89-429 . � . � � � ��`� � � ��, , , ,/�. �� � Council ���y' I WMITE - CITV «r+•� GITY OF AINT PAUL File NO. — P�NK - F�NpNCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT • PAGE 1 0��. BI.UE - MAVOR • . i � ounci eso ution ; Y � i; '�, � � , Presented By ,,? _. - /�,-y� , > ���C`���; f � �,,,:?/ Committee: Date ' eferred To Date Out of Committee By f Saint Paul 's As s ment Policy regarding new construction and WHEREAS, The City o reconstruction of sidewalks was previousl s t forth in: ad pt d February 17, 1976, Council File No. 266797� ad 'pt d February 17, 1976� Council File No. 26679g� t d December 21 , 1976, Council File No. 268302, ad P d October 1 , 1981 > Council File No. 277504, ad pt 1 � 84� Council File No. 84-632� a p t d May 7� 9 and AS The City Council upon advi ie nd recomhaveadiscussedtthe need for revisionnts WHERE , of Public Works and Finance and Ma�e9a�� ng Sidewalks. to Saint Paul 's Assessment Policy 9 re arding new NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, Tha S int Paul 's Assessment Policy 9 construc tion and reconstruction of sidew lk set forth in above referenced Council Fi e No. 84-632, is amended as follows: NEW CON IR CTION - RESiDENTIAL ro erties with 1 , 2 or 3 family "Aid" Streets. Residential proper ie �p P • structures on "Aid" Streets (stre ts dO��ofathe costuofGnew, ssdewalk'd� County Aid or Trunk Highway) We�ty ,aY orner residential properties wi11 construction abutting the prop the "long receive a credit not to excee�dWii� pa t50f ofWthe costkforuthenremaining side" of these properties an side. Residen ia properties within a commercial area footage on the long the standard rate for a normal with wider than normal sidewalks ' 11 pay 5 foot wide sidewalk. Ftequested by Department of: COUNCIL MEMBERS l� /���7�'�,i�� �-r r�t 1 1-19-�9 — Y�s Nays ��v Publ ic Works De artment . Dimond �� � � �� In �av r � --_ Goswitz gy �._ Rettman �_ Ag I ns Scheibel Sonnen W��s�n Form Appr ed b City Attorne Date � 2 2� Adopted by Council: BY Certified Yassed by Council Secretary II gy pppcove by or r ission to Council p�pproved by 1Aavor: Date — _ \1-�.�- gy �.--_--- ------- � WHITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF ��I A I NT PAU L Council (//��//11 L/j/-/ /� CANARV - DEPARTMEN7 X�/�7 BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �J Counci esolution PAGE 2 OF 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Non-"Aid" Streets. Residential prope ti s on streets other than "Aid" streets will pay 100i of the cost of new side' al construction abutting the property. Corner residential properties will re 'ei e a credit not to exceed 150 feet of new sidewalk abutting the "}ong side" of these properties and will pay 100% of the cost for the remaining footage ' 11 residential properties within a commercial area with wider than norma ' s dewalks will pay the standard rate for a normal 5 foot wide sidewalk. NEW CONSTRUC 10 - COMMERCIAL Commercial properties (all propertieslno designated as residential ) on all classes of streets will pay 100i of t e ost of new sidewalk construction abutting any portion of the property. '�, N "long side" credit will be available to corner commercial properties. I RECONSTRUCTI N RESIDENTIAL Res7dent7a�-propert7es-on-a�}-streetS va* }-paq-SA�-of-the-cest-ef-reeonstraeted sTdeoca}ks-abatt'tng-the-propertq.---Eor er restdentta}-properttes-oa*}}-recetve-a �redrt-not-to-ex�eed-459-feet-of-reco' st acted-STdevca}k-abatt'rng-the-�}ong-s*de" of-these-propertres-and-wt}}-paq-58�- f- he-cost-for-the-rema*ntng-footage-on-the �ong-s7de:--Res*dent7a�-propert7es-wt ht -a-commerc*a}-area-wtth-tarder-than-norma} s7deoca�ks-wT��-paq-the-standard-rate- or a-norma}-5-foot-ov*de-stdewa}k: There will be no assessment nor heari or reconstruction of residential sidewalks exce t that non-standard construction ' w der than 5 feet, s ot re air of 6 foot width or other than normal monolithic 'co crete will continue to re uire hearings and the cost over and above standard on truction will be assessed. Residential ro erties within a commercial area w �ll not be assessed for wider than standard construction. RECONSTRUCTI N COMMERCIAL . COUNCIL MEMBERS en f• /�e Requested by Departm t o . Yeas Nays �A�,� Dimond �_!�� Publ ic Works De artment TEK 1-12-� ��g In Favor Goswitz Rettman sche;be� _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson � Form Appro d 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � 2. 23� Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by IVlavor. Date _ Ap rov by M for Su 'ssion to Council By - v WNITE - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF AINT PAUL Council �j,+ ��Q CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. 7 � Counci esolution PAGE 3 oF 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Commercial properties on all classes f treets will pay 100i of the cost of reconstructed sidewalks abutting any ,�or ion of the property. No "long side" credit will be available for corner mm rcial properties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this policy shall be effective for all sidewalk improvements approved by Final Orders in 1 89 and thereafter. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in all he respects other than sidewalk assessments, Council File No. 266797 adopted February 1 , 976, Council File No. 266798 adopted February 17, 1976, Council File No. 268302 �,ad pted December 21 , 1976, and Council File No. 277504 adopted October 1 , 1981 , shall mem in in full force and effect. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond Publ i c Works Department (TEK) 1°12-i� �� In Favor Goswitz � Rettman sche�be� _ Against BY � Sonnen , Wilson Form Approved b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C -L Certified Passed by Council Secretary By �2" 3 g By A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved b Ma f Subm' sion to Council By _ _ , . ��=�a� CITY OF SAINT PA L CIB Committee Res I tion Date t _ i2- e The Saint Paul Long-Ran apital Improvement Budget Committee recommends that the Cit o Saint Paul adopt policy requiring the construction of sidewal s here none currently exist in the following situations: • a. When arterial, colle to and aid streets are being paved or repaved, sidewalks s u d be installed unless it is not technically feasible. b. When an area is bein d veloped for the first time, sidewalks should be required a p rt of the development. c. In existing resident 'al areas, if sidewalks currently exist, all gaps should be f' ll d in as part of the street paving and sewer separation wo k unless it is not technically feasible. d. Of particular concer a e areas surrounding schools and similar facilities. M�Ved by Thoma II', G einder Seconded y Rebec I onsoor-Cas ' In Favor 13 Against o - � _ � . ��"70�G CITY OF SAINT PA L CIB Committee Res i tion Date � - � Z - 8 g The Saint Paul Long-Rang C pital Improvement Budget Committee finally recommends that he Saint Paul Planning Commission be asked to study the need or sidewalks in existing residential areas and, if appropriat r comh►end policy regarding when new sidewalks should be ns alled on existing residential streets. .+.:���.°-'�,�..,�'��.�; _ , MQ�/ed by T om s Gmeinder Seconded y V r 'nia Carroll � i n Favor 1 _ � Against o i 7. 4/18/89 FINAL ORDER: Fo the CONCORD STREET STREETSCAPE Approved IMPROVEMENT P OG PHASE I on the north side of 3-0 CONCORD from 50 feet southeast of Ada Street to approximately 1 5.06 feet northwest of State Street and th s uth side of Concord Street from approximately 7 .59 feet northwest of George Street to app ox mately 362.81 feet southeast of State Street To include 14 lantern style lights and ot er decorative items as determined by P.E.D. nd the Concord Street Business Association. A so the operating costs of the above stand rd street lighting system from January thru ec mber, 1989. 8. 4/18/89 FINAL ORDER Sidewalk reconstruction with Laid Over integral cur n the North side of W. SEVENTH In STREET from mi h Avenue to Forbes Avenue; East Committee side SMITH VE UE from W. Seventh Street to to Forbes Avenu , and West side FORBES AVENUE from 4-19-89. Smith Avenue o . Seventh Street. � 9. RESOLUTION 89 42 : Amending C.F. �4-632 �dopted Approved May li', 1 84 and approving 5t. Faul's 3-0-Revised ASSESSMENT P LI Y ,regarding construction and Resolution reconstructio of sidewalks. (Referred to to be sub- Committee 3/1 /8 ) . mitted. 10. RES LUTIO . Amending the 1985 CIB Budget Approved by trans er ing $341,725.71 from 3-0 Curtice/Mt.Ho e/ ndrew Projec� to Residential Sidewalk Rec st uction. (Referred to Committee 3/14/89) . . 11. RESOLUTION 8 4 6: Amending the 1985 CIB Budget Approved by transfer in $68,963.32 from Contingency to 3-0 RAYMOND BRI GE, Manvel to Energy Park Drive. (Referred to Co ittee 3/16/89) . 12. RESOLUTION 9- 69: Approving an agreement Approved between Min es ta Department of Transportation 3-0 and the City co ering the cost, maintenance and operation o traffic signal installation at T.H. 5 (MIN EH HA) and Forest St. (Referred to Committee 3/ 1/ 9) . 13. RESOLUTION 89 299: Directing proper City Approved officials o execute Lease Agreement with w/amend. to Naegele Outd or Advertising, Inc. for a sign on change lease property pu ch sed by City from Burlington from 3 to 1 Northern, In . est of I-35E and north of Cayuga year. for storm wa er ponding. (Laid over in Committee 3/8/89) . 2 � Members: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz, chair "'������� OFFICP OF TRP CITY COIINUIL Janice Rettman j1j1°° Tom Dimond Date: April 5, 1989 Committee Report �CEIVED To: Saint Paul Cit Council � a?� � 51989 Y ClTY C�ER�'� From :Public Works, Utilities, and Transportation Committee Roger J. Goswitz, Chair 1. Approval of minutes of March 22, 1989. Hearing Date 2. DISCUSSION: Plastics Ordinance Approved �0 W/Amendments 3. 4/11/89 VACATION: Petition of the City of Saint Paul for Approved the vacation of part of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 3-0 2, Cole's Rearrangement, which is located east of I-35E between Juno and Armstrong. Property is surplus and will be sold by sealed bids. 4. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: for work completed � Approved summer/fall 1986. For construction of storm 3-0 sewer service connections incidental to the PHALEN CREEK SEWER PROJECT. 5. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: for work completed Approved summer/fall 1986. For storm sewer service stub 3-0 connections as requested by the property owner for the benefit of the SPACE CENTER property located on PRIOR AVENUE near University. Part of the SNELLING/UNIVERSITY AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 6. 4/18/89 RATIFICATION OF ASSESSMENTS: for work completed Approved summer/fall 1984. For improving KASOTA 3-0 �� AVENUE/ENERGY PARK DRIVE from 700 feet west of Snelling Avenue. For installation of water main in Kasota � Avenue/Energy Park Drive from 700 feet wesr of Snelling Avenue to Raymond Avenue. CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUI., MINNESOTA 55102 �.4e . , � � ,/�� ��' �--���-� WHITE - C�TV CIERK /� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F ' S I NT PA U L Council (y/� �j CANARY - DEPARTMENT y7_�/� BI.UE - MAVOR File NO• l� %� � Counci � esolution � q� PAGE 2 of 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Non-"Aid" Streets. Residential properlie on streets other than "Aid" streets will pay 100i of the cost of new side lk construction abutting the property. Corner residential properties wilt rec iv a credit not to exceed 150 feet of new sidewalk abutting the "long side" f hese properties and will pay 100% of the cost for the remaining footage. A 1 residential properties within a commercial area with wider than normall,si ewalks will pay the standard rate for a normal 5 foot wide sidewalk. NEW CONSTRUCT ON - COMMERCIAL Commercial properties (all properties Iot designated as residential) on all classes of streets will pay 100i of th c st of new sidewalk construction abutting any portion of the property. '�No "long side" credit will be available to corner commercial properties. RECONSTRUCTIn � Restdentre}-prepert*eS-on-a}}-Stree st-of-reconstracted s*deora}ka-abattrng-the-propertq.---Ec es-wr}�-re�e'rve-a credtt-net-te-exeeed-}5A-feet-ef-rec� ' Qvc: �ng-the-"}ong-stde" ef-theze-preperttea-and-var�}-paq-SA�- ,� ntng-footage-on-the �eng-arde.---Restdentta}-prepert*es-�til ,(J�' �h-oa'rder-than-norma� 9tde�ve�ks-►rot}�-pe�r-the-stendard-rate-f ; � �devoa}k.- � ' . There will be no assessment nor hearin �,� �idential sidewalks determined to be in a hazardous condit o, � /��, �� rd construction wider than 5 feet, s ot re air of 6 f ot , r, J���v'�j'1���� � al monolithic concrete will continue to re uire hea in (�i / �'r ' ��� �bove standard construction will be assessed. Reside ti � !����� �� nercial area w i l l n o t b e a s s e s s e d f o r w i d e r t h a n s t n d r � � ,�'�- t,�` COUNCIL MEMBERS '// Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays CT/ Dimond .fi�� Publ ic Works �TEK) �ng in Favor Goswitz � y� Sche bel A gai n s t By �2��"`""" � - � Sonnen � Wilson Form Approv d ity Attorne}� Adopted by Council: Date �/ � C ��/ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By, Approved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor Eor Submission to Council By - — BY . , ,y.'� � �,� �-��-�� WMITE - C�TV CI.ERK PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �n/ CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF IS I NT PAU L �{ 9� a9 BLUE - MAVOR File �O. [' • • - Counci '� esolution PAGE 3 oF 3 Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Commi ttee By Date RECONSTRUCTI I COMMERCIAL Commercial properties on all classes o s reets will pay 100i of the cost of reconstructed sidewalks abutting any p rtion of the property. No "long side" credit will be availabte for corner co Ine cial properties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this poli I�y hall be effective for all applicable sidewalk improvements approved in 19�g and ha t be in effect for the 1989 construction year only. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, At the end of Ihe 198g construction year, the Saint Paul City Council shall review this policy and d 'te mine whether to continue or amend same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That in all otler respects other than sidewalk assessments, Council File No. 266797 adopted February 17 '; 1 76, Council File No. 266798 adopted February 17, 1g76, Council File No. 268302 do ted December 21 , 1976, and Council File No. 277504 adopted October 1 , 1981 , shall r 'ma n in full force and effect. COUNCIL MEMBERS � Requested by Department of: .e:�/�-c�' Yeas Nays � ��� n�mond Publ ic Works (TEK) �ng [n Favor ; Goswitz Rettman s�ne;n�i _ Against BY Sonnen Wilson Form Appro e ity Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By t#pproved by Mavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — BY ��1.�-� ���=�-���' � �9 � „ � � � 17. RESOLUTION 89-5 1: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by tr ns erring $96,020 to the 3-0 MISSISSIPPI RIV B ULEVARD PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/4,f89 . 18. RESOLUTION 89- 4: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget to provi $ 9,200 for the construction 3-0 work on MISS SI PI RIVER BOULEVARD at Marshall. (Refe ed to Committee 4/4/89) . 19. RESOLUTION 89- 62: Amending the 1989 CIB Approved Budget by tr sf rring $100,000 from W. 3-0 Seventh Street i ning to DALE STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY ACQUISI IO PROJECT. (Referred to Committee 4/4/8 ) . 20. RESOLUTION 89- 68: Authorizing proper City Already Acted officials to xe ute an agreemwnt with the on at State Departme � of Transportation for the Council cost, maintena �e and operation of traffic control signal pr ject on llth Street at St. Peter and on 1 ;�th Street at Wabasha and the revision of the ex sting signal on 12th Street at Wabasha. (Re er ed to Committee 4/4/89) . 21. RESOLUTION 89- '73 Authorizing proper City Approved officials to �xe ute an agreement with the 3-0 Commissioner o ' T ansportation detailing the engineering an a ministrative procedures for ' City road or 'ri ge pro�ects financed with federal funds. 22. RESOLUTION 89-6 3: Approving the appointments Approved by the Mayor of CRAIG WRUCK and VICTOR 3-0 ANGERHOFER to s rve on the Metropolitan Aircraft Sound ba ement Council. (Referred to Committee 4/6/8 ) . 23. RESOLUTION 89-5 3: Retaining the law firm of Approved Larkin, Hoffma , Daly and Lindgren, Ltd. as 3-0 special counse t assist in the development of the EIS f r he improvement of SHEPARD ROAD. (Referred to Committee 3/30/89) . 24. LUTION 89- �29 Amending C.F. 84-632 Recommended adopted May 17, 19 4, and approving St. Paul's Denial -2 -1 ASSESSMENT POL CY regarding construction and Goswitz voting reconstruction of sidewalks. (Laid over in NO Committee to 4/ 9/ 9) . 25. RESOLUTION 89- 28 Amending the 1985 CIB Recommended Budget by tr ns erring $341,725.71 from Denial- 2-1 Curtice/Mt.Hope An rew Project to Residential Goswitz voting Sidewalk Reco st uction. (Laid over in NO Committee to 4/19/ 9) . 3 � Members: �'���`'�� CITY F SAINT PAUL Roger J. Goswitz� chair ,�„��,;,, • � Janice Rettman _��q��i n: •s OFI�'IC� F R� CITY COUNCIIL Tom Dimond Date: April 19, 1 89 Co ittee Report �CEIWED � • �pR 19��8� To: Saint Paui City Coun il �,��.� ����:; From :Public Works, Utili ie , and Transportation Committee . Roger J. Goswitz, air The Public Works Committee at i s eeting of April 19, 1989 took the following action: 1. Approval of minut s f April 5, 1989. Hearing Date � 2. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking perm ne t easements for street 3-0 purposes and for ti ity and drainage purposes in Hazel Park Ad it on and Hazel�Park Villas for the� FLAND U CASE AREA STORM SEWER PROJECT. 3. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved and taking perm ne t utility easements in 3-0 , certain parts ofl,Ri e Street Villas for the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS A EA STORM SEWER SEPARATION PROJECT. Easemen r quired by the MWCC. 4. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A A OF DAMAGES: Condemning Approved . and taking perm ne t easements for utility 3-0 purposes in cert in parcels in Soo Line Plat No. 2 and Rice tr et Villas. Part of the ALBEMARLE/NEBRAS A EA STORM SEWER PROJECT. . 5. 4/25/89 RATIFICATION OF A SE SMENTS: for work started Approved during 1988 cons ru tion season. Improving 3-0 ST. CLAIR AVE UE from Cretin Avenue to Snelling Avenue w th a lantern style lighting system. 6. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: F r constructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer on ections in HALL LANE from 3-0 Delos Street to 3 0 feet north of Delos Street. • 7. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: F r constructing a sanitary Approved sewer and sewer on ections in MARION STREET 3-0 from Larpenteur A en e to Idaho Avenue. CITY HALL SEVENTH F O SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA 55102 �s ������ 8. 5/2/89 RATIFICATION OF A ARD OF DAMAGES: For Approved opening, widenin nd extending EAST SHORE 3-0 DRIVE by taking nd condemning the southerly 610 feet of Gover me t Lot l. 9. 5/2/89 FINAL ORDER: S de alk reconstruction with Approved integral curb on he North side of W. SEVENTH 3-0 STREET from Smi h venue to Forbes Avenue; East side SMITH A EN E from W. Seventh Street to Forbes Avenue, a d West side FORBES AVENUE from Smith Avenue to W. Seventh Street. (Laid over in Committee fr m 4/5/89) . 10. UPDATE: On const uc ion of IRVINE AVENUE AREA Laid Over In STORM SEWER PRO EC AND STREET PAVING AND Committee LIGHTING PROJECT. (Laid over in Committee Indefinitely 3/8/89) . 11. RESOLUTION 89-361: Authorizing proper City Laid Over In officials to ea e to Naegele Outdoor Committee Advertising, Inc� p operty located at 1060 W. Two Weeks to SEVENTH STREET o isplay advertising sign. 5-3-89. (Laid over in Co ' it ee 3/22/89) . 12. DISCUSSION: Impr ve ents in WHEELOCK PARKWAY Laid Over In from Edgemont t. to 100 feet east of Committee Edgemont. Indefinitely 13. RESOLUTION 89-2 Authorizing approval of Laid Over In Ramsey County pl s o reconstruct LARPENTEUR Committee between 35-E and dg rton, bridge construction Indefinitely over Soo Line RR nd right-of-way acquisition. (Laid over in Co it ee 3/8/89) . 14. RESOLUTION 89-5 �+: Authorizing proper City Approved officials to ex �ut an agreement with Ramsey 3-0 County to provid �ifo payment of approximately $10,000 from Cou ty id Fund for City's share of sidewalk, ut �ities, curb and gutter costs associated wit e reconstruction of MC KNIGHT ROAD an innehaha. (Referred to Committee 3/28/8 � . 15. RESOLUTION 89-5 !�: Amending the 1988 CIB Approved Budget by addi g 373,500 for the MINNEHAHA 3-0 AVENUE PROJECT to White Bear to McKnight. (Referred to Co �t ee 4/4/89) . 16. RESOLUTION 89-5 0: Amending 1989 CIB Budget Approved by adding $75 ,5 0 for MSA contingency. 3-0 (Referred to Co it ee 4/4/89) . 2