89-354 ���_ ��,,.�� . � . � �f�� � av - � �� � y) � , WMITE - C�TV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COII�ICil CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL . r'J'_�� BLUE -MAVOR File� NO. Counci esolution - � Presented B � Referred To .�t ' Committee: Date � �°�� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Police/License Committee Repor ; o August 1988 recommended an additional investigator for the police department to conduct backgr un and other investigations of liquor license applicants as well as other Class III licen � pplications, and WHEREAS, The position was not included in t � 1 89 Council adopted budget, and WHEP.EAS, The Mayor, pursuant to Section 10. �.1 of the City Charter, does certify that there are available for appropriation, revenues in ex �ss of those estimated in the 1989 Budget; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends the following �ha ges to the 1989 Budget: � CURRENT AMENDED FINANCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGE BUDGET -------------- 001-GENERAL FUND 9890-UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE 0.00 51,661.00 51,661.00 ALL OTHER FUND FINANCING 123,907,698.00 0.00 123,907,698.00 123,907,698.00 51,661.00 123,959,359.00 SPENDING PLAN: i 12721 001-GENERAL FUND 04000-ADMINISTRATIVE UNITS-POLICE 0111-40150-FULL TIME PERMANENT 1,187,950.00 38,940.00 1,226,390.00 GENERAL GOVERNMEMT ACCOUNTS FRINGE BENEFITS @ 23.8� i i i COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested b p tment of: Yeas Nays Dimond � ��g In Fav9r ��� , � � , Rettman � /,J ; Scheibel _�,�li n S t BY L'� t'�L.-- Lt� ���-L}-` Sonnen ��`; P x Wilson �.'; .!'✓ ; ,�� �,G� � '� � ` i Form Approv by Cit Att ney Adopted by Council: Date ' � �� Certified Passed by Counc' e� t�i�^�� BY `��� � ��. \ � sy� 6lpproved by Nlavor. Date Appro �'d M yo or Submission to Co cil By �Y' � CO20289A . � �, WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF S I NT PAU L Council CANARY - DEVARTMENT ��� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• �� � Counci � esolution � � Presented By Referred To � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 09001-0431-HEALTH & INS CITY SHARE 4,716,188.00 2,085.00 4,718,273.00 09002-0431-HEALTH & INS CITY SHARE 2,631,168.00 822.00 2,631,990.00 09003-0537-OPERATING TRANSFER OUT 200,550.00 140.00 200,690.00 09004-0432-UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION i 471,301.00 190.00 471,491.00 09020-0448-MISC EXPENSES 695,948.00 1,079.00 697,027.00 09010-0414-POLICE PENSION 3,856,122.00 7,830.00 3,863,952.00 09013-0414-POLICE PENSION 519,450.00 575.00 520,025.00 ALL OTHER ACTIVITY SPENDING 1,492,235.00 0.00 1,492,235.00 ALL OTHER FUND SPENDING 108,136,786.00 0.00 108,136,786.00 123,907,698.00 51,661.00 123,959,359.00 NET CHANGE 51,661.00 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, tha t e City Council adopts these changes to the 1989 Budget. i � ��� �l ' ���, COUNCIL MEMBERS Request b Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� �ng In�vor ! Goswitz : Schebel �'gainst BY �'�`l��- �C ' `-�`.f:-C��'l_.� Sonnen � Wilson , I ,,., Form Approve y City Att ey Adopted by Council: Dat �'� Certified Yassed by n . l, cretary BY By � Approved by iVlavor: Date Approv ay r r Submis,sion to Co cil gy _ B CO20289A . . . . _ ,� d �i �1 Y�,. � � �L d - :, � . � . . �'� £ _� ¢ 1R y r�5�* r � z y 1� �...�}� ss �..¢ ¢ 3� . �t . �. ) � �. f ° 'MtL�"�x ; Sj � -t�z k�3Y��^4�f�F��f,��Sk� �sY '9. �✓ .. �• i- � �i� ��' ° 3 �`� 1'�'("�d`'�b,�`'� S � I > ���e�y r �. , . ._ a >�.o � - td S '�" t y�d S ��� . ._���3���° �...r_ •nBpART�'�;,, .� � ;��� �� �„ '` � ,�.;���� �; * ��� -��3, :ti COF�AAC? ��F;� �� �� _. ' ' �2.�BH •°i'HOPS .. - - . .. _.. .. .. .. .....----�--��- . .. . .. . . . . �._ . .._�._�... - . ... ...... _. _ _ .. ... . . . .. .� . . '_:r�1i,` ,. _ ""._:-_ :....'..�- � � .. ._ ' _"'.:... • ^t9 � " � c. :.'S : GITY OF S NT PAUL �, `'�"�'�' fYl1f!`etll ~ „ :�� Y: SO a�` OFFICE OF TA TY COIINCIL - �� ' Committ e Report Finance Mana ement & Personnel Committee JULY 0, 1989 l. Approval of minutes of June 5, 1989, e 'ng. � Approved 2. General discussion of the Mayor's mid ye r budget adjustments. (Laid over June 1 ) 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending the 1989 bu get by Laid over two weeks transferring $32,062 from Contingent es rve to for amendment Police Administration for full-time p si ion to oversee license renewal and applicati n rocess. (Referred from Council March 2, la' 2b. Resolution 89-354 - amending the 198 b dget by Withdrawn adding $51,661 to the Financing and e ding Plans for Police Vice Unit to conduct inve ti ations of liquor and Class III license applica ts (Referred from Council March 2, laid ov r June 19) i 2c. Resolution 89-830 - amending the 19 b dget y transferring $38,574 to Community S Xvi es Parks and Recreation Administration and F'na ce and - Management Services for renovation � ird floor of City Hall Annex. (Referred from Co ncil May 9, laid over June 19) 2d. Resolution 89-820 - amending the 19 9 udget by Denied adding $99,755 to the Financing and,Sp nding Plans for City Attorney' s office a om tion project. (Referred from Council M 1 , laid over June 19) 2e. Resolution 89-1004 - amending the 98 budget by Laid over two weeks adding $112,000 to the Financing & Sp nding Plans for amendment for Community Services Utility Nee s. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over Jun 1 ) CITY HALL SE NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 . s�ae � 7. Discussion of surviving spouse benefits for Police. Approved Resolution 89-1182 and related resolution 8. Resolution 89-860 - amending the Salary Plan and Laid over two weeks Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Unclas- sified Positions. (Referred from Council May 18) 9. Resolution establishing the rate of pay for Public No recommendation ' Health Division Manager in Grade 32, Section ID4 of the Professional Supervisory Standard Ranges in the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. (Referred from Council April 7, 1988, laid over June 19, 1989) 10. Resolution 89-1003 - amending Section 11 of the Approved as amended Civil Service Rules pertaining to provisional employment. (Referred from Council June 6, laid over June 19) 3