89-438 WF11QE - CITY CI.ERK COl1I1C1I PINK - NNANCE GITY OF �S INT PAUL CANARY - DEPARTMENT I � BLUE - MAVOR File �O. Caun ' _ esolution y ��4 ; � Presented By . � eferred To � � 'J ` Committee: Date "? "���� Out of Committee By Date (�I�S, t.�. Division of F�ublir. I-�l I s r�uested the City C�mcil to hold a publ ic hearing to c�onsicler the advisabil' y r�essity of the corr�c-tion or wreckirig and r�val of a twr� and ane-hal ry w�od fr�re, milti�mit resic�ential buildirig with attached garage, which is _a � pr�p�erty hereafter referred to as the "Sti.ibject Ptr�.,rty" cxcmr�nly }�1 s 81 Univesity AveruaP West, Saint Paul, Minnesota which is Abstrar_t property arid lly described as: Lot 25, Block 2, in Block 13 as �vided on the plat of Stinson's Division in St. Paul of the No 1/4 of Section 36, Zbwnship 29, Range 23, Rat�y ckxu�ty, . G�-3ERF'AS, � t�cm the re�ord.� in Caimty Fie�o�ler's Offic� on Oct�er ?5, 1988 the follawir�g persons , interested p3rties or responsible g3rties of the Subject P : State of M[inn�sata, 'Iha.st Exarpt, 109 Cburt Haa_�e, St. Paul, NN 55102; John . , 1146 E. Ivy Ave., St. Paul, NN 55106; Avery K. Cbok, 1146 E. Ivy Ave., St. Paul, NN 551�6; John O. Larsori, 15024 Stevens Ave. S., Buxnsvi.11e, NN 5 33 • Janet K. Iarson, 15024 St-.esrens Ave. S., Burnsville, M�T 55337; Nortl�aestern ' Bank, St. Paul, AKA No�st B3nk, St. Paul, 55 E. 5th Strc�t, St. Paul, MV 5 O1; No�st Bank National As�r_iation, Sixth Street & N��tte Av �., lis, NN 55479; Credit Bureau tbl lecti�s IncV., (Ac�dress l)nl�xxan); - , _k and Cb., 2929 El liot Ave. S., Minr�olis, NN 55407, ATIN: Dept 8412 R . Schultz; and (n�iF�2FAS, the Divisi.on of Public H�l iss�.�d o�ers identifie_c� as an "Abar� Builclirig Notice" dated Octobe 6 1988 which is attached and ir�corp�rated as p3rt of this Res�lution 's refes�ce. This o�x wa.s served on all cx�n�ers, interest�d p3tties and ible �rties of the Slubject Pra�rty ]mc�wn to the enf_o�t officex. The i and on��r infom� these p3rties that COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long [n Favo 'I Goswitz � - �Zi����� � — scne�i Against ', BY � i Sonuen Wilson Form Approv City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � '� � By A►pproved by 1Navor: Date Appr ved by Mayor for Submis ' n Ceran ' By . ���-�-�� the t�n and one-half story w�od frame, i�.mit residential building with attached garage located on the Slabject y is an abar�loned building n�rq�ar,t to Sec.•tion 45.01, Stabd. 1 of the St. Pa islative �; ar� the building is a nuisarx� purs�aant to S�c.-tions 45.02, . 0 and S�abd. 11 of the St. Paul Legislative Ooc7e. 'IlZe October 6, 1988 also had attached to it a list of deficiencies regardirig the builclirig on ject Property, said list is attached and inaorporated as p3rt of this res�l i ; and 4�FAS, the October 6, 1988 order � o all aaners, intPxe��ed p�rties and responsible p3rties that they mz��t ei ' the building � t1� Slabject P�rty by correctulg the list of clefi ' ies or dr�rr�lish the biailding, either action to take place by Novgnber 21, 19 ; 4d�2EAS, no action has beeal taken c.:�pliance with the Octob�er 6, 1988 r�tice and o�er, and as a result the D' 's on of Public F�alth r�uesk.ed that a public hearing be sr�led to talc� pl � 0 71.iesday, N13rch 14, 1989 for t11e City Ctoiulcil to cx�nsic�x the advisability sity of ord�ering the correction of the nu.isarx� aorx.�ition or in the alterna 'iv consic�x the d�lition and �mval of this l�xaildirig; and Tni�RE'AS, the above referer�ed awners II ' p�rties aryd responsible p3rties have been personally sPaved noti the time arid n�r�r� of the Ni�h 14, 1989 ha�ring before tl�e �il; and I �FAS, a hearing was held before ' t Paul City O�il on N�rch 14, 1989 and all t.estinx�y aryd evidex�ce was 'dered by the Cto�uticil; naw, therefore, be it RESDLUED that based �ori all of the y ar�cl evider�ce presented at t1� N�rch 14, 1989 hearing, the Saint Paul C' il hereby adq�ts the follawirig Firx�ings arid Order cor�cernirig the buil ' a 581 Univexsity Avenue West and attached garage: 1. Zt�at in Jwze, 1984, the Y� 1 on the Slabject Prn�aerty was detexmir�ed to be vacant ar�d cypen to . �e Y�e has ran�ined vacant anrl has been either open or boarded since JLme, 1 84 2. That since Ji.me, 1984, the City o ' t Paul has on nurn_ro�as oacasions iss�a�d orclPxs to the awners to make this � Zirig secure and riot aacessible. On m�ny oacasions, ber.ause of the inaction p�rt of the awr�ers, the City has had to hire a private contracbor to m3ke the ser_ure aryd riot aperi to aacess. 3. �at the awners of the Stabject P have repe�tedly failed to register and p3y the varant builclirig fee for this as r�zired by City on3ir�am�. 4. That the City of Saint Paul this structure as "Unfit for fi�n Habitation wxler (��.er 34 of the Saint aul Legislative Coc�e" in Novgnber, 1983. 1#�e kxzildixig is still subject to this tion order. 5. Zi�at th�re are naw aryd have been ' JLU1e, 1984, multiple exterior I-ioiasi.ng Cbde or Building Cbde violations ' e ist�� at the S�abject Propeity. ���^` �, - 2 1�� �� � -�I�� , - �� �.��, �= 6. �at the awners, interested ��rti responsible p�rties of this bu.ilding are as previausly stated in this r lution. 71�ese ir�divichaals have been pn-�perly served notice of the Ni�rch 14, 1 9 ing aor�erning this b�aildirig. 7. That the awners, interested p��t.i respor�sible parties have been ordered on rnmerau.s occasions to r�ir 's 'lding and have failed to do so. 8. That � October� 6, 1988 an 'lding Notic�e was sent to the awr�ers, interested �rties arxl responsibl � ies ordering these pPxsons to either d�nlish the Yxailding or m3ke rc�irs an�l c� rect the list of c�ficier�ies by Nav�_r 21, 1988. 9. 14�at the order of October 6, 1988 beeri disneg�ndec� by the awr�ers, interested �rties and responsible �rti . 10. That the tw� and one-half story fr�cie, mzlti-�uLit resiclential building located on the �bject Property is an building ur�_r Section 45.01, S��bd. 1, of fihe Saint Paul Legislative Oocle in it is "a b�ailclirig or portion thPreof which has stood �.�oac�ied for longer o t 1) ye3r" and durir�g tl�at period of t�me it has been eithP_r "�u�cure�d", " ", or has ha� "mzltiple exterior Hazsing Cbc]e or Building Cbc7e violations' or has been "pl�carc7ed as 'Unfit for �n Habitati�' pursuarit to ��er 34 of St. Paul Legislative Cbcle." 11. That the tz�n and or�e-half story frame, mil.ti unit residential building with attached garage laacated on the S1aL Pi�c�erty is a rn�;�,.,rr� as def ir�ed �r Saint Paul Legislative Qode Secti 4 .02, Stiabd. 11, in that is is an abar�clor�ed Uaildirrg located in the City o � t Paul that has created a darigex�aa.s or imhealthy aondition or which thra3 public peace, health safety or sanitary aondition or the City or which s ffensive or has a blighting influex�ce on the aaYmu�ity. 12. That the costs of abatarent of nuisar�aes are estim�ted to e,�cc�aed ts� t�sar�d dollars ($2,000.00) or the aba t inv�lves d�r�lition of a building other t-1�an a structure accessory to a i tial building. �e Saint Paul Ci Ckxu�il he the foll ordP..r: tY rel�' vwing 1. The above refererx�d awners, in � p�-ties and responsible p��ties arx� their assigns shall m3ke the S�abject P y safe and r�ot detrimental to the public peace, health, safety, arxl welf ramve its blighting influ�ce on the �ttn�ity by rehabilitatirig this buil � aorrec•ting tl�ose deficiencies set forth in the list previausly referem� in � with all applicable aodes arr.l on�inarx.�s, or in the alternative by 1' the building ar�d filling the site in aaco�lanae with all applicable c�s ordinarx�s. 'Il�e rehabilitati� or ds�r�lition of this building mas't be 1 within thirty (30) days of the date vf m3ilirig of this resolution. L �t b �� 3 . � �� -� ^ -�I � _ _ _ _ _ WMIYE TV CLERK �I PINK - �NANCE COl1I1C11 BLUERV - MAVORTMENT G I TY O � A I NT PAU L � File N 0. � Counc l Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. If the aYx�ve corre�tive artion _s t ��pleted within the thirty (30) day time period, the pr��er City officials f City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to take whatev�r s-t� are sary to c�rolish t11is building and fill the site arxl charge tYie costs irticurred the S�abject PropertY pursu�'it to the pn�visions of S�,•tion 45.08 of the Sai P tal I�gi.slative CJode. 3. In the evvent the buildirig is be datr�lisY�d by the City of Saint Paul, all persor�al prr�perty or fixtzar�s of < which shall imreasor�ably int�rfere with the c�r�lition and rf�nc�val shall ed frcm the bui.lding by the aariers, interest��l �arties anc� r�spon.�ible �t� es by the �d of the thirty (30) day t�me period. If thP personal pL�erty is raroved, the City of Saint Paul shall �nve � dispose o£ svr_.h prc�rty fi �rPS as is pravided by law. 4. IT IS FU17If�t ORDFRID that a � ied cx�y of this regolut.ion and the ir�orporated on�r ar� l ist of defici i. be m3iled to the last }ffiawri address of the owners, interested g�rties and r . ' le �arties pursuant tc� Sec.Ytion 45.11, S�abdivisi on (5). 4 COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lon� � [n Fav ',r —6esovlez h �h�� l/ _ Agains BY ' �ee�� wi�so� MAY 2 5 Form Appr e y ity Attor y Adopted by Council: Date C Certified • sed by Counc� Secret ry By 2 S �°� gy, �Ll%l,G Approve by 1Aav r: D MAY 2 6 Approv d by Mayor for Submissio to C�ncil 1 :lUBll�tiE9 JUN - 31 '89 � Members: � � I, Bill Wilson, chair ��x � GITY OF IS INT PAUL Tom Dimond � �;;;�;;�n ' Kiki Sonnen � �/r OFFICE OF H CITY COUNCIL. � �t�� � Date: April 26, 19 9 } �.} RECEIVED WILLIAM L. WILSON COC�I ' Il PP. RPpOI l MARK VOERDING Councilman nPR 2��9p(� LegislativeAide H 07 To: Saint Paul Ci�y Counci ciYY c�E�K From : Housing and Econ �m c Development Committee Bill Wiison, Chair 1. Approval of Minutes COMMITTEE APPROVED :�SNUTES FOR ME TI GS OF FEBRUARY 22, I989, and MARCH 8, 1989 2. Ordinance amending the Legislativ C de by adding a new chapter pertaining to replacement housing (C.F. 89- 41 � COMMITTEE RECOMMENDID TWO WEEK LA pV R TO MAY 10, 1989 3. Resolution establishing policy st �te ent pertaining to replacement housing (C.F. 89-662) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDr'� TWO WEEK LA OV TO MAY 10, 1989 � 4. Resolution ordering the repair or �e lition of property located at 581 University Avenue (C.F. 89-4 $) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDID APPROVAL S. Ordinance amending Section 160.04 f he Legislative Code and amending Ord. No. 17457 adopted May �Z6, 19 �, y estending the commercial vehicle parking permit syste� for an addit on 1 year to June 6, 1990 - Parking Meter Zones (C.F. 89-484) COMMITTEE RECOMMEND� APPROVAL 6. Ordinance amending Section 167.01 f he Legislative Code and amending Ord. No. 17457 adopted May 26, 198 , y extending the commercial vehicle parking permit system for an addit on 1 year to June 6, 1990 - Special Parking Permits (C.P. 89-485) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR ! S INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 6l2/298-4646 46 �=�� ���� � � . ��j�y-�3� �I° 012947 . Co�wm t Services DEPARTME - � teven R. o COI�TACT N • 92�7718 pg0� � February�l , DATE ASSIGN NUMBER F4R ROIITING ORDER: (See ev rse #ide.) � Department Director 3 Meyor (or Assistant) �-ZZ _ Finance and ?Lanagement Services Di ct r � City Clerk, Z, Budget Director � City CoUnC�l � City Attorney _ TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATIIRE PAGES: C2 p al� locations for signature.) , W ? (PurposeJRationale) The City will begin'the process of v .ng t is a6andoned buildir�g declared a nuisance and ordered repaired or ra ed Th su6ject pronerty is loeated at 581 University A�renue 4�est. � i AN P RSO . , If the owner fails to. repair or raz t e 6u�ldinq, :the City will raze the structur�e and assess the costs aqai st the #a�es. Estimated costs $5,Q00.00 - �7,000.00. Already budgeted. F G G V BE 0 C ED: (Piaqor's signat�tre not required if unde $ O,OOQ.) Total Amount of Transgction: 11011e , Activity Number: � Funding Source: 03227 � ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all atta hm nts. � List of deficiencies for the buildi q ocat d at � Unive�s�����1�v���l��t'. Center � 'I FEB 2�:. i��9 �, � AD1rIINISTRATIVE �OCEDURES � � �Yes No Rules, Regulations, P c dures�, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes �No If yes, are they or t e able �a�tached? • . DSPARTMENT REVIEW ; CITY ATTOR�TEY REV� �Yes No Council resolution requ e ? I &esolution required? �Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? �i Insurance suf.ficient? _Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance attached? I , , � j , ' 0II ' ,�.. - _..,.-� F.:.IN�1. � . , �The GREEN SHEET has three PURPOSES: . ! 1. to assist in routing documents and in a� uring required signatures; �,2. to brief the revie�rara of docwnents on ' impacts of approval; `�� 3. to help ensure that aecassary supporti" saterials are prepared and, if required, � attached. � • � : Providing comglete information under the lis� d headings enables revievers to make decisions on the documents and eliminates fc� oM-up contacts that may delay ezecution. Belo� is the ureferred SO[ITING for the ue t o d c e ts: CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget ezis 1. Outside Agency 4. I�a or 2. Initiating Department 5. Fli ance Director 3. City Attorney 6. Fli nce Accounting , Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than I$ 0,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department diractor signs. A contrja t must al�rays be signed-by the outside agency before routing through City offices. . �MINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) ' ADM�NISTRATIVE ORDER {all others) 1. Activity Manager , 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant ', 2. City Attorney 3. Departmant Director , 3. liayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director 4. City Clerk 5. City Clerk , 6. Chief Accountant, Finance snd Managemje t Services COUI�CIL RLSOLUT:ION (Budget Amendment/G�anti cceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Departmant Director 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney ' 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Maqor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, I�t. , and Pers. Cta.; 5. City Council 6. City Clerk , ; 7. City Council � ! � � ` � 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Managem� t Sarvices � ' The 0 hsading p�ovides space to explain the cost/beaefit aspects of the dacision. Costs; nd benefits relate both to Ci�y budget � (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to b' der financial impacts (cost to users, homeoaners, or other groups affected by the � tion) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent ( E) positions. � The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCBDURES section must b�� completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, 1r gulatiions, or regource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance r resolution. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures t be attached. SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS se ion, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is we3.1 done, no letter of transmittal eed be included (un3.ess signfng such a letter is one of the requested actions). � te: If an agreement requires evidence of surance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one o� the attachments a time .of routing. Note: Actions Mhich require City Council re lutions include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective ba aining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuartce of bonds by City; eminent dom� n; asswnption of liability by City, or - granting by �City of indemnification; agreeme� s Nith state or federal government under which they are providing funding; budget ame�i ments. , � ��-7�� �,"_=a. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . ; V i�� p� �• A�4 ��. DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH �'vo,��� ' S55 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 ; (612)292-7711 Ceorge Latimer ', Mayor ', I February 13, 1989 I Mr. President and Members of the City Council � Re: 581 University Avenue West � Date of Hearing: March 14, 1989 I District Council: 7 Honorable Council: � The Division of Public Health is hereb s 'tting its report on the condition of the structure at the location refer ed to above. The owners of record are: State of Minnesota (Tax Title Holderl Trust Exempt 109 Court House St. Paul, N]t�T 55102 John K. Cook (Patent Title Holder) 1146 E. Ivy Ave. St. Paul, NIl�T 55106 Avery K. Cook (Patent Title Holder) 1146 E. Ivy Ave. St. Paul, Nl[�T 55106 I John O. Larson (Mortgagor) 15024 Stevens Ave. S. Burnsville, Nl[�T 55337 Janet K. Larson tMortgagor) 15024 Stevens Ave. S. Burnsville, NIl�1 55337 Northwestern State Bank, St. P ul (Mortgagee) AKA Norwest Bank St. Paul 55 E. 5th Street St. Paul, NIA1 5 5101 Notwest Bank National Associat on (��9a9�> Sixth St. & Marquette Ave. Minneapolis, NIl�1 55479 . , ��j��0 Mr. President and Members of the City Council February 13, 1989 Page -2- Credit Bureau Collections In . (Judgement Holder) (IJIVIQVC�GVN) Sears, Roebuck and Co. (Judgement Holder) 2929 Elliot Ave. S. Minneapolis, NIl�1 55407 ATTN: Dept 8412; R.N. Schul The legal desr_ription of the abstra � roperty is: Lot 25, Block 2, in Block 13 as subdivided on the plat of Sti 'o 's Division in St. Paul of the Northwest 1/4 of Section 36, Township 29, Ran e 3, Ramsey County, Minnesota. The building is a two and one-half o , wood frame, multi-unit residential building with attached garage. The subject property has been unoc i since June 1984. The building has stood unoccupied f r nger than one year and meets one or more of the conditions that constit e n abandoned building, as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legisl ti e Code. On October 6, 1988, the Division of ic Health mailed an order to the owners, interested parties and res ns' le parties of this building requiring that the building be either repair , correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or demolished on or �o e November 21, 1988. Inasm�zch as the orders have not been completed to t tisfaction of the Division and the continued abandoned condition of th b ilding contributes a blighting influence and potential hazard to the neighbo , it is the recomnendation of the Division that the City Council pass esolution ordering the owners, interested parties and responsible 'es to either repair or demolish the building in a timely manner to the t�sfaction of the City. In the event the owners, interested ies or responsible parties fail to con�ly with the Council Resolution, th Division of Public Health should be authorized to demolish the building n assess all costs incurred in the denalition against the real estate S special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Yo s truly, t' f i �����-��-"< .����� Frank A. Staff son Environmental Health Director Enclosure cc: John McCormick, Asst. City Att 7rn y Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Jan Gasterland, �.iilding Ins �i n Warren Frost, PED District Housing Inspector . �� 7��. DEFI I CY LIST I R 581 L'N S TY AVENUE W• OCTO ER 6, 1988 All repairs and new installations s be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must o tained where changes andlor additions to an electrical system 're upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code ( .E C.) requirements. Some pltiunbing repairs may necessitate updating o t e fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any repai o new installation. Permits may be obtained from the Building Inspect on and Design Division, Room 445, City Hall. I MISSING BASIC FACILITIES I 1. Building lacks water. Providellpr per water hook up to all units. 2. Building lacks hot water. Pro id properly hooked-up hot water to all units. 3. Provide proper heating facilit f r all units. 4. Building lacks electrical servlce Provide properly hooked-up electrical service to all unit . � INTERIOR 5. There is scattered litter, clo h ttresses and other refuse throughout all units and atticlin building. Properly dispose of all refuse. 6. There is ripped and torn carpe i the halls and rooming units creating trip hazards. Repair 'or replace. 7. All smoke alarms in building a e isfunctional. Repair or replace smoke alarms. 8. There are holes in the plaster or sheetrock, doors ripped off and other maintenance neglected. e ir all walls, ceilings, floors, doors and other items in need f eneral maintenance. EXTERIOR 9. Windows are boarded. Unboard 11 windows and provide progerly fitting and secured windaws. 10. Doors boarded up. Unboard all �ac ess doors and provide properly fitting and secured doors. I �-�t�� C�� " " Deficiency List 581 Lniversity Avenue W. October 6, 1988 Page 2 of 2 11. Front ceroent steps (first step) re not properly installed. Rep�air or replace. 12. Side steps west side of house (cl t steps) are cracking and in need of repair. Repair or replace. ; 13. Side steps (west) to building, t ,e and rail is loose. Repair or replace. 14. There are unsecured windows and oo s into building. Provide windows and doors that can be properly ed to prevent access. , If you are unable to finance the co r tion or rehabilitation of the premises to c�nply with this order, th re are state and local rehabilitation programs for which y u y qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Depa nt of Planning and Economic Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. , . - ������ , _ `t f 1 T Y ��p ' I��I , CITY OF SAINT PAUL - ��r�.� ''`�• �� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � �ryi�ii�i ,b I 'J' ^ DI 951 N OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 George Latimer 612-298-4212 No emb�er 2t3, 1983 I� Jolin Cc�ok i:F.: CERTIFICATE UF OCCUPANCY 1146 c:ast Ivy Av��nuc i 58.1 Univcrsity Avenue St. Paul., MN 55106 , UNITS: 6 plus 5 sleeping rooms Dear Property ��;�me:: When your Certificate was issued orila �t renewed, you were ordered to make certain repairs. An inspecti.on sho ed that [hose repairs had not been completed. We must [herefore revok y ur Certificate of Occupancy. The Saint Yai�l 1.E�hislaCivc� Cc�do, S�: �C i �n 33.05 states: "no building which is re i�i ed to have a CertiPicate of Occupancy st��►11 c�nt nu to be occupied without such Certificate" . THTS tiOTICE SF.RVES AS TFIC �'rF CIAL NOTICE OF REVOCATION Tne Saint P��„ Department of Co:nmuni,ty Services is notifying [he Minnesota Department oi' Revenue of. noncom�ii.� 'ce Minncsota Statutes, Section 290.101 provide5 for denial of interest anclide reciation deductions for substandard buildings durin�; the period of nonc mp iance. This referral.may also lead to �n .�udit nf •:�our 1•;innesota State �In ome Tax. You will not be allowed to deduct i Ite est or depreciation on this building for ��urposes oi computing your Minn �so a Income tax until such time as this 1)epartment ri��tified t:he. Del�artment f evenue that this building is in com- pliance. As soor, as th� repairs ha � een completed. you may contac[ this Department for a reinspection. In order to obtain a CertificaCe of �c upancy, the fee of $ 99.00 must be paid a*id the following item o the enclosed list of deficiencies must be corrected : See attached violationlli�t. If you h:ive any questions, �IC1SC c �t ct Alice Bijjani at 298-4212. - Yours truly, . f .�t �= � . ��' _. . ��12 31Q , I ��' ,� / �, -�� . __ ��� SI6' G. L. f;ern � � li Supervisor � FEB �g89 � Conservati�n an:] RECE�yED N � Maintenance � ���U81k� �°, _.. �F� '�.� GLK: j b ' l� � ,L� =:.: Departmeat nf. Revenue �' � OF6Z 92c,'L B Z Enclosures: V}.olatioii List I z� . Inirial Fee Forrn RCM-45 , --,.�.. . . t . /IOLATIO ' LI 'T /,6�(��� 'S31 University Avenue - _ "�` 4 � November 29, 1983 GENERAL STRUCTliRE I. The Certificate of Occupancy is ot posted. Post the Certificate on the premises. If you need a duplicate it is a il ble from this office for $1.00. 2. Post in a conspicuous place in t e uilding a notice containing the name and address of the owner of [he pre se and the person authori�ed to managa �he premises. � �,rj,� �-t�a,,..� .,0�,,,Lr�,�'�' ���. 3;. Weatherstrip all doors and windo s. ^'`e�v ���1� « 4 Both front entry door knobs are ef ctive, loose and nonfunctional. Replace. . • - r hallwa Pr e icient i umination a ' • � There is a cochroach infestationlin the building. Exterminate these pests. All habitable rooms and common use ea must be treated on a routine basis until the problem no longer exists. '?�, %e v�, �� �- % 7• ways a n 5 , d ar . p ce o , lean � , . n n ' n. �. Smoke detectors installed in hal 'wa s are defective and nonfunctional. Repair or replace smoke detectors and ke functional. �9,. Handrail/guardrail in east stai ay is defective, ballustrades are missing. �� Repair handrail/guardrail Co a s un condition and install balustrades per Code. 10 Screens are generally defective r issing. Provide screens in good condition and repair. 11 Storm windows ar.e henerally deCe ti e,have missing panels or defective frames. Provide storm windows in good co di ion and repair. COMMU�IITY KITCHEN 12. Both mechanical ventilation devi es are �¢-, filters ' ' -- a ---' are in a filthy condition. Clea f ltering devices to a sanitary condition, a�- 13. Th i articles. ta- ary con ition. ' tch ' a c . � . . 14. There is an open plumbing vent b �o kitchen sink. Properly plug this open vent per Plumbing Code. � EAST SHAF:E►� IIATH - 2ND FLOOR The shower or its waste line is ef ctive and leaking. Repair. �bl. The shower faucet handles are mi si g. . Provide. WEST SHARED BATH - ZND FLOOR 17. The wall around new door install ti has defective and missing plaster. Repair and properly finish door install ti . . APARTMENT �61 Kitchen `�„��G�,�'`�„�`,,�!" Install wa11 light on switch per a 'onal Electrical Code. 1 . Provide partition between stove d toilet stool. A kitchen sink will be required after partition is installed. ( a of Appeals denied request for variance.) . There is an ��ngrounded metal elec r' al fixture. Properly ground fixture. 2 ' There is no ceiling or wall light� fo this kitchen. Provide per National Electical Code. �. Tne outlet l.acks a coverplate. I st 11 c v late. APARTMENT %�2 ,�,�e, � ,ti'� ''' , 3 The snoke detector ' nonfunction 1, defective or battery is dead. Make detector functional. ___ .�. • _ VIO AT ON LIST - Pa e 2 _ "��0� �� $ 581 University Avenue Vovember 29, 1983 APARTMEVT 4�6 24. Windows are missin�; screens. Prolid screen windows which are free of defects. �. Bathroom. door handle is missing. �Re lace .door handle. v' �z��,;,w-7� �u�_;���✓ .�..� % �� . ��• �'�..�o���.(. E1PAR MENT �"7 `� � Ki tchen `V .;�,;W 1C��L����\ ,-- �'G�C ' ; � Install switch for kitchen light p National Electrical Code. This light is nonfunctional. Repair or replac '. 27 Provide partition between bath s'nk and stove for privacy and health reasons. A kitchen sink will �e required r kitchen. (Board of Appeals denied request :or v�riance.) ��� �t�. 28. This apart�ent is overcrowded. e e are too many occupants living here e ceeding'a lowances p r Code. ve y dwe 1 ng unit all contain a 'nimum gr ss floor rea oP at east 50 c� are eet for t 'rst o pant t least 10 squ 're fe t fo each of he e t (2) ccu ants, and at ea t 7 square fee o gross lo r area f r eac o pant th r fter, h floo rea o be cal u ted on the basi,s of ttic t 'ta hab ' ta e room area. 1�� / ",1. ' � � .� �f��'�+a� APARTMEhT 4�12 n��� �'� :JLICiG' � t �. '� � Ba�hroom ceili3ig as defective p as er. epair and refinish as needed. Z The Nall ,��low h lci h sin s 'n disrepair. Re air all �` ' , C�,�� � �c r y ��'� �c�'����1�o . � ��-�- � � AF. :w�'�"� �,rri.,'�: '�.CS,'v.l � � o /�i�,f��C� ,. (�"� -e ��t 1�r-�v-tiL_rvv 31� The sink overflow is erec ive, e air. . The interior window has been re ve from lower sash. Replace or repair. AI.L OTHER DWEL'LII�G UNITS f;�1 + 33. These dwelling units must meet �n' um Housing and Building Code requirements. � . �- �-�/ _ ,�• ����1 � � �� � � � � . -�� �� ") - � �, � J . -� �' � �0�' ,r,�D w" � , i�-, -� i � 1 -e, � ��- � . - �'� ". , � �,� . ���� � � ��� � �� ��. � � ` - ,� - � . ' � 4 ��. �- � .��,�,;,�. �` � � � � �ti^ ��,�ti . � � , �� ��� � �� � �- ��. ��� , l � � . �� , . .�°� � ,� �� � � � .� � . -� ,� , �,;� �� �`� � . - �����' ���c'T r o,'. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � ~ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : . .� �' _,� "c DIVI '10 OF HOUSING AND BUILDING COOE ENFORCfMENT c�M Han,s�����a��,n�u►rxs«�ss�o2 George latimer PL CARD NOTICE 6�2'2%"42�2 Mayp November. 28, 1.983 John Cook � 1146 East Ivy AVenue St. Paul, .�1'iv' S5106 Re: �31 L'niversity Avenue Dear Property Owner: This letter is to inform you tha si ce the improvements needed to bring your property at 581 University Avenu , ' to compliance with the Saint Paul Housing Code have not been completed, it i be necessary for us to placard the property at "Unfit for Human Habitation" n vember 29, 1983, and order it vacated by no later than January l, 1984. The Saint Paul Department of Com un'ty Services is notifying the Minnesota Deaprtment of Revenue of noncomp ia ce. This referral may also lead to an audit of your Minnesota State In+ om Tax. You will not be allowed to deduc i terest or depreciation on this building for purposes of computing your M nn sota State Income Tax'�•until such time as this Department notif ies the Dep rt ent of Revenue that this building is in compliance. As soon as the repa rs h��ve been completed, you may contact this Depar[ment for reinspection. As st ted previously, for appeals information call 298-4163. Yours ,truly, I�, " _ . ' _. ,.� ' G:�`� ; +� � .�; ;. � . K�'t�n... _.r...._.- ' . Supervisor Coaservation and Maintenance GI.K/j b CC: Russ Polansky, Emergency S v' es _ Marland Mork, County Welfa e Janice Rettman, Housing In pr tion Office Wes Skjegstad, Commissione o Revenue . : i . . . ' _ ����� 4+`e�tr �i�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL . _ ° " DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : _ .• +� _.. �c DIVI !O OF HOUSING /1ND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT c��r rla��,s����r��t,M��nesa�ss�o2 _ George latimer 612-29d-4212 Mayor November 29, 7983 0 E TO VACATE , John Cook ].146 East Ivv :lvenue S t. Paul , hi�: 5 5106 Re: 581 Ucii�.•e rs i ty rlvenue Dear Mr. Cook: Enclosed is a copy oP an "Order t ' V cate" which has been posted on the premises at 581 University Avenue, in acco da ce with the provisions of Section 34.19, as amended, Subsection S, of. the ou ing Code (Chapter 34, Legislative Code, City of Saint Pau1, as amended) . Your attention is called to the f 'll wing provisions of Section 34.19, Sub- section 5, entitled, "Vacation of Co demned and Placarded Dwelling or Multiple DwCtl L1AaS��: � "Any dwelling or multiple dw li ng which has been condemned and placarded as unfit for human ha itation by the enforcement officer sh�ll be vacated wit in a reasonable time as `required by the enforcement officer, nd it shall be unlawful for any owner or operator to let to ny person for human habitation said dwelling, multiple dwel in or multiple dwelling unit which has been condemned and �pl carded by the enforcement officer after the date set forth in he placard of condemnation." If you have any questions, you m3 c ntact the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement, at 298-4215. Yours. truiy, i . .� T�� • �� ..j.,J�� .:/ i Gera�d `i.'. Kern Supervisor _ ' Conservation and Maintenance GLK/j b I Enc. Copy of Order to Vacate j CC: Russ Polansky, Emergency Se i es Marland �fork, County Welfar Janice Rettman, Housing Inf rm tion Office Wes Skjegstad, Commissioneriof Revenue . _ ,. ' ��-0�,-�� . � _ ` 4+`�,tr_o,+' ! . _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL ° " DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : _ .� �� _,� "c DIViS ON OF HOUSING I1ND BUILDING CODE ENfORCEMENT Ciry Hall,Sai�t Paul,Mi��esota 5St02 George Latimer b12-296��212 ►��Yo► NOT CE OF CONDE�ATION tiovember 29, 19�33 AS UNF �T OR HUMAN HABITATION John Cook 1146 East Ivy Avenue � St. Paul, :•L�; 55106 Re: 581 Ur.iversity Avenue - Dear Mr. Cook: The Division of �Iousin� and B��il.din� ,Co cs of. the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, has found ti�1t [he dwcllin,; ancl ��rc�m 'sc, at 58l Univcrsi.ty Avenue, is "Unfit Eor Human Habitation" due tr� t!�e want of re airs, and/or defects of the drainage, plumbinb, lighting, or construction f aid dwelling and premises, and/or for other cause5 affectin� public health The Department of Community Services �s notifying the Department of Revenue for the State ot Minnesota of nonco�plia ce pursuant to Chapter 226, Laws of Minnesota 1975 which provides for denial of in er st and depreciation deductions for substandard buildings during the period of nonco pl'ance. You will not be allowed to deduct interest or depreciation on this bui di g for purposes of computing your Minnesota State I�come Tax until such ticne as� _ hi Department notifies the Department of Revenue that this building is in com li ce. If you are unable to finance the cor �c ion or rehabilitatioh of the premises to comply with this order, there are St te nd local rehabilitation programs for which you may qualify. As previousl s ted, for appeals information call 298-4163. All repairs and new installations mu t made in accordance with the appropriate code•s and t:-�e required permits must b tained from the Division of Housing and Building Code �;nforcement, Room 445, it Hall. The dwelling must be vacated by Janua''y , 1984. The repairs on the enclosed list must be completed before the building may be reoccupied. THIS DWELLING SHALL NOT AGAIN BE USED FO HUM.AN HABITATION UNTIL WRITTEN APPROVAL IS SECURED P':tOM THE DIVISION OF HOliSI G ND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMEN�T. � �'/ � , .- �j � " c.••�CLLr�v� /, ! , . ,�2r , � Gerald L. Kern Glenn A. Erickson Supervisor oE Conservation and Mainte an e Supervisor of Code Enforcement GLK/GAE/jb . Enc. Violation List � CC: Russ Polansky, Emergency Service ' Marland Mork, County Welfare Janice Rettman, Housing Informat on Office Wes Skjegstad, Commissioner of R ve ue , . ��--�'"�� i r . � '►�CtT O,• � •- CITY OF SAINT PAUL . � � ._ �; DEPARTMfNT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES �' _.. �c D 15 N OF HOUSING AND BWLDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Ciq Hall,Saint Psul,Minnewa 55t02 George latimer 612-296-�212 Mayo► Vovember 29, 1983 � Department of Revenue, Inco !e ax Division I.R.S. , Wes Skjegstad Centennial Building St. Paul, �fN 55155 Dear Mr. Skjegstad: Pursuant tv Minnesota Statu es, Section 290.101 which provides for denial of interest and depr �i tion deductions for substandard buildings during the period of noncompliance we are notifying you that che Eollowin�; huil.din�; is in noncompliance and is substandard: 581 UNIVERSITY V UE Enclosed is a copy of the 1 s�t letter to the owner of the building. LJhen the building is in com �.i ce we will notify your department. Yours truly, • , . � � ,. ` : � ; ;^..� . G. L. Kern Supervisor Conservzti.�n and Mai.ntenanc Enc. Copy of letter sent to wn r � " GLK/jb .,. - t . �I�d F �� , . CI Y F ST , PAUL DEPARTMEN OF COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION OF HOUSIN ND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT DATE ����p� a � 'r1HEREAS : THE DIvISION OF H U ING AND BUILDINGODE ENFORCEMENT OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MIN E OTA, HAS OUND THAT THE DWELLING AND PREMISES LOCATED AT „S �/ i�/�� � IS UNFIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION AND DANGEROUS TO LIFE AND HE LTH BY REASONS OF THE WANT OF REPAIRS , AND/OR OF DEFE T IN THE DRAINAGE, PLUMBING, LIGHTING OR CONSTRUCTION OF SAID DWE ' L NG AND PREMISES, AND I OR FOR OTHER CAUSES AFFECTING PUBLIC HEA ' T , AND THE CONDITION OF THE AFORESAID PROPERTY IS SUCH AS TO REQU R : THE PREMISES TO BE VACATED� NOW, THEREFORE: THE �'IVISIIN OF HOUSING AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCE- MENT OF THE CITY OF SAIyT P U , MINNESOTA, ACTING UNDER THE AUTHOR- ITY CONFERRED UPON HIM BY �iA TER 34, $ECTION 34,19, $UBSECTION 1 THROUGH H OF THE LEGISLATI ODE OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ADOPTED DECEMBER 23, �96I, AS AMEN D HEREBY ORDERS THAT THE DWEL�ING AND PREMISES KNOWN AS S / � S/ BE VACATED ON OR BEFORE I — I - S IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION � 9, AS AM NDED, SUBSECTION 3, OF THE HOUSING CODE �CHAPTER 34, G SLATIVE �ODE, THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AS AMENDED) WHICH ALSO PRO ID S THAT THE DWELLING HEREBY ORDERED TO BE VACAiED SHALL NOT AG IIN BE OCCUPIED UNTIL A WRITTEN STATE- MENT SHALL HAVE BEEN SECUR � ROM THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES SHOWING THAT THE E LING OR IT' S OCCUPATION HAS BEEN MADE TO COMPLY WITH APPLICABLE �t0 ISIONS OF SAID HOUSING CODE AND ALL OTHER APPLICABLE EXISTING W � . _ SECTION 3�,ZZ �LEGISLATIVE CO E, CITY OF SAINT PAUL. AS AMENDED) PENALTY FOR VIOLATION : EV RY PERSON, FIRM OR CORPORATION WHO SHALL V I O!ATE ANY PROV I S I O I 0 TH I S OF�D I NANCE SHALL BE 'GU I LTY OF A MISDEMEANOR, AND UPON CON IC ION THEREOF SHALL BE PUNISHED BY A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $300,00 OR BY IMPRISONMENT FOR NOT MQRE THAN gO DAYS, EACH DAYS CONTINU NC OF THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDIMANCE AFTER DUE NOTICE HAS BEEN SE VED IN ACCORDANCE WITN THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF SiJBSECTION 3 ,1 OF THIS ORDIANCE SHALL BE DEEMED A SEPARATE OFFENCE� 7 ,� � . �� ` . .._. ;:.�.-, /v �.., � `�`�.'`J' � __ . GERALD L� KERN SUPERVISOR . CONSERVATION & MAINTENANCE TNIS QRnER SHALL. NOT BE E OVED WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION FROM TH� � ; DIVISION OF HOUSI �G AND BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT - �° " � 7� s � CITY F 5 INT PAUL ����]��� INTERDEPART EN AL MEMORANDUM FEB '1 � 1989 UEST FOR NUI E BUILDING DE�LITION LUTION Comm�nity SeNite; DATE: February 13, 1989 '��r���� .���:� TO: John McCormick I' c cS '' G (��y � ����,. Assistant City Attorney I � tiy a� �� C:;.:�`�:y i� �.;� ':�.E � '��" �1� �''`�� FROM: Steven R. Roy �i � ;�.., ISa E n v i r o n m e n t a l H e a P r r e r �" �` 9 � 9 . .��Y� t�;.. .. : :��. StIB.7ECT: COUNCIL I�',ARING FOR 581 UNI TY AVEN[JE WEST r.r�� • , The owners, interested parties and re sible parties of the above-noted building were sent an order to repair r aze the building. They have failed to ccxnply with that order. Our �f ice has requested a public hearing before the City Council to ob ' i a Council order for the repair or demolition of this building. The Public Hearing is scheduled for: DATE: Tuesda '„ rch 14, 1989 TINIE: 9:00 A A�I. Please review the attached Resolution to be considered by the City Council. If you would like to make an c nges, please contact us. If the Resolution meets with your approval, 1 se forward as soon as possible to the Director of Conmunity Services. SRR/kjl Y (.�0 ���'`�" ..�••.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;`� '; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : ` DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �••• 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer �ICE OF PUBLIC ING Z'0 ORDER REPAIR OR DIIHOLITION � or February 13, 1989 Credit Bureau Collections Inc. (UNFQVO�WN) Re: 581 University Avenue West a tached Garage To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that the Ci uncil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a 1'c hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-not,_.�d building either repaired for reoccugancy or torn down. All awners and any other parties t a }mown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to 1 them an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Publ' lth. Please be advised the Public Hear' g 's scheduled for: : �.iesday, March 14, 1989 9:00 a.m. I�OCA : CITY OOUNCIL CHANIDERS 3RD FLOOR, CITY HAIZ 15 W. KEIdAOG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MI1�iE.SO►rA 55102 At this hearing you will be all present any evidence you may have to object to the reconmendations of the Divisi f Public Health. If the City Council orders the 1' ion of this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�rk, inclwding in t' n costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees ar�l the actual desnoli o and removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special asse t to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If yau have any que i concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 . Sincerely, �� �� Steven R. Roy E�ivirorunental Health Program Mana �r SRR/kjl G�1"07���� �`�.��•••.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �: �'; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES % ' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH � 555 Cedar StreeC Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 .... (612)292-771'1 George lacimer NOTICE OF PUBLIC HFt�RIN I ORDER REPAIR OR DF290LITION Mayor February 13, 1989 'i State of Minnesota Trust Exem�t 109 Court House St. Paul, NIl�i 55102 Re: 581 University Avenue West and At h Garage To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that the City Co il, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a public ea ing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building to be i r repaired for reoccup�ancy or torn dawn. All owners and any other garties with a interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to allow h an opportunity to object to the action req�tested by the Division of Public Heal h. Please be advised the Public Hearing is c uled for: DATE: y, March 14, 1989 TIME: . a.m. IrOCATION: I OOUNCIL CHANIBERS FTAOR. CITY HALL 5 . KELLOOG BOIII,EVARD PAi]L, NIII�INESOTA 55102 At this hearing you will be allowed to e nt any evidence you may have to object to the reconmendations of the Division of ic Health. If the City Cauncil orders the demoliti this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�rk, including inspection o s, administrative crosts, title searches, filing fees and the actual demolition al expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a s�ecial assessment to collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any q�estions ' rning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, �N ,C� Steven R. Roy Enviror�ental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl . ��7u� �.���••.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL . . � : ; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES i �g I '• , � � DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ••• 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Lstimer (612)292-7711 M�Ya NOTICE OF PUBLIC I TO ORDER REPAIR OR DIIN�LITION February 13, 1989 � John K. Cook 1146 E. Ivy Ave. St. Paul, N�T 55106 Re: 581 University Avenue West an �A ched Garage Dear Mr. Cook: I This is to notify you that the Cit � C il, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a 1' hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building p either repaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties w' h lrnown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to �11 thgn an op�ortunity to object to the action requested by the Divisian of Publi H lth. Please be advised the Public Hear' ' s scheduled for: TE Tuesday, March 14, 1989 T 9:00 a.m. LOC'AT ON CITY C�OUNCIL CEIAN�ERS 3RD EZAOR, CITY HALL 15 W. KEI.L�OC�G BOULEV'ARD SAINT PAUL, NIII�Il�iESO�TA 55102 At this hearing you will be all present any evide.nce you may have to object to the recomnendations of the Divisio o Public Health. If the City Council orders the d li ion of this building, all costs incurred to • perform this wr�rk, including in i n costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees and the actual demr�lit on and removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special asse t to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any que io s concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 Sincerely, ' ,�^'��"� �`- Steven R. Ehvironmental Health Program Mana �er SRR/kjl � `��� , � .��•_•. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4� �� • � • DEPARTMENT OF MM NI CO U TY ERVI E . , 5 CS ;• -' , DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,MinnesoW 55101 (612)292-7711 George l�timer �;pTICE OF PUBLIC NG TO ORDER REPAIR OR DII�90LITION M�ra February 13, 1989 Avery K. Cook 1146 E. Ivy Ave. St. Paul, 1�1 55106 I� Re: 581 University Avenue West an A ched Garage Dear Ms. Cook: This is to notify you that the Cit ' cil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a 1' hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building either regaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties w' h }mown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to �.1 th�n an op�ortunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Publi ' H lth. i Please be advised the Public Heari � 's scheduled for: Tuesday, March 14, 1989 T 9:00 a.m. LCX''AT : CITY OOUNCIL C�ERS 3RD F'Li00R, CITY F�iLL 15 W. KELS�OOG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, 1�IINNESOTA 55102 At this hearing you will be allaw present any evidence you may have to object to the rec.•amiendations of the Divisio o Public Health. If the City Council orders the d i ion of this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�ork, irticluding i i n costs, administrative c5osts, title searches, filing fees and the actual demolit' n r�val expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special asses t to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If � have any gue o coricerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153 j Sincerely, �G�w"v`.� � Steven R. Roy Ehvironmental Health Program Manag � SRR/kjl . �=�-���' .���•.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . . ,'•�•' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �••• 555 Cedar Street,$aint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George Latimer M,ra 1vY7TICE OF PUBLIC ING TO ORDER REPAIR OR DII�]OLITION February 13, 1989 John O. Larson 15024 Stevens Ave. S. Burnsville, 1+Il�1 55337 Re: 581 University Avenue West a ttached Garage Dear Mr. Larson: This is to notify you that the Cily uncil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a ic hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted buildingito be either repaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties it a }ulown interest in this lxiilding are required to be notified of this hearing to al ow th�n an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Publ ' ealth. Please be advised the Public Hear ng is scheduled for: : Tuesday, March 14, 1989 9:00 a.m. rACA z CITY COUNCIL CEIANIBERS 3RD FIi00R, CITY HAI�L 15 W. KEISAGG BOUI,EVARD SAINT PAUL, NIII�TE.SO►rA 55102 At this hearing you will be all present any evidence yau may have to object to the recarmendations of the Divisi f Public Health. If the City Council orders the d 1 tion of this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�ork, including ' on costs, ac�ninistrative costs, title searohes, filing fees arid the actual d�noli io and r�noval expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a speci.al asse t to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any que i ns concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 . Sincerely, � /�-, Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Mana er SRR/kjl . ��-�� .��••., CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;`� '; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '. .� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �..• 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer �rICE OF PUBLIC �iG TO ORDER REPAIR OR DETIOLITION n�aro. February 13, 1989 Janet K. Larson 15024 Stevens Ave. S. Burnsville, 1�ll�1 55337 Re: 581 Universit Avenue West a II A tached Gara e Y 9 Dear Ms. Larson: This is to notify you that the Ci uncil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a 1 c hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building either repaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties w'th a }mown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to 11 th� an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Publi H lth. Please be advised the Public Hear' Ig 's scheduled for: TE: Tuesday, March 14, 1989 9:00 a.m. IACA : CITY O�UNCIL CHANIBE�tS 3RD FqLOOR, CITY t�IS, 15 W. KELIOOG HOUI,EV'ARD SAINT PAUL, 1�'II1�Il�IESOTA 55102 At thia hearing you will be allaw present any evidence you may have to object to the recannendations of the Divisi ' Public Health. If the City Council orders the d 1' ion of this b�uilding, all costs incurred to perform this w�ork, inaluding i ' n costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees and the actual desnoli o and reRaval expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special asse nt to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any q� i concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-415 '. Sincerely, r�� � Steven R. Roy Et�vironmental Health Program Mana �er SRR/kJl II ����' .��•••. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . , %�-' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George L�timer �,�,ya NOTICE OF PUBLIC NG TO ORDER REPAIR OR DIIN�LITION February 13, 1989 Northwestern State Bank, St. Paul AKA Norwest Bank, St. Paul 55 E. 5th Street St. Paul, 1�Il�T 551U1 Re: 581 University Avenue West an I'iA tached Garage To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that the Cit uncil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a 1' hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building either repaired for reoccupancy or torn dawn. All awners and any other parties w' h luiown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to 1 them an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Publi H lth. Please be advised the Public Heari 's scheduled for: : Tuesday, March 14, 1989 T 9:00 a.m. IACAT : CITSf OOUNCIL CHANIBERS 3RD EZAOR, CITY F�I� 15 W. I�LIiOC�G BOULE�TARD SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOrTA 55102 At this hearing you will be all present any evidence you may have to object to the recarmendations of the Divisio o Public Health. If the City Council orders the xi 'on of this bi.iilding, all costs incurred to perform this work, including i �i n costs, ac�ninistrative costs, title searches, filing fees arx3 the actual demolit' n removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a speci.al asses t to be collected in the same manner as real estate ta�ces. If you have any que 'o concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Buildi.ng Section at (612) 298-4153 Sincerely, �, �J%��.r � Steven R. Roy E�vironmental Health Program Manag SRR/kjl �g�_�.�� .��•�•. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . . . ; = -' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George Latimer M�ra NOTICE OF PUBLIC HE I TO ORDER REPAIR OR DIINDLITION February 13, 1989 Norwest Bank National Association Sixth Street & Marqu�ette Ave. Minneapolis, NII�T 55479 Re: 581 University Avenue West and t ched Garage To Whan It May Concern: This is to notify you that the City il, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a puL ic hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building 'be either repaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties wit a l�own interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to al th�n an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Public ea th. Please be advised the Public Hearin i scheduled for: . IaA I : Tuesday, March 14, 1989 T . 9:00 a.m. IACATI : CITY QOUNCIL Cf�N1BERS 3RD E'i�00R, CITY HAI� 15 W. KEISAGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, 1�NNE.90►TA 55102 At this hearing you will be allawed resent any evidence yau may have to object to the recannendations of the Division f tublic Health. If the City Council orders the demo �.t' n of this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�ork, including i �o costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees arid the actual d�mliti r�noval expenses; will be assessed against th�e real estate as a speci.al asses to be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any qu�est' concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, ��� � Steven R. Roy �ivirorunental Health Program Manage ' SRR/kjl , ��J�� .«•••. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� �' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : : '• �' DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '••• 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 Ceorge L�timer Mayor Iv(M�TICE OF PUBLIC TO ORDER REPAIR OR DIIN�LITION Eebruary 13, 1989 Sears, Roebuck and Co. 2929 Elliot Ave. S. Minneapolis, NIl�1 55407 AT'I'N: Dept 8412, R.N. Schultz Re: 581 University Avenue West and At ched Garage To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you �hat the City Co cil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a li hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building either repaired for reoccupancy or torn dawn. All owners and any other parties wi lmown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearinq to a ,1 the�n► an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Public lth. Please be advised the Public Hearin ' i scheduled for: DA : Tliesday, March 14, 1989 . 9:00 a.m. LOCATI : CITY C7UUNCIL CHANIDERS 3RD FLi00R, CITY HALL 15 W. F�IIdAC7G HOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, NII�Il�O►PA 55102 At this hearing you will be allawed resent any evidence you may have to object to the recarmer�ations of the Division f lic Health. If the City Council orders the d�ral ti n of this building, all costs ir�curred to perform this w�ork, inclu�ling ' o oosts, ac�+ni.nistrative costs, title searches, filing fees and the actual d�noliti removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a speci.al asses to be crollected in t1�e same maru�er as real estate taxes. If y�ou have any qu�est' 'ns co►x:erning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. ' Sincerely, ��� � Steven R. � Ehvironmental Health Program Manager S'EtR/k-il