89-425 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COI1flC11 CANARV -O�PARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL File NO. y ��� BIUE -MAVOR / O r � dnce ��Ordinance N 0. �7�oJ'�� Presented By �k %�Z��-� � ��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance am nd 'ng Saint Paul Administrative od Chapter 15 pertaining to c un il meetings and meetings of co it ees , boards and commissions by iel ting notice requirements th t onflict with state law and by refe en ing state law for such requiremen s. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAI T AUL DOE5 ORDAIN: Sec io 1. That Saint Paul Administr ti e Code Section 15.�13 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 15. 03. Meetings of th council . The council shall meet at th City Hall at least once a week. In addition to he regular meetings of the council as required by the Saint Paul City Charter , special meetings may be e d anywhere in the city on the call of the presiden o the council or upon the written request submitt d to the secretary of the council by any four (4) e bers. Notice of special COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman s�ne�ne� A gai n s t BY Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY '��� �' � ���8� By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �-1� t . . C,��9-�°�� � �7��� meetings shall be given b the city clerk in the form and manner prescribed y tate law. Pursuant to the provisions of Saint Paul C t Charter Section 4.414 the business conducted at s ecial meetings shall be con�'ined�to that�stated n the�notice. �� st�a�� be ��►e , �_ ._,� _ _ . .. �t��� . e€ �ke _p�es�d�� e� �e � s�. ��e ��i�ae�� �e g�e��de � _... .. _ ae��ee �e �ke gx���e g� s� �� �e ��e��e� ��:�� ac�� �t�e g�e��s�e�s e€ s�a�� �ew: Se ti n 2. That Saint Paul Administ a ive Code Section 15.04 be and the same hereby is amended to rea a follows : "Sec. 15. 04. Notice req ir ment. Except as herein otherwis provided , it shall be the d uty of the presiding f icer of �k� e�t����� �� a commission to notify al o its members in writing of the date, time, and pla e f ineeting and topics to be discussedT in the manner pr vided by state law �� �e��� �w���y=€ee�{�4} �e��e �€ �� s���i�e�e��t g�ee����lT I�ewe�e�T �k�� wk��e ��e� aw eg eet�a��� e� �e�a��se�e� ���e� ������e a� ea���e . r� ��€����}�aT. . ��� p�e�*�s�eas e� s�ek ��w e� �e�� eH � ��l�e p�eee�e�e� e�e� ��e g�e�r�s}exs e€ �k�s bee�� i�: A���#��e�a��� ��ie ��es��}t�� e����e� e€ s�e� �e�tx�#se� r� and shall furnish a copy of such notice to the c ' ty clerk who shall act in accordance with Section 5. 5. " Se ti n 3 . That Saint Paul Administ ative Code Section 15.A5 be and the same hereby is amended to rea a follows: "Sec . 15. 05. Official b 11 tin board . The city clerk shall cause to be installed and m aintained a bulletin bo rd readily accessible to public view at the Kell g Boulevard entrance to the City Hall and Court Ho se, upon which �� the clerk shall post a list of all otices transmitted to k��A the city clerk' s o�f ce and s equired by this chapter ." �-s� WHITE - CITV CLERK P1�iK - FINANCE COUIIC11 CANARV -bEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PAU L BIUE - MAVOR File �0. � � Or nance Ordinance N0. ��lPV` � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Sec io 4. That Saint Paul Administr tive Code Section 15.06 be and the same hereby is amended to read as follows : "Sec. 15.Q16. Emergency m et ' ngs. (a) Em ergency meetings ha 1 be open to the public , with notice given in the o m and manner prescribed b �,�� r2�cs�+a�le state law, except that th , c ' t clerk shall no if� each =��r ��,�( news mediu_m�. Notice requ r ments for such meetings of the council or of a co m ssion as to the members thereof shall conform to t e procedures set forth in state law and to any addi io al requirements established by the council or a commi si n. (b) An em ergency meetin i one called to institute immediate action involvin t e protection of the public peace, health, welfare or sa ety." Sec io 5. This ordinance shall be i f rce and take effect thirty (3�1) days from and after its passage, pproval and publication. COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond "� [n Favar coswitz �teiiw� �be;�� � Against BY -sewae.. Wilson _ � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pass d uncil S r BY `��"�'� '° ' �-�� 8 J By Approved by�ll�ayor: at r�►Y — 3 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By '�"'�^�` BY rUBll3#i�0 �,�AY 13 i989 ,�,z, � � � ; - � . � G''���a� OEPARTMENT/OFFl NdL DATE INITIA D � ������ City Clerk �--�-- GREEN SHEET No. �N A.� CONTACT PERSON 6 PHONE OEPARTMENT DIRECTOR �GTY WUNpL A1 Olson 298-4231 N� ciTV arroRn�v �cmr cxERK MUBT BE ON COUNCIL AOENDA BY(DAT� NONTINO BUDOET DIRECTOR �FlN.3 MOT.SERVICEB DIR. MAYOR(OR ASSISTAN � TOTAL A�OF 81GNATURE PAOES 2 (CLIP ALL OC TIONS FOR 81ONATUREy ACTION REQUESTED: Adoption of ordinance amending C p er 15 of the Administrative Code pertaining to meeting notice req 'r nts. . RECOMMENDA71oN3:Approve(N a�1�(R1 COUNC� REPORT OPTIONAL _PLANNING(�MMISSION _qVIL SERVICE COMM18810N A�YST PFIONE NO. _p8 COMMPITEE _ _STAFF _ COMMENT3: _DISTRICT COURT _ SUPPORTS WHICH OOUNqL OBJECTIVE7 INITIATINQ PROBLEM,IS8UE,OPPORTUNITY(WFio,Whst,When,Where,Wh�: Ordinance would bring Administra 'v Code into compliance with State Open Meeting Law and current pro res. ADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: Persons reading Administrative e will not be misinformed. DIBADVANTA(iE8 IF APPROVED: None I DI8ADVANTAOEB IF NOT APPROVED: Persons reading the Administrati ode for guidance on ii�eeting notification will be misguided a se State Law pre-e�it�:Adma ���a � k,� Coc7e. . ��. ., __.�'`F�C��l�..!' �;'1:'.� „ ._.;� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION NOri2 CpgT/REVENUE BUDOETED(CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FUNDING SOURCE ACTIViTY NUMBER FINANCIAL INFORMATION:(DCPWI� � } . , . � . M, . NOTE: COMPLETE DIRECTIONS ARE INCLUDED IN THE jGREEN SHE,ET INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASING OFFi�(PHONE NO.298-4225). ROUTING ORDER: Below are preferred routings for the five most frequent typea¢f dxuments: CONTRACTS (assumes suthorized COUN L RESOLUTION (Amend, Bdgts./ budget exists) Accept.Grants) 1. Outside Agency 1. D�partment Director 2. Initiating Department 2. �get Director 3. City Attorney 3. Attorney 4. Mayor 4. M yoNAssistant 5. Finance&Mgmt Svcs. Director 5. �Y Council 6. Finance Accounting 6. Clhfef Accountant, Fin d�Mgmt SYcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget �UN IL RESOLUTION (all others) Revision) end ORDINANCE 1. Activity Manager 1. In�tiating Department Director 2. Department Axountant 2. City Attomey 3. Department Director 3. M�yoNAsafstant 4. Budget Director 4. City Council 5. Gty Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Fin &Mgmt Svcs. ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS (all others) 1. Initiating Department 2. Ciry Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk TOTAL NUMBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES � Indicate the#of pages on which signatures are required and reli each of these pageg• ACTION REQUESTED ' Descrfbe what the projecUrequest seeks to accomplish in eitheir chronologi- cal order or order of importance,whichever is most approprfat�for the issue. Do not write complete sentences. Begin each item in ydur Iist with a verb. RECOMMENDATIONS Complete if the issue in question has been presented before ahy body, public or private. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? Indicate which Council objective(s)your projecUrequest suppor�s by listing the key word(s)(HOUSING, RECREATION, NEIGHBORHOOD$, EOONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, BUDGET, SEWER SEPARATION). (SEE COMPLETE LIST IN INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL.) COUNCIL COMMITTEEIRESEARCH REPORT-OPTIONAL A3 REQUESTED BY COUNCIL INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITY Explain the situation or conditions that created a need for your project or request. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED Indicate whether this is simply an annual budget procedure required by law/ charter or whether there are specific ways in which the City of iSaint Paul and its citizens will benefit from this proj�ct/actlon. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED What negative effects or major changes to existing or past pro�esses might this projecUrequest produce if it is passed(e.g.,traffic delays, hoise, tax increases or assessments)?To Whom?When?For how lo�g? DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED ' What will be the negative consequences if the promised action',is not approved?Inability to deliver serviceT Continued high traffic, nbise, accident rate7 Loss of revenue? FINANCIAL IMPACT Although you must tailor the information you provide here to thb issue you are addressing, in general you must answer two questions: How much is it �ing to c�st?Who is going to pay? ����-�a.� Date: Friday, Ap il 7, 1989 �7�pJ{l Members: Kiki Sonnen,Chair Roger Goswitz Bob Long Staff: Donna Sanders,Secretary Jane McPeak,Attorney Committee Report Rules and Policy C mittee 1. Approval of minutes of the March 3, 1989 meeting. COMMITTEE APPROVED 2. DISCUSSION OF CITY COUNCIL'S DAT P CTICES, GUIDELINES & PROCEDURES. (Heard in R & P Committee 12/16/ 8, 1/6/89, 3/3/89 and laid over until . 4/7/89) COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED APPROVAL . 3. ORDINANCE ��89-463 - An ordinance am nding Chapter 28 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Campa gn Contributions" to provide for conformity to state statute as t t me limits for filing financial reports prior to primary and gen ra elections. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED LAYOVER OF SU STITUTE ORDINANCES TO MAY 5, 1989 . ORDINANCE #89-425 - An or inance am nding Chapter 15 of the Administr�.tive Code pertaining t ' m etings of the Council, Committees, Boards and C,ommissions by deleti g otice requirements that conflict w�i,th �t�te laPw. EC�L��EE,,,�EGOM�IEA1i?i?TD APPR4KA3; ,0 STI'I'[1TE�*�?RD�NAPIG"E 5. ORDINANCE �88-623 - An ordinance am nding Chapter 24 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code pertaining t a code of ethics for city employees and off icials. COMMITTEE RECOMMENDED INDEFINITE LA OVER BUT DIRECTED GERRY STRATHMAN TO PREPARE RULES FOR PRIVATE USE OF GOVERNMENT PROPERTY FOR COUNCIL OFFICES AND COUNCIL RESEARCH AND CA LE OFFICES, AND RECOMMENDED INTRODUCTION OF NEW ORDINANCE RE AR ING LIMITATION OF NUMBER OF TICKETS AS GIFTS �' �;��'�*'••, ,. � � �_ . (� C1TY OF SAINT PAl � �:� ' '"' �;. ` OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORN :,: • �� .i����nm .s . �� ' '�����j�� ��� EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORR ,. ���'"�.�„'.r�'�' 647 City Jiail,Saint Paul.Minnesota 5` GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-: MAYOR �f.��%� �7- �T September 16, 1987 /��� Members of the City Council City of Saint Paul . Seventh Floor City Hall Saint Paul , MN 55102 Dear Councilmembers : � Some time ago at a City Co c 1 meeting you asked me to provide you with a legal opinion the requirements of the State of . Minnesota' s Open Meeting Law. What foTlows is an analysis which includes both state statute �a d case law, the Saint Paul City Charter, and the Saint Paul nis�rative Code. As relates to you, the bas c requirement of Minnesota Statutes Section 471 . 705 is simply h' s : except for some well defined exceptions , all of your Ci ouncil meetings and any of your subcommittee or committee m e ings must be open to the public. In 3ddition to regularly s h duled City Council and committ�e or subcommittee meetings , t e term "meeting" includes a meeting at which at least a quorum r more of the members of the govern- ing body or a quorum or mo e of the members of a committee or subcom,-nittee of the governi g body discuss , decide or receive information as a group on iss e relating to the official business - of that bcdy. Mober , et a . v. Independent School District . No. 281 , et al . , 336 N.W. 2d 5 0 (Mn. 1983) . These circturstances are not e ings: . � , . � . . . 1 . Chance or sociai gathe i gs at which Councilmembers find , themselves. However, at t ese gatherings , a quorum or more . • of the members of �the g verning body or of one of� its �• committ�es or subcommitt es may not discuss or receive infor- • mation �n official busine s (Mo_ berg) ; and .. . . . : �. � � �. � C l'��-��5 � � � . . ,y��-r Members of the Cify Council Page Two . September 16, 1987 2. Letters or telephone con r ations between fewer than a quorum � of the members of the g verning body or of one of its committees or subcommitte s Moberg. There are two types of ineeti s which may be closed to the public: � 1 . Meetings of the governi ody of a public employer to con- sider strategy for labo n gotiations, including negotiation � strategies or developme ts or discussion or review of labor negotiation proposals c nd cted pursuant to the provisions � of Minnesota Statutes S c ion 179A.01 to 179A.25 , Minnesota • Statutes Section 471 . 705 , S bd. la; and 2. Meetings held to recei e legal advice from the governing body' s attorney with re a d to threatened or pending liti- gation. Minneapolis Sta nd Tribune Co. , et al . v. Housing and Redevelopment Author ' ty in and for the City of Minneapolis , 251 N.W. 2d 620 (Mn. 1976) . Until this past legislative se sion, Chapter 471 did not contain specific notice requirement or meetings. However� this past session the legislature amen ed Minnesota Statutes Section 471 .705 by adding very specific no ic pr•ocedures. Minnesota Statutes Section 471 .705, Subd. lc(a) p ovides that a schedule of regular meetings be kept on file in th primary offices of the governir,g body. Zf a meeting is to e helci at a different time or place than a regularly scheduled o e , then notice must be given in � the same manner as for speci 1 eet:ings. � � ��. �������► Notice of �pecial meeting , which . do not include emergericy meetings or a special meet n for which a notice requirement is otherwise expressly estab i hed by statute, must te in writing and set forth the date, .ti , place and purpose of the meeting. ��. This writing must be: 1 . Posted on the principal b lletin board of the public body; and . 2. Mailed or otherwise del v red to each person who has filed a written request with he public body for notice of special meetings . As an alter at've to mailing or delivering this notic:e � the public body m y publish it once in the official • newspaper of the public od . . . . . . . .� � � ��-�-�, . � . ���� Members of the City Council Page Three � � September 16 , 1987 The posting, mailing, del v ring and publishing must occur at least three days before h date of the meeting. Minnesota Statutes Section 471 .705, S b . lc(b) . The City Charter allows he Council to hold special meetings anywhere in the City at th c 11 of the President of the Council or at the written request f t least four Councilmembers. Saint . Paul Charter Section 4.04, e provisions of Saint Paul Admini- strative Code Section 15.03 th t allow for only six hours ' advance notice of special meetings or waiver of notice as to Council- members have been pre-empt d by the previously noted amendments to state law. ' The business conducted at a special meeting must be c:onfined to that stated in the noti e for that meeting. Charter Section 4.04 . This section pre-em t a provision of Saint Paul Admini- strative Code Section 15.0 w ich would allow the waiyer of such a prohibition upon a unanim us vote of all Councilmembers. �l�k�� �t��.'r� ��►�► mergency meetings are spec a meetings calle because of circum- stances that, in the ju gm nt of the public body, require immediate consideration by h t body. Minnesota Statutes Section 471 . 705 , Subd. lc(c) . Eme ge cy meetings have their own. notice requirements. Members sha 1 e notified by telephone or by any other . method used to noti y the public body. There must be a , � good faith effort to prov' de as soon as is practicable' after . • notice to the members of h public body, notice to ea.ch news medium that has filed a wri te request for notice if the request includes th� news medium' s te ephone number. Minnesota 5tatutes � � Section 471. 705, Subd. lc(c) . � • The notice must include, th ubject of the meeting. Any m,�tter . discussed or acted upon at an emergency meeting and not directly ' � related to the emergency s be specifically described in the ininutes of the meeting. M nnesota Statutes Section 471.705 , Subd. lc(c) . Saint Paul Ad i istrative Code Section 15.06 limits the Council ' s ability to c 11 emergency meetings to those situa- tions which call for immedia e action to protect the public peace, health or safety. Becaus ' t is a more restrictive measure, the Code ' s criteria for ha constitutes an emergency rather than the statute ' s more ge er 1 definition must be used. Under the City Charter and Adm ni trative Code, emergency meetings . �. . � �� , � � �� � � C_ � C �F���.� � � i��� Members of the City Council Page Four � September 16, 1987 � � are a form of special meet ng and as such may be called by the President of the Council r upon the written request of four Councilmembers. Notice to C uncilmembers must be provided by the City Clerk in writing a east six hours prior to the meeting except that the unanimous ri ten consent of the Councilmembers . shall waive such notice. ' � Section 4.04 of the City Cha t r limits the topics to be discussed. at a special-emergency mee i g to only those specified in the notice. Again, the more e trictive provision in the Charter must be followed rather th he statute ' s allowance for discus- � sion of matters not direct y related to the emergency as long � as it is so recorded in the � i utes. • "If a meeting is recessed r a continued session of a previous meeting and the time and la e of the meeting was established during the previous meeting a d recorded in the minutes of that meeting, then no further pub i hed or mailed notice is necessary. " Minnesota Statutes Section 71 . 705, Subd. lc(d) . The requirement to post meeting notices shou d still be followed. The notice requirements o S ction 471 .705, Subd. lc apply to closed meetings. If a por i n of a regularly scheduled meeting is to be closed, it must b so noted on the Council agenda. If the closed meeting is a s ecial , emergency, recessed or con- tinued one, then the • not ce requirements for that particular type of ineeting must be: met. Finally, with regard to n ti e requirements , there are several more provisions in the Sai t. Paul Administrative Code. Section � requi'res the Counci resident or the presiding officer o a commission to notify i s members in writing of the date, time and place of a meeti g and of topics to be discussed at . least twenty-four hours • b f re the meeting. The requirement as to date, time and plac otification has been pre-empted by the statute. The purpose. a special meeting, whether open or closed, must be provid d three days before the date of the meeting. Minnesota Statut s ection 471 .705 , Subd. lc(b) . With respect to emergency meeti gs Section 15.03 ' s requirements take precedence over Section 15. 4' . � 1. . ' � � � �. . • . • - � � �. ��--�a , ���-� Members of the City Council Page Five September 16, 1987 � � . Additionally, Chapter A-11 of the Administrative Code contains . all the notice requirement f the Early Notification System. You are familiar with these a d they have not been affected by the recent changes in stat aw so I will not include them in this analysis. In addition to notice req i ements , the state ' s Open Meeting • Law addresses the issue of h availability of written materials at a meeting. Minnesota St tu es Section 471 .705 , Subd. lb sets forth this requirement for a 1 open meetings: there must be . available for inspection by he public " . . .one copy of any printed materials relating to the a e da �items of the meeting which are prepared or distributed by r at the direction of the governing body of its employees and wh'ich are: (1 ) distributed at the meet n to all members of the governing body; (2) distributed before the m et ng to all membei,s; or (3) available in the meeting ro m to all members. " This requa_rement does not a ly to rr�aterials used at closed meetings or materials class fied as something other than public by the state' s Data Practi es Act or some other statutory pro- vision unless the protected at is discussed at the open meeting. The discussed data then be o es public. Itasca County Board of Commissioners v. Olson, 3 2 .W.2d 804 (Mn. '1985) . . Minnesota Statutes Section 47 .705 also deals with records of meetings. Subd. 1 requires t at votes taken on any action must be .recorded in a journal ep for that purpose. The jour,nal � ' is to be open to the publ c during all normal business hours of the office at which the jo rnal is kept. Saint Paul Admini- , strative Code Section 15. 0 equires the rer_ording by written . • journals, minutes or tape of the actions and discussions • . occurring at all meetings , w et er open or closed. With regard to closed meetin s o discuss labor matters (Minnesota Statutes Section 471 . 705, S b . la) , Minnesota Statuets Section 471 .705 requires that a writ en vote of the Co�.uzcilmembers and all others present be made avail bl to the public after the closed meeting. The proceedings mu t e tape recorded. The tapes are to . ' : : � � C� s .. . ���� � � � i ���`'1 Members of the City Council Page Six ' September 16, 1987 be preserved for two years a ter a contract is signed and to be made available to the ublic after the contract is signed by the governing body for th c rrent budget period. Intentional violation of t e provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 471.705, except f r Subd.�� lc in some circumstances, � carries with it a civil pe al y of a fine of up to $100. The � judicial determination of a t ird violation results in mandatory forfeiture of office. Goo aith or lack of harm may not be' . ' used as defenses. Merz v. L ntch, 342 N.W.2d 141 (Mn. 1984) . No fine or penalty may be as essed � for violation of Minnesota � Statutes Section 471 .705, u d. lc (the notice requirements) • unless it is established � th t the violation was wilful and deliberate. If you have any questions o c re to further discuss this matter, please do not hesitate to ca 1 n us. Ve trul s , R P. T ity Attorney ��d.�.c.Q- /�'"• ��Z"� p_G�IG- •_ . JANE A. MC P:EAK ' Deputy City .4ttorney ,� - � . .. EPS:JAM: jr cc: Mayor L•stimer , ' • � A1 Olson . . (� „�.,�.�- ���-�-�. : , , -� - WMITE - CITY GLERK� . B UE -MAYOR E �, CITY OF iS INT PALTL Council CANARV -DEPARTMENT File N 0. �' °�� `� � ? Or ' �nce �, Ordinance N 0. r �, �� 5 Presented By eferred To '� Committee: Date � ���—�� t Out of Committee By Date An or 'nan.ce alen ing St. Paul Administrative Code Chapte 15 per 'ai ing to Council Meetings and Meetings of mmitt es , Boards and Commissions by deleting notic req ,ir ments that conflict with state law and b re !er ncing state law for such requirements. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF S 'NT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: S t' on 1 . That St. Paul Administra iv Code Section 15.03 be and the same hereby is amended to rea a follows : "Sec. 15 .03 . Meeti gs o the council . The council shall m et at e City Hall in the mornings at least once a ;we k. addition to the regular meetings of the o cil a required by the Charter, special meeting y be h d anywhere in the city on the call of he preside t of the council or upon the written requis submitte to the secretary by any four (4) members e�}ee-��- ����r�g-e�-s�ee}a� r3 �xee��r�Qs-e€-�l�e-eet�r�e}�- �i ��-�e-se��e -b�r-�ke-e�e�l� t�pe�-eael�-x�ea��e�-�l�e�ee€ - e�se�a��3�;-e -be-�e��-a� k�s-�st�a�-��a�e-e�-abe�e 'a -�eas�-s��-�6 -l�e��s-}� ad�ar3ee-e€-st�e�i-a�ee��r�g,- e ee��-w��l�-��ie- r3ar3�x�et�s eer3sen�-e�-wa}�e�-e�-stie �- e��ee-b�-��ie-e ��e-ee�rr3e��; COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �.1.-� C ,Q �� [n Favor G°s`vitz J Rettman B sche;�o Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney �, Adopted by Council: Date '4 Certified Passed by Council Secretary By ��- �Ct' G��2.1�-1� z�z��� By ' Approved by l4layor: Date Appr by Mayor for Sub i sion t Co ncil By . , . . . � �-�a� \ � , � � va�i�el�-��se��-e�-vaa��ae�- ka �-be-}r•i-w�}�}�ng.---�t�el� w�}��e���e�}ee-�e�t���ed- e- e-se��red-t��e�-eaek eet��e��-��a��e�-sl�a��-��e �d -��ie-da�e;-��r�►e-a�d ��aee-e€-s�{el�-a�ee�}��-a� -a -aQe��a-e€-�ke-Fxa��e�s �s-�e-d}set��sed,--a��-�e- �d' �}e�a�-x�a��e�s-sl�a�� be-�e�e�x��rrie�-e�eep�-as- �e }�e�-�r3-��ie-w�}��er3 aQe�da-t���ess�wa}�e�-b�- �e t��a��a�et�s-�e�e-e�-a�� eet��e}�-Fxer��e��--��-sl�a �- e-�Y�e-dt���-e€-��ie-��e- s}d}�g-e���ee�-�€-��ie-ee � ' �-�e-p�e���e-�e�}ee-�e �l�e-p�b�}e-pt��st� �-�e-� �� ' e�-��.-9�.- Notice shall be given by the city cle �k 'n the manner required by state law. " '� S ct ' on 2. That St. Paul Administra iv Code Section 15.04 be and the same hereby is amended to rea a follows : "Sec. 15. 04. Notic r quirement. Except as herein ot er i e provided, it shall be the duty of the presidin o fi er of �l�e-ee��e��-e� a commission to notify all of it members in writing of the date, time , and p ac of ineeting and the topics to be discussed,- in a ma ne req ired by state law. a�-�eas�-�we��gr-�et��-��4 -�i t��s-b €e�e-st�e�i-x�ee���Q= Additionally, the presid'ng offic r of such commission shall furnish a copy of uc notic to the city clerk, who shall act in accorda ce with Se tion 15.05. " S ct 'on 3. � That St. Paul Administra iv Code Sec ' on 15 . 05 be and the same hereby is amended to rea a follows : � "Sec . 15 .05. Offic ' al bulletin bo� d. � The city clerk shal c use to be in�talled and maintained a bulletin bo rd readily acces�ible to public view at the Kell.o g oulevard entr�nce to the City Hall and Court Hous , pon which �e �he clerk shall post a list of all no ices transmitted to k�r�► the city clerk' s office nd as required by' this chapter. " WHITE - CITV CLERK t PINK - FINANCE C011I1C11 CANARY -DEPARTMENT � GITY O� '�..S INT PAUL BLUE -MAVOR Flle �0. �� �� � • 'l Or i dnce Ordinance N 0. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By '� Date S ction 4. That St. Paul�'�dministra �v Code Section 15.06 be and the same hereby is amencl�d to rea , a follows : � , �, "Sec. 15.06. Emerg Y�c meetings. i (a) Emergency eeti Igs shall be open to the public ,-. �t��-�e�}ee-�eqt�}�ert�e �s- e� ��de�-as-�e-�l�e-��b�}e-�ee� �e�-�e-ee�p�}e�-�a}�1�- ' �- 't�p ae�}ea�.---AIe���e-�eqt�}�e�e��s €e�-st��l�-x�ee���gs-e€- e �e �e}�-e�-a-eea��ss�er�-as-�e ��ie-x�ea��e�s-�i�e�ee�-s�i �� ��e�x�-�e-��ie-��e�ed��es-se� €e���-}�-�ee�}e�-��=A�.- No ice shall be given in the manner provided by state a . (b) An emergency me ' g is one called to institute immediate action involvi g he protection of the public peace, health or safety. ' ' 5 ict o 5. This ordinance shall b , n orce and take effect thirty (30) days from and after its las age, approval and publication. � \ � � � COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested byt,Department of: y ' Dimond �`. -t- � e r•, �� In Favor co�� xeccmao s�ne�nei Against BY Sonnen �lson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � - �` ����`�' � 'z''���� By r— Approved by Mayor: Date Appro by Mayor for Subi ' ion �o Council '_.,_�� By