89-463 WMITE - CITV CLERK . �INK � FINANCE GITY O SAINT PAUL Council I� � CANARV -OEPARTMENT File NO. � �� �� —�c BI.UE -MAVOR 0 ndnce Ordinance N 0. �?�� � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date d. Thirty (30) ciays a te the special or regular election. The statements shall b v rified upon the oath of the party filing and s 1 cover all transactions made up to and includi� he third day before the filing of the sta�ement a d not accounted for and reported upon in statem n s previously filed, except that no transact ' o s shall be made thereafter which are not included 'n the final statement. The statements required by h' s section shall disclose the same information re u' red in subsection (3) . Each statement after th ': irst shall contain a summary of all precedin atements and summarize all items theretofore r p rted under the provisions of this subdivision. ec ion 2. That this ordinance sha 1 ake effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, ap roval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor coswitz Rett�nan � s�be;be� Against BY Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date �U� ! � �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pass b ncil BY ��' '"' ���-- � '<���'9 By f Approved ayor: e �N � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r gy By p�g�D J UN 101989 . . , * � � � � , �-�.-�3 � � / ��J� -; „��de1m ; . ; C�ITY OF S INT PAUL � :ae� s�: . OFFICE OF FI CITY COIINCIL .�.� Members: � Kki Sonnen,Chair KIKI SONNEN Date: Frida , ay 5, 1989 RogerGoswitz Bob Long • Councilmember MOLLY O'ROURKE Sta�(: Legislative Aide Donna Sanders,Secretary Jane McPeak,Attorney Committee Report Rules and Policy C mittee 1. Approval of minutes of the April , 989 meeting: COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. ORDINANCE #89-463 - An ordinance me ding Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Campai n ontributions" to provide for . conformity to state statute as to ti e limits for filing financial reports prior to primary and gene al elections. (Heard in R & P Committee 4/7/89, and laid over u ti 5/5/89 , COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL ;, 3. ORDINANCE �f89-557 - An Ordinance e ing the Civil Service Rules by adding a.section authorizing disc 1 e in instances where a supervisor discharges, disciplines, threaten , o herwise discriminates against, or penalizes an employee who in good fa h; reports a suspected violation of State law or rule; upon request pa ticipates in a public body's investfgation, hearing or inquiry; or refuses an order to perform an action the employee objectively be ie es violates any state or federal law or regulation and the employee in orms the employer that the order . is being refused for that reason. (R ferred to R & P Committee 4/4/89) COMMITTEE RECOI�Ily1ENDED ONE MONTH LA OV R TO JUNE 2, 1989 4. ORDINANCE 4�89-616 - An Administrat ve Ordinance amending Section 41 of the Administrative Code which deal w th government employee solicitation by requiring the enti e ity Council to act in designating a person to do solicitation rather th n allowing each individual councilmember to designate solicit ti n to city employee. (Referred to R & P Committee 4/11/89) COI�IITTEE RECOI�IENDED APPROVAL OF UB TITUTE ORDINANCE 5. ORDINANCE 1�89-701 - An ordinance a en ing Sections 2.03, 3.01 & 3.02, 5.01 & 5.03, 6.08, 7.04, 7.06, 8.0 .4 8.07 & 8.07.3, 8.07.4, 8.08, 10.02, 10.07.3, 12.10, 12.11 .1, 13 03 5, and 17.05 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul by deleting ge der specific references. (Referred to R & P Committee 4/25/ 9) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL 6. ORDINANCE 4189-702 - An Ordinance p rt ining to the finances and budgets of the city; amending Chapter 10 o t e Charter of the City of Saint Paul. (Referred to R & P Committe 4 25/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR S NT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 612/298-5378 , B 6 � . - . . . _ . . - C� �-°- �--Q °� WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF' INT PAITL Council � CANARV -DEPARTMENT �]/��/( BLUE -MAYOR File NO. ^ � • ` r ���,e Ordinance N 0. _ �e��`�� • + Presented B � � Referred To '�' -�-� � Committee: Date ��� � Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amendin C apter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cod e titled "Campaign Contributions" to, pr vi e for conformity to state statute as to im limits for filing financial reports pr ' or to primary and gener elections . THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIN P UL DOES ORDAIN: Sectio l . That Chapter 28 of the Sai t aul Legislativ Code is hereby amended in Section 28 .03(d) (2) t e eof to read a follows : (2) Every candidate , the se r tary of ever personal cam�aign commi�tee' ar�d h treasurer f every committee and every pol ' t ' cal fund s all file a financial statement as o lows : a. Se�e�-�'�� Ten (10) d y before he primary; b. Seven (7) days after -c e prima y; c. �e�er�-{-�� Ten (10) d y befo e the regular of ' special elections ; d. Seven� (7) days after t e r ular or special election; and e. On January 31 of eac a the personal I� campaign committee o t committee is in I existence. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � / —�'C�/' G � K �� In Favor � cosw;tz Rettman / Scheibel Against BY � Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date Form prov d by Cit tto � � .. C.� �- ��> Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � By pprov ayo for bmissipn to Council Approved by Mayor: Date �, By � `�"� - WH17E - CITV CLERK . PINK - FINANCE COlII1C11 `/. CANARY -DEPARTMENT GITY OF� INT PAUL File NO• �• ' �� BLUE -MAYOR O/ W ' nce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Da Out of Committee By ate The statements shall e verified pon the oath of the party filing an all cover 11 transactions made up to and inc ud ng the ird day before the filing of the t tement d not accounted for and reported up n in st tements previously filed, except that n ransa ions shall be made thereafter which are n t i cluded in the final statement. The state en s r quired by this section shall disclose the am information required in subsection ( 3) . h statement after the first shall contain a ummary of all preceding statements and summ ri e all items theretofore reported under the pr � sions of this subdivision. Sec i 2. That this ordinance shal ' a effect and be in force thirty ( 30) days after its passage , ap r al and publication. I 2. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond � ��� �(���� ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman �be;�� Against By Sonnen �Ison Form o d by City, ttor Adopted by Council: Date " ��'�� � ! Cr �F Certified Passed by Council Secretary By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY