89-459 WHITE - C�TV CLERK COU�ICII �/1J `1 PINK - FINANCE CITY OF A NT PAUL -/ CANARV - OEPARTMEN7 BLUE - MAVOR File �O. • � � - Council solution - -��� ��� � ��, .. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #37316 f r a Massage Therapist License by Sher A. Blair DBA Janos Tak cs European Therapeutic Sports Massage at 1619 Dayton Ave. , be and th same is hereby approved. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favor Goswitz Itethnan Sc6eibel �_ Against BY Sonnen � 1"I/i1t � 6 h7U� Form Appr ved by City A orne Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya: ed by Council Secretar BY Z � � By. J � � A►pprov by Mavor. Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By fii.f61(� ��ikR H � 19$ � _ _ , _ ; ._���._�_,�__� _. �.v_.. _ .. .. . _ . � g�-��9 _.. AND PERMIT ADMINIST TI N DATE � � / � _..r:NTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn Processed/Received by Lic Enf Aud Applicant �� �. � Home Address ����/'��//l.0l� /�v• � � Ru iness Name / J Home Phone p�Q`3'�(7`� us�Ad ress T e of License s YP � ) �Q..�.G. Business Phone � Public Hearing Date ��(��. ; �� ��G' License I.D. �l 3'_]?j !(o at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, � � 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t llate Notice Sent; �IZ �� / �n�� Dealer 4� � '/} to Applicant � �1 Federal Firearms 46 ��,q . Public Hearing DATE IIvSPEC ON REVIEW VERFIED (COMP TE ) CUMMENTS A roved Not oved � Bldg I & D � a. �l� � , Health Divn. ' ' � I �� f � i Fire Dept. I � I ;�;� ��, � � v Police Dept. � � � ( �3 � n.� ���rcQ License Divn. � �� �� � � City Attorney � �1 �� ; �K Date Received: Site Plan ��A� To Council Research � S � Lease or Letter Date from Landlord ��P� . � ��- �� � CITY OF 'r. PAUL ' � DEPAFcTMENT OF FIN CE ND MANAGEI�NT SERVICES LICENSE A RMIT DIVISION Please answer a11 questions flilly and comp et ly. This application is thorough� checked. Any falsification will be cause for denial Date 2 Sentember 19 88 1. Application for massa e thera ist �License)(Permit} 2. Name of applicant Sher Blair 3. If applicant is/has been a married fem e list maiden name �Blair 4. Date of birth 04. 14.55 � Age 33 Plac o birth Saint Paul, Minnesota 5. Are you a citizen of the United States es Native ves Naturalized 6. Are you a registered voter ves �J1'�ere aint Paul Minnesota 7. Home Address 245 Grand Avenue �kl Sa nt Paul 55102 Home Telephone 293-1032 8. Present business address 265 Cit Hall S int Pa Business Telephone �gg_4��� 9. Including yovr present business/emplo en , vrhat business/employment have you followed for the past five yeaxs. Business/employment. Address - -hotel industz�� . Radisson MPtrodome �no l�nger in existence) �,dm�nistrative City of Saint Paul Affirmative Action . .. .. �..'. M_ . . ;f , '.{ . �.��' �-�` •:..�1�'� ' �. ' : --. .• ' ����� ��1"J�� ' � �•' i•�Qtii�"'�3 MV/�i1A.fi1�A� ��{/� .+ 10. Married vTes if answer is "yes", list am and addres�-o�t�-�au "` SjS�YIa��'u�u: Richard Walker Saint au 11. If this application is for a M assage e: pist License, list time so occupied. P�� Y S Months. 12. Have you ever been axrested no If s r is "yes", list dates of arrests, where, chaxges convictions and sentences. Date of axrest 19 Where Chaxge Conviction Sentence Date of arrest 19 � er Charge Conviction Sentence . - �/! O 7 - ��5� 13. Give names and ad3resses of two persons r sidents of St. Paul, Minnesota who ca.n give information conc�rning you. iVr�''� ADDRESS Marv Walker 1167 Englewood, Saint Paul, 55104 Nancv Castillo 987 East Fourth Street, Saint Paul State of Minnesota ) ) SS �ounty of Ramsey ) being f :s duly sworn, poses and s ys upon oath that he ras read the foregoing statement be in his signat a.nd knows e contents thereof, and that the same is true of his o k wledge ex t as to o e matters therein stated upon information and belief d s to thos tters h lie•✓es them to be true. , ; ; Subscribed and sworn to before me Si n of Applicant this��da;� of 19,�� �lotaxy lic, amsey Co ty, I�iinnesota M.y Commission expires lo �j MARY MAYES NOrMY PUBUC•IYNNNES�A IIIIIA�EY�01lN111 Mp0��1�MM�rs�p � �7��� . Cit of 'aint Paul p /—L��"'�G� ' Department of Fina ce nd Management Services � License nd ermit Division 03 ty Halt St. Paul, Mi nes ta 55102•298-5056 APPLICAT FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CIASS N0� N w Renew a ���� -�-� o , � �te - � ,� Code No. Title of License — c� �' q� From �/ 1��To �� ��� 19 i c. /. i7 f ,, L� //� � � i / v��� / /'/���'fi.:�.r'.1 �� �/r '..C/�.'7 ti1G � � ; � � � J �' . � � ��f./�.�1. ��. �%'�-' '✓ AppllcantlCompany Name 1 ;�'; ��;�I%•Gd.�✓ �./I,c��!'-+1� 1 /,%Buafnssa Name ;/ Y� � /(o/9 �..��.C�iL ��.�2 - � c�. ., . Business Address J Phon�No. 1 � /�,i.-:tif irC�� 1 Mall to Addreaa . Phons No. : � � �-.G%°�� �� . ��_.-f:_-C'.�G 1� ManapeNOwnsr•Name ��-�� 1 J ��'���'.��'.�' ��,.t.�' • �� �;�� 1 AtanapeNGwne�-Home Addross Phon�No. 4098 Application Fee �. ' 2. ,-� �, �/f Recelved ths Sum of �� �1 ��' � ��/+ �//�y� ' ���` , Mana9edOwner-City,Stats 3 Zip Cod� 100 Total 1 �� / `/ / /�%�.n '•� `�► ) � l ' �I ` � %�- LiC@nS9 In3p8CtOf ��� By: �-�� ' �-' Slyoature ol Applfcant v �/ Bond• Company Name Policy No. Expintfon Oat� Insurance• Company Name.j Poliey No. Expiration Dat� Minnesota State Identification No � Sxial Security No. l Vehicle information: Strial Number lat�Number �thAr: THIS IS A RECEI T OR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application tor lice�s wil either be granted or rejected subject to the proviaions of the zonlny ordinance and Complation of the inspectiona by the Health, Fire, oni p and/or License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR L ETURNED CHECKS _�r��;�� /-�9-�9' �!� �, � �' � ��� ���� � ,«_•�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL :~� '; DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES : � ;� � ° DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH ���� w 555 Cedar Street.S�int Poul.Minnesoa 55101 Ceorge latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor .7l]i1@ 27, 1�$ ShP.Y' Bla�r 245 Grand Ave.�e Apart�ae�nt #1 � St. Paul, NN 55102 Dear Ms. Blair: I am happy to inform y�au that y�ou Pes�ed the massa�ge therapi.st writ- ten and practical ex�n?*+ation. Y y naw ioak�e a.pplication for a lices�se at the Li�e L�spect.or's Office, 203 City Ball, 15 Wpst Kellogg HaKilevard. Saint Paul, rlinnesota 5 10 . Bring this le�tt�r with you when application. Sir�cerely, Gary J. Fechroann Envirotmental Health Program G7P:jm C: Joe Carchedi. I.ic��e Divi.si� ONIO�fATOR• DAie NM7� tt c��eD � �r I�i�� . �� C R�E#�1 S H E E� Ho. 0 0 3 4 3 7 ' J. Carchedi ��T - o�nan�rr rnR�crnA µ►vbn roa a�ranh . Kris VanHorn � �.��� ��«�. �°�� "�* "°� � Council R�search nounrao �a��+ Fi nartce & 29$-.50�6 0�: ��„� — . Request f+�r a Massage fherapist Licens . Notification Date: 3-2-89 Hearing Date: 3-16-89 N��IM�NOMiION�.UPP►aw.(A)a R�t�1 COUNCIL . � PtAfllMq COM�MBBION �� CML SERVICME COMtA418810N DATE IN 7EOUT ANALVST . . .. - _ . . PfiONE N0. � - . . . . DONNKi OOMMY8910N ...� 1SD 826-8q1001 BOARD � . . � .� � . . . . . STAFF. � �� CMAWTER COAA�NB&ON C01AP1.ETB �IS: ��.-ADD'L INFO.AODEO* ..: .RETD TO CONiA�T - �CONBTRU@IC: . ' � . � � � ' .. . _FOR ADDL MiO. �F�BM�(N7BEQ* � .. � DISTRICT COUPR�IL � � •E%PLMIATION:�� . � .. �� . . . &JPPORl9 YNIKxI COIINCN.08JECT1VEt . � . � � . . . . � � . . � � �� � � . �� . #�'YIAIMG�RO�L�M,IqtIE,OM�ORRN�TY'lWho.YM�.VINIln.YN�srs.VMt»: _ Sher A. Blair req�ests Council approva o her app1icatian-for a Massage � Theraptst_ License at� 1619 Dayton .Ave. , Ja s Takacs E��ropean Th�rapeutic � _ Sports Massage, �us,�c�►rorE tca�ue«�w.�ea�r�.r: .. . - ,. . A1l fees and appl'ications have been su i ed. A11 required departments have r�viewed and approved this application � - " • �EWhat.Whwi.and To WhaaY . If Cauncil approval is not rece�ved; S r . Blair w�ll not be a-llowed to practice massage tfierapy. �u.�►TnrES: : ; c�►� . . . . .. .. . . . � . . . . •� ' . .,. v o.�.... ill.,"t,r(wi�l,� Vt�.�`lri� . . - c;��� 3 ►���� _ �,►,.,,�: , � ��: _