89-420 WHITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY Ola' '�� A I NT PAU L Council CANARY - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File � NO. O - Counci esolution �� Presented By ��''����°'�'' . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #7 125) for a State Class B Gambling License by the �inne ot Waterfowl Association at Dahir's Bar, 674 Dodd Road, be an t e same is hereby approved/d�. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond L.or� [n Fav ��� D xetrma�, �bQ1�� A ga i n s t BY sea�e+. Wilson MQR 919g9 Form Appr ved by Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date ' Certified Vass ouncil Se B3' � � �,�� By t�pproved b avor: Dat _ M�1� I Q 9 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � By _ �, BY Pl4�tISiiED 1���� ]. � 1 89 . . (,��'-�� d UIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT E�.I)MINIS RA ION DATE I �� 0 / / 3 D � INTERDF.PARTMF.NTAL REVIEW GHECKLIST A.ppn ro essed/Recei ed by s C0-�'L'�c �SnUf�ud iVe `� Applicaut 1 � (�'11�I���C w���T� � SnHome Address ��0� /l�n��Q[,J� � V Rusiness lvame �� � 5 Gt r" Home Phone q� � � � � �� r Business Address �p� `t �C� Type of License(s) � ll(SS � ��lm �l�hy Business Phone �h��5`G • �pv Public Hearing Date � � p� License I.D. 4F �� � Z� at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t /V �!q' llate Notice Sent; Dealer �� � '�' to Applicant � � 23 ��� I'ederal Pirearms �� Public Nearing DATE INSP CT UN REVIEW VERFIED (C MP TER) CUMMENTS A proved N t roved � Bldg I & D � � � Health Divn. , _ N � I i Fire Dept. � i i N ,q- I Yolice Dept. � S�n'� I ���31��� ► g��� O !�.- License Divn. ,,� � �����ti ` o �L City Attorney � �I��� � b �� Date Received: Site Plan � To Council P.esearch � oZ 3 � Lease �r Letter Da e from Landlord u �..c-....�. :.k..��... : :�. } . . . . .. .. .�. .� . � ;y�,: • .. ... ..� �' . ..>� � , .. . .. . �� . � ... . .. � . . � .�+1 r-1j /� . . . .. -;�'i �. .-��;, . �ii � - . O I� �/ h� � ���,�,, � Charitalile Gambling Control Boar FOR BOARD USE ONLY • . • Room N-475 Griggs-Midway Buil ing �N� , 1821 University Avenue ! ' . St.Paul,Minnesota 551043383 PAID { : . , - (612)642-0555 : : .: : AMT ' , .�.. ., i CHECK# � DATE - � GAMBLING UCENSE APPLICA 10 , INSTRUCTIONS: ` �_A�. ype_or printdn ink: � B"" Take complet�d application to�ocal goveming body,obt in si nature enddate on all copies,and leave 1 copy.Applicant keeps 1 copy and sends griginal to the bove address with a c k. '" C�, Incomplete a iZ�ations may be retumed.. � . : ; D.' Enclose ' nse fee with application. � � k Type of Applicatio�!' ' "' , ❑Class A— Fee S 100.00(Bingo,Raffles,Paddlewheels, bo rds,Pull-tabs) �Class6�Fee 8 50.00(Raffles,Paddlewheels,Tipboar . II-tabs) ' M'k'c�"'*'p'r'a't°' ❑Cless C— Fee 8 50.00 IBingo only) . �u"""°"cn�aw'c�«nw��°""d so�a �Class D— Fee S 25.00(Raffles on1y1 Check o�e: (�1 A. Organization has never been ticensed. � � , O 1 B. New site—Give bese license number. O 1 C. Renewal of existing license—Give com e icense number. � - � - 0 . O 1 D. Chenge in dass of an exisang I'ioe�se—G e license numbec 0 - �� - � �Yss No 2. Has organization ever received e Lawful G bli g F�cemption Permit from the BoardT If yes,give complete � . permit numbe� � �Yss No 3. Heve Intemai Controls been submitted pre ious y on a torm provided by the Boerd?If no,pieaae attach copy. ��, 4, plicant( fficial, el n me f or ' ation) 5. Bus ess d ress of Organizati � , , i� •. , � , . � � ' 6. City,State, � � ; :s� 7. ounty 8. Business Phone Number � h <: � - �". F ,' � !.'�/a�� - 8. Type of organization: C7Fratemal �Veterans Osei' ' Other nprofit• •If organization ia an"other nonproftt"organization,answer q 0 through 12.H not,go to question 13."Other nonproftt"organizations must documeM its tax-exempt status. `,.` l�f Yes ONo 10. Is organization inco ted as a profi org nizationT If yes,give number assigned to Articles or page end ' ' book�umber: � " A py of c�rdBcate. - Yss ONo 11. Are articles filed with the Secretary of St e? � �.Yss�No 12. Is organization exempt from Minnesota or ed al income taxl lf yes,please attach Istter from IRS or Department of Revenue deciaring exemption. . � f` ❑Yss�No 13. Has ticense ever been denied,suspended r re oked7 If yes,check all that a ly: `'.' ❑Denied ' ❑Suspended ORevoke Give dete: - �.�-4 14. Number of active members : . 15. Number of yeer in e istence Note: Attach evidencs of � ,y Y . I r r h�r71�� �� f �� ��i `�r+���l �` V ���,#:!� e �,� � r J� � 'ti Zthne r�ars�sxistsncs � s.y,e w�,�,� ! /j�] I /� //�{ ..Y/` .d'� ��[�� �J6 i .� �f ��nt �Y` lt_� i , r9� r,'� t �I' � . �I� .i 'i �.;� ,�ft�' :..R � .��,�'ifftl ��� �a ,v., �-�'� ��� � f S" 16:,.Name of Chiaf Executive Officer(Csnnot be ;;� f '� �.7.` Name of treaaurer or person who accounts for other revenues �,,'� ° Gambling Mana e 1 "-" of the izedon nn be Gambling Menager) �. , ; '��. r �a�'� ' F' j . . ��'►'1 �R�Z. ,' ' � '�' TIUB . -.� . 'Titl@ , � , j; , �:'s '��. �r: ,, {� ,j.•-� ,.� � ., ��,. `� � ,•, ��rfictSarf"{!'. 'k-`� �``�,' �� . � . , � .`. � � . .. i � ,a y �; ,�. i. Busines's Phone Number > ' �� - Business.Phone Numbsr A � ` , i . . . . ..j f , ,y. , . ( . �� . , .. ::. ��� �et 1 . � }��y� . .' �w/ � .. ��:� ��..r;.'�. :tF]h / ^�,.r±��°4,'¢i'�.• Y y S� � 1��.� ' I�`� ��.'A.• �y►., .. 1�.`�J r'Yi�r� - . � Y 4 d i% - :`:�: 18. Name of esteblishment where gambling'wilFbs '-`: !�,�; ; 18. Street addrass ot . .Box umber : �'�� ' - �� ,� � { COfl t8f� � `.:�� ������4�'�• �� £' �,� r 5��'��� �''�����C�L��', �� �'�.;�i� i��r. �. 8f �Q� � r � ,. rr • hr '!�' �"+ � '+ �'� 20. C State Zi 21. Coun �. pa .;,� ILy. , P . , ty(whsro gambiing premises is located� . . . . , . . , . r t - , N �r i' ��• /Ra� " Sr.�/�.. Gi:.:�., � CG-0001-0318l88) White Copy-Bos►d Cenary-Applica Pink-Lxat Governing 8ody -_ � 1 of 2 ' . ,�. . _ ,. . , - . . . . . ,_.' : . . ...�.:; q�,. � � . . ����a� �ppYcation -�: OClass A L�'Class B OClass C �Class D �ambling premises located within city Iimits7 �P all gambling activities conducted at the premises listed in A�1 g of is pplicationT If not,complete a seperate _�lication for each premises(except raffles)as a separate(icense is r uir d for each premises, °s organization own the gambling premises?If no,attach copy of with terms of at least one year,and ch a skstch of the premises indicating what portion is being lea . leese and sketch ere not required for �PP��ions. �t` 26. Do you plan on conducting bingo with this Uc�����f � �s� Day Time Y 8ive days and times of bingo occasions. -�='� DaY im Day Time � he$10,000 fide�it�,bond required by Minnesota Statutes 349.20 been bta ned7 � ;Name(not agency name) ' 7 ,�, � �,. . 9• _. Number __, �.� �, � � ;; 31..Address 32. 'City, tat ,Zi �:+/'i� ' .f �' a p �/�� � ��� � �I��, ✓�,-- dame 34. Address ' "`� �% /� � �p� ^ ' 35.,CitY,State,�ip iusiness Fnone 1 D�J �'�1 n �{ '/'nc� ' /�il• .� ;-`%j� 37. Date gambling manager became � " % member of organization: Month Yrear;; e license tertnination fonn been completedt Attach c�p�r, e comPe�sation schedule been approved by the organization?At� of ths regular meeting of U�e organization.Day ���;f • / �, r• , 42. Bank Address Time . % 43. Bank Account Number � � �''�'•n'� GAMBLING SITE AUTHORIZATION local lew enforcement officers or egents of the Board are hereb aut orized to enter u :onducted to observe the gambling and to enforce the law for a Po�the site at any � •'`� BANK RECORDS AUTHORIZATION y u authorized game or practice. the Board is hereby authorized to inspect the bank records o the gambling bank account whenever rements of current gambiing rules end law. ication and all informetion submitted to the Board; nitted is true,accurate and complete; `ormation has been fully disclosed; tive officer of the organization; �sibility for the fair and lawful operation of all activities to be con uc d; '>elf with the laws of the State of Minnesota respecting gambli g a d rules of the Board and agree, if "those laws and n�les,including amendments thereto; he or anization will be available within seven da s after it is re est b the board. of O gani,zation 45. Sig (must be ' n by hief Executive Officer) '�d �� �u'� C R%t �i r� 1 •- t.,�,. . , X �-h-v► .,L.-,.r� . . �;� . . Dete ,w_. /. �/ j e�: :,• , �a� . . 'ACKNOWLED�3EMENT OF NOTICE BY LOCAL�30VERNIN B pY of a copy of this application.By acknowled ' g�ng receipt,i h ving been aerved with nop�e that ✓ ed bY the Charitabie Gambling Controt Board and if appro b the board,will become�effective f Pt (noted below)unless a resolution of the local ovem 'd a.copy of that resolution is received by the Charitable Gembli C ntr��erd,����60 5������ "; � days of tha 1L:ocal Goveming Body) If site is located within a t I n iP,item 47 must be completed,in �'`�:* y addition to the county si a re, tf township is not orpanized, � ` � county must sign. ' ication ; . 47. Neme of Township � :� �l �� , .� Date received(60 day period � Signature of person recei ',-• . : . �. . ` begins t ' tel � 9 a plication t X _ �g t°Local Gov�y�9�dY Tttle 7 i�7 White Copy� 3I 11 $�� �0 Qa,,,'g Canary-Applicant P'ink-Local Goveming g�y � Page 2 of 2 � r • � City f S int Paul C�� �i�� Department of Fina e nd Management Services . � " Division of Licen d Permit Registration INFORMATION RE UIRED WITH APPLICATION FOR E IT TO CONDUCT PULLTAB/TIPBOARD SALES IN SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling License in iq r Establishments - New Application) 1. Pull and complete name of organizati ich is applying for license �U ��d 2. Does your organization meet the defi it n of a "large" organization as ou }.ined in the November, 1988 revision of Secti 9.21 of the Legislative Code? � Attach to this application pertineat fi ncial and/or organizational information to support your answer to this questioin. TE: Only 5 large organizations will be allow- ed to open pullCab operations under he evised city ordinance. If more than 5 organi- zations apply, qualified applicants �1 be selected randomly by the City Council. 3. Address where games will be held 1� ,l/c�G��l � � r �� � Nu er Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this applica io who will conduct, operate and manage Gambling Games � C . Date of Birth �,��.v (a) Length of time manager has been em er of applicant organization �gs` 5. Address of Manager � 'I �Jc° � t � �: Number Street City Zip -- 6. Day, dates, and hours this applicati n s for ��� �jw►"�/�DB,� /"�i Sa.l 0?'4�"/a��'"'`'��y� 7. Is the applicant or organization org ni ed under the laws of the State of MN? f= 8. Date of incorporation ' � 9. Date when registered with the State f innesota �'-� / - � 10. How long has organization been in ex st nce? (�������Y� � �^� 11. How long has organization been in ex st nce in St. Paul? �� y�QR �^ 12. What is the purpose of the organizat n � j�1,�� /1n��;�c�� j"� �/�V�c1 �/��✓I � � Q �r 13. Officers of applicant organization: Name (: � ` Name ff � Address f G��" Q ��e . �' Address � � Title � i`C �_ DOB s'l�7-� Title � �.2�/'QSr DOB ��0`( �✓a�- Name ( Name �� � 0o a �,� s - � 1� Address�a b � f � /' Address !� � � �r Title ��°is�'�1- DOB ` ��3 Title f �B � " ! �+ J � � ,, �Y�l-�ao J - �4. G.ive names of officers, or any other pe sons who paid for services to the organization. Name �► Name /'�CI� �'e e� Address (9 B +�y� 4 Address c� '�� �''�s�la� 'Q • � Title C �U ��/� /'� Title Mf �V� • (Attach separat -s eet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of names d ddresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whose custody will or�anization's re ords be kept? , l �L1 Name �► '�� - � � I Address _S��� ,C9/�r►le-V). I'Q ��' // ' 17. List all persons with the authority o ign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name � j Name �dt{^C�'G� �'� �/Pl� / � �� Address } G� '" y Address ��yg ��it��C��!�� �D,� /��� �r� Member of Member of DOB f�'3(,� "�(L Organization? DOB �C Organization?,3��""_ Name Name � Address Address Member of Member of DOB Organization? DOB Organization? 18. Have qou read and do you thoroughly un erstand the provisions of all law , ordinances, and regulations governing the opera io of Charitable Gambling games? ' 19. Will your organization's pulltab op ra ion be operated/ anaged solely by members of your organization? yes na 20. Has your organization signed, or do s t intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any perso o company to assist your organiza o with the pulltab sales and/or recording keep ng yes _ no If answer is yes,. give the name and ad ress of the person and/or company contracted. Name Address _ , ` _. Name Address If answer is yes, how will such a c ns ltant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds, etc.) Attach a opy of said contract to this application. i •� i _. ..�a.+.►-, 21. Operator of premises where games wi 1 e held: Name � -^ �'t, cl r ll l� Business Address 7 ° -C�C � • �L � �� � Home Address . ��-�° ?2. a)� Does your organization pay or int nd to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds? yes }( no � �� b) If you do pay accounting fees, to wh m will such fees be paid? Name ,, ' Address 7.-�C,'�/� Ct �✓�U � DOB �����_ Member of 0 ga ization? �� c) How are the accounting fees cha ed out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) � d) What do you ant cipate w�ll be ur average monthly deduction for accounting fees? � � � 23. Amount of rent paid by applicant or n ation for rent of the hall: �� M� �� 24. The proceeds of the games will be d sbu sed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the followin pu poses and uses: . . I r. � . `^a /��n ' ^n C� `T � �- /,`'C 'Z ^;x /' ��.f '1 , ��� N'� 25. Has the premises where . the games ar t be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? � /' -•�26. Has your organization filed �federal fo 990-T? _4 If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. If a sw is no. explain why: � . �/r�� �� �-�-`�' <�r�' L � � l=��C��C 1`�'� � C�C�C.�� � rti � � Any changes desired by the applicant ass ci tion may be made only with the consent of the City Council. . . � . i . i . � � � l n�f�<� d e ^ "�,' SSL�C�� I�D�► � rganization Name � J � Date � .�^,�7`�0 By: c:.ev —r Ma ager tn charge of game " � Bet� 3f. `13'�y �i���iC �L� —�%��� -��,,.`_''� NOT��I PUfL:C-MINNESJTA ,�x�';;;;$� �sEY CourvTY � Organization Pres nt or CEO '�4=:�.• �ly commission exanes 1-5-94 . ` , . . � / � C.I��..�-1 r�L? /— i . �d�� , Cit of Saint Paul /� Depa�tment of F na e and Management Services C/�� �,70 : , , Licen e nd Permit Division 03 City Hall St. Pau Mi nesota 55102•298-5056 APPLI T ON FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. N w Renew �: 0 0 � 0 , a oa�e �� , , Code No. Title of LiCense From � ( � � 1�To � 19�` � �3 93 � -_.1�-�v�s� 3 9. � ! l ' . : . � i-1! h,� �5d��. w��� �aw� �}s� : �� ApplicantlCompany Nams � 100 ' � � db�.'+"' �. l hir 'S �� ' ll v �/� f 100 Businsas Nams ; ,� � � � �o�l� � � `� Busineaa Addrass Phon�Na : 100 �f r � . - S � ' / .�1Gi i � ��r1 �� �U7 � i 100 Mail to Addrass Phone No. � ,00 S CL�`f-� U e �sv n ' ManapsdOwner•N�ns 100 ( , , _I�v� _n 11 C�L C;.�t`�- ��� � 100 hla�agedGwner•Nome Addmss Phone No. 4098 Application Fee 2, 50 �I ,, Received the Sum of , a� � I f� (1�� Tu i�� �'I �� � S�.�{ ManaqarlOwner•Clty,State 3 Dp Code � 100 otal 700 ,� �: ��/� '/ LiCenSB In3p8CtOr �� By: �� Signature of Appllcant ; Bond• � Company Name Poliey No. Expintion Oate Insurance: ` Company Name PoHCy No. Explation Oats ; Minnesota State Identificatlon No. � � Social Security No ' Vehicle Information: Serial Number ate Number � Other. THIS IS A R C PT FOR APPLlCATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for tice e will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions ot the zoning ordinanca and completion of the inspections by the Health Fire Zoning and/or License Inspectors. ` � $15.00 CHARGE R LL RETURNED CHECKS � -� l�1��9 -�`� � / Ct . ��-�.�o � 1 . Purpose and Mission Statement� i i The funds raised by and assels f this corporation shall be used for the improvement and prot ct 'on of waterfowl habitat and the education of the publ�ic to t e enefit of waterfowl and its habitat. I � . I � r � � 1 � ���0 � TO B C t�P!�_�D BY ORGnNIZ4TION PRES DE•T ANO _C�:14BLIi�G MANAGcR I understand and will uphold Sa nt Paul Ordinance 409, Sections 409.21 and 409.2? relating to pulltabs an tipboards in bars. Further, I understan� that my j r� r must me�t city standards; that lOp of the net profit from pulltab al s must be reiurned to the City-'rlide Youth Fund on a monihly basis; ha rrtonihiy financial state.ments must be filed tivith the City; and that 5 � r net proczeds must remain in Sz. Paul or be used to supoort St. Paul es denis. �, ; " ��. .s Sianature - Manager ��-;��c-� /� �,C��/ S�gnatur2 - Oroaniz�on Presi en � l . r �+� ►`h �-�.s 1�� ��1�- � soci�° � � � raanz zaz�on ► ame � � , i ' � �� C�,�`�• �� /z-.�o-d'd� �r �.� � � r� � �� � amb i i ng Locati on �^^^^'� rU . ��tti 3l. B�:y , , . ��:,�.�`�r"Y: ►�pTA,.Y PUi:.�� v.l'L:EDJTI. �� :° itAMS:Y C�u�;TY , ' _ ;:�,.�:s �J�., � �-j� <"ii::• �A�commusior ex,..ras.1-S•94 `� O Dace .� Please retain th a tzched ordinanc� for your records. ' , � ��yr�� an�aw+►Tan _ � oxTe wrnn o�e,e aoAru+so..;,. GR 0 J. Carchedi = �� ��� �� t�oE. ��Q�3�.� +:oKp►C* . _ . _ o��rtt�tr v�c,vA �w,von roa i�er� Christine ��ozek �ss�; — �,���► ��«� ` . �. — ��, ��oir�c�l Research Finance & M . 2 -�6 0�0�: T ��,�, — � Applicatian for a State Class � Ga� ]ing Licepse. Notifi:cation Date: 2��3�8'�j Hear�� Date: 3-9-89 . . . tAPawo(�)«�(R)) aDYM�� �Oi�T: � ,. � . _ K��o oo�eeai+ c�s�+v�oo�a�oN o��e w a+�atr �trer wa�uo. : ao►w+v�an �so ezs.aG+oo�eonAo sr�_ a�oo�xrssroH re : �ooy.r+FO.�oo�• —�w°°�tPO".� ����. . ore�cr oaM+cw. *� aunPOaTS tiMnai ooux�cie,�cnvEz � �If�Y17MS�110�1.N1.N�11L,O�Pd1'ttMtV(YNw�wlwtr when.VWMre,wl�: • Scott Ne1son,.on behalf af the � in esota Waterfowl Associat'�o�, re�u�s�s City Counci1 approval of liis applica� io for �a State Class B Ga�l�ng Lic�nse at Dahi r's Bar, 674 Dodd Road, Pr ce ds fr�m pu11 tab sal es wi l l be :u"sed faw''� ` � � wildlife habitat resto.ra�ion a e ur.ation. ` - � , ;,i,ss.�c,►��,em.�..°�d�s.a.e��: , , All fees and applications ha�ve ; e� sabmitt�. The Minnesota �la�terfowT Association meets the qua'Eific i s of a �a�ali organ�izatian and �s awa� ` �hat 51X of the_,proceeds �€rom 11 " sales :�st be �used to t�+�fit the . eitizens o� St. Rau1 . . ; �p'tMkt�r.N�Nn.ar�To wtbm): , . ; . , . . �. , . �.,, . �::; ,. If City Council approval. is giv n, the Minnesota Wat�rfowl Assaciat3on w�l:l operate:a pulltah booth at Dahi� +s Bar. . . . . y.�►t� . co�ls . , . . . . C4�;.�� i9 R�se�rch `Center FEB u 3 iw��J _ M6TORY/PII�BBfi8: This is the first application r e �nnesota a er ow ssac�ta �o�. �u.�s: _ E _