89-411 WHITE - C1TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY O A I NT PA U L Council CANARV - p�EPAR7MENT .� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � / - Counc� esolution jg � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 4�2FAS, the Division of F�uY�li I lth has rer�a�ste�l the City C'cxuicil to hald a publir_ l�ring to c�nsic�r the �lity arid ru�cessity of tY� correcrtion or wrecking ar� racr,val of a twrrsta fr<�, fire darct�ge�l ch�lex and a deteriorated, c�t�r_hed garage, whi e locatecl on pir�pet�ty hereafter referred to as thc� "Stabject Frr�rt.}-" c�rxn?r�nly as 1058 Sixth Stre,et Fast, Saint Paul, Miruiesota whi_r_h is Tc�rrens pinpe legally �ribed as: Tx�t 1, ��n (''��t z i�n's �_v� �cm of Block 100 of Lycr�n �yton's �iit i_on to St. Paul, ac��ing to t rec�n�l plat th�xeof, arid situate in Ramsey (btmty, Minrx-,�t,�. �2FAS, t��� i�nn tl� reco ' fiY� Ranr�y Qxulty Rec�rcier's Office on I�k�vc�r 30, ]988 thP fallc7wing pe .._ s are �rs, interest�3 p3rties or rPSpon,sible ��rties af t1� S�.ibject p _rty. The cxariers are Golc�cmP Realty Cbrp., a N�ryland Ck�r�ration, Box 5050, alo, NY 14266; Se�rretary c�f Itcxa.sing & Urb3n I�velogc�t, 451 ?th St. SW, Wa. ' , DC 20410-OOQl; D�pt. Elc�using & Ur}a�n I��velc�r-�t, 220 2nd St. S., Mi_ is, NN 554�1_-2100; and V�-IE�2E'AS, the Division of Pial�l' lth has iss� orders identified as an "Ab�ndc>n�l B�iild� Noti_ce" :3at�1 _r 23, 1988 which is attar_l�ecl and inc�rpc�rated a.� part of this Reso i n by t1�is referP�nce. 'I�is o�r was served on al l cx�n�rs, int�,r�_��tr.c� p�rt=ies nd re��nsible �rti�s of the Subjec�t Prr�_�rt}� lmcxan to the enfon�rent of_f_ic�r. notirle and order inforn�i these �rtia� that. the t�-�-st�ry �� frarre, f ire cfi�lex loc�te�l on the subject pn�aerty is an COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Dimond '^ �� v In Fav 'r Goswitz Rettman B , �ne1be� Agains j Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appr ed ity Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date _ B � � 7'"' 10 Certified Passed by Council Secretary y sy l�pproved by Mavor: Date Appr by Mayor for S is ion to Cou il By . . . . � �,-��-�.r abandottied building pursuant to i 45.01, Stabd. 1 of the St. Paul Iegislative Ctoc�e; the �_riorated, d�tached ge located on the Subject Property is a dange.�xas stna�tune pursuant to 'on 45.01, S��bd. 3 of the St. Paul Legislative Qocle; an�l bot11 builciings are rnzi gu�staant to Sections 45.02, S�abd. 10 and S�abd. 11 of the St. Paul Legislat ve Ood�. The Nava�ex 23, 1988 order also had attachad to it a 1 ist of c�ef ici i i� the stna�tures on the Stabject Praperty, said list is attached rporated as �rt of this resolution; ar�d �FAS, the Nava�er 23, 198 o infornied all c�niers, interested �xirties and res�onsible parties t1�at t.k�ey either re�ir tl�e stnactures on the S�abject Praperty by aorrecting the list o iciencies or cl�r�lish the b�a.ildirigs, eithex action to take place by Januaiy 2 , 1 88. �FP,S, r�o action has beeri regardi.ng �liar�ce with the Novanber 23, 1988 natice and ord�er, and as a tY�e Division of Public Health r�ted that a public l�earir�g be �led to pla,ce on 'I"l�urs�clay, N1�nch 9, 1989 for the City Ca�ulcil to considex the advisabil'ty riecessity of ordering the aorrection of the nuisance c�or�dition or in the a tive cyonsiclex the dsrr�lition an� ra�val of these st�; and vd�REAS, the �bove referP_rx�cl , interested p3rties an�l resp�nsible p�ties have been p�exsor�ally tice of the t�me and putpose of the NL�rch 9, 1988 hearing before the �il; � 4��RFAS, a l�earing was held I o the Saint Paul City Camcil on N13rr_h 9, 1988 and all testim�ny and evidence �s ao ic�xed by the Co�mcil. NOW, �E, BE IT RE�OL t }�a.�ed �on all of the testirrony arxl evi�nae presented at the March 9, �19 8 ha3ririg, the Saint Paul City �il hereby adapts the follaaing Firr3ings and r �a-nirig the stria�zres at 1058 Sixth Street Fast: 1. That in April, 1987, the located on the Stabj�t PropeL ty was determined to be var..ant and c�en . Z'he Ywuse has ran3ir�ed vacant and has been either apen or baa�ded sirr.� r'l, 1987. 2. Zl�at sir�e April, 1987, � C' of Sa�nt Paul has on nunerrxas occasions issRaed orders to the awr�_rs to stna�tures secure and not aac�ssible. On m3ny oocasions, berause of the ' i on the p3rt of the awners, the City has had to hire a private a�ntract-:or to buildings secure and not open to ac�aess. 3. �at there are naw and hav , sir�ce April, 1987, miltiple exterior Hoizsing Ctode or Buildirig Ux�e viol ti in existence at the S�.ibject Prnperty. 4. That the awr�:rs, in ies and respons�ble g�rties of tYiese st� are as previcxasly sta in this resolution. These individuals have been pn-�perly served notice of the 9, 1988 heari.ng cor�err�ir�g these structures. 5. That the cxar�ers, in ies or resp�nsible p�rties have been on�ered on nurexrxas ocr.asions to ' these striactures arid have failed to do so. , ,�a ^`!� _� 2 - ���,31� . . . . . . ���-��/ 6. �at on Novanber 23, 1988 Building Notice was �ent to the awriers, interesr.ed p3rties an�l i.ble �arties on�ering these persons to either dar►�lish the buildings or m�lce i and c�orrect the list of c7eficiencies by Jaruaaiy 23, 1989. 7. 'Ii�at the on�ex of Nov ' 23 1988 has been disrega�r�ed by the awriers, interesr.ed parties and responsibl � ies. 8. That the t�-story w�od f � fire dant�ged, ch�lex located on the Stabject Property is an �ned building '' Section 45.01, S1abd. l, of the Saint Paul Legislative Cbcie in that it is "a ' �irig or portion there�f which has st�od tmoac�ied for longer than orie (1) ,y and during that period of time has been �� eithex "tmsecured" or "boa�lecl" o had "maltiple exterior Hotasing Cbde or Building Cbde violations". 9. That the t�-story tivod f fire dan�ged, dt�lex located on the S'Yabject Pn�aerty is a nuisar�ce as c3efined Saint Paul Iegislative Code Se�.'tion 45.02, Stalxl. 11, in that it is an 'lding located in the City of Saint Paul that has created a dangerous or y cor�d.ition or which thr�tens the public pa3ce, health, safety or sanitary 'tion of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting i.nfl� on the �ty. 10. That the c�teriorated, de ' garage located on the S�.ibject Prap�erty is a dangen�as stnacture wx�r Se�tion ' . 1, Stabd. 3 of the Saint Paul Iegislative Cbcle in that it is "a stnact�zre which i tially dangen�as to persons or p�7perty" including beirig "in danger of p3rt 1 r c��lete aolla�." 11. That the c�teriorated, de garage located on the S�abject P�erty is a nuisance as defined wxler Saint Pa islative Code Sec.-tion 45.02, Stiabd. 10, in that it is a c7�x�ero�us stn�zre 1 in the City of St. Paul that has created a dangetrxzs or Lmhealthy aor�cl.ition o 'ch threatens the public p�, Y�ealth, safety or sanitary aor�lition of C' or which is offensive or has a blighting infl� on the c;�manity. 14. That the aasts of abatarent of nui.sances are estim�ted to exceed tw►� thausarr� dollars t$2,000.00) or tareJnt involves cl�r�lition of a building other than a stna�ture aa�essory a esidential bia.ilding. i ORDE�2 The Saint Paul City Ckxmcil l��by m�kes the follawing on�er: 1. �e abave refere�d . ' t�r�cst�ed �rties arid responsible p�rties ar�d their assigns shall n�ke tY� Stabj safe and not c�trimental to the public p�, l�ealth, safety, and lf arr3 rsrove its blighting infl�e on the �ity by rehabilitatirig tx�e '1 ' s and correctirig those cleficiencies set forth in tl� list previcxasly refer in acco�lar�e with all applicable aocles and o�cl.inar�, or in the alternative lishirig the biaildings and filling the site in aacordar�ce with all applicable aryd orr3inarr��. The rehabilitation or d�rolition of tl�ese bu.ildings mas�t leted within thirty (30) days of the date of m3ilirig of this resolution. ', I � I' �.\`b � � 3 - 1 ����� WHITE - C�TV GLERK COUIICII PINK = FINANCE C I TY OF .S I NT PAU L Q��—�/� CANARY - l'ZEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Counci esolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. If the above corre�tive act' s not ��leted within the thirty (30) day tiure period, the prnper City offic' s f the City of Saint Paul are hereby authori.zed to take whatever st�s ssary to c�nlish t� buildings aryd fill the site arul charge the c�sts ' red against the Subject Prop�erty pursuant tr� t1� pn7visions of S�tion 45.08 Saint Paul Legislative C1-�e. 3. In the ev�t the stn�rP.� to be darnlisr�d by the City of Saint Paul, all persor�l prrs��rt� r�r fixtures o an k-irx3. which shall tmreasonably interfexe with the cic�lition �nd ra�val sha 1 r�noved fitxn the stnac.�tures by the aariers, int�resfi�ed �rties and resrnnsihle rt. es by thP end of the thirty (30) day time period. If the personal pYnperty i m so raroved, the City of Saint Paul shall r�rove arid dispose of_ such p�rty fixfi�ares as is provided 17y law. 4. I'I' IS FUR��R c�� that r,e ifiecl r.c7py of this resolution ar�d the i_rxnt��ratFZ� or�ler arx� l ist af defi. '. i�s l� rn3i1� to t-he last J�-xxan address af the cxar�rs, interested �.rfiies and nsible �rties pu�ant to S�ction 45.11, ��Y�c�i vi s ion (5) . - 4 - COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond L.o� [n Favor Goswitz tU scne� _ Against BY � -sex�n Wilson MAR � 1989 Form Ap oved b Ci ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � ��/ / Certified Passed o _il Sec r By ~ �' � By t�pprove IVlav : � Approved by Mayor for Su ' si n t Council B} o A� �- -� ��� �las� �aR i � 19s9 . , � I ��� �' CI Y F SAINT PAUL INTERDEPA M NTAL MEMORANDUM �� UEST F'OR I S CE BUILDING ��� ��,� DENIOLITI SOLUTION � FEg 9 i989 DATE: February 8, 1989 �I �+rY ��`�"����� TO: John McCormick ; Assistant City Attorney I FROM: Steven R. Roy �� Environmental He��'ith Pr na er � , 9 SUBJECT: COUNCIL HEARING FOR 1058 E. S XTH STREET The owners, interested parties and r s nsible parties of the above-noted building were sent an order to repai o raze the building. They have failed to com�ly with that order. o fice has requested a pnzblic hearing before the City Council to o ta n a Council order for the repair or dernolition of this building. The Public Hearing is scheduled for:ll� DATE: Thurs�lay March 9, 1989 TIME: 9:00 �1.M Please review the attached Resolutio be considered by the City Council. If you would like to make a y hanges, please contact us. If the Resolution meets with your approval, pl ase forward as soon as possible to the Director of Community Services. �I � SRR/kjl I�I � i I � � � , . � ('�--��/ .N°_. 012946 � Community Services DEPt►RTMENI'� • , Steven R. Roy COD�TACT _ , 292-7718 PHONE . � Februarv i0, 1989 DATE ASSI�N NtJXBER FOR ROIITING ORDER: (See . v rse side.) 2 De artment Director 3 Ma or FEB � — p y (or Assistant � ���� Ftriance and Management Services Dir', t r 4 City Cler Budget Director 5 City Ca Q�'n�*,�Y 1 City Attorney _ TOTAL NEIMBER OF SIGNATURF. PAGES: 1 p all locations for signature.) �1 Y. (Purgose/Rstionale) � The City will begin the proce � f having these abandoned buildings declared a nuisance and order epaired or razed. The sub3ect property is located at 1058 S t Street East . REC�1�� , • �CEIVED FEB 131989 FEB 14 1989 ��W COS B Y D C S PATED: MAYOR'S OFf�E If the owner fails to repair aze these buildings, the C ty will r aze the structures.arrfl assess h costs against the taxes . Estimated costs $5,000.00 - $7 ,000 .00. Already. budgeted. N E AND AC V C R RE TLD: (Mayor's signature not required if unde $ 0,000.) Total Amount of Trans�ction: n one Activity Number: Funding Source: 0 3 2 2 7 ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all atta nts.) List of deficiencies for the i ding located a�E°�i4g� �es�rc�t�@fl�e�$$t . FEB 15 i��� ADNINISTRATIVE PROCE „DiTRES � �.Yes _No Rules, Regulations, P c dures, or Budget Amendment requ3red? _Yes �,_Na If yes, are they or t e able attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW CITY ATTQRNEY RSVSEW �Yes No Council resolution requ e ? , Resolution r�quired� Yes _No _Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficient? _Yes _No _Yes �_No Insurance attached? l � . , �� � �,�,_=o, CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� '. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '• �_'. '� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ``aa,�� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer Mayor February 8, 1989 ����IV�:� Mr. President and ,��� Q� ��8� Members of the City Council Re: 1058 E. Sixth Street (;�`Cll GL�»�`+� Date of Hearing: March 9, 1�89 District Council: 4 Honorable Council: The Division of Public Health is her by submitting its report on the condition of the structures at the location !re rred to above. The owners of record are: Goldome Realty Corp. A Maryland Corporation (Fee Owner) Box 5050 Buffalo, NY 14266 Secretary of Housing & Urban Development 451 7th Street S.W. Washington, D.C. 20410-00�1 (Fee Owner) Dept. of Housing & Urban Development 220 2nd Street S. ' Minneapolis, N1�1 55401-210m (Taxpayer) The legal description of the torr�ns property is: Lot l, Adam Gotzian's Subdivision of Block 100 of LymaniDa on's Addition to St. Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof, and sittua e in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The buildings are a two-story, wo�d rame, fire damaged, duplex and a deteriorated detached garage. The subject property has been uno�c ied since April 1987. The duplex has stood unoccupied f�r onger than one year and meets one or more of the conditions that constitute, an abandoned building, as defined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative �od . On November 23, 1988, the Divisio� o Public Health mailed an order to the owners, interested parties and re�po sible parties of these buildings requiring that the buildings be either repa�r , by correcting the attached list of i ; ���,--�i� � � Mr. President and I Members of the City Council ii Febru,ary 2, 1989 Page -2- deficiencies, or demolished on or o January 23, 1989. Inasmuch as the orders have not been ccx�leted to t tisfaction of the Division and the continued abandoned condition of th b 'ldings contribute a blighting influence and potential hazard to the neighbo , it is the recomnendation of the Division that the City Council pass a solution ordering the owners, interested parties and responsible 'es to either repair or d�nolish the buildings in a timely manner to the sa isfaction of the City. In the event the owners, interested ies or responsible parties fail to comply with the Council Resolution, th Division of Public Health should be authorized to demolish the building la assess all costs incurred in the demolition against the real estate s special assessment to be collected in the same manner as taxes. Yo s truly, ; ���'��J �l ���> rank A. Sta.f f en on Environmental H lth Director Enclosure cc: John McCormick, Asst. City Att 'rn y Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall Jan Gasterland, Building Ins ti n Warren Frost, PED j District Housing Inspector I , I i I I i . . ��-�ii � �.••�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~�� ' DEPARTMENT Of COMMUNITY SERVICES �+ i ° "a �+ ���W o3 �; 9 DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH .... 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor ?.8.�.�Uc�'��E B ILDIIG �OTICE ?vover..iber 23, I988 Goldome Realty Corp. Boh 5050 Buffalo, New York 14266 Re: 1058 E. 6th Street Adar.� Gotzian's Subd. of Block �0 , LyMan Dayton's ?�ddition to St. Paul, Lot 1, Block 100. Dear Sir or tiladar,i: The Division of Public Health has de ermined that the above-noted building is an abandoned building, which C p er 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cocle def ines as: " any building or portion of a ui ding which has stood with an . incom�lete exterior shell for lo ger than three !3) years or any building or portion thereof w ic has stood unoccupied for longer than one (1) year and which meets ne or more of the following criteria; (a) unsecured, or (b) board , r (c) having multiple exterior Housing Code or Buiiding Code vi lations, or (d) placarded as "Unfit for Htmnan Habitation" pursuan t Chapter 34 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code." The ordinance further states that an abandoned building is a nuisance and it may be ordered torn down by th C ty. NOTE: If you do not want to have City begin action to have the building torn down, then the atta list of deficiencies moust be . regaired or you must tear the bui ' g dawn on or before January 23, 1989. Any repair or demolition r.must be leted in accordance with all applicable laws. If the work is not c«rq�leted or ' y u have not torn the ba�ilding down by the above date, the Division of 1 c Health will refer this matter to the City Council to receive autho it to tear down the building and charge all costs incurred in wrecking th b 'lding against the real estate as a special assessment to be collec i the same manner as taxes. The City Council will schedule a public h ri g to consider if the building should be torn down. If a public hearing s necessary, you will be notified .� ; (��q-��r �bancicned Building \otice -?- No�-ember 23, 1988 10�8 E. 6th Stree� of the tine and date ef tre hea in and vou �,-i11 be allcc�� to present e�-idence to the Cit�- Cot:ncil. � co of this order will �e kept on file in t�e Cit�- Clerk's Office and a r so ution declaring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in th eY County Recorder's Office. Cor.ipliance with the attached li t f deficiencies will remove your building from the list of aband n buildings but it does not mean that the building com�lies with all pp icable housing and building codes. The date for ccr.�liance with th se orders shall not be e�tended unless you receice written approval froM t e ivision of Public Health. If �ou have any questions about th's order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at 298-4153. Sincerely, _ X� �' � . � Ste��en R. Ro� Ern�ironnental Health Prograri '�la g r SRR:'la enclosure cc: Warren Frost, PED cc: Fisher Property Preservati - �,TTN: Betty 2500 Highwa� 88, Suite 227 !�Iinneapolis, I� 55418 . \ . ��-��� DEFI I CY LIST R 1058 EAS S XTH STREET OC'POB 8, 1988 All repairs and new installations be made in accordance with the appropriate codes. Permits must o tained where changes and/or additions to an electrical syst�n 're upgrading of the service size to current National Electrical Code ( .E C. ) requiresnents. Son�e pltm�bing repairs may necessitate updating o t e fixtures and/or piping involved. A permit is required for any regai o new installation. Pernuts may be obtained from the Building Inspect on and Design Division, Roan 445, City Hall. SEOOND F'Ir00R 1. Entry door into kitchen, wind e broken out. Replace. 2. Entry door into kitchen lacks o r deadbolt lock tbolt with mininaun projection of one inch, keyed 1 from the outside.) Provide proper dead bolt lock. KIT(."'EiEN 3. The north east corner of the tc en has burned out walls and ceiling. Rernove and replace out studs and replace walls and ceil ing in a wor}ananl ike manne . 4. Gas stove has illegal flexible ga tubing. Provide U.L. approved double walled gray coated flex 1 gas tubing. 5. Gas stove covered with fire d ri . Clean off gas stove and properly service before future use. 6. Kitchen: ceiling, walls and fl r re smoke clamaged. Clean all surfaces. 7. Pantry off of kitchen (east wa �) is sr�oke damaged. Clean all surfaces. DIATING FtOOM � 8. West wall windaws broken out. e ir and refinish in a worlananlike manner. 9. Damaged wall plaster under we w 11 windaws. Repair and refinish in • a w�orlananl ike manner. ; 10. Hole in plaster, r�rth wall. 'r and refinish in a worl�nanlike manner. � . . ����� Deficiency List 1058 East Sixth Street Page 2 of 5 October 27, 1988 11. Cracked ceiling plaster with t 11 holes. Remove loose plaster and repair in a worl�nanl ike ma e . 12. �noke detector is not functio 1. Provide properly installed and maintained smoke detector. B�ATEIROOM 13. Window south wall is broken ou . Repair windaw panes and provide openable windaws. 14. The bathroom dces not have one ha f of the ceiling area seven l7) feet tall or better. Provide prope c iling height for bathroom. LIVING ROOM 15. Window east wall has broken pa es and is damaged. Provide ganes of glass and repair window. 16. Living room carpet is burned d ke damaged. Replace carpeting. 17. Ceiling is fire damaged with e 'po ed rafter boards. Replace fire-damaged boards and proper 'y efinish ceiling. 18. South wall burned out with cha r studs shawing. Replace studs and wal l s in a woorlucianl ike manner. 19. Closet off of living room (sou h all) door has been burned off; ceiling burned out and charred st s for walls. Repair ceiling, walls and doorway in a wor}ananl ike r. 20. Floor molding south side bro fire damaged. Repair or replace molding. IViC�Tfi BIDROOM 21. Cracked and falling ceiling pl s r. Repair or replace ceiling. 22. Window and winclow frame broken epair or replace in a worlananlike manner. 23. There are exposed electrical w re in north bedroom. Properly close off or repair. - 24. North bedroom and closets are � damaged. Properly clean ceiling, walls and floors. 25. Closet outside north bedroom, � e south wall is partially broken out and smoke damaged. Repair sou all and properly clean ceiling, walls and floor. .� .� ��-�r Deficiency List 1058 East 6th Street Page 3 of 5 October 27, 1988 FIRST FL�OOR 26. �try door onto porch area (r e try door) is loose from frame and scrapes floor. Repair door or ep ace. 27. Illegal wiring to outside light ov r rear entry door to porch. Re-wire in accordance with St. au Electrical Code and N.E.C. 28. Bathroam ceiling, walls and fl r re smoke damaged. Properly clean all surfaces. 29. Bathroom lacks proper G.F.I. ou '�le . Provide. KITCE�T 30. North wall laster has bee P n bro I n off show' ing lath and electrical wires. Properly repair wall. 31. Bare electrical wires through f oo by north wall. Properly close off electrical wires. 32. Cracked walls, blistering and 1'ng surface. Repair all plaster and properly finish or replace. 33. Broken glass on kitchen cupboar . Regair or replace cupboards. 34. Cupboard doors missing, east wa 1 under kitchen sink. Provide proper doors. 35. Heat vent cover loose and fall' f north wall. Properly secure. 36. Mice feces found in c�boards floor in kitchen. Externunate mi.ce and close off all access a , and rodent proof foundation. LIVING ROOM 37. South wall plaster has been )moc off wall exposing lath. Repair wall and refinish in a woorlananli e er. 38. Electrical wiring e�cposed, south wa 1. Check wiring and properly ' enclose. 39. Molding around kitchen entrance r is mi.ssing. Replace. � 40. Ceiling is missing ceili.ng tiles eplace missing tiles or replace ceiling. 41. Holes through plaster northwest f walls. Properly repair all damaged plaster or replace walls 42. E1�rnace thermostat is broken off hanging from west wall. Properly rep►�ir and secure to wall. . . G��-�/ Deficiency List 1058 East 6th Street Page 4 of 5 October 27, 1988 � SOUI'fi BEDFt00M f WEST OF LIVING ROOM) 43. There are holes through plaster on east and south walls. Repair or replace walls. 44. There are holes in the ceiling la ter. Repair or replace ceiling. 45. There is cracked plaster in the cl set area. Repair or replace. 46. Ceiling light switch lacks cove p ate. Provide. NORTH BIDROOM '(WEST OF LIVING ROOM) ' 47. Cracked ce3ling plaster in this r . Repair or replace. 48. Water damaged plaster under win ow Repair cause of damage, and plaster area. FRONT ENTRY DOOR 49. Door frame has been broken. Re i or replace. 50. Door has been broken. Repair o r place. 51. Door deadbolt lock has been bro n out. Provide proper deadbolt lock for door. 52. First floor unit lacks smoke de r. Provide. BASII�IENT 53. Hotwater heater is im�roperly v . Properly vent hotwater heater in accordance with City Code. 54. T.P.R. valve on hotwater heater is blocked by venting. Properly place T.P.R. valve so as not to be bl k . EXTEftIOFt ' 55. Porch south side second floor ng is spongy. Repair or replace floor decking. 56. Handrail and b�allisters fsouth id second floor> are loose in spots • and need regair. Repair or rep ac . 57. Exterior steps and landing to s d entrance are rotting, breaking away ar�l in need of repair. Re i or replace. . ��-`T'� Deficiency List 1058 East 6th Street Page 5 of 5 October 27, 1988 58. Window area under south side ex er or steps, the wood is rotting around window and under siding. R pair cause of moisture damage and window area and siding. 59. Rernove and properly dispose of 11 fire debris around house. GARP►GE 60. Windows west side and east side ( uth windows), are out. Replace windaws or properly secure wind reas. 61. Holes through wall, east side tw n garage doors. Re�aair. If you are unable to finance the co r ion or rehabilitation of the pr�nises to co�ly with this order, th re are state and local rehabilitation programs for which y u y qualify. Information about these programs is available from the Depa nt of Planning and Econo�ni.c Development, Rehabilitation Section at (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. , � ���-�/ .�,•.., CITY OF SAINT PAUL �`� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : : ��,:��� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ,..� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer �ICE OF PUBLIC HEARI ORDER REPAIR OR DF�IOLITION Maya February 8, 1989 Goldome Realty Corp. , a Maryland Corporation Box 5050 Buffalo, NY 14266 Re: 1058 E. 6th Street To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that the City Co c 1, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a publi h ring to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building to e ther repaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties with own interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to all t em an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Public H lt . Please be advised the Public Hearing i s heduled for: DATE: ursday, March 9, 1989 TIME• :00 a.m. L�CX'.ATION: TY COUNCIL CHANIBERS FIAOR, CITY HAIZ W. KELiAGG HOULEVARD NT PAUL, NIINNESOTA 55102 At this hearing you will be allowed p sent any evidence you may have to object to the recocrmendations of the Division o lic Health. If the City Council orders the demoli io of this building, all costs incurred to perform this work, including inspecti n sts, achninistrative costs, title searches, filing fees and the actual demolition an removal expenses, will be assessed against . the real estate as a special assessme be collected in the same manner as real estate taxes. If you have any questio ncerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, ,�V�+-_ /�-� Steven R. Ro EYivironmental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl . . ���-�/ . .��•••. CITY OF SAINT PAUL :"� '; DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES '• �'� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH ��' '••� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George Latimer �,�,y� NOTICE OF PUBLIC I 'PO ORDER REPAIR OR DIIKOLITION February 8, 1989 Dept. of Housing & Urban Development 220 2nd Street S. Minneapolis, NII�1 55401-2100 Re: 1058 E. 6th Street To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that the City o cil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a pub ic hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the abc�ve-noted building to be either repaired for reocct�ancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties wit a ]mown interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to al ow them an opportunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Public ea th. Please be advised the Public Hearing is scheduled for: DA . Thursday, March 9, 1989 TI . 9:00 a.m. LACATI : CITY COUNCIL CHANIBERS 3RD FI�OOR, CITY HALL 15 W. KELL�OGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MII�]ESOTA 55102 At this hearing you will be allowed resent any evidence you may have to object to the recomtitiendations of the Division f lic Health. , If the City Council orders the demol'ti n of this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�ork, including inspec 'o costs, ac�ninistrative costs, title searches, filing fees and the actual demoliti removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special asses n to be collected in the same manner as real . estate taxes. If you have any quest' ns concerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, � � Steven R. Roy E�virorunental Health Program Manage SRR/kjl .. ., �1���ri .�,..., CITY OF SAINT PAUL `� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . : �,±.�„� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH '8 ,..� 555 Cedar Street, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 (612)292-7711 George latimer �ICE OF PUBLIC HF�RI ORDER REPAIR OR DE�LITION rHayor February 8, 1989 Secretary of Housing & Urban Developme 451 7th Street S.W. Washington, DC 20410-0001 Re: 1058 E. 6th Street To Whom It May Concern: This is to notify you that the City Co c' 1, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has scheduled a publi h ring to consider the advisability of ordering the above-noted building to e'ther repaired for reoccupancy or torn down. All owners and any other parties with interest in this building are required to be notified of this hearing to all t em an op�portunity to object to the action requested by the Division of Public H lt . Please be advised the Public Hearing i s heduled for: DATE: ursday, March 9, 1989 TIME: 9 00 a.m. IA('ATION: C TY COUNCIL CHI�NIBERS 3 ETAOR, CITY HAT,T, 1 W. KEI,IAGG BOULE�TARD INT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 At this hearing you will be allawed to pr sent any evidence you may have to object to the recomnendations of the Division of lic Health. . If the City Couricil orders the demolit on of this building, all costs incurred to perform this w�ork, including inspectio c sts, ac�iinistrative costs, title searches, filing fees and the actual demolition nd removal expenses, will be assessed against the real estate as a special assessmen be collected in the same manner as real - estate taxes. If you have any questio ncerning this matter, please call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, ,LVC�.- � Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Manager SRR/kjl