89-414 WHITE - CITV CLERK COI1flC1I ////�� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA T PA U L �y.( BLUERV - MAypqTMENT File NO. ' �" � _ Council R s lution �:��, Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED: That application (ID #84557 f r a Class B Gambling Location License by Viner and Baker nc. (James L. Viner - President) DBA Palomino Club at 2I81 S bu ban Avenue, be and the same is hereby�e�Ct/deni ed. .�-� . COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o�g [n Favor cosw;tz Rettman Scheibel A gai n s t By Sonnen � �R � 6 � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Ya: ed by Council Secretar By Z'1` '� Bl' � — Approv y 1Aavor. Date � � 7 1� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By PUBLtStI� �AR 2 5 198 . � . � ��Q��� , DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRAT ON DATE � �"l �� / 1 Z,p �� INTERDF.PARThiFNTAL REVIEW CHECKLIST ' A.ppn Processed/Recei d by Lic Enf Aud Applicant ��11�2 �� �4,f�.QIZ,�� I H me Address ti� v� —� 'J� �V YQ<<S` � Cc p�2cvo[� Rusiness Ivame �q,�Oyy�IV� (7 C � �b H me Phone Business Address a-t�� �(,�. �j�,i,�/ ,�% n T pe of License(s) C�a55� }3usiness Phone I �S ���� � � � (Dr(� S�Q� Public Hearing llate L cense I.D. �� � y (Q�p�] at 9:OQ a.m. in the Coun il hauibers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse S ate Tax I.D. �� 5 3� a ��3 llate Notice Sent; � laa�g � D aler �� I� (A' to Applicant /� � r deral Fj_rearms �� � 'Tr Public He�.iring ��a3 q �15� � DATE INSPECTIU REVI�W VERFIED (COMPUT R) COMMENTS A proved Not A ro ed Bldg I & D �- I l �1 ' � IC� Health Divn. � Ni/�- ' -- Fire Dept. I � ! 1 a�l�� � o,�. � � S2n�' ��a��$q Police Dept. '�a� � aK , License Divn. ' ! a$�1 � o�� City Attorney � ����� � � �� Date Received: Site Plan � Q � �v��� T Council P.esearch Lease or Letter Date from Landlord . S�'�b� ' ity f Saint Paul ,� � � , Departme,nt of Fi en and Management Services ���_�j`� . Licens ' a d Permit Division 7' • 2 City Hal1 St. Paul, inn sota 55102•29&5056 - APPLIC TI N FOR UCENSE CASH CHECK CIASS NO. Ne. Renew !; 00 � � 0 � • �' Date � 19 �C Code No. Title of License ' _t � (� From 19�!To �� 19� �22� �1 � . �,y., ��a r►-, k:: I, ,,� L ocli+�W,-�=� � � 7 � ioo �� rn{rC s ����� �-n<� ApplicantlCompany Name ' 100 )�'" J �, / �V ��� ' � � 1�, ;:� ��►J c.� u 100 Business Name Z � � x '�' � ``�L�'. .�'J.g7 � �' Y'I,i r � L�• � 100 8usiness Address Phon�No. 100 � � ( �,,, �..'T. %;,t / r��•) �..�;' /'� 100 Mait to Address Phons No. , 1QQ J G�1 r%� ��. �:�i � r F r" ManapeNOwnsr•Name � 100 r `- � / � t4 'r�r� �t ,��� � 100 AtanagedGwner•Home Address Phon�No. � 4098 AppNcatfon Fee gp Received the Sum of 100 ^ '� � �i ' t r i� 1 ,l.l U .. CJ��I � 1 � I j �Z� ManaqeNOwner•City,Slatt 3 Zip Code 100 T al 100 �` � - License InspeCtor -� ~ By: �� Signature ot AppliCant � Bond• , Company Name Policy No. Expintion Oats Insu�ance• , Company Name Policy No. Expiration Oate � Minnesota State Ident(fication No. � Social Security No. � . � ; Vehicle Information: � � Serfal Number late Number Othe�• . THIS IS A R EI T FOR APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your appUcation for I en will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoni�g � ordinanca and completion ot the inspections by the Health, ire, onin9 andlor licensa Inspectora. � $15.00 CHARGE F R LL RETURNED CHECKS _ ��o� `� �. / �C=- � � - - - _ . . _ l��-��� . ' ' �+a�licat:on �o. Date Re eived 9v . CITY OF S IN pAUI„ ;�(I��ESOTA CHARITABL G BLI;fC LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled out vi h a typevriter or by printing in ink by che sole oc+ner, by each partner� by each person vho has interest in escess of SZ in the corporation and/or as ociation in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS S BJ CT TO REVIEW By THE P(.'BLIC 1. Application for (name of license) D� ?. Located at (address) o��Ol �,p ,(O �� �� �� �� � 3. Name under vhich usiness is operated �� �� 4. True Name �� ��� 9�9 7z�O 7 Phone (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Lasc 5. Date of Birth �/j'�' .j /�� place of Birth (Month. Day. Year) 6. Home Address�`f/O ��iP,X'� �p• � i%"///!��J�v��,� � � � Nome Phone �� �L 7 7. Have you ever been convicted of any g bi ng violations? ��� 8. List licenses ahich you currently hold at this location. �l�/� � ��/� G�O� � �J� � 9. SUBMIT A' SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAMBLING 00 {�IILL BE LOCATED r ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MATER UBMITTED WII,L (tESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I rereby state _under oath that I have'ansver d 11 of the above questions. and that the information contaiaed thereia is true and co re t to the best of mq knowledge and belief. I hereby state further under oath that I hav r ceived no moneq or other considerations, directly. or indirectly, in conaection vith hi license. from any person by vay of loan, gift. contribution or othervise� other than lr ady disclosed in the application which I have hereaith submitted. State of Mianesota ) `�Crr�fin�. n fsoa � 88 ' �T�w�u� MI SOiA COUAty Of Rdmsey � <��' MENN6PIN OUN Y �,.,"".` MY commwssion ex 'ra -15-92 Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1 '� da of A (Si nature of Applicant) y 19 � / Notary Public. Ramsey County. Minnesota Hy Commission expires . _ _ _ .. �_�'-��� . • �pplicac:on �o, pac Received g� CITY F AINT PaG'L, KI��ESOTa CHARI AB E GAMBLIYG LOCATION Directions: This form must be fille o t vith a cypevriter or by printing in ink by the sole o�+ner, by each par ne , by each person who has incerest in e:ccess of Sz in the corporation a d/ r association in vhich the name of the license vill be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY THE PL'BLIC "_ _'_'_ — - - 1. Application for (name of licens ) t � �V � �/1 �Za� �'' N Z. Located at (address) � �`' � J`'�" ��L /��'� 3. Name under vhich business is op at d (.� C�,�,� , � C� 4. Tru e Name SA wt 1 �. ' 3 f� V t ' � U �� �`� Phone �_ (First) (Midd e) (Maiden) (Last) , S. Date of Birth � ..�7�--+ y Place of Birth J�, �N�� L (Month. Day� Y ar 6. Home Address / J H v ✓�. S-�-- y� Home Phone �,'� t - 3 �� v 7. Have you ever been convicted of ny gambling violations� � � 8. List licenses vhich you currentl h d at this location. �' �l�.-� � + L. A 9. � SUBMIT A' S ITE PLAN WHERE THE GAI� IN BOOTEI i�IILL BE LOCATID , ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSSdERS GIVEN OR T IAL SUBMITTID NII.L RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLZCATION. _ _� I hereby state under oath that I have In ered all of the above questions. and that the information contained thereia is true 1nd correct to the best of my kaoaledge and belief. I herebq state further uader oath that � ve received no money or other considerations. directly, or indirectly, ia conaection ait this license. from any person by way of loan, gift. concribution or otherwise. other tha already disclosed ia the application which I have hereaith submitted. State of Minneaota ) " . ) ss � . County of Ramsey ) � Subscribed and ss�+orn to before me this �'�� _� day of ` 19 � c� (Signature of Applicant) �.�L_ ^� ' ' - --'� C ■ ■ Notary Public. y County. Minaeao ,�� CAROL A.JAi�S1EWICZ v " NOTIIitY P�TA My Commiss ion expirea _ 3 I l b ' �( � � M,p�u��� t�vvwvv:tir.:�.v�.�. ■ : _ ��--�� TO 8t" COMPL iE BY BAR OWNER [ un�er�c�n� Zn�l :+i ; 1 u�hol�t c!�r �rdin c amending Cha�ter •t�� ot ctie Sc. Paul Legi�laci�ie (:o�e (Incoxic��i� !'c�uor) . I furcher unde:scznd �hat failu:e �o c molv may resulc in che ;�„p�_nsion or revocacion or , On Sale I,:quor and �ar esoonding licen�e�. ,"�� . S' acure /�� l D �f� ��i,� Est�blishmenc � � /o /�� oa�z . Re curn co: _.. License v Per:nic Division Room =U3, Cicy Hzll St. Paul . NN SSIU� Please retain the attached ordinance for u re�ords. � . . . . . . .�'.w 3�s6 ,. ,, ��'-�r�' � TO EiE CO PLtiEO BY 6AR OWNER [ un�tet�canJ 1nJ :+i; 1 u{�hot�! c!�e or in ce amending Chapter :t(1� ot �t�e Sc. Paul �egi�lative Co�e (Fntoxic�cing �ic�uor) . I further unue:scznd chac Esilure co co olv mzy resulc in ctie ;�„p�nsion or revocacion or , On Sale L.iquor :i d •orrespondins ticen�e� . Signa e ` J v� Estsblishmenc � � Dace . � Recurn ca: - Lieense � Per:nit Oivision-� 400m :U3. Cicy li�ll Sc. Paul , WN SS(U� Please retain the attached ordinance f r y ur records. � 3�s6 • �, � C��--j%� S�.ZNT PAUI: C COUN�IL PUB�ZC H�AR 1 � NO �ICE o �EC� LZ�ENSE AP ZCA�Z�N �����g ��N � � c►�Y C�"�� � �'�.�, No. Dear Property Owner: 84667 ;� Application for a C ass B Gambling Location license. This license would allow th liquor estalilishment to lease space P tT��P 0 S E to a charitable org ni ation (People, Inc) for the sale of pulltabs and/or tip oa ds. , �PP�r���I� Viner �, Baker Inc. ���,c`��Tdl� Palomino Club, 2181 Su urban r Marc}� 9 1 189 _ 9:00 a.�. �t`LRZ�C Cit�� Council C:i ' e s, 3rd �Ioor City Eall - Cou�t House 3y License and P . 't Division, Departmeac oL ��waace and �Or�=C�. SE��+ Kanagement Serri es Room 203 City Hall - Court couse, Saint Paul, iiiaa so a 298-SOSb This datz may be changed without tE� consent and/or knoWledge of the License and Permit Division. It is suggested that you call. the Citl Clerk' s Of fice at 298-423 i if yo � sh conr�r,rcation. OlM0M1ATOR . oA7!itm�'�o 'r! ��+l�" ' �: �a rct�edi �i�E� �i�E�' t+�.�(�'0 3�15 ���, -, �„�� �,�„���, ` Cfiri in Roz �� �.���► 3�«� � . � ��� 2 �Gouflci 1 Researcfi - c�+. � — � .GTV Al"f0lMIEY �-� ... �. . . Application for a Class B Gat�1ing L ca ion License. - . Notification Date: ����$5 He ring Date: 3-9-89 ��1�ov�oN.`w a►�tin� cow+a� _ _ � PLAMIMO OOMM9dOM . CNIL B�iVN:E�COMM8810N �OATE IN'� TE � ANIYYST � � . - � PFiOt!E N0. �. . � 20NM0 OdMNB810M ��IBO�lZ6 6C)qOl YO�IIiD� . . � � . - . � , :. . � �� � .. STAFF . . . � � . -CFURTER�06MAI8810N COAAPLETE AS� . � AODL#!i'0:ARO�� � . ��f�T'D TO COWfA�T � � � � .. . . . . � - . __f•OR ADD'L�M�'O. __�ADOED•- . . DIBTiiIC7 OOUIiCL . . - � - � *D(PLANATpN: - - . . . . . � . . 'iUPPONI8 MAMCJf OOtMdI Od1EC71VE9.. � . . . � . � . . . - - .. - � -- - .. NiNiMIQ,MOa.ir.MlUf O�OR'[!lINTY(Wlw�Wh�W�,1Nhxe.WhY): , . _ . _ Viner and Baker Inc. (James L. Vin�r Pr sident) DBA T�e Pal-oqtina C1ub, requests : Ci ty Counci Y ap.prc�val of i ts app]i.ca i o for a C1�&s B Gambi i ng �.oc�tion 1,icens� � (over 3Q0 seats) at: �181 Suburban .Av u . This 1-icense`rit�ld.allow`the Palomino Glub to lease space to a.. ch' ri: able ar�tni�at:ivn- {People I�c.) for- the sa]e of pulltabs and/or tipboards. � � , � , ,�,tqc�noN�wewr�.,�e�y.s��: _ : ,,, . < . All fees and applications have been. itted: ' A11 required divisions - � Zoning, Police, Fire and l;icense hav g ven their appr.oVals: _ . �t�..+�w,,.�w To�mx _ ,: _ .: . _ _ If Council approval is given, pullta ill be sold at the Pa1.atnino Club. �.�nn�: vnos � : -.. :� NIaT+01tYlVNEClDiNfB: , ; ^� �+ �"�r.�^r/ ���C�r . - . � . . ."� .l...v ! ���.r'. C;.7�✓3� 't/ - . . . � . .. �. . . . . . .. .. . . _ . . . . . . . � r . . . . , . f=t3— N � e�:�� ��: The Palom�no has had no gambling viol ti ns. � � �/,s� J�`���'� �� /i%� ► � M �( v � U , �.- � r T � � , � � = � �..s � " �--� _sc.uV� �� �p = � �� � � � �c ` -o S � . � ��'"� z l�° . ��� Q � z � �`��� �'s ' � �° ��:�''� � , ����-� v-��-,�-,,�-,-y-�.� �,� �� ��-�-�����?"� ''' `� 2 '� i �,�'-� >> '� • � ! � � /� ' � � � �'�L° G�'� �"��'' a► ,, ., - � ��q�C�,� oh�z ' � �r : ss��aa� :� �-� _ •bu�u�ouz aq� 3o s�noy v� ( Z�ea zan) �zea ay� u� suoa� d eq �q zo�n�yaq aZqe�da��eun pue 'swajqo�d bu�za���1 'sat� qa bu�paads 'suzaZqo�d bu�x�ed �� a�ouu ut bui�tnsaz �Za�ew��j q �� outuuotea ay� �o ssauisnq m aq� aspaz�u� jjTM 'pa�.da��e �� 'j so o�d s�q� �eu� aazbe a�y �C �D aa t�r� a.u�►P��a�►� s�u� u� sp�eoq d�� pue sq�� jjnd tjas o� p �� odzo�uI ajdoad ajq�ua pZnoM � 4��uM '��u•�► � '� t �w � Z4uu�� e `NW 'Znea •�g ' • any ueqznqng T8TZ 'qnt� ou�aroj�d ay� �uap o� Z� uno� T ��F��sFQ aq� �o a�on snoiutueun ay� �.zoddns � pau t ..�a�pun •aN a. i a�+ry ! � 7���- d�' ! � � • P�T I T I QN � W� , th� urid�rsi �n+�d , support the unanimous vote of the District 1 Council to deny the Palomino Club, 2181 Suburban Ave. , St. Paul, MN, a ��rnbl i r-�� 1 1 c �nsa�, which �S would enable People Incorporated to sell pull tabs and tip boards in this r �rsi d�nt i a�l area . w � We agree that this proposal, if accepted, will increase the �� business of the Palomino Club ultimately resulting in more cn parking problems, speeding vehicles, littering problems, and �� unacceptable behavior by bar patrons in the early (verv ear1Y) hours of the morning. � NAME• ADDRESS • vZ l 7� t yc ti �z, !ti'� � � .C.%L�C.. `�-,� � ��� ,c.t�, ,,.�,Z— t� �. ��� � • . �-n . . r �-! � ' 1 / � ,� _ �'/,' � / ;Z"�„��%�' �;�" � l T � ��v2�y—� Gt,c.�-> � �� � � J� l.c- �`��/ � ��i�,���7,C�Z�,�Y� �-! � �m��t��- ' � �. — � � ,%�� 2� �-� �-� � Lti% r ����J rz c�►". ��� � � , ; . � ,, ,-t �._��� '�� ���P �.�'/��'1 ;�--��� :c [ c . ��----[ �c%'t''�� � � � !���� � � �T�; , 4 �� �� ��.�����,--�r,��,.-, �� � ) � % � - .. � , , , . 7 , i ��� , �'� —% ,' L�-�,�� -��; i�- �t�/rc�,..��,-c�� (' �_�.t�- . _ '� �� �.�.����� .;'i 7�l s�,��,� �,,,� A�t . � � � � � � ��� � �,=-✓ �� I � .' �� � ,�� '���-A � �� � o �,�SS' ���y �.�--�-- �� � _ �� � ! � !