89-451 WHITE - CITY CLERK Council '" PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT ��'�� I BI.UE - MAVOR File NO. � C unci esolution =-� . , ;� ' � ��/� �..�.��. Presented By er o � ���{ _> Committee: Date J ��� � J � ` O u t of Committee B Date Y WHEREAS, Veterans ' Memorial H 11 of the St. Paul City Hall/Court House Building was created to on r the men and women from Ramsey County who died in action ef nding the freedoms of people throughout the world in all wa s; and WHEREAS, the Veterans ' Memoria H 11 presently lists the names of soldiers who died in World War I; and WHEREAS, men and women killed 'in action during World War II, the Korean War and the Viet Nam W r o date have not had their names engraved in Veterans ' Memorial !Ha l; and WHEREAS, the recognition of th se men and women for their service to their country is long overd e; and WHEREAS, the County of Ramsey n the City of Saint Paul have not set aside funds for this purpo e; and WHEREAS, the Fourth District V terans of Foreign Wars has the funds to engrave the names f these veterans to be a part of Veterans ' Memorial Hall and h s offered these funds for this purpose; now, therefore, be i RESOLVED, that the City of a'nt Paul accepts the funds and assistance from the Fourth Di t ict Veterans of Foreign Wars and directs the work to be accomp i hed under the supervision of the Joint City Hall/Court House C ittee and Ramsey County Director of Property Management. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond � �� �_ [n Fav r sosw�tz Rett°°a° B Scheibel � A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 � � 9 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pas un il , retary By �--�L'� d� ���-"' � Z .Z 2 Sy sy � .. A►ppr e by 1Aavor: Date APR � �► Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council g BY Pu�ltSHm aP� 2 ;� � �9_ . . � �� �� 9. Resolution 89-495 - amending the 1 89 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $30,000 to the Financing an S ending Plans from General Fund to Executive Adm ni tration for the five year implementation plan ha ging to a two year budgeting process. (Refe re from Council March 23) 10. Resolution 89-496 - amending the 1 89 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $30,000 from Special Projec s eneral Government to Executive Administr io Government Responsiveness. (Referred from Co nc'1 March 23) 11. Resolution 89-497 - establishing f' e-member Approved as amended Program Evaluation Task Force to o 'de initial guidance for establishing a syst at' program evaluation process. (Referred fr uncil March 23) _.�\-� .,�, -� 89-4�� =.acceptin� f nr���ir.st�ce Apprc�v�.d�����.. from the Fourth District V.F.W. t , e grav� names of Veterans at Veterans Memorial Ha a d directing work to b� accomplished under s sion of the Joint City Ha11 Court House Comni te and Ramsey County I�irector of Property Manag ' t. (Referred f�~Cot�nci 1 March 16) 13. Ordinance 89-227 - amending Chapt r 6 of the Laid over two weeks Administrative Code pertaining to si ning of contracts, deeds, bonds and chec providing notification to Council prior to i atures on proposed contracts when not subj t o competitive bidding. (Referred from Council e ary 14, laid over March 20) 14. Discussion of Capital Allocation Po icy financing Laid over two weeks changes. 15. Resolution 89-488 - amending theiSa ary Plan and Approved Rates of Compensation Resolution ,`by inserting the 1989 Standard Ranges and strikin o t obsolete language pertaining to salary ad an ement. (Referred from Council March 23) 16. Resolution 89-487 - deleting cer ai obsolete Approved language from Section 28B of th Ci il Service Rules - pertaining to substitute Librar Sp cialists. (Referred from Council March 23) 17. Resolution 89-489 - establishin t rate of pay for Approved Citizen Service Analyst in the al y Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution in G ad 19, Section ID2, of the Technical Standard Range . (Referred from Council March 23)