89-449 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PA U L COUIICII �� / � � / � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. ���� �C unci esolution - � :,�� � � � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED that the Mayor i ' a thorized to apply for and accept such Special Grant Funds s re available from the United States or the State of Minnesota fo the purposes of conducting special investigations; monitor t e sage of such funds and render such accounts as are need d s to the expenditure of such funds, a copy of said Resolution to be kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk and the Depart en ot Finance and Management Services. - COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays un Dimond ��j�i� :.� � " e Goswitz � �n Favor . nn dox Lon �Lryy���� M aatter Retttnan --�— A gai n s t BY ��'�''`� ed sco SCheibel sonnen � 1 6 �Q Form r d by City tt Adopted by Council: �ate — Certified a -ed by Council Sec ary B c 3 �— Z ��j�% BY Approv y ;Vlayor: Date MAR 17 198 Appr e by Mayor for S i ion to�ouncil PUBLtSHED I����� 2 � 19 � , . , � Sg��9 DEPARTMENTlOFFIC�ICOUNpL DATE INITIA o 3 6 Po�ice 2/2� s9 GREEN SHEET No. INITIAU OATE INITIAUDATE CONTACT PERSON 6 PFIONE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR CITY COUNdL Deputy Chi ef No1^d � m AnoRN�v cmr c�RK MUBT BE ON OOUNdL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTINO BUDQET DIRECTOR �FlN.d MOT.BERVICE8 DIR. MAYOR(OR A881ST � TOTAL#�OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AL L ATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REOUES'iED: Adopt the attached Council Resolution re ar ing acceptance of grant monies for ,� .- ;. special investigations. �' �°��,� REOOMMENOATIONB:Apprars(/q a RsJsct(F� COUNdL REP _PLANNINO COMMISSION —qVIL SERVICE COMMISSION ��YST PFIONE N0. _pB c;a�M�E _ 0 COMMEN —BTAFF — _°'�'�`��� �j� �ITY �TTORNE SUPPORTS WHldi OOUNdI OBJEC77VE9 1lN1YOR S ���IVE INITIATIN(i PROBLEM.138UE�OPPORTUNITY(Who.1Mhet.When.WMre.Wh�: The City of St. Paul has experienced a d am tic increase in the sale and distribution of cocaine and its derivative, crack. T e 'ncrease in the juvenile and adult use and sale of the substances can be termed al rming, at best. There are no city neigh- borhoods immune from the proliferation o t e substances. State and Federal monies are periodically available to further a pe ific investigation of mid and upper-level traffickers. �These investigations, usua ly very costly, have been beyond the scope of this department because of cost. Public Co ncil review and approval of grant monies for a specific investi ation ma 'eo ard ze the investi ation nd Aova�rrnoes�Fn��o- conducting same. Enables the police department to conduct co tly, confidential investigations targeting mid and upper-level narcotic traffickers wh are responsible for the introduction of large amounts of controlled substances i to the City of St. Paul . DISADVANT11OE8 IF APPROVED: None DISADVANTAOE8 IF NOT APPROVED: Restricts the investigations of mid and p r-level traffickers because of costs. � M +^s . `,. . 't f' / ..'1'�F,. .._.. ...,. _ ... ..�., w L,.7 l.'�..:i - �-� 1.,. .,e , ._ :.� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION : COST/REYENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ON� YES NO FUNDMIO SOURCE ACTIVITIf NUMBER FINANqAL INFORMATION:(EXPLAII�