89-360 WHITE - C�TV CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COUflCll �{/?L/�1 n CANARV - OEPARTMENT G I TY �F SA I NT PA U L A `^����V BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �� � un�i Resolution j7* Presented By �' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Cicy of Sain P ul Police Department desires to enter into an agreement with the N rt Central Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force for �he pur os s outlined in the attached Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding an U e Agreement, and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES LV D, that the proper City Officials are hereby au�thorized and directed to execute the Agreement and Memorandum of Understanding and Use Agreem�nt wi h the North Central Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force ub ect to terms and conditions set forth in said Agreemen�, a copy of wh ch is to be kept on file and of record in the Depar�ment of Financ a d Management Services. i ; i i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b partment of: Yeas Nays Dimond �^ ` p� �� �r� �� [n Fa or ° Goswitz � i Rettman B �he1�� _ Again t Y �� Wilson � Form A rov by 'ty tto Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P-ss d by Council Secretary BY � ^ `}�� � gy, A►pprov iVlavor: Date Approv Mayor for Su i sio o Council BY MAR - 1 By � _ p���� ��A�� 11 � a9 DEPARTMENTlOFFI(�JOOUNdL DATE INI ATE `�� `� c a Po�ice 2 3 89 GREEN SHEET No. �NrcB� CONTACT PERSON A PNONE � ARTMENT DIRECTOR Q CITY COUNqL L u c i M i t C h e 11 N� CITY ATTORNEY �qTY CLERK � MUBT BE ON COUNdL AOENDA BY(DATE) ROUTI UDQET DIRECTOR �FIN.8 MOT.8ERVICEB DIR. A.S.A.P. 0"""voA(oa"ss�sT""T� ❑ TOTAL#►OF SIQNATURE PAGE8 � (CLIP L L ATIONS FOR SIONATUR� ACTION REGUE8TE7. Execute an Agreement with the S . aul Police Department and the North Central Organized Crime Drug Enforcemen T sk Force. RECOMMENDATIONB:Approve(y a Reject(F� (�UNC M OPTI�IA� _PLANNINO COMMI8810N —qVIL�RVICE COMMI8810N ANALY PHONE NO. _qB OOMMfTTEE — 1° COMME 8: _STAFF _ —DISTRICT COURT — $�P���,��,�«,Np��►E�,�T � TY �l��T C��,��� r FE B 14 1989 INITIATIN(i PROBLEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,Whnt,When,Where,Why): Council approval necessary to e te into an Agreement with other governmental agency. RECEIVED FEB 1 G 1989 ADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: Joint participation with federa 1 w enforcemait agencies in investigations as needed to effect prosecution. DISADVANTAOES IF APPROVED: NONE APPARENT DISADVANTAOES IF NOT APPROVED: No joint participation in effec in prosecution. :�� � �.:��ii �?^'�". ' -s,._j,L�� , �..� i�,., \ FEE3 � :_ �,�.�. � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION i N A cosT�v�u�euoc�reo�a�e oa� YE8 ,d�`'�Ifl FUNDIti�i SOURCE ACTIVITY NUMBER F1NANO1A1NFO`''"AAT10N'�D`�`"'M Task Force to reim ur e City for OT and other expenses as outlaned in Agreement.