89-415 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PA U L Council GANARV - DEPARTMENT 9� BLUE - MAVOR File �O• �• � Cou il Resolution �'"�-�-� � ; r_.-i.�, < � _ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That applicatio ( D #76348) for a Gambling Manager's License by Pamela Marku en DBA People Inc. at the Palomino Club, 2181 Suburban A en e, be and the same is hereby ��I/ denied. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� _�_ I Fa or coswitz Rettman sche;�e� _ A ain t BY Sonnen � � � � Form Approved.by Cit Att rney Adopted hy Council: Date • Certified a �ed by Council Secr ry By a -? r gy, GZLJ�� /J/ A►pprov by iVlavor: � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By FllBl�9 MA 2 1989 . ���_�5_ DiVZSION OF I.ZCENSE ANI) PERMIT MI ISTRATION DATE � Q 0 / � o�O o / ' INTERDF.PARTMENTAL KEVIEW CHECKLI T App Pr cessed/Rece ved by Lic Enf Aud Applicant I u�'1'1Q,lQ MCI,✓ K S 1'1 Home Address �.� �� � 4�1 S � Rusiness Name �� (Q, .� Home Phone (,�oYC �d4-743`��Sf/ I Q'� Z }�j,�Uf'Yl u O (•�b Eusiness Address a�$�_�j � r Type of Lic.ense(s) Business Phone 13 ���C(� �� (�,I�y� b11h(�1 i'1�1�' Public Hearing Date � � License I.D. �� � �03 �'� at 9:00 a.m. in the Counci Chamb �rs 3rd floor City Hall and Courthous State Tax I.D. �� � �� llate Notice Sent; Dealer 4f Iv �� to Applicant �- a-�- N�� Pederal Fi.rearms �� Public He�.iring � DATE TS ECTIUN REVIEW VERFIE ( . MPUTER) CUMMENTS A proved N t A roved � Bldg I & D � N ��h ' Health Divn. � N(� , �� Fire Dept. � � � �� i sent Yolice Dept. �' I$c� l I a o��. License Divn. � t`Z�! � � �K � City �ttorney � `/ .� � �y , � `�— Date Received: Site Plan � 1 � (' To Council P.PSearch � � b Lease or Letter Dat from Landlord � � ,. . . , . -7�3 f�� City of Saint Paui Department f F nance and Management Services C�6/�'�C�j`5"� . L en e and Permit Division � ' 203 City Halt St. Pau Minnesota 55102-298-5056 APP IC TION FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. New Renew a � � � ., � J� 19 � Date c�;-�1 1 Code No. Title oi license .. ��\ From } � , 19'�1To C 19� -���;� ��i � � fti �l� ��� �� 1 ��SC� a ' `, i�. iL��� � �u � �� cL�c� ' : � ,00 �F) :J� ''-- ��'`L AppllcanUComDany N m�t Q,b�,n� 1� TI � � � � � J �i �" �_r rG;,-, �;,�F 100 eusiness Name � 100 � � � ��/ C �� � , �� ��1 8usiness Addrssa P1w^�Na 100 100 Mafl to Addrass Phon�No. 100 Msnap�rfOwner•Nama 100 � ' .:�� �� � � . `1�-n :� r-�`� 100 AtanaqedGwner�kiome Addreas PhoM No• � 4098 Applicetion Fee -,��/� ' `�`�� Received tha Sum of 1 2'I40,0 �� ' + "` �t L , ;�, n `-�� �' � J� ��v ManapsdOwner•City,State 3 Zip Code 100 T al 100 ` ��}���' i'�i i� r�L� �-� � ' 'i i LiCenSe InSpeCtOr, ` �� By' � Signatu�et�ol Applicant BOnd' Company Name Poliey No. Expiretlaf Date Insurance: Compa�y Name Policy No. Expiration Date Minnesota State Identification No. � � � Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Sarial Number late Number Oth@f: THIS IS A E EI�T FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application( r lic nse will either be granted or rejected sub�ect to the provisions ot the zoning ordinanCe and completion of the inspections by the Heai M, Fi e,Zoning andlor Lice�se inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS �� � O�� 7�� �, /�D�9 �� 7`'� `�; � , . ' ' ' �: �� �f �a:nt ?aul �-'Y'�.5 Department f inance and Management Services Division o L cense and Permit Registration INFORMt�TION RE LTIRF.D WITH APPLICAT ON FOR PERMIT TO CONDUCT PQLLTAB/TIPBOARD S�LES Lti SAINT PAUL (Class B Gambling Lice se in Liquor Establishments - New Application) 1. Full and complete name of org ni ation which is applying for license People, Incorporated 2. Does your organization meet t e efinition of a "large" organization as outlined in the November, 1988 revision o S ction 409.21 of the Legislative Code? No Attach to this application pe ti nt financial and/or organizational information to support your answer to. this q es ion. NOTE: Only 5 large organizations will be allow- ed to open pulltab operations und r the revised city ordinance. If more than S organi- zations apply, qualified appl ca ts will be selected randomly by the City Council. 3. Address where games will be h ld 2181 Suburban Ave. ; St. Paul 55119 Number Street City Zip 4. Name of manager signing this ppl'cation who will conduct, operate and manage � Gambling Games Pamela Mark se Date of Birth 1-6-58 (a) Length of time manager has be n member of applicant organization 7 vears ` S. Address of Manager 2121 E. F ur h St. St. paul 55119 Number Street City Zip 6. Day, dates, and hours this app ic tion is for Sunday - Saturdav 7v.m. - la.m. 7. Is the applicant or organizati n rganized under the laws of the State of MN? Yes � 8. Date of incorporation 7-1 69 9. Date when registered with the ta e of Minnesota 7-1-69 , 10. How Iong has organization been in existence? 19 years 11. How long has organization been in existence in St. Paul? 19 years 12. What is the purpose of the org i ation? Charitable non-profit Human Service Agency 13. Officers of applicant .organiza �o : Name Diane Follmer Name Frank Staffenson Address 1003 Summit Ave. St. P ul 55105 Address 762 So. Syndicate St. Pau1�55116 Title President DOB 10 12 43 Title Treasurer DOB 6-20-33 Name Marv Ida Thompson Name Sidnev LanQe Address 2185 Arcade Ma lewood 551 9 Address 12 Buff_alo Rd. St. paul 55110 Title Vice President DOB 3-1 -22 Title Secretary DOB 6-29-30 . ����! 14. �ive names of off�cers, or a y ther persons who paid for services to the �rganization. Name Diane Follmer Name Frank Staffenson Address 1003 Summit Ave. Address 762 S. Syndicate Title president Title Treasurer (Attach sep rate sheet for additional names.) 15. Attached hereto is a list of am s and addresses of all members of the organization. 16. In whose custody will organiz ti n's records be kept? Name Peo le Incor orated Address 379 University Ave. St. Paul 55103 17. List all persons with the aut or ty to sign checks for dispersal of gambling proceeds: Name Clenn Anderson Name Diane Follmer - Address 3223 4th St. No. Mvls 5 412 Address 1003 Summit Ave. St. Paul 55105 Member of Member of DOB 12-17-47 Organizati n? yes DOB 10-12-43 Organization? yes Name Mar lda Thompson Name Frank Staffenson Address 2185 Arcade Maplewoo 55109 Address 762 So. Syndicate St. Paul 55116 Member of Member of DOB 3-19-22 Organization? es DOB 6-20-33 Organization? yes 18. Have you read and do you thor gh y understand the provisions of all laws, ordinances, � and regulations governing the pe ation of Charitable Gambling games? yes 19. Will your organization's pullt b peration be operated/managed solely by members of your organization? yes no X 20. Has yoar organization signed, r oes it intend to sign, a consulting agreement or a managerial agreement with any er on or company to assist your organization with the pulltab sales and/or recording ke ping? yes no X If answer is yes, give the nam ' a d address of the person and/or company contracted. Name Address Name Address If answer is yes, how will suc a consultant be paid? (percentage, flat fee, gambling funds, general funds� etc.) A ta a copy of said contract to this application. 21. Operator of premises where gam 11 be held: Name James Viner Business Address 2181 Suburb A . St. Paul 55119 Home Address 15 Farrell St. pl wood 55109 . . ��,,-�� ?2. a) Does your organization pay r ntend to pay accounting fees out of gambling funds'. , yes X no b) If you do pay accounting fe s, to whom will such fees be paid? Name Peo le Inco orated Address 379 Universitv Ave. St. Paul 55103 DOB Membe o Organization? c) How are the accounting fee c arged out? (flat fee, hourly, etc.) Flat fee � d) What do you anticipate wil b your average monthly deduction for accounting fees? 200.00 er month 23. Amount of rent paid by applica t rganization for rent of the hall: $100.00 per week 24. The proceeds of the games will be isbursed after deducting prize layout costs and operating expenses for the fol owi g purposes and uses: Program equipment � 25. Has the premises where the gam s a e to be held been certified for occupancy by the City of Saint Paul? Yes 26. Has your organization filed fe ra form 990—T? Yes If answer is yes, please attach a copy with this application. f nswer is no, explain why: Any changes desired by the applicant as ociation may be made only with the consent of the City Counc.il. - • People, Incorporated Organization Name Date 1/6/89 BY� �"C'_t.l'YI.EL�(�. L1_ IG`�.���� Manager in charge of game Organization President or CEO • ������ State of �(innesota ) ) s County of Ramsey ) being duly sworn, say hat he is (are) the petitioner i the above appli- cation; that _he_ha read the forego- ing petition and know t e ontents thereof; that the same is [rue o h_ own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to be ore me this _� day of 19 � L. i� CAFCL.':_;`;,..::`:CtiVCZ i; ��� �:ora;r r;;_..�-rr,�r�es ,� � � F.;,.MSL•Y CO �TY 6:y C,..^^:'1.E:;:�f.: ,t.i, :4 � :�titititivVwwMnnr�vw. , �.l.M'� Notary Public, Ram Co nt , Minnesota My commission expires /b / , . ��,�• � �„�, � � . ,� ,m ��� . ���N ��� ao. 0 0 3 5 0 6 �� _ . . �.� ����� = Christine Roze�C � _ �:���� �_�� � : pa � �� �Cour�ci i �ltesQarch inan�ce & , t.': > 298.-5�55 � T:«n�,� — - Appiication for a Gambling Ma ger's License: Natifi.cation Date: o��� Hearing°Date: 3-9-89 . __ �;t+.4�vu*i.tM a�tR►) eES�Ml1@OQr: . . . � �PLAMNM�10 C01rr�JBpla � c�vlL SEav�CE CORMNSS�ON � n1 . ..� D)1TE.OUr � �MY1LVST . � . PMONE No. � . � ZONMVQ CQ�810N . � � 18D 4�9CIqOL 80ARD . � .. . . .. . . . . - � SI'AFF � . � �� G�UIRTER OOMAMBBIOW - � #S� � . .. . � ADDi MFEf.ADDEDi��. . � �RET'D TO CdfTl1�T .. .CONB7RUBJL... , . . . . . _ . . _FOR AODL IHFO. ,- __FEE08M�C NODEO*�� . . DIBTRICi00UNCL � + . . .. . . . . � .. . . .- - TION: . . .���81FPONfBN�#CM�OIJNLL.GlJE;CTNEt� � .. . � - . . . � � , � � - ' . � � .. , .. .-. .� . .: . . � . '.. � . . � i:. � � � �� � ... . . .. � . . . �.., . ._ -�:. . . . . . . _ _ . . , . . .. �.. - . .. . . .. -.. IIN1M7l10 PI�L�.�1l.' IYMw.WhM.W11e11.YMl�I�,Wlly�' , . . , Pamela Markusen DBA People� n . requests City Council approva1 of her application for.a Gambling ger's License at the Palom�no C1ub, , �. :: , 2181 S�burban Avenue. . . : d11sf�FIC�►noM�.A�Oas.Rsw�le): , � ; - . : . ' '.; . R�� fees and. applications h ve been submitted. - �o�a�a�s-r��.�,.��,�: : . , . . If Council approvai is give , ameTa .Markusen wi]1 be 'licensed to manage�.� - the pulltab �boot#i at the pa G1uti. � - � . N.�at� : :. . - : -� n�os , oo�s _: ' L�;.�a:u'�; kYr.,�r,z�,�. -.� � ��,-.._:. ..:� t.��1t�;" �-�,� �} �, . r� ;J N«,� t l,; 1itTORY/PRECED6R'a: _ . LEQAL�Sll�: