89-367 WH17E - CITV CLERK COLLnCll �/(�//_ PINK � - FINANCE GITY OF A NT PAUL � �((�/ BLUERV - MAVPORTMENT File NO• � `� ` � �� , Council solution �� Presented By ' G1� %^4G ., -�� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � RESOLVED: That application (ID #5• 72) for a Class B Gambling Location License by Mancini Bar nc. DBA Mancini 's Char House at 531 W. 7th Street, be a e same is hereby approved/�: COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond I.o� [n Favor Goswitz Rettman B �he1be� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson � - '[ '�� Form App ved by City At orney Adopted by Council: Date �G �. �f /�25�15/ Certified a- ed by Counc'1 ecret y BY gy, Qt ��C.���. 61ppr by Mavor: D _ """ � APProved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �UB1tS� �ti;�;i'; � ' 19 9 . . C�����/ DiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT A.I)MINIST TI N DATE � � U 1 / r 10 �.3 � INTP.RDF.PARTMENTAL REVIEW GHECKLIST A.ppn oc ssed/Received by � Lic Enf Aud � y� Applicant Gl ll('�h � � ; � Y1�i Home Address j� (.(Jt�►rC�LtS �i'"" Rusiness Name M �y� CJ���� l . 6�U r �-fbU 'L Home Phone �p �� - l3a� Business Address � 3( �,V , ��Y�^�f Type of License(s) C�QS� ,� r� i Business Phone � �� � � /��� C �i n � '-�'(an C.� CQ�,� � Public Hearing Date � QVC�I c�� �� b License I.D. �� -�����- at 9:OQ a.m. in the Council Chambers, G 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �t / a 7 �� �Z' llate A'otice Sent; Dealer �� ��'�" to Applicant �IZSI g� �,��� I'ederal I'irearms 4� � ,� Public Hec.�ring � �j 1�15� q �o+�����, DATE II�'SPECT UN REVIEW VERFIED (COMP TE ) CUMMENTS A proved Not oved � Bldg I & D ������� � � . Health Divn. ' � ,� , ���. , � Fire Dept. �� � ��� i ��� � �� � � � Police Dept. ` IZ ��'1 � C� � � License Divn. ' � I I f�I`��i p K.- City Attorney � I ��5 ��, b l�.- Date Received: Site Plan � To Council P.esearch Lease or Letter 1 �� Date f rom Landlord ' 'I� . <_ � (-, � �- _ , City f S nt Paul Department of Financ a d Management Services ����� License an P rmit Division 20 Cit Hall St. Paul, Minn sot 55102•298•5056 • APPLICATI N OR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. Ne enew � � ' Date � � 19 � Code No. Title of license From � 1�To � �j 19_1�- a3�1� �� � n L c��'�-�'�a�t 37� � � � �n Gn� ' c��,�/-fnL ,, ,0 1"IQn Ctrl � 5 Gr �I�C� ,��. (�`� fs. ApplicanUCompany Name ,0 5 31 (.t� �7`�h �� 10 Busf�ess Name ,o `'J� • �C{(,l, I � � �/U 2 8usiness Address Phone No. ,o :� a �— �3� 10 Maii to Address Phone No. 10 ManayerlOwner•Name 10 10 AlanagerlGwner•Home Address Phone No. 4098 Application Fee g Received the Sum of —7p 10 3 1 O • ManageNOwner-City,State 3 Zfp Code 100 Total 10 liCenSe InSp@Ctor �� By: `�� Signature of Applicant Bond• Compa�y Name Policy No. Expiration Oate Insurance: Company Name Poiicy No. Expiration Oate Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plate Number Other: THIS IS A RECEI T R APPLICATION THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application for licens will either be granted or rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinance and completion of the inspections by the Health, Fire, oni andlor License Inspectors. $15.00 CHARGE FOR A L ETURNED CHECKS c �-�,i.�,z i�.�c.�;,�.Y � I Q � ( _�aL.��c'_�L: /-1�; _;;y� �f�,�_ � / � � TO BE COMP ET D BY BAR OWNER ����°��� l�p,plication No. Date ec ived By . � CITY OF SA NT PAUL, MINNESOTA CHARITABLE G LING LOCATION Directions: This form must be filled out wi h a typewriter or by printing in ink by the sole owner, bq each partner, by each person who has interest in excess of Sx in the corporation and/or as ociation in which the name of the license will be issued. THIS APPLICATION IS S J CT TO REVIEGT BY THE PUBLIC • 1. Application for (name of license) �9� \ �,i,,�„\ � � L\ � ��\�,'�� ` 2. Located at (address) 3 , �-�£.. �� S�, ��� �1�,T�_ SJ�161 3. Name under which business is operate � ;� � s�, 4. True Name �'PM���; Phone �o��'7 3�S (First) (Middle) (Maiden) (Last) 5. Date of Birth \�... " � — 7l. Place of Birth 5�.��w� \'�\1� . (Month, Day, Year) , 6. Home Address � C�o �O�C,�S " � Home Phone �o���� ��- 7. Have you ever been convicted of any amb ing violations? � � 8. List licenses which you currentlq ho }i this location. L:q�_oY- c9v` S��E C3J�t,,r OC� �.: . 9. SUBMIT A SITE PLAN WHERE THE GAI�LIN BO TH WILL BE LOCATED ANY FALSIFICATION OF ANSWERS GIVEN OR MAT SUBMITTID WILL RESULT IN DENIAL OF THIS APPLICATION. I hereby state under oath that I have ans re all of the above questions, and that the information contained therein is true and or ect to the best of mq knowledge and belief. I herebq state further under oath that I h ve received no money or other considerations, directlq, or indirectlq, in connection wit t is license, from any person by way of loan, gift, contribution or otherwise, other tha a ready disclosed in the application which I have herewith submitted. . State of Minnesota ) ) ss County of Ramsey ) / � � / �'�� Subscribed and sworn to before me this '' •� �-LZ. ' �S�day of /f (Signature of Applicant) �:� � JOAiJ K. PEPE ■ �'� MOTARY PUBLIC—MIN ESOT ':• 1�. WASHINGTOY COU TY �'..� S OC7 t 7, i f otary Publ c, �iaw�.y C Guos�%n9)a.v My Commisaion expires /0--/�-9/ ��� ��7 . � TO BE COMPLE ED BY BAR OWNER i underscancl ancl will uphold the ordin ce amending Chapter a0� of thc St. Paul Legistative Code (Incoxicatin �i uor) . I further understnnd thac failure co co pl may result in the st�spension or revocacion ot . , On Sale Liquor and �or esponding licenses. . � Sig Lure . , Establishment � � Oace Recurn co: License w Pe:�ni� Division Room �U3, Cicy Hall � Sc. Paul , �tN SSlU2 Please retain the attached ordinance for yo r records. 3/sb c�or+Aron _ _ . aae r.rurm .e corne,�c C,/`�7�o"�tP� . J. Carchedi _ �M�� ��� No: �0��5'� OONTACT ' � .. - � oEPAa'T1AEprr aRECTOfi � � MMV{7R(OR AS&8'rAffq� .. ., C ristir� Rflzek � �a��� ��«� ��. _ _ �. � � ��o�AE�,�, �ouncil Re� ear�h i nan e & _ t. � ona�: �m�,-�� Application for a Class B GambYing: � �ton License. Notification Uate: 1-25-89 Hearing Date: 3-2-89 � .. ��s:c�va�.w a c�►r cou� : - Puw��xa c�rr�ori civn.s�v+c�oo�n�ssrori o��m" �ovr �rsT �No. aowr�o oo�ow ro azs s�+oo�.eo�Ao . sn� �cw�e,ussron �a �ooL�wo.nuoEO� nero To cou��r oo�amuo�r — _ror+�oot r+w. _�er�c�oo�* aern�cr oas+cn. +�ocaur+�rap: �siwroma vh+ia+oour�x�v wm►nb w��k MN�.orvamvr�r twho.wnaa.wnen.w►�s►e.w�M: _ Mancini 's .6ar Inc. (Nick Mancini-P : s. DBA Man�ini's Char House, 531 W. 7th St. : requests Gouncil. approval of ,its a ' Ti ation for a Class B Ga�nb1ing Locatian Li cense,at`the. above address. Thi s 1 i� ense woul-d permi t the ;1 iqu�r� establ i shme�t . to. lease:.space to a charitable orga iz tion (V��land National Center} to seli pulltabs and/or tjpboards at Mancin 's �,s�cs�ow�:�r�es:r�er: _ . - . . , . �, Ail fees and applications have been su itted. �lv�n.r.we.�n,a-fo.�,wnr. . , : ; If Council approval is given, Manci i' wi11 be ab1e to l�as� space to a ehari:tab�e organization for charita le gambling activities. ut�+w►mr�: c�s . : :;:,:�.: „ ��,���;����� �en�er � . , � � ' . . � . . . . . . . RP'.�. . . . ' . � � � � ��� - � � � � �� FEB �3� i��� ��,��.��: Mancini's has had no gambling viola 'o . ��s: _