89-470 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY O AINT PAUL Council y CANARY - DEPARTMENT `-/ BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � • � - � Counc esolution ("�4.��`� I , `�--�-�.,.._. j Presented By (3 � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - h Cl veland Portland WHEREAS Final Order 88 1661 Im rlve Streets Within t e e / � � P Area Street Paving and Lighting Project w s amended to include "That a variance from State standards be requested to a id h of 32 feet and if the variance is not granted, Council action would be requir d o establish the width."; WHEREAS, The variance to 32 feet ith parking permitted on one side was requested by the City of Saint Paul and wa denied by the Commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Transportation;, RESOLVED, That Prior Avenue betwee S mmit Avenue and Marshall Avenue be constructed to a Municipal State Aid st nd rd width of 34 feet with parking permitted on one side as part of the Cl veland/Portland Area Street Paving and Lighting Project. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Public Works (PAS) 3-6-89 ��g � In Fav r Goswitz � Rettman p B ;, . Scheibel A ga i n s '' Y Sonnen Wilson � � � 1�9� Form Approve y City Attorney Adopted hy Council: Dafe Certified Pass b uncil Secr tar By — gy, Approved 1+lavor: Date �� � � � � Approve ay Eor Sub ' sion to Council By $y ��t [IBt�S�9 ��'�` 1 8 _ . .. . - a �=��-�'�a DEPARTMENT/OFFICEICOUNqL DATE�NITI TED Publ i c l�orks Department 3-6-$ GREEN SHEET Na � 2 3 6 iNm�u a►re INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE }�pTY COUNpI Pau 1 St. Ma r t i.n 292-6280 �� CfTY ATTORNEY �cm c��nc MUBT BE ON COUNpL AOENDA BY(DAT� ROUTINQ BUDQET DIFiECTOR �FlN.3 MQT.SERVICES DIR. Ma rch 21 , 1989 wavoR�oR�ssisn►rm � TOTAL#�OF 81GiNATURE PAGES (CLIP AL L TIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REWJESTED: Establish width of PRIOR AVENUE between Su mit Avenue and Marshall Avenue (Part of Cleveland/Portland Area Street Paving a d ighting Project) to 34' with parking permitted on one side. RECOMMENDATIONS:Approw(/U a RsJsct(R) �p(��K ITTEE/RESEARCM RE _PLANNINO OOMMISSION _CML SERVICE COMMI8810N ANALYBT PHONE NO. qB OOMMIITEE �STAFf _ OOMME _D13TRICT COURT _ 8UPPORTS WHICH COUNdL OBJECTIVE? MAYOR'S OFFICE �I�Y ,����;j���� Sewer Separation INITIATIN(3 PROBLEM,ISSUE.OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.When,Whero,Wh�: Prior Avenue is a Municipal State Aid ( SA street with a MSA standard width of 34' with parking on one side. Because of n ig borhood opposition to a 34' width, the Final Order for the Cleveland/Portland re Street Paving and Lighting Project (CF 88-1661) was amended to include that a variance o 2' wide with one side parking be requested, and if the variance is not granted, Cou ci action would be required to establish the width. The variance to 32' was request d y the City of Saint Paul ahd was denied by the Commissioner of tF�e Minnesota Departmen o Transportation. This resolution will establish ADVANTAQE8 IF AP VED: Prior Avenue can be constructed as part of the Cleveland/Portland Project in the Summer of 1989 and be funded with Municipal St te Aid funds. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Abutting residents opposed to the 34' w dt , but are willing to ,accept 34' width rather than proceed with alternates lis ed below. Cou;���� �ie�r�rc;� C�n�er f,1A►� �� i��� asnowwr�esiFNOT��o: There are three possi le alternates, if resolution is not approved. 1 . Cut and patch Prior Avenue. Inconsa te t with Combined Sewer Separation and Street Paving Program. 2. Reconstruct Prior AVenue usin ClB f nd . Inconsistent with Capital Allocation Policy. Have to set up separate ear�ng wit pr per notification because of assessments to abutting property owners. 3. Appeal denial of variance. Appeal p oc ss lengthy, will not be resolved in time to co when street reconstructed in future. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRAN8ACTION = COST/REVENUE BUDGETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDINO SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER N�A FlNANpAL INFORMATION:(EXPWN) , �.�� � . . � _. ___.__.___________. ��-��a �.� - �� � ---.. �� r4 �+ �� ����1 l`:j 1 f_ ��.`J i C_� ' s � ..�'.,./��•�f 1 1�`i � � Q DepartrY�er�t c�f� Tr r1 ,��artatic�r� y `'� � � Transportation B il irig FEg �$ �9� ��'�o� TRP�y� St. Paul, Minneso a 5155 �� bV�r',�s 9l�t -, � o LEONARD W. LEVIN� COMMISSIONER, February 27, 1989 Mr. Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Wor s 600 City Hall Annex St. Faul, MN 55102 � _ . In reply refer to: Request for a variance S.A.P. 164-181- ? CITY OF ST.PAUL Dear Mr. Nygaard: Upon the advice of a V r' ance Committee appointed expressly for the purpose of rec m ending to me the validity of the City of St. Paul 's req e t for a variance from the Minnesota Rule 8820.99 2 so as to permit a street width of 32 feet with parking p r itted on one side, instead of the required minimum stree idth of 34 feet with parking permitted on one side, o a proposed construction project on M.S.A.S. 181 (Prior Av n e) between Summit Avenue and Marshall Avenue, I her b DENY the variance. � The variance committee s ated that the required minimum street width of 34 fee 's safer for both the travelling public and pedestrians Sinc , 1 LEONARD W. �LEVINE Commissioner An Equal ppo tunity Employer ^�'.rl . , .� - ..�-°', D�Ce October l3. 1988 . '�...i1 � ��� �� r:t,�� ;�= sT. �'F.u� (:��I�tiCIL FIL� �O. .����I FINAL ORDER �°t��iD�D o[zD x By / A - � ���--�� z � File No. 18517 Voting In the Matter of improving the followin s reets: Ward (To be known as the Cleveland/Port an Area Street Paving and Lighting Project) 4 Exeter Place from Daytoin venue to Mississippi River Blvd. Riverwood Place from Exeter lace to Cretin Avenue Mississippi River Blvd from Ex te Place to Cretin Avenue ( No Assm ' t ) Cretin Avenue from Missi,ss ppi River Blvd to Summit (MSA Route) Summit Avenue from Creti venue to Cleveland Ave . (MSA Route ) Portland Avenue from Clevela d Avenue to Fairview Avenue Ashland Avenue from Clevela d Avenue to Fairview Avenue Cleveland Avenue from Summit ve . to Selby Ave. (Cty Aid Route) Wilder Street from Summi!t venue to Selby Avenue Moore Street from Summit venue to Selby Avenue and from Igleh r Avenue to Merriam Lane Prior Street from Summit venue to Marshall Avenue (MSA Route) Howell Avenue from Summilt venue to Selby Avenue Dewey Street from Summit venue to Selby Avenue Carroll Avenue from Creti venue to Moore Street Finn Street from Igle art Avenue to St . Anthony Avenue Iglehart Avenue from Moore A enue to Prior Avenue Laurel Avenue from Clevela d Avenue to Fairview Avenue Selby Avenue from Clevela d Avenue to Howell Street and from Exeter lace to Cretin Avenue Temple Court from Creti venue to Roblyn Street Ann Arbor Street from Creti venue to Finn Street Roblyn Street from Creti venue to Wilder Street and from Prior A enue to Ferdinand Street Merriam Lane from Wilde treet to Moore Avenue u,..��. .,��.. ..u,, .....� .............._.. .-•- _-•••-. ••-.., --------- - RESOLVED, That the Couilcil of the City of Sain Pa il does hereby order that the above-described improvement be made, and the proper City officers are hereby directed and authorized to proceed with the improvement; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That upon the completi n o said improvement, the proper City officers shall calculate all expenses incurred therein and shall report the same to t Ci v Council in accordance with Chapter 14 of the City Charter.: and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That a variance f m tate Standards be requested for Prior Ave. to a width of 32 feet and if the varian e ' not granted, Council action would be required to establish the width. � � ,,, COUNCIL PERSON Adopted by the Council: Date ��; � '- ���� Yeas Dimond Nays Goswitz� Certified P s ed b Council Secretary Long � Rettman � In Favor By Scheibel � T 1 8 � ,�,r�r � Against Wilson Mayor -�rr-.��1r� !';r;� � �. 1988 _'c..- �� , w