89-387 wH�Te — ctirr GLERK C0t1fIC11 /�
BLUE — MAVOR File NO. � •� �•
� � Co ncil esolution �� �
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
�FAS, the Division of Public H�3.1 r+equested the City Uamcil to hold a
public haaring to aa�sider the advisabili r�oessity of tl� mrrec.•tion or
wrecking arr.� ranaval of a ti�od frarne, , single family hau..�e and a cl�tacYyed
deteriorated garage, which are located on h�er�eafter referr�i t� as the
�,�7� P�-�Y'� aammnly lffx�m as 272 ' rsity Avenue West. Sa.int �aul,
I�tinnes�ta which is abb�tract property and ly described as:
�i.ng at a point on the Saith 1' o University Av�, where it
inter.�ect-s the Ea_�t 1 ine of t",Y�ib�r's 'tion to the City of St. Paul,
Mir�r�esata, th�nce Wlest along the 1' of said averxa�, Fifty-cxtie (51) feet
to a point for a plaae of beginning; Sazth at right artgles to said
University Avc-�xae, Q�e Fimdred anrl N' (119) feet, m�re or less to the
alley in Block three (3), "Elfelt, & Arnolds" Ac3d.ition to St. Faul,
as ext,erx�ed thrax� Block three (3> o d (��mber's Addition; tt��e Ea_�t
along said al ley as ext-.erx3ed t�aenty-f ve 25) fee�t; thair.�e North parallel to
said Wes�t 1 ine orie tnmdred nireteen ( 9) feet m�re or less to University
Avenue; tl�nae West alorig the Sauth 1 f tlniversity Avenae twienty-f ive (25)
feet t�o the pla�ae of begir�nirig, �oao ' to the r�ooi�led plat thereof on file
arr3 of i�eoord in the offic7e of the of Deeds in and for the �ty of
Ramsey, State of Minnesota exae�t the 20 feet thereof.
HHERF'AS, ba_qed �on the reao�ls in �u�ty R�order's Offiae on
October 25, 1988 t.he follawing persor�s , interested parties or
responsible g�rtie�s of the Stabject . �e awr�ers are: Robert F. N131oney,
6202 Mer�cl I�ke Ave. San Diego, CA 9211 ; llian L. M�lor�ey, 1322 Shryer Ave.,
W. Ros�ville, NN 55113; Frar�.'s J. Mal , 945 I�od Ave. S., Cbttage Gn�ve,
NN 55016; a.k.a. Frar�ces J. t�ast.afson, 8 5 I A�. S., Cbttage C�oove, NN
55016; earh an w�divicled 1/3 interest; lyn Nl3lor�ey, 2060 Upper 55th Street,
Irlver Gn�v+e Heic�ts, NN 55075 she has lif te �_res�t; arid
�FPkS, t,he Division of Public Heal is� orctiers icl�tified as an
"Abaridor�ed Buildi.ng Notice" dated Oct:oL�r 6, 988 which is attached and
in,00rporated as part of this Resolution 's refe�. This orcler was seived
an all awr�ers, intPa�sted �rties arr3 le gsrties of the Slabject
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
�� [n Favor
Rettman B Q ; ��
Scheibel _ AgBinst Y
Form Appro ed ity Attor�
Adopted by Council: Date
C .Z �
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approverl by iVlavor: Date Approv d by Mayor for Sub sio o �n il
' . /���_3�''�
prapetty ]mawn to the enforaar�ent offic�r.i rbtice arxl oreler inforn�d tr�ese
parties that the ��od frame, tz�-sbory, si�gl family hau.9e located on the
�abjec,-t prapert,y is an abaixloned buildirig t to Section 45.01, 5tabd. 1 of
the St. Paul Legislative Cbde. � iorated garage located on the
Stabject prap�erty is a danc3ero�us stn�re � to Section 45.01, Stiabd. 3 of
t1� St. Paul Legislative aocle. Hoth buildiJrigs are r�ai.sar�ces pursuant to
Sections 45.02, Stabd. 10 arxl St�bd. 11 of t�he . Paul Legislativ+e Cbc�. 'Il�e
Octab�x 6, 1988 o�er also had atta�chad tc� it a list of defici.encies regan3irig
the stna�4up-s on the S�abject Property, s�.i.d ist is attar.l�ed ar�d irx�orporated
as part of this z�oluti�; and
�sS, the October 6, 1988 order ' rnned all c�wners, interested
parties and respor�sible parties that they eitl�r repair the buildirYgs o�n
the Stabject Property by c�rrecting the li$t cleficier�ies or d�alish the
buildi.ngs. either action to take plaae byi 21, 1988.
�S, no action has beeri taken I occcpliarx� with the October
6, 1988 natioe ar�d order, and as a result' Division of Public Health
re,quested that a public hearing be take plaae on Zl�clay, Nhrch 7,
1989 for the City Oa�il to c�onsider the j ility ar�d r�aessity of
ordexirig the a�rrection of the r�uisarr.e � io�n or in the alternative
aorksider the daYqlition ar�d rarnval of tr� ; and
V►�gRFAS, the abave referer�cl avr�e�s, interes't.e,d Laarties arxl respon..�ible
parties hav�e beeri personally served rr.�tic� the t�me and pu� of the N1-�r.h
7, 1989 hearirig before the Cio�u�il;
�, a hearing was held beforei Saint Paul City Oamcil on Marrt►
7, 1989 and all testirmny and evideryce wa� icl�_recl by the �il.
I�V, �E, � IT RES�,VED t�On all of the t.estimr�ny and
evidenae pre5ented at the M3rch 7, 1989 , the Saint Paul City Oo�u�il
hei� adaphs the follawirtg Firidi.rigs and cor�cernirig the stna�fi�zres at 272
University Avergae West:
1. Zl�at in Navgnber, 1987, the ha�ase l�r.ate�l on the Stiabject Pz�pe.rty
was detern�ir�ed to be �apied. Zf�e hau�e retair�ed �oacupied sir�ae
Navanber. 1987.
2. 7.i�at the Division of Public t-i�al of the City of Saint Paul
oor�d this building as "Unfit for itation �r C1�apter 34 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Cbcle" in July, 19 . ZY�e building is still subject to
this aorx�r�ation o�dex. �
3. Zl�at thP_re are naw aryd have b�en ir�ae Novanber, 1987, mzltiple
ext�erior El�asirYg Qocle or Buildirig Cbde v�la ions in e.�cist.� at the 9ubject
P�Y• �
4. 7.Y�at in Ock;obP�r. 1988 the Cit}� of Saint Paul ha�d to abate s�veral
►�.i.sar�aes existing on the ext,Pxior prapexf ty on the Stabject Pra�ex ty.
5. That the owr�ers. interested p�rt' arid rP�or�sible parties of these
buildings are as p�riausly stated in thi�s lution. Z't�e iridivicfivals have
beeri propPxly sexved rbtiae of the Ni�r.h�7, 989 Y�ring aor�erni.rig these
kxa.ilclirigs. ��
'L ��- ���
��� �
_�_ 2��,� �
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� � �9��1
6. 'Il�at the awc�ers, interest.ed pa�ti or i�por�sible parties have been
ordered on rnrneraas oacasions to repa.ir tx�ese buildings arxl have failed to cb
7. Zi�at on October 6, 1988 an Builclirig Notice was sent to tt�
awners, interest.ed parties and responsibl� ies orclering these persons to
eithex d�acnlish tl� buildirigs or m3ke r�ejirs arxl c.�rrect the list of
deficiencies by Nw�nber 21, 1988.
8. �at the order of October 6, 1 8 be� disregarcled by the
owr�ers, interested parties and responsibl I ies.
9. 'I'hat the v�od frame tzan-stAry s' 1e �nily Yxxa.qe located on the
S�abject Prap�etty is an atxirubned building Secti� 45.01, Subd. 1, of the
Saint Paul Legislative Cbde in that it is �,"a 'lding or portion thPxe�f which
has sta�d �ied for loriger than one (1) ear" and d�'ing tl�at period of
time has been either "�usec�u�ed" or " " or has had "mzltiple exterior
Fkxasing Ctocl� or Building � violations" r been "placardad as "Unf it for
E�rcan Habitati�" g�rsuant to (�apter 34 St. Paul. Legislative �."
10. That the w�oc� frame twr�-story sir�le amily haase located on the
Sl.ibject Pn�pert.y is a r�uisar�ae as ctie.fir�ed Saint Paul Legislative Cb�e
Section 45.02, S�abd. 11, in that it is an building located in the
City of Saint Paul that has created a or Lmhealthy c�ncl.ition or which
thre�tens the public p�ce, health, safety! or sanitary aorydition of the City or
which i.s offensive or has a blightirig inf on the camtmity.
11. That the detar.hed deteriorated ga�ge located � the Stiabject Praperty
is a dangeraas stn�zre �_.x' Sec--tion 45.I01, Subd. 3 of the St. Paul
Legislative Qode in that it is "a structu�e �ch is potentially darigerrxas to
per�orbs or prq�erty" ir�cluding being "in of partial or aaYplete
aollaps+e." �
12. That the detached deteriorated located on tl� Subject Prapeity
is a nuisar�e as defiryed wxler St. Paulg� ative Cloc�e Section 45.02, S�abd.
10, in that it is a dangP�xas stn�cture 1 in th�e City of St. Paul that
has cre3ted a dange�cxas or �mY�lthy � i or which ttu�t,ens the public
pa3ce, health, safety or sanitary aorr3iti o the City or which is offensive
or has a blightirig influerice on the aam��ity
13. 74�at the aasts of abata�nt of are esti�ted to exc+eed
-twr� thau..�rr3 dal lars ($2,000.00) or the� t in�lves clamliti� of a
b�ailcling ather than a structure aaoes.sory ito resiclential kxzilding.
'Il�e Saint Paul City Cto�ancil hereby th�e follawing order:
1. The above referer�ed awr�ers. � �*-�;es and respor�sible
parties and their assic�s shall m�ke the �ub' Praperty safe and not
cletriurental to the public �, health, s�fe , and vaelfare and remve its
blighting influerre on the arYmmity by r�'�L litating these Yxaildings and
o�rrecting t,��ose deficier�ies set forth ir�i list previ.ously refererx7ed in
aoc��lar�e with all applicable aodes arxi , or in the alternative by
c�nli�hir,g the b�aildings ar�d filling tl�e �Si in aaoordar�e with all
� � �
-3� l
�, °�`°'"2(���'Y
BLUE - MAVOR File NO. • ��
Council i esolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
licable ooc]es and ord.inar�ces. 7.1�e I i itation or darolitiori of trrese
buildincy� m�t be aatQlet.ed within thirty i(3 ) days of the date of m3iling of
this resolution.
2. If the abc�ve oorroctive acti is not axrpleted within the thirty
t 30) day time p�er'iod, the prap�er City off"c' ls of the City of Saint Paul are
herehy authorized to take what:ever steps r�y to clamlish the�e
buildizigs and fill the site ar�d charge incurred against the Stabject
p�p�t,y n�r�,�ant to the prcyvisions of 45.08 of tl�e Saint Paul
Legislative Cbcle.
3. In the event the stnactures be d�r�lished by the City of
Saint Paul, al l persor�al p�7perty or f� of any kirxl which shal l
La�sonably interfere with the datr�liti r�naval shall be rsrr.�ved fran
the st� by the awners, interest.ed ies ar�d r�'�.sible p�rties by t1�
e�l of the thirty (30) day time period. If pex�sonal praperty is ryot =�o
ramved, the City of Saint Paul shall arxl dis�oee of such property and
fixtures as is provid�d by law.
4. IT IS FC�L��R C�Fi2ID that a ' ied aq�y of this resolution arr3
the imorporated on�ex and list of c]�efic 'es be m3iled to the last lffxxan
a�lress of the aar�exs. inte.rest�ed parti respor�sible part.ies n�r�,�ant to
Sec.•tian 45.11, Subdivisi� f 5).
COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
i.o�g _�_ In Favor
Rettman � B
�hQ1�� _ Against y
�R � � 1989 Form Appro d ity Attor�
Adopted by Council: Date c
Certified Pa,• y oun il S t BY ����
Approv by iVlavor. �ate
� �- � Appro ed by Mayor for Submis n t Coutfcil
rueus� a��; - � �9 � s.
N° 012944 ��
Community Services DEPARTl�NT •
Steven R. Roy CONTACT pA1sE
292-771$ PHONB
� .Tanuary 30, 19.89 DATE ,
ASSIGN NUMBER �OB BOtJT�14G ORDER: (See�re � s sida.)
2 Department Director 3 Mayor (or Assistant)
_ Finance and Management Services Direct 4 Cfty Glerk
Budget Director � City Council REC��
1 City Attorney _ �9
TOTAL NOKBER OF SIGNATiJRE PAGES: 12 (C1 11 locations for signature.) ��
C ? (Purpose/Ratianals:).
The City will begin the process of hav ng �s� abandoned buildings.`de��a�ed.:.a
nuisance and ordered repaired or razed e subject property is locat.�.�p
272 University Aveaue: West. ��"
FE3 1 a 1°89
If the owner £ails to repair,or raze t e uildings, the City will raze the
' st�uctures:an�l �ssess the costs against th taxes. Estimated costs $S,OOO.OQ-
Already budgeted.
(Mayor's signature not required if under $1 ,0 0.)
Total Amount of TransBction: none Activity Number:
Funding Source: 0322� Counc€� Re�earch Center
ATTACHMENTS: (List and nwnber all attachme ts � FE B 1� i�s�
List of deficiencies for the building c ed at 272 Univ�rsity Avenue, West.
,�Yes _No Rules, Regulations, Proce r s, or Budget Amendment requiredT
_Yes _�No If yes, are they or timet 1 attached?
�Yes _No Council resolution required Resolution required? Yes _No
_Yes �No Insurance required? Insurance sufficiant? ,Yes _No
_Yes �No Insurance attached?
. C�O T`��
.• :
;• unuon ;
'"�� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesoq 55101
George latimer
July 13, 1988
I�0►I'I C1fJ(�IDII�'i�F1ZTON
Frances Maloney C�stafson Robert Maloney
� 8945 Ironwood 6202 Merced Lake Avenue
Cottage Grove, M'�1 55016 SanDiego, CA 92119
Lillian Maloney �elyn Maloney
1322 Shryer Avenue 272 University Avenue
� St. Paul, P�1 55113 St. Paul, M:�l 55103
Dear Property O�,*ners:
The Division of Public Health, S tion of Housing Code E.1�forcement of the
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, ha found that the dk�elling and premises at
272 West University Avenue is U it for Hiunan Habitation" due to the want
of repairs, and7or defects in e drainage, pl�bing, lighting or
construction of said dk�elling nd premises, and/or for other causes
affecting public health. .
If you are unable to finance t e orrection or rehabilitation of the
premises to cortq�l�� with this o de , there are State and local
rehabilitation programs for wh ch you may qualify. As stated, for appeals
information call 298-4163.
All repairs and neW installati ns must be made in accordance M�ith the
appropriate codes. Permits mu t obtained �here changes and/or
additions to an electrical sys em require upgrading of the service size to
present National Electrical e equirement. Some pliunbing repairs may
necessitate updating of the fi t es and/or piping involved. A permit is
required for any repair or new in tallation. Permits may be obtained from
the Division of Building Code, rc��ent, Room 445, City Hall.
The folla.ing repairs anc]/or ' r vements are required before this
dwelling may be reoccupied: .
Lack of basic facilities - �+a r gas - electricity - Restore same to
Code. -
. , , 272 West University Avenue -2- July 13, 1988
This dwelling raist be vacated � ly 14, 1988.
�,�" °"`'
� .�.f ::r � � • 'f d
�• ��� � �.; �,r�`•��
J _tz� ra�t= . Sta�fe�son
isor of Housing In n �vironmental Health r r
. . '
� �����
`��.,,. I
�, '_ ;
""�,'� I 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
George Latime� I
February 2. 1989 �C�,vE�
Mr. President and � �{I�
M�nbers of the City Council i G��� C�'�"
Re: 272 University Avenue West
Date of Hearing: March 7, 1989
District Council: 8
Honorable Council:
The Division of Public Health is hereby 'tting its report on the condition
of the structures at the location refer ed to above.
The awners of record are:
Frances J. Maloney ,
8945 Ironw�ood Ave., S. (Fee Owner)
Cottage Grove, N�1 55016 i
Robert F. Maloney
6202 Merced I�ake Ave. (Fee Owner)
San Diego, CA 92119 �
Lillian L. Maloney
1322 Shryer Ave., W. , (Fee Owner)
Roseville, NIl�1 55113
Evelyn Maloney I
2060 Upper 55th Street � (Life Estate Interest)
Inver Grove Heights, N�1 50 5
Frances J. Gustafson
8945 Ironwood Ave., W. i, (Fee Owner)
Cottage Grove, 1�Il�i 55016 ',
Toni Raihill '
149 E. Thcxr�son Ave. (Poten�ial �yer)
West St. Paul, I�i 55118'�
Angela Fabio ,
4917 Poppy Lane II (Potential Buyer)
Minneapolis, Nl�i 55435 ,
Mr. President and �
Members of the City Council ',
February 2. 1989
Page -2-
Arthur Brooks
7220 York Ave. S. Apt. �16 (Potential Buyer)
Edina, NII�1 55435
Toni Raihill il
6412 Glacier Place (Potential Buyer)
Edina, NIlV 55436 �,
The legal description of the abstract pr perty is: Conmencing at a point on
the South line of University Avenue, he e it intersects the East line of
Chamber's Addition to the City of St. Pa 1, Minnesota, thence West along the
South line of said avenue, Fiftyrone 51 feet to a point for a place of
beginning; thence South at right angl s said University Avenue, One Hundred
and Nineteen t119) feet, more or less to the alley in Block three (3), "Elfelt,
Bernheimer & Arnolds" Addition to St. Pa 1, as extended through Block three (3)
of said Chamber's Addition; thence Ea long said alley as extended
twenty-five (25> feet; thence North ra lel to said West line one hundred
nineteen (119) feet more or less to U�iiv rsity Avenue; thence West along the
South line of University Avenue twent -f ve (25) feet to the place of
beginning, according to the recorded la thereof on file and of record in the
office of the Register of Deeds in an f r the County of Ramsey, State of
Minnesota except the North 20 feet th r f.
The buildings are a two-story, wood f ' , single family house and a
deteriorated garage.
The subject property has been unoc since November 20, 1987.
The single family house meets one or r of the conditions that constitute a
dangerous structure, as defined in C r 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative
On October 6, 1988, the Division of II 1'c Health mailed an order to the
owners, interested garties and respo i e parties of these buildings requiring
that the buildings be either repair , correcting the attached list of
deficiencies, or demolished on or be r November 21, 1988. Inasmuch as the
orders have not been corr�leted to th isfaction of the Division and the
continued dangerous condition of the 'ldings contributes a blighting
influerice and potential hazard to th n ighborhood, it is the recomnendation of
the Division that the City Council ss resolution ordering the owners,
interested parties and responsible �rt'es to either repair or de�lish the
building in a timely manner to the ti faction of the City.
I'��I G��1'���'�
Mr. President and
�nY�rs of the City Council '
February 2. 1989 �',
Page -3- I
In the event the owners, interested pa i s or responsible parties fail to
com�ly with the Council Resolution, th D vision of Public Health should be
authorized to d�lish the buildings a d ssess all costs incurred in the
demolition against the real estate as ial assessment to be collected in
the satr�e manner as taxes.
Your truly, �
_ �L� , , ___ � III
c �� � �
Fr A. Sta enso , ��
Environmental Hea � Director �
cc: John McCormick, Asst. City Attorn y
Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshall
Jan Gasterland, Building Inspecti n
Warren Frost, PED
District Housing Inspector
, ��_���
4� ���•
555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101
George latimer (612)292•7749
October 6, 1988
Frances Maloney Gtiistafson Lillian Maloney
8945 Ironwood 1322 Shryer Ave.
Cottage Grove, N1�T 55016 St. Paul, I�II�I 55113
Robert Maloney �elyn Maloney
6202 Merced Lake Avenue 2060 Upger 55th St.
San Diego, CA 92119 Inver Grove Hts, N1�1 55075
RE: 272 University Avenue W. ,
Chambers Addition ex. Ave. Pa N f Alley of W 16 62/100 ft of Lot 1
and of E 8 38/100 ft of Lot 2, 1 k 3.
Dear Sir or Madam:
The Division of Public Health has d 'ned that the above-noted building
is an abandoned building, which Cha 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative
Code defines as:
" any building or portion of a bu' ld' g which has stood with an
incomplete exterior shell for 1 ng than three (3) years or any
building or portion thereof whi h s stood unoccupied for longer than
one (1) year and which meets on o more of the following criteria;
(a) unsecured, or (b) boarded, or (c) having m�ltiple exterior
Honsing Code or Building Code v'ol ions, or (d) placarded as "Unfit
for Htmian Habitation" pursuant pter 34 of the Saint Paul
Legislative Code."
The ordinance further states that a ndoned building is a nuisance and
it may be ordered torn down by the it .
NOTE: If you do not want to have th C�ty begin action to have the
building torn dawn, then the attach ist of deficiencies must be
repaired or you must tear the buii ng daan on or before Nove�nUer 21,
Any repair or demolition must be c 1 ted in accorclance with all
applicable laws.
If the work is not co�leted or if u have not torn the building down by
the above date, the Division of Pub ic Health will refer this matter to
the City Council to receive authori y tear down the building and charge
all costs incurred in wrecking the ding against the real estate as a
special assessment to be collected he same manner as taxes. The City
Council will schedule a public hear g to consider if the building should
be torn dawn. If a public hearing s necessary, yo}� will be notified
. . ����
Abandoned Building Notice
272 University Ave. V►'.
October 6, 1988
Page Zlao
of the time and date of the hearing nd you will be allowed to present
evidence to the City Council. A co of this order will be kept on file in
the City Clerk's Office and a resol io declaring this property to be a
nuisance shall be on file in the ey County Recorder's office.
Compliance ��ith the attached list of de iciencies will remove your
building from the list of abandoned i dings but it does not mean that
the building com�lies with all appl ' e housing and building codes.
The date for compliance with these d s shall not be extended unless you
receive written approval from the D' is'on of Public Health.
If you have any questions about thi o er, please contact the Vacant
Building Section at 298-4153.
Steven R. Roy
Environmental Health Program Manage
cc: Warren Frost
OCZ'OB 6 1988
All repairs and new installations mu t made in accordance with the
appropriate codes. Permits must be b ined where changes and/or
additions to an electrical syst�n r i e upgrading of the service size to
current National Electrical Code (I�'. .0 > requirements. Some pliunbing
repairs may necessitate updating of he fixtures and/or piping involved.
A permit is required for any repair r ew installation. Pernuts may be
obtained from the Building Inspectio a d Design Division, Room 445, City
1. Roof shingles missing and fallin o f in spots, showing old wood
shingles. Repair roof or re-roo .
2. Facia boards are rotting with ho es through (south side, west side
south end) . Repair or replace.
3. Paint chipping, flaking and miss'ng in spots. Scrape all exterior
surfaces and repaint.
4. Siding broken and missing (west id ) . Repair or replace.
5. Front window (north side east en ) acks drip cap. Provide.
6. Front steps to entrance door: la di g deck has rotting boards. Repair
or replace.
7. Front" steps to entrance door: ha dr ils around deck are loose. Repair
or replace.
8. Front retaining wall is cracked, c ling and separating on the west
end. Repair or replaL�e.
9. Rear cement steps from alley ea s'de of garage lack handrails.
10. Wood fence rear yard west of ga g rotting and falling down. Repair
or resnove and properly dispose , bris.
IT. Garage roof off alley has a lar le through roof (west side south
end) . Repair or re-roof.
, . �����
Deficiency List
272 University Avenue h'.
Page tk�o of ta�o
October 6, 1988
12. Building lacks water service. P o�-'de proper water senTice to
13. Building lacks electrical servic . Provide proper electrical service.
List of deficiencies on Order to Vac te (attached) .
If you are unable to finance the cor ec ion or rehabilitation of the
premises to comply with this order, he e are state and local
rehabilitation programs for which y y qualify. Information about these
programs is available from the Dep�a t of Planning and Economic
Development, Rehabilitation Section t 612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a
loan officer.
, , �