89-433 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl \//��/,�1 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF � I NT PA U L � / � 'BIUE - MAVpR File NO. � • �� i ' esolution -�f� ,��� Presented By ' Referr To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Gateway Segment f he Willard Munger Trail has been acquired by the Departme t f Natural Resources (DNR) ; and WHEREAS, this trail would pro 'id excellent outdoor recreational opportunities fo ' S int Paul residents and all Minnesotans ; and WHEREAS, H. F. 287/S. F. 306 wo Illld provide $2 . 5 million in funding for the DNR to develo ' t e Gateway Segment; NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED t at the City of Saint Paul support H. F. 2$7/S. F. 306 and ur e the Legislature to appropriate $2 . 5 million for he development of the Gateway Segment thus connecting it to th Munger Trail . COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: � �� � [n Favor Gosw;tz Rethnan D Sc6eibel A gai n s t BY Sonnen ai�. Adopted by Council: Date MqR � 4 �ggg Form Approved by City Attorney Certified a ed by Council Secretary By `�'�— �" ' �Y�- .3" �'�/� B}. ...-�c''1� { �IHI� j � ��tK? Approved by Ma o mission to Council t�ppro by Mavor. Date — � ���p MAR 2 5 1 8 • � . , ll1L11LL� livU L�t11"L'il.. 1L ti11.L C11.�1VUL'll ll�i-11L �i�%� �/�y� �d�, '�� U f 6 Back�round _ In 1975 the Minnesota Le islatlre assed the Outdoor g P Recreation Act designed to mak ' ailable to Minnesotans the many outdoor recreation opport ni ies provided by the state ' s rich resources. A provision o t is law addresses the need for a State Trail system to be a inistered by the Department of Natural Resourcces (DNR1 . hese state trails are to be purchased and maintained for h ki g , running, walking and biking as an opportunity for r si ents to enjoy outdoor life in Minnesota. As part of this mission, the D R has acquired and begun development of the Minnesota-W s onsin Boundary State Trail , a 235-mile recreational faclity t etching from Oakdale to Duluth. During the 1988 legis 'a ive session, this trail was renamed the Munger Trail in ho 0 of the environmental achievements of State Represen a ive Willard Munger. The original Boundary Trail (M n er Trail ) Master Plan made a reference to the desirability f extending the Boundary Trail into Saint Paul. IThe DNR subs q ently acquired a 7 . 86 mile abandoned railroad grade which c nnects the Oakdale end of the Munger Trail to the center of a' nt Paul. This acquisition is referred to as the Boundary Tr i ' s "Gateway Segment. " The Gateway Segment begins near th ' ntersection of Maryland Avenue and I-35E in Saint Paul a d extends northeasterly through Maplewood and North Sa'n Paul , connecting with the Munger Trail at I-694 in Oakda e. A DI�R study noted that the Gat w y Segment "represents an � excellent opportunity to bring t o quality State Trail recreational opportunities clo e to home for half of the state ' s population. " It furt r noted that "DNR reserach shows that facilities such as h Gateway Segment are in high demand. " However, to date, t tate has not appropriated funds to develop this trail . Status Representative Dick Kostohryz ha introduced H. F. 287 which would appropriate $2 . 5 millio t the DNR for development of the Gateway Segment of the Wi 1a d Munger Trail . The Saint Paul Position The City of Saint Paul suppor s .F. 287 and urges the Legislature to appropriate $2 .5 illion for the development of the Gateway Segment of the Mu ge Trail . � • . WHEREAS , the Gateway Segment f the Willard Munger Trail has been acquired by the Departme ' t of Natural Resources (DNR) ; and WHEREAS , this trail would pro id excellent outdoor recreational opportunities fo S int Paul residents and all Minnesotans; and WHEREAS , H. F. 287 would provi e 2 . 5 million in funding for the DNR to develop the Gatewa S gment• � NOW, THERFORE, BE IT ftESOLVED, t at the City of Saint Paul support H. F. 287 and urge the e islature to appropriate $2 . 5 million for the development of t Gateway Segment thus connecting it to the Munger Tr il . w � x H ct n H rt � wW �' � N• �' O �l N ft' A� (D ft' F'• ' �+ � W',C r' Q �, � '�C � � x �c ° fi a � � � � `� � , m • � �n rt u� �• � � � a� . —�l N• rr cD rt m cz �- � � � c�� � � � � � c~n o � � C � � �' � ` F'• (D • � � � � N � (D� C� � (D � � y � � ; � � � � � � ' � � � �� � � -.� � � � � � � � � � � � � � c�i � � o0 m � � m �* '� � � � � �- � � � � � � 010101 Salaries Permanent OlOd01 PERA 010402 FICA 010501 Health 8 Welfare Insurance 010502 Dental Insurance � 011001 Reserve for Salary Increases Total Controller fINANC;NG: Esti�ated Revenue ----------------- 32�902 Federal Share Administative Cost Additional Countr Funds Needed 4i Contin9ent 18x Contingent . • . (..i1'__U • ' Members: James Scheibel, Chair CITY OF NT PAUL Committee-of-the-whole lui'i i°10 , OFFICE OF H CITY COIINCIL D te' February 27, 1989 RECEIVED JAMES SCHEIBEL Council President �B 2� ��9 mmittee Report CITY CLERd� To: St. Paui City Co n il From: City Council gislation Committee l� � . GateWay Trail C �EE RECO D APF�tt3V�L�, T (t� corres �nd ng Senate file number) � 2. A Metro State n' ersity COI�L*iITT�E RE NDED APPROVAL � 3. �'ento Homel ss ss Housing Legislation COI�fITTEE C ENDED APPROVAL 4. David Bie in Presentation (Congres '0 1 Representative from Robbins, Zell, Larson K plan) NO CO IT EE ACTION REQUIRED / ; CITY LL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNES�. s�ae • - . _ _ __ __- _ _ _ _ - _ i - - _ - ___ . _ _ _ __ _ _ _ WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE II CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 COIIIICIl !�' BI.UE - MAVOR GITY OF �S INT PAUL File N0. �` �� - � ou ci '� esolution Presented B Ref red To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � , ��'� i WHEREAS , the�Gateway Segment I!f he Willard Munger Trail has been acquired�by the Departme �t f Natural Resources (DNR) ; and � I �4HEREAS , this tra�l would pro I�,id excellent outdoor recreational oppor�unities fo iS int Paul residents and all Minnesotans ; and �,� , ��'HFREAS , H. F. 287 woulc'1 provi I� 2 . 5 million in funding for the DNR to develop the �.atewayjS gment ; �_ tiOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOL''�L'ED, I�� t at the Cit.y of Saint Paul st.ip��ort H . F. 287 and �zrge t'�e e isl.ature to appropriate $2 . 5 mill_ion for the developmerit �'`pf ! t e Gateway Segment thus � :��nriec.t;ing it to the Munger Tr � i_ . l ,.,°, i COUNCIL MEMBERS ` ,, Yeas Nays II Requested by Departmerit of: Dimond ��g I❑ Favor Goswitz Rettman B s�6e;n�i _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson li Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` � � ..�" , , ���'�0 E�f.�.[G...,- P-ssed b Council Secretar BY ��'�-� �� Certified a Y Y By 'I Approved by Mavor. Date _ !i Approve .�y M mission to Council By - � � . ,� WHITE - CITY CLERK � - -. . '" ..- . . � a�:�-'t � . PINK — FINANCE � � C��ICIl � J �� .� BLUERV — MAVORTMENT � G I TY OF SA I T PA�.TL �`lle NO. �� �. �/ ' ���� u cil I�e tion � Presented B �--L��---+-`- Ref red To Co mittee: Date Out of Committee By Date '��F.R�A.�. the G�t���v Se�t�e�t of ��h� �. 1lat� �lu�g�r Trail ha.� tre�r� �ca��ired t�� tlre i�e���rL.a�nt c�f � ural �sc3urces� C L�:Ft�� ; �t�# � 3�EI�E�IS i �h-%s tr��l =�a+aiald prs�v ide �� ll�n� outdrsor - x•��re��tic��s�l o�p�csr�uii:at i�s f�r �.�ir �ae�l x�si�#+�n�s� �r��3 ��.1 E!i r►[t��+���,�i�� attc� ��t�R�AS, H.�. �8; �r,ul� �r���i�� ��. il.l_iean in fc��rdir�� f+�r t.t��� 1s�R trx �e�•elu� ttt� #��#e��v Ser� ta ; A#�wst�, �[ER�+'�t.:�i�#�, �3� �ai` �����f,���f�, t.ha i� � +�.it,r esf S�f�at �'�►ul �;�u�'�►�x! i�,�. ��� �.;r� ux-�e tl�+� i�g� i3 �x�� t� ��prop�•i�aE-� ��:.� �i 1l.i.fa�n fc�r tbe *.f�velra��ent �f th� �a ;���� :a���s�t thu� r.;��xi�t i�n� i t� �� t.t�� �����+�� '�'r�c i 1, COUNCIL, MEMBERS � R ested by Department of: Yeas ` Nays Dlmond Lo� In Favor Goswitz ��" A ainst y scbe� g Soncen Wilson Fo m Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary y By' ' Approved,by Mavor. Uate A roved by Mayoi�for Submission to Couacil By y