89-467 1 . . P`_� � � . � � .. � ' • _ s "�/ 4`t �' , .... ���` A; � , // .-,-,.. , ``:if� j' ,'v,�.�`.�, i.;�h !�.,�( �'_ �(. WHITE - CITV CLERK �PINK - FINANCE G I TY O � SA I NT PA U L Council (/��/�j //`! GANARY - DEPARTMENT 7( `,�Yfn� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• V �V� 4C n 'l Resolution ���� � � � 3 � �.___�`. Presented Referr ��� Committee: Date � °�l �/ Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS , Section 5.02 of the Saint Paul City Charter author- izes the City to retain s ec ' al counsel in the event of special or unusual circumstances ; a d WHEREAS , the Departme t f Planning and Economic Development has need of special counse provide legal and technical assis- tance in drafting propose 1 gislation for the 1989 legislative session; now, therefore, be i RESOLVED, that the prol' e City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute an A reement with the law firm of Briggs and Morgan for providing ro essional services to the Department of Planning and Economic D v lopment in developing and implement- ing its legislative progra or 1989 as it pertains to develop- ment projects and progra , at the rate of $150.00 per hour, not to exceed a total ofl $ 0, 000.00, to be paid from the PED Operations Fund 126-36001 02 9 , all as set forth in a written Agreement between the par !ie which is incorporated by reference herein. COUNCIL MEMBERS ;�� Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� [n F vor Goswitz � Rettman �` scne�ne� / � ! ` x `` Agai st BY Sonnen '•^�� � ° ° i Wilson �J�^. I % �' -.� (;� Form Appro by City A o e Adopted hy Council:' Date Certified Passed by Councii Secretary Y By Approved by Mavor: Date Appr ve by Mayo Submi 'on to Council By � WNITE - GITV CLERK �� - PINK . -�FINANGE � � COUQCll BtUERV -.MAVORTMENT ' F11C NO. � � f� , GITY O SAINT PAUL � �� � , , � �Caun 'l Resolution � -� Presented By ';� `,! � s��-�- . , _ v� l� � Referr�c��v �*-��� - � Committee: Date �" `�'Y � \ Out of Committee By Date � MH6REJIS, Sectior� S.t13 f t�e Saint Paul City CRarter autt�r- ia�s t!� City to ret�ain s aI evue�sel ir� the e�rea� of sp�eial or �1 eirc+wastanc•a; . M�iS� tt� Depart�t Plar�n#�g ae�d Ecva�t�wiC Dev�lop�snt t�as naed of spresial �ss2 pr�cyrlc�e Ieqal �! teehnical assis- tae�cs ia drettir� prape�d i fslatfoe� for the 1985 2eqislativas session; ncw►, tAsr�for�r, be t .� . R�.�, �at the p r Ctty officera arf hereby anthoris�d and diracted to �xse�te an t �tith the la�r tic�t t�f 8rig� a�u! Mocgan fe�r proridin9 p f si�l servi.csa tts t�e aepartaent of Pl�ning and sco�aic t in dev�lopi�g a�d i�pieaertt- ir�q its legf sl�tive pro�r f r l�d� as i t _perta�.�_��a�...�t��p--.____ �t prajects and pro�r t the °r°a�e @t i35E�.E�O per 3�r, - _ __�.;. not to �xeeed a lotal o! .�DAO.Ot), tc� bi psfd fraa� tie FliD -�,_:_ ; t�psratie� lunct I26-36t�02- 1 , all as aet ta►rth 2n a Mritta�a► `, llgi�t betMSan tha ptrti �i.cA is ineorporstmd by refarrare�ice her�ie�. , z COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: � Yeas Nays � Dimond -�' �� � In Favo Goswitz '.-. ;;�r: scbe�i Against By �¢, � � l .�;�t Sonnen Wilson �.l ,� ,: Form Approw�,d�'by City At�or ey�� Adopted by Council: Date � '""'"'�"'�� Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY ,, ��� { By Approved by Navor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY � � �/_ O �-!tV/l ��° �/�� `?�� v � A R EMENT This Agreement, entered nt as of this llth day of January, 1989 by and between the law f 'rm of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association (the "Firm" ) , and th Department of Planning and Economic Development of the C t of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (the "Department" ) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the ability of h City of Saint Paul (the "City" ) , to be involved in development' p ograms and projects is critical to the future well-being of t e City; and WHEREAS, the state laws n which the City relies to be involved in development are d r scrutiny by the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS, it is in the b st interests of the City to maintain and enhance its statutory au ho ity and powers ; and NOW THEREFORE, in consi er tion of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agre d: 1. Scope of Services. 'Th Firm shall provide professional services to the Department a t e direction of Kenneth Johnson, Director, to assist the City s lobbyist in providing legal and technical assistance in draf i g legislation for its 1989 Year of the Cities legislative pr g am and legal and lobbying services for any other legislative pr g am designated by the Department and determined by the Firm n t to give rise to an impermissible conflict of interest. This i 1 include serving as legislative counsel performing research n policy analysis and drafting legislation. 2 . Delivery of Servic s nd Contact Person. Mr. Peter Seed will assume primary re po sibility for the performance of the professional service r quired of the Firm under this Agreement. Other individua s n the Firm shall assist in the performance of the services as they are needed. 1 � � ���-�7 3 . Time of Performance; r of Agreement. The services of the Firm shall commence as anuary 11, 1989 and shall continue until the end of the 98 Minnesota legislative session or until termination of this A re ment by the Department at its discretion. 4 . Compensation; Method f ayment. The Department shall pay to the Firm an amount base u on the hours of services performed up to completion or earlier te mi ation at the rate of $150 per hour for each hour of prof ss 'onal service performed, provided that the amount of professiona s rvices for which the Department will be liable shall not excee $10, 000 unless otherwise agreed by the Department and the Firm In addition to the charge ased upon the hours of professional services performed, the Firm s a 1 be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred in connectio ith performing the services required by this Agreement. S c expenses shall include, but not be limited to, reproductio f documents, delivery services, long distance telephone charge nd travel and meal expenses, and shall not exceed $700. The Firm shall submit a ta ement to the Department each month (or more often at the r qu st of the Department) indicating the amount due under this Agr em nt. The statement shall separately set forth the amount of expen es incurred statement will include the time and charges for all im reported and expenses incurred during the preceding month. he Department shall pay the amount due within thirty ( 30 ) days o r ceipt of the statement unless other terms are mutually agre d pon by the Committee and the Firm. 5. Independent Contract r. The Firm carried malpractice insurance. No employee of th irm shall be considered an employee of the Department for the pur o es of workers compensation or unemployment compensation ins r nce or for any other purpose. 6 . Nondiscrimination. h Firm complies with and will comply with all federal, stat' , and local laws prohibiting discrimination. 2 : � � �i=��-�67 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the F' r and the Department have executed this Agreement as of the date i st written above. BRIGGS AND MORGAN, PROFESSION ASSOCIATION APPROVED AS TO FORM: By P er Seed � By THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING A sistant City Att ney AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPI�4ENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL t / � / gy ��,"' � �- ,=y=<,-._._� • Kenneth R. Johnson For Mayor George Latimer By Eugene Schiller, Director _ Department of Finance and Management Services 3 .� � � - . � � � � �=�-�7 R EMENT This Agreement, entered n o as of this llth day of January, 1989 by and between the law f r of Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association (the "Firm" ) , and t e Department of Planning and Economic Development of the C' t of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (the "Department" ) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the ability of th City of Saint Paul (the "City" ) , to be involved in developmen p ograms and projects is critical to the future well-being of he City; and WHEREAS, the state laws on which the City relies to be involved in development are nd r scrutiny by the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS, it is in the b s interests of the City to maintain and enhance its statutory au h rity and powers; and NOW THEREFORE, in consi e ation of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agre d l. Scope of Services. T e Firm shall provide professional services to the Department t he direction of Kenneth Johnson, Director, to assist the Cit '' s lobbyist in providing legal and technical assistance in dra ti g legislation for its 1989 Year of the Cities legislative p og am and legal and lobbying services for any other legislative p og am designated by the Department and determined by the Firm ot to give rise to an impermissible conflict of interest. This wi 1 include serving as legislative counsel performing research an policy analysis and drafting legislation. 2 . Delivery of Servic s and Contact Person. Mr. Peter Seed will assume primary re p nsibility for the performance of the professional service equired of the Firm under this Agreement. Other individua s in the Firm shall assist in the performance of the services a they are needed. 1 . .- �. � � � ���-�7 3 . Time of Performance; Te m of Agreement. The services of the Firm shall commence as of January 11, 1989 and shall continue until the end of the '19 9 Minnesota legislative session or until termination of this gr ement by the Department at its discretion. 4 . Compensation; Method of Payment. The Department shall pay to the Firm an amount bas d pon the hours of services performed up to completion or earlier t r ination at the rate of $150 per hour for each hour of pro e sional service performed, provided that the amount of profession 1 services for which the Department will be liable shall not exce d $10, 000 unless otherwise agreed by the Department and the Fir . In addition to the charg s based upon the hours of professional services performed, the Firm h 11 be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred in connecti n with performing the services required by this Agreement. Su h expenses shall include, but not be limited to, reproduct 'on of documents, delivery services, long distance telephone char es and travel and meal expenses, and shall not exceed $700. The Firm shall submit a st tement to the Department each month (or more often at the eq est of the Department) indicating the amount due under this Ag ee ent. The statement shall separately set forth the amount of expe se incurred statement will include the time and charges for all ti e reported and expenses incurred during the preceding month. T e Department shall pay the amount due within thirty ( 30 ) days f receipt of the statement unless other terms are mutually agr e upon by the Committee and the Firm. 5 . Independent Contrac o . The Firm carried malpractice insurance. No employee of t e Firm shall be considered an employee of the Department for the pu p ses of workers compensation or unemployment compensation i su ance or for any other purpose. 6 . Nondiscrimination. T e Firm complies with and will comply with all federal, st te and local laws prohibiting discrimination. 2 - : . ��-�67 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ir and the Department have executed this Agreement as of the date �fi st written above. BRIGGS AND MORGAN, PROFESSION ASSOCIATION APPROVED AS TO FORM: By P er Seed � By THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING A sistant City Att ney AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL /. By -!�." =_,�—,—�" � enneth R. Johnson For Mayor George Latimer By Eugene Schiller, Director Department of Finance and Management Services 3 AG EE ENT This Agreement, entered in' o as of this llth day of January, 1989 by and between the law fi f Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association (the "Firm" ) , and e Department of Planning and Economic Development of the Ci y f Saint Paul, Minnesota, (the "Department" ) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the ability of t e ity of Saint Paul (the "City" ) , to be involved in development ro rams and projects is critical to the future well-being of th ity; and WHEREAS, the state laws o hich the City relies to be involved in development are un e scrutiny by the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS, it is in the be t nterests of the City to maintain and enhance its statutory aut or ty and powers; and NOW THEREFORE, in consid ra ion of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agree : 1 . Scope of Services. he Firm shall provide professional services to the Department at t e direction of Kenneth Johnson, Director, to assist the City' obbyist in providing legal and technical assistance in draft'n legislation for its 1989 Year of the Cities legislative pro r m 'and legal and lobbying services for any other legislative pr r m designated by the Department and determined by the Firm n t o give rise to an impermissible conflict of interest. This il include serving as legislative counsel performing research nd policy analysis and drafting legislation. 2. Delivery of Service a d Contact Person. Mr. Peter Seed will assume primary res on ibility for the performance of the professional services re uired of the Firm under this Agreement. Other individual the Firm shall assist in the performance of the services s they are needed. 1 � 3. Time of Performance; T 'rm of Agreement. The services of the Firm shall commence as o J nuary 11 , 1989 and shall continue until the end of the 1 89 Minnesota legislative session or until termination of this Ag ee ent by the Department at its discretion. 4. Compensation; Method o P yment. The Department shall pay to the Firm an amount based u n the hours of services performed up to completion or earlier ter i tion at the rate of $150 per hour for each hour of profe s 'onal service performed, provided that the amount of professional s rvices for which the Department will be liable shall not exceed $ 0, 000 unless otherwise agreed by the Department and the Firm. In addition to the charges b sed upon the hours of professional services performed, the Firm sh 1 be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred in connection w'th performing the services required by this Agreement. Su h expenses shall include, but not be limited to, reproductio o documents, delivery services, long distance telephone charges a d travel and meal expenses, and shall not exceed $700 . The Firm shall submit a s at ment to the Department each month (or more often at the re ue t of the Department) indicating the amount due under this Agre me t. The statement shall separately set forth the amount of expens s ncurred statement will include the time and charges for all t 'me reported and expenses incurred during the preceding month. T e epartment shall pay the amount due within thirty ( 30) days of re eipt of the statement unless other terms are mutually agree u on by the Committee and the Firm. 5. Independent Contracto . The Firm carried malpractice insurance. No employee of the Fi m shall be considered an employee of the Department for the purp s of workers compensation or unemployment compensation insu a ce or for any other purpose. 6. Nondiscrimination. T e Firm complies with and will comply with all federal, state nd local laws prohibiting discrimination. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Fi m and the Department have executed this Agreement as of the date f r t written above. BRIGGS AND MORGAN, PROFESSIO ASSOCIATION APPROVED AS TO FORM: By Pe er See �`� By ` (� THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Assistant City Attorn AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � /By ��-e�''".� --'-`.,,.... ./ • enneth R. ohnson For Mayor George Latimer By Eugene Schiller, Director Department of Finance and Management Services 3 AG EE ENT This Agreement, entered in o as of this llth day of January, 1989 by and between the law fir f Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association (the "Firm" ) , and t e Department of Planning and Economic Development of the Cit f Saint Paul, Minnesota, (the "Department" ) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the ability of th ity of Saint Paul (the "City" ) , to be involved in development p o rams and projects is critical to the future well-being of the C' ty; and WHEREAS, the state laws on w ich the City relies to be involved in development are und r scrutiny by the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS, it is in the best i terests of the City to maintain and enhance its statutory autho i y and powers; and NOW THEREFORE, in consider t on of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agreed: 1. Scope of Services. Th irm shall provide professional services to the Department at t e direction of Kenneth Johnson, Director, to assist the City' s lo byist in providing legal and technical assistance in drafti egislation for its 1989 Year of the Cities legislative prog m and legal and lobbying services for any other legislative prog ' m designated by the Department and determined by the Firm not to give rise to an impermissible conflict of interest. This wi 1 nclude serving as legislative counsel performing research an p licy analysis and drafting legislation. 2. Delivery of Services d Contact Person. Mr. Peter Seed will assume primary respo si ility for the performance of the professional services r u red of the Firm under this Agreement. Other individuals ' n he Firm shall assist in the performance of the services as th y are needed. 3 . Time of Performance; er of Agreement. The services of the Firm shall commence as f anuary 11, 1989 and shall continue until the end of the 98 Minnesota legislative session or until termination of this A re ment by the Department at its discretion. 4 . Compensation; Method f ayment. The Department shall pay to the Firm an amount base u on the hours of services performed up to completion or earlier te mi ation at the rate of $150 per hour for each hour of prof ss 'onal service performed, provided that the amount of professiona rvices for which the Department will be liable shall not excee 10,000 unless otherwise agreed by the Department and the Firm In addition to the charge ased upon the hours of professional services performed, the Firm s a 1 be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred in connectio ith performing the services required by this Agreement. S c expenses shall include, but not be limited to, reproducti f documents, delivery services, long distance telephone charg s nd travel and meal expenses, and shall not exceed $700. The Firm shall submit a ta ement to the Department each month (or more often at the r qu st of the Department) indicating the amount due under this Agr em nt. The statement shall separately set forth the amount of expen es incurred statement will include the time and charges for all im reported and expenses incurred during the preceding month. he Department shall pay the amount due within thirty (30 ) days o r ceipt of the statement unless other terms are mutually agre d pon by the Committee and the Firm. 5. Independent Contract r. The Firm carried malpractice insurance. No employee of th irm shall be considered an employee of the Department for the pur o es of workers compensation or unemployment compensation ins r nce or for any other purpose. 6. Nondiscrimination. h Firm complies with and will comply with all federal, stat , and local laws prohibiting discrimination. 2 • , . • . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the ir and the Department have executed this Agreement as of the date fi st written above. BRIGGS AND MORGAN, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION APPROVED AS TO FORM: By er ee c�By ` THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Assistant City Attorney AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL __� � r-__�_--� B�7 / -^� • enneth R. o nson For Mayor George Latimer By Eugene Schiller, Director Department of Finance and Management Services 3 A E MENT This Agreement, entered i to as of this llth day of January, 1989 by and between the law fi m f Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association (the "Firm" ) , and he Department of Planning and Economic Development of the Ci y f Saint Paul, Minnesota, (the "Department" ) . WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the ability of t e ity of Saint Paul (the "City" ) , to be involved in development ro rams and projects is critical to the future weli-being of th C' ty; and WHEREAS, the state laws o w ich the City relies to be involved in development are un er scrutiny by the Minnesota Legislature; and WHEREAS, it is in the bes i terests of the City to maintain and enhance its statutory auth ri y and powers ; and NOW THEREFORE, in conside at ' on of the mutual promises contained herein, it is agreed 1 . Scope of Services. T e irm shall provide professional services to the Department at he direction of Kenneth Johnson, Director, to assist the City' s lo byist in providing legal and technical assistance in drafti g egislation for its 1989 Year of the Cities legislative prog am and legal and lobbying services for any other legislative prog am designated by the Department and determined by the Firm not to give rise to an impermissible conflict of interest. This wi 1 'nclude serving as legislative counsel performing research an p licy analysis and drafting legislation. 2. Delivery of Services nd Contact Person. Mr. Peter Seed will assume primary respo si ility for the performance of the professional services r qu' red of the Firm under this Agreement. Other individuals n he Firm shall assist in the performance of the services as th y are needed. 3 . Time of Performance; ,Te m of Agreement. The services of the Firm shall commence as of January 11 , 1989 and shall continue until the end of the 19 9 Minnesota legislative session or until termination of this gr ement by the Department at its discretion. 4 . Compensation; Method of Payment. The Department shall pay to the Firm an amount bas d pon the hours of services performed up to completion or earlier t rm nation at the rate o¢ $150 per hour for each hour of pro s ional service performed, provided that the amount of profession 1 ervices for which the Department will be liable shall not excee 10, 000 unless otherwise agreed by the Department and the Firm. In addition to the charge ased upon the hours of professional services performed, the Firm s a 1 be reimbursed for all reasonable expenses incurred in connectio ith performing the services required by this Agreement. S c expenses shall include, but not be limited to, reproductio f documents, delivery services, long distance telephone charge d travel and meal expenses, and shall not exceed $700 . The Firm shall submit a s at ment to the Department each month (or more often at the re ue t of the Department) indicating the amount due under this Agre me t. The statement shall separately set forth the amount of expens s 'ncurred statement will include the time and charges for all t me reported and expenses incurred during the preceding month. T 'e epartment shall pay the amount due within thirty ( 30 ) days of 're eipt of the statement unless other terms are mutually agree u on by the Committee and the Firm. 5. Independent Contracto . The Firm carried malpractice insurance. No employee of the Fi m shall be considered an employee of the Department for the purp se of workers compensation or unemployment compensation insu �an e or for any other purpose. 6. Nondiscrimination. T irm complies with and will comply with all federal, state, a d local laws prohibiting discrimination. 2 . 1 I . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the F' r and the Department have executed this Agreement as of the date i st written above. BRIGGS AND MORGAN, PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION APPROVED AS TO FORM: By er ee , ` By `� THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Assistant City Attorn AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL By � Ke neth R. J on For Mayor George Latimer By Eugene Schiller, Director Department of Finance and Management Services 3 . , � - . � ��0 `�C .� - ,,, , �. ,_,, �� - , !�a 014900 P1,� � Economie l�evelopme��p�t�rrr � - - - - - - L'� '0 CQNTACT N ' PHONE � e ruary , DATE . � � � � (See r ve s �"`✓ � �� Dspartmsnt Directo �� (or Assistant) � Finance and Managament Services Dire to l�J,�R Clerk Budget Director � � , ,� n ey�r -�-�, �City Attorney �� � TOTAL N[JIdBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ( 1i ell lo� r signattue.) � w ? {purposefRationale) . ; Peter Seed of Briggs and Morgan �ffil pro i�d profe�sional services to PED to assist City in developing and impl�enting i'ts legis at ve. program for 1989 as it pertains to deveiopment projects and programg, Diane Ly ch, City lo6byist has reviewed the contract. RECEIVEp S U T � ., MAR 61989 OFF�CE�F TN . AN�MqfV�E�T Q Q INqT�R • A�E�ENT SERV/CES I • �ECEI�ED N G N C G D: (Ziayor•s signature not required if under $1 ,000.) ' Iti;r�K Q$ �989 Total Amount of Trans�ction: �;$�$''�/ 0 D Activity Number: ������fl� Funding &onrce: 126-36001-a21g T, PEb Operations Fund , � ATTACHI�$NTS: (Liat and number all attac e s.) . � "�'��i �es�arch Center R�C�I V E D a Original and 3 copies of contract. , � r��aR �� ��s9 MAR 2 �989 � ADHINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes �No Rules, Regulations, Pr e res, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �,No If yes, are they or ti ta le attached? DEPARTI�IENT REVIEW ' CITY ATTORNEY REVIEii _Yes �No Council resolution requi d? Resolution �equired? Yes _No - _Yes ,�jNo Insurance xequired? Insurance suff�cien�? _Yes ,_No �Yss �jNo Insurance attached? . ' ,_ ' �-- `. _ y . ,, _. � - W � � . J .,, . ..�_I lJ✓ J . . . . The GREEN SHEET has thres PURPOSES: . � l. to a��sist in routing �cumants <and in s curing requirad signat�res; � 2. to brief the revierers of documents on he impacts of approval; ° �3. to he2p ensure that asca�sary`supporti matarials axe preparad and, if required, � attached. . �, Providing complete information.under the -ii ed� headings enables revie�ers to make decisions on the doauments and eliminate� f loa-up contacts that may delay execution. 3' Below is the Rreferred �� �or the ive o u t t e o t : CONTRACTS (assumes authorised .budget exist ) . 1. Outside..=Agenc;y 4. yor 2. Initiating Department 5. nance Director ' 3. City Attornap. 6. nance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than 10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, ;if the department director signs, A contr ct must always be signed by the outside agency before routing through Ci,ty offices. i ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget &evision) ! ADMINISTRATIVE dRDER (all others) ' 1. Activity Ma�iiager ( 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget` Director . . i 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountsnt, Finance and Managem nt Services COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Aaceptance) COONCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2, Budget Director � 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney � . 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk �. Chair, Finance, 1�Ig�it. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk 7. Citq Gouncil° 8. Chief Accovntant, Finance and Ma�age nt Ser�rices Z'he C0 � gENE IT B G ERSONN C S heading provides space to explain the cost/,benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both 'to City budget (General .Fund and/or Special Funds) and to oader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups af�ected by the ction). The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent ( TE) positions. The pDMIN�STRATIVE'PROCEDURES section tnust completed to indicate �►hether additional administrative procedures, including rules, egulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ord�nance or resolution. If yes, the procedures or a ` timetable for the completion of procedures st be attached. SUP�,O,RTING MATERIATiS. In the �TTACHMENTS se tion., identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is well done, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actio�s). Note: If an agreement requires evidence of nsurance/co-insurance� a Certific�te of Insurance sho.uld be one of ths attachttients a time of routing. Note: Actions which require Citq Council re olutibns include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective ba gaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lesse of land; issuance of bonds by Citp; eminent dom in; assumption of liability by City, or grsnting by �C.ity of indemnification; agreeme ts �ith state or federal government under which the�r are proviSing funding; budget ame dments. . 1 I � � . , ���-�� N°_ 014900 Plan�'~g & Economic Developme��P�TMENT - �di 0 CONTACT N �g�- PHONE r n e ruary , DATE ASSIGN NUMBER FOR ROUTING ORDER: (See r've s,E��2 �� De art ('i��"� �� p ment Director �• ��� r (or Assistant) � Finance and Management Services Dire to l�,ifd� Clerk Budget Director � � ,� To leyer --�;,,_ �City Attorney � � a�s�ue an TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: ��� ( li all lo a �pr signature.) � WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION 0 TH ATTACHED MATERIALS? (Purpose/Rationale) Peter Seed of Briags and Morgan ��11 prov'de professional services to PED to assist City in developing and imnlementing its legisl ti e proclram for 1989 as it nertains to development projects and programs, Diane yn h, City lobbyist has reviewed the contract. RE�E��E� COST BENEFIT BUDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IM AC S ANTICIPATED: ��Nfl G �9Rg OF�1��p� ��' � D�p.�, M� �r• �- A,�r� n�-���,,�<����j}N���E _. !T c�R y1�ES ".���YE� FINANCING SOURCE AND BUDGET ACTIVITY NUMBE C ARGED OR CREDITED: (Mayor's signature not required if under $ 0, 00. ) h�;f-+1 Q $ ��89 Total Amount of Transaction: �¢,r�-,$6$�/� � Activity Number: �,;��.��,�,J ���a�� Funding Source: 126-36001-0219 PEb Operations Fund �, ,..,_. ATTACHMENPS: (List and number all attachm nt .) �.. � ��� � ��� � . � ^,_ Original and 3 copi�s of contract. "� � ' ` �°� , ,- - �., ,, �_ ... _ �. _;1 M.A� 21989 � i � � ��m�d ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES _Yes X No Rules, Regulations, Proce ur s, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or timet bl attached7 DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW _Yes �No Council resolution required. Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? � . .-