89-421 WHITE - CITV CIERK PINK - FINANCE COUI�CII �//'�//� BLUERV - MAVORTMENT GITY OF S INT PAUL File NO. ��� • �"l � � ounci esolution �g Presented By '��""- Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #3 875) for a Gambling Manager' s License by Scott Nelson DBA he Minnesota Waterfowl Association at Dahir's Bar, 674 Dod R ad, be and the same is hereby approved/ �. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond Long In Favo Goswitz Rettman � �be1�� __ Against By se�u Wilson �R - g 198 Form Appro ed by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - BY a �� �� Certified Pass y nc.i SC�� By, Approv d y Mavor o�- MA � 019 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy `-� BY PUBIiSi�D ►��i�K 1 � 98 � � ���� UiVISION OF LICENSE ANI) P�:RMIT A.I)MINIS xZA ION DATE t� �� / � y INTERPF.PARTMEfiTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST Appn ro essed/Recei ed by Lic Enf Aud rL � Applicant (7'I"f �Q�Sp�_ Home Address '�3U� �Ort�CU)00 d �c� Business Name �(h� (,�Q� ,v� �j IJ Home Phone `� 3�' OS� 33 Business Address�0.�/'Y'S a�12. Type of License(s) �Gm b��ny /�C� r Business Phone ��4 ��� �� Public Hearing Date � License I.D. 4� 3�� ?5� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Ch mbers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �� tU�A' llate Notice Sent; Dealer �1 ��f}- to Applicant rederal Firearms 4� N'� Public He�.iring DATE INSP CT N REVIEW VERFIED (C ER) COMMENTS A proved N t roved � Bldg I & D � ��� � � Health Divn. ' , N �- � � Fire Dept. � ! i i �1� 1 � � � Yolice Dept. SQ�'1� ! ��� ! i i �� g� � � License Divn. ' j ���-3�� I � �. , City Attorney �i��f� � �t� � O Date Received: Site Plan � To Council P.esearch �' a3 Lease or Letter ate from Landlord � � � .�' � • � �ity f aint Paul C���`f�� ` r Department of Fina ce and Management Services � . Division of Licen e nd Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR PE IT TO CONDUCT PULLTAB/TIPBOARD SALES IN SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in iq or Establishments - New Application) 1. Pull and complete name of organizati n hich is applying for license � �� 2. Does your organization meet the defi it on of a "large" organization aa o ined in the November, 1988 revision of Secti n 09.21 of the Legislative Code? Attach to this application pertinenC fi"ancial and/or organizational inf rmation to support qour answer to thia queation OTE: Onlq 5 large organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations under he revised citq ordinance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applicants il be selected randonlq bq the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held �/d0�� � S � � �c5 0 N er Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this applic io who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games Date of Birth ',� (a) Length of time manager has been em er of applicant organization ��QS`� 5. Address of Manager �'! l.�r � Number Street City Zip -- 6. Daq, dates, and hours thia applicat n s for ���►'r/�(10A+� /'�i '�avl a�'4��ta'� �''"'�-y 7. Ie the applicaat or organization or ni ed under the laWS of the State of i�l? �,_ 8. Date of incorporation '" — 9. Date when registered with the State f nnesota , �—�q-'V� 10. How long has organization been in e is nce? ����v Y''e � r5 11. How long has organization been in e �.s nce in St. Paul? 1�� y�Q �' , _ 12. What is the purpose of the organiza iLo ? �� i T� 1f n I�u�T�l� r`��/�/'�A�I��YI � > r � 13. Officers of applicant organization:. Name Name t`f Addresa f G�D Q � � ' Address B '�t� - . Title /� n noB 3'l�- Title V �2 PQA DOB ���( ✓� _ Name ( Name �� Address� b�o /"` �� �� ' Address !�- � rr��� �' 9 (� Title ��ds�1� DOB ` ��3 Title D�B � " 1 •, J � � ` �y L/• ' � ��/ r . 14. Give names of officers, or any othe p rsons who paid for services to the • organization. Name r► Name /1C�� �'Q e� Addresa � � q,� �? Address ��� ��/1�� 'e ' , Title C � �`/' Title �� �✓� � (Attach separa e. heet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a liat of names d addresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whoae custody will organization' r cords be kept? Name � � Address 1��4 ' ' 17. List aIl persons with the authoritq to siga checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name Name ��/^C��Q �� y�//� � Address 0 � Address ��I / 7� /7+��/U� ���,�N7 1�', Member of Member of DOB l�'30-��0 Organization? DOB rp Organization? 1��"`�}' .. Name ' Name Address Addresa , Member of Member of DOB OrganizationZ DOB Organization? 18. Have qou read and do you thoroughly un erstand the provisions of all lav , ordinances, and regulations governing the opera io of Charitable Gambling games? �_ 19. Will your organization's pulltab op ra ion be operated/ anaged solely by members of . your organization? yes no + 20. Has qoar organization signed, or d s t intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with anq pers o company to assist your organiza o �aith the pulltab sales and/or recording kee in yes , no If answer ia yes, give the name an a resa of the person and/or companq contracted. Name Address - `-°- - - _.� .�.-s----._,.------- - Name � . Address . If answer is yes, how will such a on ltant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attac - a copy of said contract to this application. �-. _.�.�..�_..._=.�sti... 21. Operator of premises where games w ll be held: Name Cl �1�� . Businesa Address 7 a � . ��O ' Home Address I� , . . ��/ � 22. a) Does your organization pay or int nd to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? - . � yes no � b) If you do pay accounting fees, to wh m will such fees be paid? Name . Address T-�� t✓00 . � q DOB ����_ Member of 0 ga ization? �_ c) How are the accounting fees char ed out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) . � - _ � � ' _ � � d) What do you ant cipate�1 be y ur average monthly deduction for accounting fees? � D 23. Amount of rent paid by applicant org ni ation for rent of the hall: . T � /ND � 24. The proceeds of the games will be di bu sed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the following pu poses and uses: . + i �� (� a i'd'V► — � c�. . �� r 25. Has the premises where the games are to be held been certified for occupancy bq the City of Saint Paul? �/ � � . �•.•26. Hae your organization filed federal 0 990-T? � If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If an e is no, explain why: /�� � �. �of O "2 �'!I'� Gi � !{rlCd�►�C� . ���`�_ � Any changes desired by the applicant asso ia ion may be made only with the consent of the City Council. . ° e �,� SsOc�a ,'o � rgan zation Name Date � �"�7`O� By: T' Ma ager in charge of gaae �, "" ' Bet� � �rz9 �/�/�/�v�(�[� , _ A / NOTAQI PUlUC-MtNNE$OTA J ��%!6 ' - _ � '�!!� ��� j ��i,:";i�; RMASET GOUNTY Organization Pre nt or CEO �!£:::.`% dy comm�ssion exp�res 1-5-94 i ,� • {��� /Z-z . � / , _. _ . . _- � .38�8ZS City of Saint Paul Department of Fi an e and Management Services ���a� ` ' Licen e a d Permit Division 2 3 City Hali : St. Paul,Min esota 55102-298-5058 � APPLIC TI N FOR LICENSE � CASH CHEC}C CLASS NO. Ne Renew ! � � a Date ' � _ 19 �i ; Code No. Title of Ucense �'J , From j( 19�Tb �� 19��- � �1 UP C�m �i rx, A nli 5 `J� � �� SCO -� +v�ISo � . � '�9`yn"Uu?�i�e"r�b�v I f��. ; ,� GT �C � t ��S �G� s �r � !� ; ioo a�w��N.�,. ; ,� �o � �` 1.�a�I��. �� i Business Addnss Pho��Na � - �� �1 '�G u � ; /"1 r'� S 5�p� 100 Msil to Addross Phon�No. i _ � ,o0 5 �ofZ'" �e I Sa� �n�3'� ManapeHOwner•Name 100 �— � 3aa �0�}��vo�o�1 �� 100 AtanapedGwnx•Home Addreaa Plw��Na ; 4pgg Application Fee � 2. 50 ,/ / ; Received.the Sum ot � �1:Q0 ��i�l7 e'��'7/�S, �,� � ��L! . ; �J INanaqerlOwner•City,State 8 ap Cod� + 100 tel 100 A -r •� il i �(d/ �'`e"'""'' l J� � lfcense Inspector By: Signature of Applicanl ; Bond• Company Neme Polfey No. Expiratlon Oate � Insurance• Company Name _ Policy Na Expiration Dat� Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No � , Vehicie Information: Ssrial Number Plats Number Other THIS IS A R CE PT FOR APPUCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your appllcatfon fo� Icen e will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ! ordinancs and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire,Zoning andlor License I�spectors. � $15.00 CHARGE F R LL RETURNED CHECKS � , ��3� l�/ �./ � � �v � 1 � �,����/ Purpose and Mission Statemen The funds raised by and asse s f this corporation shall be used for the improvement and prot ct on of waterfowl habitat and the education of the public to t e enefit of waterfowl and its habitat. OR191NATON � . DATE MIU DATE C0�ll�l0 . . . ��?� �. Carchedi �= ���'���`.w��� po. ��5�Q oorrr�icT - o�aw�arr aaee.a+ wiroa�ow nse�num , ristine` Raaek � _ �s��� ��«� . . �*� �.Gat�nci l Research . ORDER' � GTY ATiCfINEY Fl ,.. . ��— Q .: _ , •' Application for a Gambli�+g Mana' er License. Notifjcation' Date: a/a31k�7 Hearing .Date:. "3'-9-89 t�ows:�naro»w«�cR►► nE�: � �oa.weaN cnm.seAV�oc�ure�oN o�s�a� o�rE our w�var. a+o�Ho, aaado oo�eaN. �so eza ac�aa aaaw sr� c.�ua�e co�esiow � ��+ron�4' •nEs�o�oa��r c�maa�t . — — . _"FOn' r��. ,��aeu�ac�eoEO* o�s►wcr oaMC� *�xr� st�wvara rw�oo��aa�ec�r�� : : M1/N7r18 PIIO�LEM,I�IIE,O�PORiul�Tlf�Mho.wh�t when.wMre,Nmyfi Scott ..Nelson, DBA The Minnesota . at rfowl Associati�n requests City Council approval of his applicd�tian f6r a ambling Mariager's .License at DaMir.'s Bar� 674 Dodd Road. . _ � - _ . , _ _. :. , ��co.ve.o.�.�rwa..A+.�,r.t: . . .. . , Aj1 fees and applications have ee submitted. = �iw�t wn:+c.�a�o�irwm►: - If Cauncil approval is given, a ot Nelson wi11 �nage pulltab s�e� for the Mi-nt�esota Waterfawl Associ � at Dahir's Ba►r: � - - � >. : . . . . _ . . . .. . .� . � � . . . . . . . . .i: �. . . . . . � - . . . . . � . . -� ���L� . . . .. . -���... . . , . . . -, ���. . , �. �� , . . ���:�.r:l ��,_�;,t::,�c� �enter _ �, ,�.�:� «�►�: _ _ ��,�: