89-432 WMITE - CiTY CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAI T PAUL Council �'j CAN�RV - DEPARTMENT ']� �,y3z, BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �v - . Council Re o ution Presented By Referred To ommittee: Date �'/1G� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associatio w s incorporated in 1973 to promote hockey on the East Side and in part 'cu ar for Johnson High School; WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associatio f lt that the need to promote travel hockey teams for the area's youth i ie ential; WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Joh 'so Area Hockey Association consists of 16 voting members and the asso 'ia ion has 51 members and 2 representatives on the Minnesota Amateur H ck y Association Board; WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Ass ci tion was contacted by the Amateur Hockey Association of the United !ta es to send a team of pee wee players to Hachinohe, Japan in 1989 to pl y n an international hockey tournament, and the Minnesota Amateur Hoc ey Association in April of 1988 presented the proposal to all member asso ia ions and requested that these associations apply if they wished to rep s t the United States in the tournament scheduled for April and May o 1 89; WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associa io was selected to attend by the State Association at their fall meeting, an will be the only representative from the United States; WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associ ti n has agreed to host an International event here in St. Paul du in January, 1990; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, th C ty of St. Paul request that the State of Minnesota Charitable Gambling o rol Board approve use of the Johnson Area Hockey Association gambli g nds as defined in Minnesota State Statute 4�349.12 (Definitions) as a ' lawful purpose" as outlined in the attached letter. -con in ed- COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.ong In Favo Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel __ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY gy, A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF S I T PAU L Council 1 I CANARV - DEPARTMENT ���� BLUE - MAyOR File NO. � � Council e olution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date NOW� THEREFORE� �E IT RESOLVED, that he City of St. Paul supports the efforts of the Johnson Area Hocke sociation to send its hockey team to play in the 1989 Internationa H key Tournament in Hachinohe, Japan; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED; that the it of St. Paul encourage the Johnson Area Hockey Association to re po d with invitations through the Amateur Hockey Association of the Un ted States and the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association to conside c nducting an International Tournament at Aldrich Arena in Janua , 990. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� � In Favor coswitz Rettman scne�ne� � Against BY Sonnen � 1"W�t� } � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertiEied Yass by Council Secretary BY gy, Appro d by 1�lavor: '� MAC? 1 7 1Q p►pproved by Mayor for Submission to Council By pUBltSiiFD MAR 2 � 198 A6ENDA OF THE SAINT P ITY COUI�IL THURSDAY, MARCH 21, 19�9 - 9: .M. COUI�IL CFIAMBERS THIRD F100R CITY HALL COURT HOUSE ALBERT B. OLSON, I CLERK ORDINANCES 1. Second Reading - 89-310 - An ordinance me ding Chapters 60 through 67 of the Legislative Code pertaining to the r gul tion of colleges, universities and seminaries. (Planning Commission rec mm nds approval.) 2. First Reading - 89-463 - An ordinance me ing Chapter 28 of the Legislative Code entitled "Campaign Contributio " o provide for conformity to state statute as to time limits for filing fi ancial re ports prior to primary and general elections. (FOR REFERRAL TO HE RULES & POLICY C(�IITTEE.) 3. First Reading - 89-464 - An ordinance me ding Chapter 60 of the Legislative Code and rezoning property of Bruce Nel on located at 1272-1276 Pt. Douglas Rd. S. from B-2 to R-1. (Hearing held bruary 23, 1989.) 4. First Reading - 89-465 - An ordina ce temporarily amending Ord. #13534 pertaining to One-Way streets and a din Pinehurst, Westbound, from Kenneth to Cleveland. (FOR ACTION) APPLICATIONS - COM�A�IICATION 5. Appeal of Patrick Bouthilet to a Summa atement Order for property located at 1310 Taylor Ave. 6. Appeal of Rein Midway Limited Part er hip to a Final Order for taking of easements for the Marshall/Hamline we Separation Project. 7. Letter of the Mayor's office annou ci g a vacancy on the Civil Service Comnission. 8. Letter of District 2 Community Counc 1 ertaining to lack of opportunity for community input in license matter b ing considered by Administrative Law Judges. COhMITTEE REPORTS 9. Second Reading - 89-279 - An ordina ce amending Section 140.07 of the Legislative Code pertaining to ins an e requirements for skyway advertising display fixtures. (Housing & E on mic Development Committee recommends approval .) 10. Second Reading - 88-1470 - An ord na ce granting non-exclusive franchise to Skycom, Inc. to own, operate and m int in advertising display fixtures in the pedestrian skyway system. (Housin & Economic Development Committee recommends approval.) 11. Resolution - 89-327 - approving the pp intment by the Mayor of Ron Ankey to serve on the Board of Appeals and Re iew for the Nousing Building and Fire Prevention Codes, term to expire No ember 12, 1991. �Housing & Economic Development Committee recommends pp val.) NEW BUSINESS - RESOLUTIONS 12. Resolution - 89-466 - app roving e issuance by the Minneapolis/Saint Paul Housing Finance Board of single f mil mortgage revenue bonds to finance the City's 1989 Single Family Housing Pro ram. (FOR ACTION) _ _ __ WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICII +� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF �I� NT PAUL ✓ (�r BI.UE - MAVOR File �O. �9 y3 � Council solution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ��(� Out of Committee By Date i � � � �_,,; AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED T T, the Cit o St. ul encourage the Johnson Area Hockey Association to resp nd with �nv tat'ons rough the Amateur Hockey Associaton of the United ates a d h Minneso Amateur Hockey Association to consider conducting n Inler tional Tourn ent at Aldrich Arena in January, 1990. � ;' � <� � \ � � '� � \ COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman Scheibel � _ Against BY Sonnen '�II'dlllt Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a ed by Cou .il Secretary �i BY gl, t#pproved by iVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY WMITE � CITY CLERK PINK � ��. FIN.INCE GITY OF SA'� T PAUL Council /^/• � CANARY - OE�AA.RTMEN7 y Ot_UE -MAYOR File �O. ` �� i C�uncil R ' s lution ��-�`� � �-_. .�::�.r.; Presented By � - � ��4� Referred To Committee: Date i��D<� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association as incorporated in 1973 to promote hockey on the East Side and in parti ul r for Johnson High School, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association el that the need to promote travel hockey teams for the area's youth is essent al WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Johnso A ea Hockey Association consists of 16 voting members and the association h s 1 members and 2 representatives on the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association �o rd, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Associa tio was contacted by the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States to �en a team of pee wee players to Hachinohe, Japan in 1989 to play in an internat bn 1 hockey tournament, and the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association in April � 988 presented the proposal to all member associations and requested th t hese associations apply if they wished to represent the United States in th t urnament scheduled for April and May of 1989, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association as selected to attend by the State Association at their fall meeting, a d ill be the only representative from the United States, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association as agreed to host an International event ^,�-�� here in St. Paul during January, 199 ; � ��(r�+�'Y`� �'� --- - - > � �'2���0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, e City �o � t. Paul '�� ��'° Minnesota Charitable Gambli g Contro B ard approve use of the Johnson Area� � Hockey Association gambling ds de ined in Minnesota State Statute ��349.12 . � ,�'' � - _ __.�_ -- - '�t Definitions) as a "lawful u � c- we -being, by . . � �� " �*��, a , ��� citiza � ` �o�iave-thE-3oh�sa�-ArEa�Iiocke�_._• � � ., un ay e xpens , ie�o�g�ngy.�a�d � Z , ��. , a�t'i'��s��to--att�d�-.the, er , /. COUNCIL MEMBERS - v � equested by Department of: /- ��� � �9 � � Yeas Nays Lc'/'J �"c�!i.,L�,l..'��� C�! � cI; N-�- � Dimund ,, L�1�� Long In Favor (��(.�-�l;�C�' � �� .��� Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen , >i Wilson � ��,",,�'r�'`�'z-* orm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date '^ �Q. Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY �e�1� By ��� Approved by Mavor: Date ppcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By tiITE •��CITY CIERK t NK - FIN47{CE T COUfICll ��J� // ►NAAY �OEPARTMENT . � jTY OF SA N PALTL 7 <<�� �uE — ra,►roR File N0. Council R s lution resented By ��- �' . . Referred To ommittee: Date �� G/� Out of Committee By Date j� AND BE .IT FU �Eit�L�l-�H-�H:�2, the City of t. aul � ��` �Area-Hockeg-�4ssoc�at � n�` the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States and he Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association to conduct��n International Tournamen ' a Aldrich Arena in January, 1990. ��`� � . � � \ � � COUNCIL MEMBER3 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Lo�g In Favor Goswitz Rettman g Scheibel A gai ns t Y Sonnen � �lson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Datc Certified Passed by Council Secretary By gy. Approved by 19avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY :,�.y ���. ���_�:� .. ��'�'= � � "-- ��,_���. .:....� STATE OF M N ESOTA DEPARTMENT F R VENUE �� '- March 8, 1989 <.=� �:' Christine A. ftozek =� � Deputy License Inspector '-' � = ,:� _.. City of St. Paul _- Dept. of Finance and Management Srv. ��� • - Division of License d� Permit Admin. �.� Room 203, City Hall " : St. Paul, MN 55102 '�' p Dear Ms. Rozek: Your letter of February 10, 1989 raises two ss s: 1. Can gambling funds be used to sponso te m tra"vel? Gambling funds can be used to sponso te m travel so long as the team is made up of youth as opposed to adults. 2. What specific guidelines do you use f a proving/disapproving such an . expenditure? The expenditures acceptable for yout at letic activities are almost boundless so long as the recipients of the expen it es are othec than adults. This office has aceepted costs of uniforms, equi e t, officiating, and other expenditures relative to the conduct of youth acti iti . If you have further inquiries, please conta m . � Roge . anke, Director Gam Di sion Mail Station 3315 St. Paul, MN 55146-3315 RMF:Ac , AN E�UAL OP RT NITY EMPLOYER WMiTE - CITY tLERK PINK � FINANCE C I TY O F S I T PA U L Council (� /�/•f CANARV -DEPARTMENT File N1J. �` �� � 9LUE - MAYOR Council olution --=`� _._, � _..:.� ,.` , �__ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association wa incorporated in 1973 to promote hockey on the East Side and in part cu ar for Johnson High School, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association fe t that the need to promote travel hockey teams for the area's youth is essen ia , WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Johns n rea Hockey Association consists of 16 voting members and the association as 51 members and 2 representatives on the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Associatio B ard, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Associ ti n was contacted by the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States to se d a .team of pee wee players to Hachinohe, Japan in 1989 to play in an interna io al hockey tournament, and the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association in April of 1988 presented the proposal to all member associations and requested t at these associations apply if they wished to represent the United States in t e ournament scheduled for April and May of 1989, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association wa selected to attend by the State Association at their fall meeting, nd will be the only representative from the United States, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Association ha agreed to host an International event here in St. Paul during January, 19 0; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, e Cit o � t. Paul request that the State of Minnesota Charitable Gambli g Contr oard approve use of the Johnson Area Hockey Association gambling ds d fined in Minnesota State Statute ��349.12, ,S' - -___ _ ----- �� �Definitions) as a "lawful u - ica we - eing, by i �� � � kE�._ �7�-tr-,i�,ycyJ un y e expens , , ' d ��,L s, , tl�e. _ r , COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: /- �p��� �t ✓� G�/i.J �'i�e.e,l Dimund ��g In Favor ,;� z . Goswitz Rettman �be1be� A gai ns t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by 1�lavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By '�uN7TE - CITV CLERK - PINK - FINwNCE ■^- CO1�I�CII CANARV - DEPAfiTMENT . �JITY OF SAINT PAUL �02 DLUE -MAYOR File �O. � Council Resolution Presented By � �� Referred To Committee: Date %/�� Out of Committee By Date �j� AND BE T FU , the City of St.���aul ' ��` .�ir�s�-��Ckg��--� +��..n t.. +-n�nnrrl T 3�3� ni3�t�� tl++ `:� the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States and the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association to conduct; an International Tournament at Aldrich Arena in January, 1990. ��►��P/l � 9 . ���� �l U� COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favor Goswitz Rettman B Scheibel _ Ag3inst Y Sonnen ' Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By - Approved by 19avor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . - �__ ��� f�,�_���-�--��-� �4� � WHITE - CITY CLERK �I PINK - FINANCE CITY OF AINT PAITL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT OLUE - MAVOR File �O. � �� � Council ' esolution ���, __ _� ,: - �..:� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date ��� Out of Committee By Date i WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associati � as incorporated in 197 to promote hockey on the East Side and in pa jti ular for Johnson Hig School, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associati $� elt that the need o promote travel hockey teams for the area's youth is ess #�t'al, WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Joh So Area Aockey As ociation consists of 16 voting members and the associatio '', h 51 members a 2 representatives on the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Associat' ' n oard, WHEREAS, the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Asso '�iat'on was cont cted by the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States s nd a team f pee wee pla.yers to Hachinohe, Japan in 1989 to play in an inter ti nal hocke tournament, and the Minnesota Amateur Hockey Association in Apr'.� 0 1988 pr ented the proposal to all member associations and requested �ha these sociations apply if they wished to represent the United States in he tourna ent scheduled for April and May of 1989, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associatio w s s lected to attend by the State Association at their fall meeting, �an 11 be the only representative from the United States, WHEREAS, the Johnson Area Hockey Associatio ' s agreed to host an International event here in St. Paul during January, 1 0 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT, the C y f St. Paul request that the State of Minnesota Charitable Gambling Co t ol Board approve use of the Johnson Area Hockey Association gambling fun s s efined in Minnesota State Statute ��349.12 (Definitions) as a "lawful pur ose ' ( ) benefiting persons, by contributing to their physical well-being, by assi �ti g them in establishing themselves in life as worthy and useful citizen , by gr eing to have the Johnson Area Hockey Association gambling funds ay for !th expenses, transportation, lodging, and meals for the players, coa es, an t eir representatives to attend the International Tournament 'n Japan; ', COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �ng In Favor Goswitz Rettman B �he1�� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson i Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Counc.il Secretary BY gy, A►pproved by Mavor. Date _ 'i Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ BY WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF INT PAUL Council /yJ"� `/� n/ CANARY - DEPARTMENT /� //�, BLUE - MAVOR File NO. !/ � �Vv - Council � esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date ��/�� Out of Committee By Date AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, the City f t. Pau give permission to the Johnson Area Hockey Association to respondiwi h inv tations through the Amateur Hockey Association of the United States a d he nnesota Amateur Hockey Association to conduct an International Tourna en a Aldrich Arena in January, 1990. � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Favoc ca�� Rettman B Scheibel _ A g81 n s t Y Sonnen Wilson ; Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cerlified Passed by Council Secretary BY By . Approved by Mavor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council I By — BY oaow� , a►te wiru� w►re � . C�.—�J� Roger Goswitz , 2/10/89 ���������T NO. �V354� COIIiAt:T P�SON � � � � � : DEP HT ,.: �: �1NYOR1�118818TANn� . �. K$thy.Gela.o ' �----.• a w�a+r�a a� 'crn cxe�i , v�+or�wo. liU1A!@R FOR `ROylilNti ou�c'roh Council 298-4475 a�n: � «�, ,,�Y ; , _ ; _ Resolution requests per�aission to use ga�a i funds to covers expenses for the team sponsored by the Johnson krea Hockey Asso a 'on p�r`ti��.psting in the Tnternational Tournam�$t in Japan thi.s April,� 1989. Al eks -I�upport` of �he United States Amatuer Hockey- Association hosting a tournament i J nua �, 1990 at Aldrich Arena. noNS:u�eD�ave W o��t�h! � . ,. : . . ..R.N�MIN(i COMrYMB&ON CIVIL�901VIQE COMYI3SION DATE MI - . � DA, OUT ' ANN.Y$T � ; .. . PIIOl�NO. �. - .. � . � . DONWO QO�MSSION . . . ISD 826 8q100L BOAPD - � i . . . . . . � .. .aTl1PF � . - qMY11'ER CAMMI8810N . .� f+OMRFTE A6 13 :. ADDL, _IIli4� - �_�FOR A�1.�� �_�tlACK�• . OIBTRICT COl�Jf�L *�EXPLANATION: ; - . - . . , . ' � . . � °1�0R7�"�"`�"�i �°�pporting youth activi ies. Mr�►�neow�aa�.onpann�arr twne.wher.wi,�,.w+�.+�ny�: .... , . JQhnson Area-Hockey Association will be; h only' t�nited! States repxes�ntative to ,the internati.onal .pee...wee hockey tournament` n achi#�ahe, Japan, in �fpiil., 198�. Reques�ing - to use ga�bli�ng funds to cover the;expe` e £or �the trig. Has agglied to� �e G�ar�t�ble GambLing �antrol B�ard for:the same wai r ; � _ ' ,_ . , . ' �ns�a►�tlo�r tcowe«s�r,�wwwo�s.r�.�s�: _ _ -.. 3�3ecial a�porfiunity for the Johnson Ar uth hock�y����ayers. Also to benefit the� City by hosting t�e tournament in Janu y, 1990;. ` y _ , _ �M�+b.wlNn:a�wTo aAihomy:. . - . _. : - _ : i i . i . .,f.. ;�." None . _ ��r�w�►mras: _ . r� Do iVothing p rtun ty far City's No United �t�.fes , ,, . ou h. usiness for part¢¢�g�ta�c�it. i by osting tournam nt ' n anua Y, 199Q,! ' � C��:r: :1 ne���rc� Center. . �,►,�+ts: � � 6 j;, : • : - '� Ato knowledge { , �,sau�s: . . ���ohnson Area Hock�y Association des` e to b� in compliance with State laws regarding charitable gambling. . � . � . 1 .. i . ,� .. '_� .�� � .... . � � . . . .