89-403 WMI7E - C�TV CLERK
Counci esolution r'�� ��
9\ ��
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, the Federal "Earne I come Credit" can benefit families
who make under $8,576.00 with a t ntial tax credit of up to $874.00
per family; and
WHEREAS, the "Earned Income re it" is a work incentive in that it
rewards those who seek and ret in employment, rather than public
assistance; and
WHEREAS, the "Earned Incom C edit" boosts local economy while
giving low income families purchas ng power; and
WHEREAS, it is estimated if 1 , 00 eligible families in Saint Paul
receive the "Earned Income Credit" n arly $1 ,000,000 would be available
to assist these families; and
WHEREAS, it is estimated th t nly 159L of the eligible low income
families nationwide utilize the "E rn d Income Credit", and
RESOLVED, by the City Counc l f the City of Saint Paul that the
City strongly supports a public in or tion campaign in cooperation with
other interested organizations se vi g low income people regarding the
"Earned Income Credit" in an effor t increase participation among low
income families; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That the C ty wiil provide information and
distribute flyers to other interes ed groups to assist eiigible families
apply for the "Earned Income Credi "
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
L.00g In Favo
coswitz �
Rettman B
�ne1be� __ Against Y
Wilson � — 9 �.yt79
Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Pas e oun '1 Secre y By
Approv d 1�lav • D�- Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
By By
PUBIISl�D MaR 1 8 l9 g
Saint Paul , j , .�,
Area Chamber �} `YJ � "J`� J //�
.-1 ' "� ', .'�./
of Comr�erce -�- � � $ �� `� =�, ..� �
February 6, 1989
Maureen Johnson Stores
President �
Mlnnesota Higher Education •
Coordinating Board
Cap Itoi Square. Su ite 400
550 Cedar Street
Salnt Paul , MN 55101
Dear Ms. Stores:
We app laud the M(nnesota HECB for t � ( s i ghtfu I and provocat ive MSPAN
2000 study. The Sa(nt Paul Area C :am er of Commerce has become a
thoughtful advocate on behalf of the im ressive complement of higher
educatlonal instl�tutlons In the met o ast area. We agree with the
fmperative expressed in the repor t tle, "Maintalning M (nnesota's
Educatlonal Advantage."
The staff of HECB recently briefed t e Chamber's Higher Education
Leadership Group on the report's finding and potentlal strategies. We
bel leve that the report has been va I a I e i n creat i ng g reater pub I ic
awareness that M I nnesota w I I I fa I I b h f nd i f noth i ng i s done to
strengthen and provide greater a c ss to our higher educatfon
The tlmel (ne for pub l ic response t M PAN 2000 ts far too short to
al low for the depth of study we f nt nd to g ive the report. We hope
that the HECB and M I nnesota Leg i s I a u r do not move toward b i nd I ng
recommendat lons w ith i n the next f w onths, before more thoroug h
pubilc, organlzational and Institutlon I nalysis can be completed and
offered for your consideration. W are at work on it now.
To meet your current public hearing sc edule� we offer these initlal
* The report is provocatfve a d timulating; bringing a fresh
awareness to the need for pr a tive measures. The outcomes
fran this report wlll improv a more tlme Is g(ven to their
* The report underestimates th i pact of new technology on the
development and delivery f ducational programs. The
metropol itan area cou Id us a soph I st icated f I ber opt ics
network to del iver a variety f rses to mu It ip le locat(ons.
600 North Central Life Tower
445 Minnesota Street
Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
Telex:74016535PAC UC _
* HECB shou id more fu I I y exp I r the tremendous potent 1 a I f rom
forming a more effective n tw rk among exlsting public and
private institutions. Solu io s may come from shifting the
emphases of existing insti u ions rather than creating new
- * HECB shou Id carefu I I y rev I w what ex i sts now and I s i n the
immed late p lans for ex ist ng commun ity col leges, techn Ical
institutes and undergr du te institutions. Some new
curricula, evening and week nd classrooms, minorlty programs
and other current programs r not acknowledged in the report.
* Creation of a business/hig �er education forum is important.
Our own Higher Education L pe ship Group fs an example of how
synergy between bus( nes ' nd higher education can be ,
fostered. We wou Id welcome ith opportun Ity to brief the HECB
and staff on our progr In.
The Higher Educatlon Leadership Grou w s formed one year ago after the �
Chamber's study of higher educatlon n aint Paul. "Higher Educatfon:
Saint Pau I 's Un ique Opportun ity fo he Future." One copy of that
report and a roster of inembers a e enclosed.
Maintaining our edge In higher educ t( n is not Just a goal, it is an
imperat ive. Thank you for conduct i g h f s m I I estone study. We w i I I
contlnue our review of it and provid a ditlonal Input to the HECB and
the Minnesota Legislature. �
Respectfu I ly,
; ',(.�(����� - � �L(�
pr. An i a Pa pu
� C ,_
Joh Labo ky
Co-Chairs -
Higher Educatlon Leadership Gr u
cc: Governor Perpich
Senate Education Committee
House Education Committee
� ��✓�
�° 012482
Council.m�ber Bob Long DEPARTMENT ' . - - - - - -
Bob Long or Mary Ann Hec t CONTACT N
29 - 73 PHONE �
� � � DATE
_ Department Di�ector _ Mayor (or Assistant)
_ Finance and Management Services Dire to _ City Clerk
_ Budget Director _
_ City Attorney _
TOTAL r]tJ1�IBER OF SIGNATtTRE P�CES: ( li all locations for signature.)
� Y C T ? (Purgose/Rationale)
To approve the resolution will allaw am�: rmation:�giece to be developed an�d: distributed
which will encourage people eligible fo " Incane Credit" throogh` t17e IRS process
to apply for. the money they are eligible to reeeive and provide in£ormation abaut where
they can get assistance to make applicat on
The people eligible for earned income cr ' will have additional maney to spend when
they get the refur�d and the local econ s ould benefit f�rcan having money circulated
into it.
The cost of $250.00 should cover the cos o prin��ng �.yers. _
(Maqor's aignature not required if under 1 ,000.)
Total Amount of Trans�ction: $250.00 Activity Nwnber:
Funding Source:
ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac e ts.)
Co�sncil Research Center
t�IAR 2 i�89
_Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Pr e res, or Budget Amendment required?
_Yes _No If yes, are they or ti t le attached?
_Yes _No Council resolution requi d? Resolution required4 _Yes _No
_Yes _No Insurance required? Insurance su�ficient? _Yes _No
_Yes _No Insurance attached?