir: Attached please find the applic ti , survey and staff report for the request for a final plat approval for B ce Nelson's property located at 1272 - 1276 South Point Douglas Road. Staff review found that applica le rovisions of the zoning ordinance are met by this proposal with the excep io that the plat would create one parcel having two zoning district desi at'ons. Consequently, a rezoning petition was filed and will be reviewed at t t me of the public hearing for the plat. Staff recommends Council approv r both actions. Sincerely, �(JY1 V101.�A�''S�Z� Donna Datsko City Planner DD:rm Attachments cc: City Council members SBD File #325 r A�PLICATIOM FOR SUBDIYISION REVIEY � CIIY Of SAINT PAUL SU�IYISIQ�t REVIEN ��,,�,_� rs�� g���—������ �n PROJECT NAME _� � 1 � ' �. � �' ," � DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT '� ;fi PROPERTY ADORESS/LOCATION ) "1 — So. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY S �E s �2v� AFPLICANT � r,( eC. ! „� COMPANY ADDRESS � o. �,c �� (ZIP) �'S//i PHONE 7�3a'-- `?j3 S'�f�w� TYPE OF DIYISION: (Check one) 73 � �� 2 � tOT SPL1T PLAT: Prelimina y Final Combined �� RLS (4 or Fewer Tr�cts) � (Five or More Tracts APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE � DATE X � 5--�,� FEE PAIO S—�'�-`� :ITY AGENT �� �.�,��.�,-- .���__=_=_=_____________=_________ __ _______=_____=____=____==___=____==_=======_=__= OFFICE USE ONLY . PLNG OIST _�_ LAND USE Z NING ��"�� HISTOF'��• TAX MAP ��_ � PLANS DIS7RIBUTED " ��" RETURN BY �� � '�f'' �� REYIEWED B� COMMENT� (continue on back) ass----==�rrs=r__-�sssaxsarssxaaaal sz saa=s=�sssa�a�ssz����,ii�kskaa:sssss � \/ R..�« FOR STAFF USE ONLY � , AiJ G 0 5 1988 Legal Notice Published City Council Nearing Z�NING Date Approved/Denied 7/1/85 � � � � - ' � � � z 9 .. . �� �,�� � . n � i _ .� ° � '^ . - . - u . ai ° o -v . `� � t , - , - - - .. "� �, �6-, Q A ,: - �. � • =- `r .. 1� I , � � �, , ; ' � ° � . � ' � --G- � �, � ' N � S�8 � 3 2Z4�5� T � +r. J �o ,l�q :.� � �. ., t� - � � � �- .; �. °� � !— . 8 0 , � ° S , `� V .' b. �, �, �--� y� — � � �, �� N '� ' � � � � �, � r� . � � ? cv c .� t^ � — � � _ .-. c � � „ � � . � � { � ., � � � � ' � �� � _`� � _�n � � Z - � ri � � - 0 N < 3 o�9'S'f � _ � ? N 8 �Z p.0� � ��.p0 � . � s� w � � � N �g=q9 e N � o a U � � \n �� � � � o� Z .. .h , ��' � � � � ' 4� �V p > G- � N � � � O � � � � •4 ti � v � ' p °� p T' � � �I � � p � � > ' � ' `�. , N r � , t� N fi ; � -_ tV � � - 4 t � -� N � L�U ._ kV W 84 } Z N � , �.. � � �. � . Z 5.5� �z �,, t . Q , N � �1' J � '� i2�,v� �5 5� o�q, s� ��� �r/B _ , ., T � ' �' I �,;� ! '' � � - - - - , :/ , . - � �c ,, . �,,:� �/ P T STAFF REPORT FILE SBD #325 1. APPLICANT: Bruce M. Nelson DATE OF HEARING: 2/23/89 2. LOCATION: 1272 - 1276 South oi t Douglas Road (east side, N. of Carver) 3. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See surve 4. PRESENT ZONING: R-1 and B-2 Z NING CODE REFERENCE: 67.403, 67.406 5. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT DATE: 2/16/89 BY: Donna Datsko A. PURPOSE: To consider a fi al plat proposal to divide a parcel into two lots. One lot is now zone b siness and contains a contractor's shop (plumbing) and one lot has an existing single family residence. The applicant stated that e s being taxed at the commercial rate for the entire parcel because e esidence is not separated from the business parcel. B. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: is ite contains a single family residence located on a lot which wou b about 46,000 square feet after replatting. In the R-1 zo 'n district a minimum lot size of 9,600 square feet is required. The commercial lot would co ta n about 30,000 square feet. C. FINDINGS er Section 67.40 1. All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied with. Staff review is completed for th proposal and it meets required city standards. 2. The proposed subdivision wi11 o be detrimental to the present and potential surrounding land uses. The properties are developed it uses compatible to the area. 3. The area surrounding the subdi is"on can be planned and developed in coordination and compatibilit wi h the proposed subdivision. The surrounding area and the a ea of the proposed plat are compatible with respect to land uses. 4. The subdivision is in conform ce with the Comprehensive P1an. The Comprehensive Plan land us' p licy 4.2-4 states that "the city will continue to review its present commerci 1 oning to ensure that each zoning classification reflects uses a pr riate to the intended application of the district and each area is appr pr ately zoned for its intended function." 5. The subdivision preserves and nc rporates the site's important existing natural features, whenever possible. i The platted area is primarily la . �� �� �: � 6. AI1 Iand intended for buildi ites can be used safely Without endangering the residents by peril from floo s, erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil conditions or other men ce. The land is developed now. 7. The subdivision can be econo ic 11y served with public facilitie� and services. The lots is served by public fa ilities. D. STAFF RECO*4,iENDATION: Basedlon the above findings, staff recommends approval of the final plat. i 1 �