89-351 . . ! � . _ . . � ; .�- ..1 �.. _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ WHITE - CITV CLERK P�NK _ F�NANCE ''' G I TY F SA I NT �A U L Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. �' �� ,\�\ � • r� - Coun 'i Resolution C �, y, Presented y - �/ �Referred To ` -� Committee: Date ���� Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Police/License Committee epo August 1988 recommended an additional full-time clerk for the Police Department to over e he license renewal and application process, and WHEREAS, The position was not included in le 989 Council adopted budget, and WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10. 17. of the City Charter recommends the following transfere for the �989 General Fund budget: � ' Current Amended TRANSFER FROM: �' Budget Changes Budget GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS ' ------------ ------------ ------------ 09060 Gonting ent Reserve General 090fi0-0537 Operating Transfer Out 40,911 (32,062) 8,849 -- -- --- --- (32,062) TRANSFER T0: PULICE DEPARTMENT Police Administration Division 04000 Administrative Units-Police 04000-0111 Full Time Certified 1,18 ,950 25,895 1,213,845 (1 Clerk Typist III) - 04000 Al1. Other Sper�ding 304, 85 0 304,285 GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTS Fringe Benefits @ 23.8X ' 09001-0431 Health & Ins City Share ' 4,716,18 1,402 4,717,590 09002-0431 Health & Ins City Share !� 2,631,16 553 2,631,721 09003-0537 Operating Transfer- Out 200,550 94 200,644 09004-0432 Unemployment Comp 471,301 128 471,429 09013-0411 EERA Basic Pension 866,38Z 528 866,915 09013-0412 PERA Coordinated Pension 2,228,843 968 2,229,811 09013-0413 Social Security 4,108,026 1,702 4,109,728 09013-0419 HRA Pension ' 135,104 - 63 135,167 09020-0448 Miscellaneous Expenses ' 695,948 729 696,677 All Other Fund Spending 106,361,948 0 106,361,948 ---------- ---------- ---------- 123,907,698 32,062 123,939,760 NET CHANGE 0 i FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council app ;ov s these changes to the 1 89 budget. Approval Recommended: f COUNCIL MEMBERS Bud,get I�i � t&r Yeas Nays Rec�ues e y partment of: Dimond �� [n Fav ir � — Goswitz (TRANS 8. �1),l / � . Rettman $ C��`����.L�C.i `r��d:.-%' C�y°i.�. �ee1�� Agains �I Y Sonnen �Ison , Form pp ved by Ci torne . Adopted by Council: Date (� Certified Yassed by Counc.il Secretary BY ' �4 ' BS� L, A►pproved by Mavor: Date _ I Approv,' y M or bmission to Council j _ By — Y . , . � r� � �5� ` M1 • I , ...yt �U r 2 3 CIT OF SAINT PAUL INTERDEPAR E TAL MEMORANDUM I I i I T0: Greg Ble�s FROM: Chief Mc�ut heon� I SUBJ: ADDITION�L ERSONNEL FOR LICENSING PURPOSES DATE: Decemberl7, 1988 As you know, a committee re ort was issued on the licensing process of the City. T at eport recommended that the Police Department receive an a ditional investigator and a full—time clerk to handle duties elated to the licensing function. This recommendation was di cussed during the Department 's formal budget hearing b fo e the Finance Committee, but the issue was never address�d 'n the final Council deliberations. ' After reviewing this pr po al with the Vice Unit, we have determined that a full— im Clerk—Typist III would adequately address the workload re ui ements. Currently, a Clerk—Tyis I is assigned part—time to the Vice Unit. The cost for rep ac ng the Clerk—�ypist II with a Clerk—Typist III would e 20,900. '�e—�e� �aa�'-�^� F�° ��e w I . � .'. ... wrr�c:�h � � � ���-' i �W., �r:�� ' _ s.. `,� � � . w-�' � = I I I � � I � i � .:�, � 9 �'.�_ � I ! `'�.� ! '. I��t� � i J���v ., . � =`'�t �i'x's=s�,;c:,. 1 I 1 � - � - � ,, . . � �-��� � ` COUNCIL AD PTED 1989 BUDGET GENERAL CONT NG NT RESERVE (09060-0537) as f anuary 27, 1989 ou cil Changes/Transfers doted ------------------------------- 19 9 Council ud et File Date Amount Available -- -- ---- --------- ------- ------------ ------------ Beginning Balance 20 ,000 Human Rights Director Search pending (29,800) D.A.R.E. Grant Match (Police) 88-63 1/10/89 (21,000) Helping Hand Strategic Planning Increas pending (12,200) Mpls/St. Paul House Tour Promotion pending (15,000) EFS Rental Assistance Contract pending (33,000) HIO Automation pending (54,089) Police License Clerk pending (32,062) - -- ------ ------------ ------------ Ending Balance 2 6,000 (197,151) 8,849 — ------ ------------ ------------ pending - Pending action by the Finance C mm ttee or identified but not yet submitted by the department. withdrawn - Request withdrawn before coun il action OMBS/jeanetta 700/GRESRV89.wk1 1/27/89 � � _. _ ..._ _ . _ _,._._.. a_ , . ... ..---. .. __. _.. .. _ ; . ,.. _ . ..� . . :�. J�'.� .... .... .� .. ... ,.. ... . .�...��.�� .. . . . � . .. .._.... ._....u,:. �,d` — __ ,: . � ���, �! � � ITY OFI A T PAUL � ���u�um C :�: # :- 1O1 �� OFFICF. OF,T E CITY COIINCIL Comr�hi ee Report Finance Mana em �nt & Personnel Committee JULY 31, 1989 f 'n t o J 1 ll 1989 meetin . A roved 1. Approval o mi u es f u y 4, , g pp FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved Substitute transferring $32,062 from Co ti gent Reserve to Resolution Police Administration for fu 1- ime position to oversee license renewal and app ication process. (Referred from Council Marchi2, laid over July 10 or amendment) 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amendin� t e 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $112,000 to the FinanGin & Spending Plans for Community Services Utili�y eeds. (Referred from Council June 6, laid ov�r uly 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amendinl t e 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financ�ing & Spending Plans for Community Services Divis��on of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Ref�'rre from Council June 8, laid over July 10 fdr endment) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amendinl t e 1989 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Fina ci g & Spending Plans resolution for Public Works performanc i provements activities. (Referred from Council June �20 laid over July 10 for amendment) , 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amendid�g he 1989 budget by Withdrawn addding $17,068 to the Fina�ci g and Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Service A ministration. (Referred from Council June� 27 withdrawn by Administration) 3. Resolution 89-1272 - declari�ng 'ntent to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt tp r solve firefighters resolution issue. CTTY HALL iSE ENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 i 9�45 I . ���� _ _ .. `� _ : . . .�l° 012048 Poli�e Deut � DEPARTI�NT • Chie� B�cCutcheon CONTACT NAMB 292-3588 PHONE ` , � 1/2?/89 DATE . ASSIGN NUMBER FOR_ ROtTTING ORDER: (See re e ��D 1 Department Director 4 l�iaqar (or Assistant) Finance and Manageme�rit Services o O� 1989 � City Clerk Budget Director �i '�'T� City Attorney � �tN�� TOTAL NIJI�IBER OF SIGNATURE PAGES: 1 ( i all locations for signature.) ? (Purpose/Ftationale) Police/License Committ e Report of A u t 1988 recommended a,n additional full-time clerk for the Police Dept t versee the license renewal aad application process. This position was not incl e in 1989 Council adopted budget. This resolution transfexs money from xhe n ingent Beserve General to crea�e spending � authority in 04000-Administrative Un s Police/Vice Unit �or a Clerk Typist III (5 year step) and frin�e benefits. • RECEIVED . � COST B G AND E S C D: FEB pg 1°89 Adds 1 FTE �o General Fund. No net cha�xge 'to General Fund financ n or spending plan. Spending authority of $25, 895 added o olice Dept and $6,3�t�d���Eb fringe benefit accounts. CT V HARG OR CR D: I (Mayor's si�gnature not required if unde $ 0,000.) � Totai Amount of Transgction: $32, 2 Activity Number: 04000 and various f fringe benefit accounts i Funding Source: 09060 .Contingent s rve General � � . , IATT�4CHMENTS: (List and number all att nts.) 1. Resoiution Co���i' !�r��^�rch Center � 2. Blees/McCutcheon memo of 12/7/8 r questing FTE , 3. Contingent Reser�e General Statu port ��" '- � ��8� � i I . f ADPIINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES j i _Yes _No Rules, Regulations, o edures, or Budget Amendment required? j _Yes _No If yes, are they or im table attached? ! ! DEPARTMENT REVIEW �ITy �iTTORNEY REVIEW ' • � _Yes No Gouncil resolution req ir d? Resolution requiredY ,+Yes _No j _Yes _No Insurance required� Insurance suffici�ent� ^Yes _No i _Yes No Insurance attached? . � � � � ' . , • . � ���j °�,�/ �`'T' °• CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;� '± ; DEPARTMENT OF POUCE a uiuui , ! �� __� �� � �o' Wm.W.McCutcheon,Chiefof Police 100 East Eleventh Street '��• I Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 GEORGE LATIMER i 6�Z"29�"���� MAYOR i Febr�a 6, 1989 TO WHOM IT MA�Y CONCERN: ; The attached changes are ident�fie by the use of alphanumeric identifiers beginning with the letter "A". i "A". Is an Administrative Orde�r allocating general fund travelltraining monies. The purpose of t�he ransfer is to provide training for non-sworn personnel requ�st d but not funded in the 1989 budget process. � "B". Is an Adtninistrative Ord�r allocating special fund training monies in order to provide train' g o sworn officers during 1989. The general fund monies prov de for sworn personnel were transferred to provide training oppor u ties for non-sworn personnel. The transfer provides fundin fo a temporary Clerk necessary to perform cle�ical duties d rin the backgrounding of police candidates - 1080 hours is needed. In addition, there is a $20,Q00 amount which is a reallocation of; 19 8 general fund monies. The monies are earmarked for profession�l f es in connection with the Training Academy for the recruits i id ntified to be hired in 1989. °C". Is an Administrative Orc�er hich creates a revenue and spending plan which will allow the� De artment to fulfill contracts currently in effect with outside agenc�ies For example, agencies which are identified as Maplewood, W dbury, Cottage Grove and Emergency Medical Services related o -1-1. The original need to cancel was created by a lack of ge e fund monies for labor and parts. 'Phe finance plan we are plac g before you is completely self-supporting and will return to the g ne fund all costs of services rendered to the contracting agency. TMD". Consists of three (3) tr�an mittal documents. Collectively, their purpose is to participat� i two (2) grants from the Minnesota Department of Public Sa�et Narcotics Control Program. We plan to provide the City's 2� atch from a special fund activity in the Crime Lab and a confis te money fund from the Narcotics Unit. NOTE: No neral funds uested or needed. for the above listed 1�IDS. n$n_ Is an Administrative O$de reinstating premium pay of $1.00 an hour to officers assigned to Ithe Narcotics Unit. In 1988, the Department appeared before the Ci{y 'ouncil and received approval to provide a premium pay of $1.00 �n our to officers who were assigned to the il . ; -, . C��-�s-/ Narcotics Unit (not to ex�ee 6 officers). The monies were not budgeted ta continue the �pr gram in 1989 for the simple reason that �tny copy of the resol ti n did not contain an amendment placed in the resolution by an u k awn source which sunsetted the origi.nal resalution on Dec m er 21, 1988. This resolution asks to reinstate the $1.00 an ho�Zr remium pay effective December 22, 1988. °F". Is an Administrative Ord$r roviding for adequate funding for police officers' clothing allowanc#e. Officers` clothing allowance is established by contract a�id rdinance. The proeess invalves a survey af the clothing it ms - cost measured against the increased cost from prior years. �he percentage increase is added to the base figure of the preceding y�ea . These calculations produced an ineresse of 9.3%. The at�tac ed request for an appropriation reflects that increase. � "G°. Is an Administrative Ord�er hich funds an additional Criminalist for the Crime Lab. In 1988,i a tudy of the Saint Paul P'olice Cri.me Lab was initiated and compl te . The Department's 1989 budget request includeci two (2) Crimin "st based upon that study. During the budget process, the De rt ent indicated it wauld revisit the issue after we had another op or nity to make an evaluation of the study and the Crime Lab workl ad. We have made the �valuation and our �vorkplan for 1989 includ�s he following: 1. A transfer of one (1� a ficer to the Fingerprint Sectian (this has been completed. I 2. Utilization uf grant on y to hire a Tech Helper. These monies are part of a previo�s uthorized gra.nt for the Narcotics Control Program. � 3. A request for one (�.} dditional Cximinalist from the Council. Therefore, the dacument bef�Ire ou is asking only for new general fund monies for the mentioned pas�tia of Criminalist. "H". Is an Administrative Or�ler adding one investigator to the Vice Unit. The City conducted a st�zd of licensing Vice Unit activities in 1988. The recommendation was! fo a Clerk and one additional investigatar. The discussion at the b�d t hearing was directed towards the need. af a Serg�ant vis-a-vis �n her License Enforcement Auditor. The Department has no pref re ce but it believes it might be more effective to utilize a Se ge nt position. We are asking for general fund monies for this po iti n. Sincerely, , ,�? �!Ilm '`�Il°`iV�c�utc��eon CHIEF OF POLICE . . . . . . .. _...... _ . ... . . . _ . .. � � . .. . .. .. ....,. _. . . . „�. , . .. . "'' ,"'"'. .. ."' "' _''. . ._ ... . _ .... �..�....- ._�+:.:�L\ �. •yyr.. I . . - .� -- .� 7•���a GITY OF S INT PAUL � .= -- � � � �` '"� �" ��nas t�in ` -- .�"°",� , mt �te n OFFICF OF A CITY COIINCIL ` - , ��d�-��� _ : Comm tt e Report Finance Mana eme t Personnel Committee JU Y 1, 1989 1. Approval of minutes of July 1 , 989, meeting. Approved FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT 2a. Resolution 89-351 - amending he 1989 budget by Approved transferring $32,062 from Con in ent Reserve to Police Administration for ful -t me position to oversee license renewal and a pl cation process. (Referred from Council March , aid over July 10 for amendment) 2b. Resolution 89-1004 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $112,000 to the Finan ing & Spending Plans for Community Services Utili eds. (Referred from Council June 6, laid ov r ly 10 for amend- ment) 2c. Resolution 89-1024 - amendin t e 1989 budget by Approved as amended adding $23,500 to the Financ ng & Spending Plans for Community Services Divis on of Libraries Maintenance Services. (Refe re from Council June 8, laid over July 10 fo a endment) 2d. Resolution 89-862 - amending th 1989 budget by Approved substitute adding $196,888 to the Finan in & Spending Plans resolution � for Public Works performance im rovements activities. (Referred from Council June 0, laid over July 10 for amendment) 2e. Resolution 89-1153 - amendin t e 1989 budget by Withdrawn addding $17,068 to the Fina in and Spending Plans for Fire and Safety Service A inistration. (Referred from Council June 27, withdrawn by Administration) 3. Resolution 89-1272 - declari g ntent to reopen Approved substitute negotiations in an attempt t r solve firefighters resolution issue. CITY HALL EV NTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 s�,as .-.:.-,.. .�.,_..,..,.. �,..�,........ ._...�_.�- ,......,-,... ��,-.��za,.��,--f,..a.... ,..,_,.,. . .. ....�,..r.� _. ,,,,,,,,,,,�,,,,,o.w.,.._-,-,.,�x....r...,._ . . 4. Discussion of Police and Fire Pension Consolidation. No action required 5. Resolution 89-1138 - directing the Port Authority Laid over to use funds from its net income to refund to St. Paul taxpayers $1,639,504 collected in 1989. (Referred from Council June 22) 6. Resolution 89-1218A - amending the 1989 budget by Laid over to 8/P1 adding $15,733 to the Financing & Spending Plans for Special Projects-Police, Uniform Crime Reporting Grant; (Referred from Council July 11); and Resolution 89-1218B - authorizing a Federal Uniform Laid over to 8/21 Crime Reporting agreement with the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension. (Referred from Council July 11) 7. Ordinance 89-895 - amending Chapter 33 of the Admin- Laid over to 8/21 istrative Code pertaining to reimbursement for car expense by providing a monthly increase for elected officials. (Referred from Council June 15) 8. Ordinance 89-1040 - amending Section 13 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to procedures for the acquisition and improvement of property (Referred from Council June 13) 9. Ordinance 89-1041 - amending Section 14 of the City Laid over to 8/21 Charter pertaining to special assessments. (Referred from Council June 13) 10. Ordinance 89-897 - amending Chapters 369 and 370 Denied of the Legislative Code pertaining to building (presenter is requested trades business licenses and certificates of to withdraw resolution) competency. (Referred from Council May 23, laid over July 10) PERSONNEL 11. Resolution 89-860 - amending the Salary Plan and Approved substitute Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding Unclas- resolution - sified Positions. (Referred from Council May 18, laid over July 10) 12. Resolution 89-1181 - granting wage and benefit Approved provisions of contracts between the City and the Supervisors Organization to non-represented managers who elected not to be covered by the new Manager's Wage and Benefit Policy. (Referred from Council July 6) 13. Resolution 89-1238 - amending Section 28.B of the Approved Civil Service Rules concerning compensation. (Referred from Council July 13)