89-361 • . ' r.�
`� A/Q �
- _ ,{V
Return copy to: COUnCZ� ' es��u�i�n ��
. Valuations - Roo 21 I -(rj �
(DN) (Naegele) � �J
Presented B � �
Referred To �� Committee: Date � �"� ��
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS , authorized r pr sentatives of both parties have
agreed to the terms and condi{ti ns of Lease A greement PW/3 0, a n d
it has been determined b � t e Real Estate section of the
Department of Finance and Man�g ment Services that the rent, the
greater of $1 , 200 or 30 perce t of the net income per year, does
represent the fair market val e of the property;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVE , that the Council of the City of
Saint Paul does hereby aut o ize and direct the proper city
officials to lease to Naeg 1 Outdoor Advertising, Inc . the
above-described property acc rding to the terms and conditions
set forth in Lease Agreement W/30 .
Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Dimond � Financ & Mana ement S rv'
�ng [n Favor i
�t,e;n�� � __ Against BY �- Directo
.s�,�., y I j�4�`�
wilson �_ _. r-1 � �—
�� T f_ I �� U I� �� Form Appro d by rn y
Adopted by Council: Date rL—�� "��— �,
� � �-z-I� (S�i
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
By �
6lpproved by Mavor: Date _ �' Approve by ayor for Submissi to C uncil _
By - 8
' ' • Q � y1•�-�.�C. C�-c�
. i �C��
� �s'•3��9 � ���
. 6. RESOLUTION 89-621: Co curring with action Approved
:�� taken by the Board o W ter Couunissioners and 3-0
�; approving water mai asement on property
owned by Andrew Realt C rp, known as SEEGER
SQUARE. (Referred to o ittee 4/11/89) .
7• RESOLUTION 89-623: e ding C.F. 88-1757 by Laid Over In
changing the width f c nstruction of PASCAL Committee To
from Marshall to Con or ia from 44 feet, with 5-17-89
parking on both side t 36 feet, with parking
on one side. (Referr d o Committee 4/11/89) .
8. RESOLUTION 89-624: ol ing the State harmless Approved
for granting a varia ce to MSA width standards 3-0
on a portion of BU LINGTON ROAD between
Springside Drive and To em Road. (Referred to
Committee 4/11/89) .
9. RESOLUTION 89-625: ol ing the State harmless Laid Over In
' for granting a varia ce to allow existence of Committee To
three utility poles wi hin the two-foot clear 5-17-89
zone required by M A tandards on CHESTNUT
STREET between W. 7 h nd Smith. (Referred to
Committee 4/11/89) .
10. RESOLUTION 89-626: A thorizing proper City Approved
officials to pay Tra s ity Investment the sum 3-0
of $97,680 for the a qu sition of ponding area _
in connection with' t e STILLWATER/NOKOMIS
SEWER PROJECT. (Re erred to Committee
4/11/89) .
11. RESOLUTION 89-627: thorizing proper City Withdrawn
officials to dep si with the Clerk of
District Court $35,12 for easement interest
. in land owned by Ad el , Inc. in conjunction
(Referred to Commit ee 4/11/89) .
. RESOLUTION 89-361: uthorizing proper City Denied
officials to le ise to Naegele Outdoor
Advertising, Inc. , �ro erty located at 1060 W.
7TH STREET to displ y dvertising sign. (Laid
over in Committee 4 19 89) .
13. RESOLUTION 89-693: uthorizing proper City Approved
officials to execut a agreement with Ramsey 3-0
County and the cit es of Roseville and Falcon
' Heights for the c st, maintenance and
operation of traff c ignals on LARPENTEUR at
PARKWAY. (Referred o ommittee 4/20/89) .
14. RESOLUTION 89-323: P an to phase out certain Laid Over In
water systems. (La d over in Committee Committee To
3/8/89) . 5-17-89
15. CABLE ACCESS REPOR . No Action '
16. SOT.Tn WASTR ilUlle•l+� _ T_ e-�:-- n----s_-�
. . . . . �-�����o/
Early in 1g86 , while revi�ew ng city-owned properties , it was
discovered that Naegele Ou�do r Advertising, Inc . had constructed
a billboard on this site. � I was learned that Naegele had been
leasing the property from �th owner of the abutting lot who had
believed that it belonged t',o im.
Since that time , Naegele h'�as been leasing the property from the
city on a month-to-monthl b sis. Effective March 1 , 1g87, a
formal lease agreement wa�s rafted , and it was approved by
Administrative Order #0-8 3 • The attached resolution would
convert the term of the lea�e from month-to-month to three years .
�a�u►ra� ` . a�►,� . o,►,�� ��°��� �
. q
Departmet�t of Finance & ement .: ����� �f"��� NO• Q Q�21$
c01rtACr PER80a oErnR,�rrr owECrop . w�von(oa+�rN�,�y_�1
Dave Nelson _ �_.
1, ASSKiN �a�vw�meerr s�o�aecrae �_crtr c�wc J�7C
Finance 298-5317 t�+;. a�a`�+ 'l-5llv
1 «ry A�r
Ta make PW/30, curre�tly a month-to-mont a reement, a three year lease, from
March 1, 1989 through February 29, 1992.. x fereaeer l. Sample cop�► f Lease
Agreemenr FW/3U; 2. Reeolution for exec i . �EC�, R..
" �noMr:t�aw�•w a�t��} �. r�o�rr: . _.
� PLM�NN18mM�S10N CML BERVICE COMM19810N � DATE W � � �DA7E OUT MYILYST I T`' ' f��� ... PFiQNE ND: .- ,. .. . .
ZOPMJO 001418lION 18D 828 8CR001.BOARD � . - . �
- .STAFF� . - . CII�A1'EFi(�RIAMSSI� � . 18 ADDL MIFt).ADD�' � . RET9 TO CONtA�T. . � .
. � . - . � - �_FOR ADfIL IWFD. _F'EE094CK AD�•. .
DI6TRILT p0{R1CK � � . . . * . . . . .
°�,�" RECEtV�p
.1 _ . N/� FF B 8
- �g8�
�. �;
: _ _ p���F Ty�p�,ECT:
�i,�`� �� � .!r - .� AND M,qMq� Of f� �
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.�e?��I�t�MF�M�lI�i,�t Miha wir�.vin,en.wm.►e.w+�: �
Since Febrtsi�ry 3, 1987, Lease. r ement Pid/30 has been on a month-to-�mrnith
_ ��cn�owse�.a.;ndranun...�si:: _ : ,,
City shall receive the greater I f 1,200 or '�fl percent of the net iacc�u►e of
the property. : ;.°
COINB9u�10�t HMhM,Msr�4�d ro Whan): , . - _ :, ',
Naege�.e Outdou.r A�rertising, In . hall hsve the use of 1,3i5 square •
feet of vacant land to display ', dvertising.sign.
�tstw�+►nve� ooMS .
Leave on a �nth-to—manth basis. t er party can Less stability ancl
: nate agreement with p�tentially :l�ae - ;:,�c,:� _
< , ' ys' notice vs. 90 incom�e�E$1,ZC�O v�: t�
y ' with a three year greater of :$1,2d� or
` . _ ' a . 30 p�rcent of net income
pex year.}
"�"'►�° ���;^i` �� �;�,�.�;� ��n�er.
N/a FEB 1 '�� �;��
. ` � . . � C���'���
Revised 12/23/88
Authority C .F. or q. 0 . �
DATy : 03/01 /1989
MINNEAPOLI5, N 55423-3899
( 1 ) Leased Premises. T e ESSOR, in consideration of the payment
of the Basic Rent and Additi na Rent hereinafter specified to be paid
by the LESSEE , and the coven nt and agreements herein contained , does
hereby lease , demise and 1 t unto LESSEE the following described
premises , which are hereinaf er referred to as the "Leased Premises" :
Block A: Finch ' s Addit ' on to Saint Paul according to the
plat on file and of rec rd in the office of the Regisrar of
Deeds in and for Ramsey C unty, Minnesota.
.. � � , ���'���
together with any and all bu' 1 ings , fixtures in such buildings ,
improvements and/or structures, i any, located thereon;
Whose street address is : 1060 West Seventh Street ,
and which consists of 1 ,513 squ r feet of vacant land.
See Eghibit "A" , plan or map of leased area which is incorporated
herein by this reference.
(2) Term oP Lease. This ea e shall be in effect for a term
commencing and ending on the d te indicated below, unless terminated
earlier by the LESSOR as provid d erein.
Term (P4onths/Years ) Comme ci g Date Ending Date
3 Years 03/ � /� 989 02/29/� 992
(3) IIse of Premises. The pr mises shall be used and occupied by
LESSEE for the following purpos :
, advertising sign
and for no other purpose witho �t he prior written consent of LESSOR.
(4) Basic Eent. 8ent sha �. e the greater of �1200•00 or thirty
percent of the net income of th property per year. Net income shall
be defined as gross receipts le$s agency. On the first day of each
year of the contract , the LESS � hall pay to the LESSOR the sum of
$1200 .00 . On the final day of ea h year of the contract , the LESSEE
shall submit to the LESSOR a sch dule showing the gross receipts ,
agency and net income , togethex� ith the remaining Basic Rent , as
herein defined , if any, and any d itional Rent which is due.
LESSEE shall make all payments of Basic Rent and Additional Rent to
LESSOR at the following address :
City of Saint Paul , Department o ublic Works , 25 West Fourth Street ,
City Hall Annez, Saint Paul, MN 5 102
The applicable account number fo City Finance Accounting Code is :
12102-6 01
(5) Additioaal Eent. The 'ES EE shall pay all Additional Rent .
Additional Rent means all amount ' , other than Basic xent provided for
in paragraph 4 above , which LES E shall be obligated to pay under
this paragraph or other provisi n of this Lease . Additional Rent
includes , but is not limited to the follorin� fees , costs and
ezpenses : ( a ) all utilities , i cludin� water , electric , gas ,
telephone , sewage and garbage coll ction and disposal ; (b) costs for
the repairs , improvements or al er tions required to be made by the
Lr^.5SEE in paragraph 12 of this Le se ; (c) all tases on realty or
personalty , general or special ; nd (d ) all public rates , dues ,
.. ., �G�.����
. charges and assessments , gener 1 or special , of any kind upon the
Leased Premises ; and (e) proper y insurance premium and/or uninsured
losses as set forth in paragraph 8 ( c) and (d) of this Lease. In the
event that LESSLE does not m ke such payments ( or an� payments
required to be paid as Addition 1 ent ) , LESS08 may make the payments
at its option, and the payment s paid become Additional Rent , and
are due and payable by the LESS E ith the payment of Basic Rent neat
required after written notice o s me to the LESSEE by LESSOR.
(b) Tazes. LESSE� shall b r sponsible for and pa� all taaes and
assessments against the Leased re ises , ezcept that LESSEE may at its
own ezpense contest and challen e the imposition or amount of any such
tax or assessment in accordanc w' th laW; provided , however, that in
the event this Lease is termin te by either party, LESSOR may at its
option require the LESSEE to p 9 uch contested taaes pending appeal ,
to place in escrow a sum suffi i nt to pay said taxes , or take other
action which will remove said c ntested taxes as an encumbrance to
title or as an eaception to th t ansferability of marketable title to
the Leased Premises .
(7) fiight of $ntry. At 11 times during the term of this lease ,
the LESSOR shall have the rig t , by itself, its agents and employees ,
to enter into and upon the Le se Premises during reasonable business
hours for the purpose of ezami i g and inspecting the same.
(S) LESSB$'S Insurance. ESSEE shall maiatain during the term of
this lease and upon the Lea ed Premises certain inaurance coverage
which is described as follows
(a) WORKERS ' COMPENSATIO NSURAWCE with coverage not less than
the statutory limits a d FMPLOYEHS ' LIABILITY INSURANCE Kith
limits of not less t a :
$100,000.00 PER ACCIDENT
(b) COMPREHENSIVE GENER L LIABILITY insurance including blanket
contractual liabi i y coverage and personal liability
coverage with a com in d single limit of not less than:
$600,000.00 PER OCCURRENCE
such insurance sha 1 : ( 1 ) name the City of Saint Paul, its
elected and appoi t d offi.cers , employees and agents as
additional insureds ; 2) be primary with respect to LESSOR' S
insurance or self- ns rance program; (3) contain a standard
cross liability e d rsement ; (¢) not eaclude egplosion ,
collapse and under ro nd property damage; and (5) be written
on an "Occurrence" Fo m policy basis .
( c ) The policies requi ed in Paragraphs 8 (a) and (b) shall name
LESSOR as an insur d , and shall be endorsed to indicate that
the insurer canno ancel or change the insurance xithout
. . . . , , [;���
first giving the LESSO 3 days ' prior written notice. The
policies shall be end rsed to indicate that the coverage
shall not be invalid d e to any act or omission on the part
of the LESSOR.
(d ) The insurance shall b laced Kith responsible insurance
companies authorized aa licensed to do business in the
State of ylinnesota and ap roved by LESSOR, and copies of the
policies shall be deli er d to LESSOR on the date of LESSOR' S
execution of this ag e ment . If such policies are not
delivered to the LESS R s provided , the LESSOR may at its
option terminate the ea e or place the insurance itself and
bill the LESSEE for th cost of coverage as Additional Rent .
( e) It is specifically u derstood and agreed that all of the
proceeds of the insur nc policies under Paragraph 8 (a) and
(b) shall belong to a d be payable to the LESSOR, and that
the LESSOR , after app ic tion of such proceeds to the loss ,
may applq any remain n proceeds to a separate noninaured
loas of the LESSEE ar' si g out of the use or condition of the
• I,eased Premises .
( f) If for any reason any of the insurance hereunder is void , the
LESSEE is responsible t the LESSOR for the total amount of
the uniasured loss.
(9) Cancellation or Ter n tion. This lease shall be subject to
cancellation and termination by LESSOR at any time during the term
hereof by giving the LESSEE o ice in writing at ninety (90) days ,
( thirty (30) days for leases i h a term of one ( 1 ) year or less or
any month-to-month tenancies ) in advance of the date When such
termination shall become effe ti e. In the event of such termination
any unearned rental paid by th LESSEE shall be returned to LESSEE
without interest.
( 10) Hotice. All notices herein provided to be given, or which
may be given by either part t the other, shall be desmed to have
been fully given when served p rsonally on LESSOR or LESSEE, or when
made in writing and deposited i the United States Mail, certified and
postage prepaid , and address d o the LESSEE at the address stated on
page ( 1 ) and to the LESSOR a e Division of Valuations , Real Estate
Section, 218 City Hall, Sain Paul, Minnesota 55102 • The address to
which the notice shall be ai ed may be changed by written notice
given by either party to the ot er. �othing herein shall preclude the
giving of such address chang n tice by personal service .
( 11 ) Assignsent and S b etting. LESS�'E shall not assign or
sublet this Lease without he written consent of the LESSOR, which
consent must be obtained pr' o to the ezecution of any agreement to
sublease the Leased Premises .
� �� . � . , . � ��-���
(12) �aintenance and $e si s. LESSE� shall , at its own cost and
expense , be responsible for a 1 epairs , maintenance and upkeep of the
Leased Premises , including bu n t limited to emergency repairs of any
kind ; routine maintenance and r pair to keep the Leased Premises in
good repair , safe and in co pl ' ance with applicable fire , health ,
building and other life-safet c des ; and all repairs and maintenance
needed to keep the buildings r structures on the Leased Premises in
good condition , including ( ) he eaterior ( including Windows and
doors ) and interior structure of the buildings or structures, (b) the
roof or roofs , ( c ) � the heat n , ventilating and air conditioning
systems therein, (d) all ele tr' cal , plumbing, lighting, mechanical
systems , fire suppression equ' p ent i. e. fire sprinkler sqstem; and
( e ) all grounds , fences and oa s within the Leased Premises . The
foregoing obligations shall bi d the LESSEE regardless of the cause of
the dama�e or condition necess tating the repair or maintenance .
( 13) Paynents in Case of ef ult. LESSEE shall pay LESSOR all
costs and expenses , including ea onable attorney' s fees in any action
brought by LESSOR to recover a y ent due and unpaid hereunder, or for
the breach or default of any o he covenants or agreements contained
' in this Lease , or to recover p ss ssion of said property, whether such
action progresses to judgment r ot .
( 14) Snrrender oP Pre�ise . The LESSEE , at the ezpiration of
said term , or any sooner te mination of this lease , shall quit
peacefully and surrender p ssession of eaid property and its
appurtenances to LESSOR in as g o order and condition as the property
was delivered to the LESSEE.
( 15) Indemnitp. The LESSE a rees to indemnify, defend, save and
hold harmless the City of Sai t Paul and an� agents , officers and
employees thereof from all clai s , demands , actions or causes of
action of whatsoever nature or h racter, arising out of or by reason
of the Lease of the hereia de cr bed premises by the LESSOR to the
LESSEE , or the use or condition of the premises or as a result of the
operations or business activiti s aking place on the premises. It is
fully understood and agreed tha L SSEE is aware of the conditions of
the Leased Premises and leases he same "as is . "
( 16) Holdover. Any holdov r after the ezpiration of the term
of this Lease shall be allowed o 1 after receiving the written consent
of the LESSOR. Said tenancy aha 1 be deemed to be a tenancy only from
month-to-month . All of the oth r terms and conditions of this Lease
shall be applicable .
( 17) Pollntion and Contami an s. LESSEE agrees to comply with
all ordinances , laws , rules a d regulations enacted by an�r
governmental body or agencp re ating to the control , abatement or
emzssion of air and water contam n ts and/or the disposal of refuse ,
solid wastes or liquid wastes .
. .. � , �������
LESSEE shall bear all cost an zpense arising from compliance with
said ordinances , laws , rules , o regulations and shall indemnify,
defend , save and hold harmles ESSOR from all liability, including
without limitation , Pine's , f r eitures , and penalties arising in
connection with the failure by LE SEE to comply with such ordinances ,
laws , rules or regulations . L S OR has the right to perform cleanup
and charge the LESSEE as Addi i nal Rent for such costs should the
LESSEE fail to comply.
( 18) Controlling bease . I the event there is any prior
existing lease or rental agree e t between LESSEE and LESSOR (or its
predecessor in interest ) cover ng the subject property, it is agreed
and understood that this Leas s all cancel and terminate any prior
leases or rental agreements as of the effective date of this lease .
( 19) De9truction. In the e ent of damage to or destruction of
the Leased Premises or in the ve t the premises becomes untenantable
or unfit for occupancq due t s ch damage during the term of this
Lease, LESSOR may at its opt ' on
(a) terminate the lease p n fifteen ( 15 ) days ' written notice
to LESSEE ; or
(b) within fifteen ( 15 ) d ys agree to restore the premises
within a reasonable t me period following the casualty ,
charging the costs i acess of the insurance proceeds , if
any, to the LESSEE a A ditional Rent ; or
(c) may direct that LESS E romptly restore the Leased Premises
to substantially the co dition egisting immediately prior to
such damage or dest uc ion, and for that purpose , if such
damage or destructio as caused by perils insured against
the LLSSOR shall mak a ailable to LESSEE pro-rata , as work
progresses , the net pr ceeds of such insurance . If such
, proceeds are insuffi i nt to pay the entire cost thereof,
LESSEE agrees to pay as Additional Rent , a lump sum payment
( or in a form agre d upon by the LESSOR ) equal to the
remainder of such co t .
The Basic Rents to be paid d r' ng the restoration period shall be
abated in proportion to the p rc ntage of loss and impairment of the
use of the Leased Premises a etermined by the L�,SSOE, times the
aumber of days of loss or impa ' rm nt.
(20) gvents of Defanit. ny of the following events occurring
during the term of this Lease h 11 constitute an event of default by
(a) the filing of a p t ' tion to have LESSEE adjudicated
bankrupt or a peti ion for reorganization or arrangement
under any lavs of t e nited States relating to bankruptcp
filed by LESSEr^,;
- . . . . C��q�� �
(b) in the event a petiti n o have LESSEE adjudicated bankrupt
is filed against LESS E , the failure to dismiss such
petition withia nin ty ( 90 ) days from the date of such
(c ) the assets of LESSEE r of the business conducted by L�SSEE
on the Leased Premis s e assumed by any trustee or other
person pursuant to an judicial proceedings ;
(d) LESSEE makes any assi n ent for the benefit of creditors ;
(e) the failure by LESSEE t timely pay Basic Rent or Additional
Rent as required by t i Lease ;
( f) the failure by LESSE o observe and perform any covenant ,
condition or agreeme t on its part to be observed or
performed as require b this Lease ; or
(g) the failure bp LESSE o its surety to diacharge , satisfy or
release any lien or ie statement filed or recorded against
, the Leased Premises ithin sizty days after the date of such
filing or recording, w ichever date is earlier.
It is an egpress covenant an greement of LESSOR and LESSEE that
LESSOR may, at its election, er inate this Lease in the event of the
occurrence of any of the ev nt described in this paragraph or in
paragraph (23 ) relating to 1 en by giving not less than ten days '
written notice to LESSEE ; and w en so terminated , LESSOR may reenter
the Leased Premises . This Le s and its Leased Premises shall not be
treated as an asset of LESS E ' estats. It is further expressly
understood and agreed that LE SO shall be entitled upon such reentry,
notwithstanding any other pr vi ion of this Lease , to exercise such
rights and remedies as are ro ided in Default Remedies Section of
this Lease.
(21 ) Compliance vith La� . The property described herein may be
used for only the purpose tated herein . It is the sole and
ezclusive responsibility of he LESSEE in the use of the property to
comply vrith any and all laws , r les , regulations or ordinances imposed
by any jurisdiction affectin the use to which the property is
proposed to be put. Inabili y r failure on the part of the LESSEE to
compl� with any of said law , rules , regulations or ordinances will
not relieve the LESSEE of t e obligation to pay the rental provided
herein. .
(22) �on—Discrimination The LESSEE for himself, his personal
representatives , successors 'n interest and assigns , as a part of the
consideration hereof, does e eby covenant and a�ree , as a covenant
running with the land, that
( 1 ) no person , on t e ground of race , seg , color creed ,
religion , age , d ' s bility , marital status , status with
respect to public as istance or national origin or ancestry
shall be eaclude rom participating in , be denied the
benefits of or be o herwise subjected to discrimination in
the use of said f ci ities ;
� � . � . � � �i�����
( 2) that in connection it the construction of any improvements
on said lands and th furnishing of services thereon, no
discrimination sh 11 be practiced in the selection of
employees and contr c ors , by contractors in the selection
and retention of f rst-tier subcontractors , and by first-
tier subcontracto s in the selection and retention of
second-tier subcont ac ors ;
(3 ) that such discrimin ti n shall not be practiced against the
public in their ac e s in and use of the facilities and
services provided o as public accommodations ( such as
eating , sleeping , re t and recreation ) constructed or
operated on the Leased Premises ; and
( 4) that the LLSSEE sha 1 use the premises in compliance with
all other requireme ts imposed pursuant to the Saint Paul
Legislative Code Cha t r 183 .
(23) Liens. The LESSEE h 11 not permit mechanic ' s iiens or
other liens to be filed or est blished or to remain against the Leased
Premises for labor , materials r ervices furnished in connection With
' any additions , modifications � mprovements , repairs , renewals or
replacements made to the Leas d Premises , or for any other reason ,
provided that if the LESSEE sh 11 first notify the LESSOR of its
intention to do so and shall ep sit in escrow with the LESSOR a sum
of money or a bond or irrevoc bl letter of credit acceptable to the
LE5SOR equal to the amount of th claim of lien, LESSEE ma� in good
faith contest any such claims or mechanic ' s or other liens filed or
established and in such event ay permit the items contested to remain
undischarged and unsatisfied d ri g the period of such contest . If,
in the opinion of the LESSO , the nonpayment of any such items
subjects the Leased Premises to a y loss or forfeiture, the LESSOR may
require the LESSEE to use the ,sc ow account to promptly pay all such
unpaid items and if LESSEE fai s to pay from the escrow account , the
LESSOR may pay and charge the L S EE as Additional Rent .
(2¢) gaineat Donain. In t e event the entire Leased Premises
are taken by eminent domain, o s ch portion thereof is so taken that
in LESSEE ' s reasonable judoe e t it is uneconomic thereafter to
restore the Leased Premises and pr ceed under the terms and provisions
of this Lease , LESSEE may ter �in te this Lease by giving to LESSOR
thirty days ' written notice of �';te mination, effective as of the date
on which the condemning autho �.t acquires legal title or ph�sical
possession of the Leased Premis s . LESSEE hereby waives and releases
any claim to or share in the w rd of Compensation for the taking,
notwithstanding any other provi i n of law, this Lease or any other
agreement . LESSEE ma� to th xtent otherwise permitted in the
eminent domain proceedin�, remo e its own trade fixtures at its or�n
espense .
. . ��� 03�/
(25) DeYanit Hemedies. n he event an Event of Default occurs
under paragraph 22 of this Le se , LESSOR may exercise any one or
more of the following remedies :
(a) reenter and take po session of the Premises without
termination of thi Lease , and use its best efforts to
lease the Premises t or enter into an agreement with
another person for t e account of LESSEE;
(b) terminate .this leas , egclude LESSEE from possession of
the Premises , and us its best efforts to lease the Premises
to or entar into greement with another in accordance
with applicable law;
(c ) egclude LESSEE fro p ssession of the Premises , with or
without terminatin t is Lease and operate the Premises
� itself;
(d) terminate the Lease , e clude LESSEE from possession of the
Premises , sell all o ny part of the Premises at the best
price obtainable ( provided such sale is permitted by
, applicable law , ) u h sale to be on such terms and
conditions as the LES OR , in its sole discretion , shall
determine and appl t e proceeds of such sale less any
expenses thereof for th account of the LESSEE.
(e) egercise any remedie vailable to it under the �Iinnesota
Uniform Commercial C de
( f) take whatever action at law or in equity may appear
necessary or appropri te to collect the Basic Rent and
Additional Rent then du and thereafter to become due , or to
enforce performance a d observance of any obligation,
agreement or covenant o the LESSEE under this Lease.
(g) in ezercising any of it remedies set forth in this Section,
the LESSOR may, whet er or not the Lease is then in effect ,
hold the LESSEE li ble for the difference between the
payments and other co t for Which the LESSEE is responsible
� under this Lease .
No remedy herein conferred upo or reserved to LESSOR is intended to
be exclusive of any' other avai ab e remedy or remedies , but each and
every such remedy shall be cu u ative and shall be in addition to
every other remedy given under this I,ease or now or thereafter
egisting at law or in equitp y statute. No delay or omission to
eYercise any such right or p we accruing upon any default shall
impair any such right or po�rer o shall be construed to be a waiver
thereof, but any such right an ower may be ezercised from time to
time and as often as may be dee ed ezpedient. In order to entitle the
LESSOR to ezercise any remedy re erved to it in this Provision, it
shall not be necessary to give an notice , other than such notice as
may be herein egpressly require .
. . - . , ���'���
Alteratioa$. The LE SE will not make any alterations to the
� �26� such consent aot
premises without the written consent of the LESSOR, such
to be unreasonably �rithheld. Y the LESSEE desires to make any
alterations , an accurate des ription shall first be submitted to the
approved by the LES50R and s ch alterations shalerformednunder the
LESSEE at its own ezpense• 11 such work shall be p
LESSOx' S supervision aad any i provements made to the Leased Premises
ense shal b come the property oP the LESSOR at the
at the LESSEE' S ex eriod. L SS E agrees that all alterations will be
end of the Lease p licable
done in a workmanlike man er and in confora a building systems of
building codes , that the str c ural integrity
the building
will not be im a' red , and that no liens will attach to
� � the premises by reason there f.
(27) dmended . Anythi g herein contained to the contrary
this Lease ma be terminated , and the provisions of
notwithstanding, amended by mutual consent of the
this Lease may be , in writi g ,
parties herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties he eto have set their hands and seals
the day and year in this Lease f' rs above-Kritten.
, City Clerk
Director of Finance and
Management Services
Department Director
City Attorney Form Approval
�Z���������������3�S�3����1���3 S� 3�3�����3�S���3 3 3�J��S���3��1'�1������
r�1�`� ,`� ' �l
I t s �,�.�1,� � �`U�(1(2�7%�ri
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� I t s � �:^�s �
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Lgss g BoTSxY
) ss .
The foregoing instrument wae a kn wledged before me this
day of 1 , by George Latimer, Mayor of
the City of Saint Paul , a m nicipal corporation of the State of
Minneaota, on behalf of said C ' ty of Saint Paul.
otary Public
) ss .
The foregoin� instrument was ac no ledged before me this
day of , 1 , by A1 Olson, City Clerk of
the City of Saint Paul , a mu i ipal corporation of the State of
. ?Kinnesota, on behalf of said Ci y f Saint Paul .
N tary Public
) ss .
The foregoing instrument Was ack o ledged before me this
day of , 19 , by Gene Schiller, Director
of Finance and Management Ser i es of the City of Saint Paul , a
municipal corporation of the St t of Minnesota, on behalf of said
City of Saint Paul .
No ary Public
) ss .
The fore ing instrument was ackn wl dged befor me this '`=�
d a y o f,' -+�_...� � � 1 `� . bY : � �� .`. -`c�.�r, �
its �
/ � `
AGNES B. HEREM :-�'%, • ,�;,.�..��
,�,! NOT1IRY P(JB��C-MINNESOTA O ti , y Pub 1 i c
My Commiulon Expires Sept.11,1900
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