99-1010City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSb�N'P o�� vi� p !o COUNCIL F LE N0. Iq ��FI�Q By /GL/ File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW `�me��.e� - o <�. 1� �1R`l� Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses £or 2 J9905A1 (9847) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up) at 430 Case Ave_ /� SS SSA9901A (9848) Sanitary Sewer Service Repair at 1707 Jefferson Ave. — R��.� ass�-ss�,�zv��-4-e � l�5°p (�\ws �4-ti ���� .C,` o s er v i��, � � e.. �v v� �.. -F-o�\ c*,�'' �, LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-99 TO 10-13-99 LEGISLATIVE HEARING ON 10-5-99 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Except file SSA9901A to be payable in Ten equal installments. COIINCILPERSON Yeas Nays �enanav +�akey i.'1�o:r,�� Bostrom � 1 eman .�'i' i s �antry �iter (�o In Favor l�` Against � i�bs��.� Adopted by the Council: Date b�. �� `��� Certified Passes by Council Secretary To Legislative Hearing Officer - 10-5-99 RE-9-27-99 Public HearinQ Date - 10-13-99 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: :oataM Yerson and Ph e Roxana F7ink �. 266-8859 a�e ne oo co��a ngenaa ny: Public hearing is set 'or 10-13-99 iIust be in Cuuncil Research OfTice # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/24/99 EPARTMENT D TPPATfORNEY Qq.)bl � Green Sheet Number: 100842 II2ECfOR CITY COUNCQ. DIItECfOR �f.`��9 .`�V�\:YYI ALL LOCATIONS FOR 11Y CLERK IN. & MGT. SVG DIIL 1 OUNCII.RESEARCH At Council's request on 9-22-99 to 10-13-99, Summary Abatement (property clean-up) for property at 430 Case Ave. J9905A1 and Sanitary sewer service repair for property at 1707 Jefferson Ave S5A9901A was laid over for further discussion. UMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF,JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CONIMISSION A STAFF . Has the person/£um ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMMISS[ON A Public Health . FIas fhis person/firm ever been a City emplayee? YES NO . Daes this persoo!£u�m possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cis Commrrrse A current City employee? rts whidh Council Objective Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. Neighborhoods Ward � NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNII'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 09437" IF APPROVED: IF APPROVED: NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ga � p � , EdcE��a# y .�e�$°�"C�i b¢�"'-?T S�P � � �999 MOUN'C OF TRANSACTION: $'] ,gg�,33 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � SOURCE: ASSCSSI[1CRYS OII�3' ACTIVTTYNUMBER: 1L L�'FORMATION: (EXPLAI� 2 property owners will be notified of the public hearin� and char�es. ,; ALCjcj To Lzgislative Hearing Officer - September 7, 1999 RE-7-16-99 �;�(YL Public Hearin� Date - September 22. 1999 � Ad. il �� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: act Yenon and Yh ne Y mber: Roxana Flink�� 266-88�9 be on Councit Agenda by: $-Ig-99 be in Countil ReSearch Oft"ice aoon on Friday 8-13-99 �TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 REQUESTED: 7/9/99 Green Sheet Number: 09437 DIRECIOR ITYCOW. CIL ATTOF4YEY '�ET DIRECCOR )R (OR ASSISiAh"n CLERK hIGT. SVG D[R ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Set date of public hearing and approve assmts for Summ Abate (property clean-up and/or grass cutting) during June 1999 (J9905A), Demo of vac bldg. during 3une 1999 (39905C), Towing aband vehicles during March 1999 (J9903V), Boarding-up of vac bidg. during May 1999 (J9905B) and Sanitary sewer serv repairs (SSA9901). dMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NIOST ANSW R THE FOLLOFYING: PLANYING COM�IISSIOH A SCAFF . Has the persodFirm ever worked under a wntract for this department? YES NO CIV[L SERVICE COMbIISSION CB CON\IITIEE rts whidh Council Objec[ive Neighborhoods A Public Health A VacanlBldg W ard 2 Esplain ail YES answers on a separate shee[ and attach- YES NO YES NO .IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'TS3NIT7 (Who, What, �Vhen, Where, Why?): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept ua. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatement, Demolition Towing abandoned vehicles, Boarding-up and Sanita. This inciudes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidervaik and cross walks. IFAPPROVED: If Councii does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not IF NOT APPROYED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values wouid decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate evervwhere. Disease and uests could become a nroblem. A\lOUNT OF TR�itiSACTION: � lOJ� 530.54 COST/REVEh'UE BUDGETED (CIRCLE O\'E) YES I�O SOURCE: ,�SSCSSIttCI1tS 1LIVFOR�L�TIO\:(EXPLAIN) 155 property owners will be notified of the Has Ihis person/Frm ever been a City employee? Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current City empioyee? ACTIVITY NUI4IBER: and City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMEN'P COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW � �q,/DI o Voting Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for 2 J9905A1 (9847) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up) at 430 Case Ave_ SSA9901A (9848) Sanitary Sewer Service Repair at 1707 Jefferson Ave. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-99 TO 10-13-99 LEGISLATIVE BEARING ON 10-5-99 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs $7,547 Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $ 25 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $ 25 Abatement Service Charge $ 30 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $7,887 $ $7,887 33 00 00 00 33 33 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $7,887.33 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ///rrr /1 Dated 7'���� /� ?.�,... � � �_�!�-u.t� j� ,V,aluation and Assessment Engineer ��� � � a a C] a C7 £ 0 � a E £ y � a rn � N 0 � .i O �� �� qio H I O � � N�N E+ � cn a i � W � N W � N Oi� a�m d � N � im � N lA � O O O II O E� O o 0 11 0 y � • - . n • ]� vi �n ui n ui � i� N ci 11 l(1 i cn vrvr n r� � rir n +� � 1 p � II Q i II W II I UI I O00 [ti i 000 H i O O O 'y I 000 � I 1 � N N a��+ o�M E� U� Wi i w�000 �i000 i000 i � � N F� N� H 1 ] I 1 I I I 1 � a � w vi c i w � �p� O � i r.CUU z �rxw ry � � U U W i � W i W i O � � E z� ww o � � o a � aa"'w ri � r+ 3 W U i w E W� O W i U]�nF�mz C] � W O W UEFO Xcn F � dz W r W � ON .7in a � Q H�.�-i.�-� a ,- n i a � £C O a � W FC w� a S i i � � � a � a � i }� r� t� i W m .a � A S r�n �o r� >�w� w � m �� �a wEwm a � Q xavc� O � O N.] 2 i H O H w � �n�w� i Umav]o W i H`J �00 W O � [�'4.'oa' a a 0 0 o n o 0 0 o n o •n ui ui in n ui '-I N r-I II ul M U} t? 11 t+f Z} il [? n n II 11 11 i n n n u n n u • W W II W m U' 11 WO�ii Sc UU II n �.xw na �UU n FC w r, n E. x�no �W W ii mc4� n F ,7 11 U �r�� ii 7 FEEi�O L-�, (�-i � ii a � a W � a E a £ w x m 0 a w U � N � r / � :- ., '.i�- � � l / � � nI L Y ' U � � � N m a a a n a W � � � m 4 E £ N � Q � � rn O N � 0 �o + �m � A�ti � H�o � � � N � N � H,.. n � a�� w�M o a�N � o � �i � cti�m 7 i a�N � � � ,m ; io � � � i m � oo�r� E � o o n � � �G i • • II � b � �n in n i � N rl II i +2 vt n � n � i n � x i +� n +ir F i � II i � � O 6 � i� 11 i w ra, - n � vi i boo i E�000 � H I M O O Z i t�t O O � � I • • I � N ti ti a. I M � O�N � Eih � U i Q � W i i i Wi000 i F�000 i rC i o0o i cC � � � � N N F� Nti H � z I I a 1 I 1 I I , I I ' I 1 a I IH W � � a' a� � ^ i�WU i ��aww � C4 � W U � �m7.N � /C � 3�R7 � i W � m cn i i i i i � i i i i i i i z� � o� � H i H i i W i V] i r+ i FC W W � .] F � U i .7 O yiHOz � ([� I � fi 1 A �aum � � �waaw � iNWWO � � �n a � � w i wa,am � a�aN rn p i r� r i w' UF+ > i w� H � � � � � � w i �z �� � �� �w m� � z r, w r+ � � r >oam i r�h�zoo�'� K � 20�+�]W � °' � > �a�w� � '�a�aaw wm� E � x �J W £ W � � x � a w hc7 � 0 0r1' ��t�t z i �� x�ma�a�ca� z W � a � S � SFCtiFoa � O � UUOU1+ + � n o o n M t+1 O O II M . �� . N �f1 �I1 II N �+1 N � 11 h N � � II � 11 � ur ir u r� n u n n n �� n II II II �� a �� H W 11 a �ii a w ii� N H 7 I I O a$ u H ajr.�c ii F aaaiiw �r2r� n n ENE li O EHE�nw � a w U Q� �. a � w x m 0 a W U � � i � � � iII_ REPORT LEGISLATIVE HEARING Date: October 5, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. 1707 Jefferson Avenue; Christopher and Carol Jorgensen. (SSA9901A) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) �, i � _::� Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $1,500 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $1,540. 2. 430 Case Avenue; Richard and Audrey Russ. (J�905A1) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 3. Summary Abatements: File J9904V Towing of abandoned vehicies during April and May 1999; File J9906A Property clean-up or grass cutting dsri�g July 1999; File J9906B Boarding-up of vacant properties during June 1999; File J9906C Demolition of vacant buildings during July 1999. 631 Thomas Avenue (J9906A) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1834 Marvland Avenue East (79906B) Gerry Strathman recomxnended laying over to the Nc :: .: er 2, 1999, Legislative Hearing. 875 Palace Avenue (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to ,n202.50 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $242.50. 531 Edmund Avenue (J9904� Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1885 Seventh Street East (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $335 plus the $65 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $400. �o�o q9 -.�' LEGISLATTVE HEARINC� REPORT OF 10-5-99 Page 2 1895 Maenolia Avenue East (79906A) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislarive Hearing. 917 Euclid Street (J9906A) Gerry Shathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legisiative Hearing. 559 McKni¢ht Road South (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment. 4. Summary Abatements: File J9907A Property clean-up or grass cutting during the last week of July and during August 1949; File J9907B Boarding up of vacant buildings during July 1999; File J9907C Demolition of vacant buildings for September 1999; File J99GRASS Grass cuttiug by contractor during July tnrough mid August 1999. 81 Winnipee Avenue (J9907B) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 270 Seventh Sueet West (J9907C) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. I 183 Arkwripht Street (J9907A) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing. 1199 Ross Avenue (J9907A) CTerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the buildir^ °` G59 Lawson Avenue East, ff the owner fails to comply with the resoluHon, e,ade Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the January 4, 2000, Legis:ative Hearing. 6. Resolufian ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 851 Magnolia Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended approval. � �. � r - _ MINUTES OF TF� LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, October 5, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Stratlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Roxanne Flink, Real Estate; Peter Crallagher, Public Works-Sewer Utility; Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Guy Willits, Code Enforcement � 1707 Jefferson Avenue; Christopher and Carol Jorgensen. (SSA9901A) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Christopher Jorgensen, owner, appeared. Approximately two yeazs ago, a hole developed in the boulevard next to the street. An inspector said he found some rat pilings in the bottom of the hole. Mr. Jorgensen paid Carlson Sewer Company $1,850 to fix the problem. Mr. Jorgensen had his sewer photographed, and there were no breaks in his sewer line. The next summer, there was another hole in the same spot. Mr. Jorgensen called the City again. The street and the sewer line were dug up. Instead of using the pre-cut holes in the main, it was found that someone chopped a hole 2 to 3 times bigger than what was needed in the connection. That is where the rats were coming from. Mr. Jorgensen's sewer service was fine. The pipe replaced was the xniddle section of the sewer line, a part that was not broken at all. He got assessed $7,57233 for the work that was done by the second contractor. It would not have been so expensive, but the street restoration chazges doubled the bill. Cazlson Sewer Company replaced about 15 feet of pipe from a foot behind the properiy line to the edge of the pavement. Peter Gallagher reported there was a fog test done on 9-25-97 which showed posirive for rat infestation at the site. His question would be why 15 feet of pipe was replaced the first time. Code Enforcement got a contractor to do the work. Sewer maintenance televised the main and determined the pipe had not been put in one of the manufactured y's in ihe pipe, tapped into the main, mortared with brick and concrete, and it appears the pipe had fallen one joint off--about two feet--back from the main. If Mr. Gallagher feels it was a problem on the main, that is a judgement call. Mr. Jorgensen stated everyone was amazed how lazge the hole was in the main. It was an ixnproper insulation. He does not understand why a precut hole was not used. A person does not cut a hole lazger than what is needed to connect another pipe. Gerry Strathman asked when this connection was made. Mr. Gailagher responded 1920. Mr. Strathman stated in 1920 when the original connecfion was made, in all likelihood the connection was not done conecUy at the main. Over the yeazs, that connection deteriorated, and gradually became large enough that rats went through it, and hence there is a problem. The question is where does the responsibility for that lie. Mr. Strathman asked when an installation is l�lb �t�l � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINtJTES OF 10-5-99 ' page 2 being done, does the City have any role in this. Mr. Gallagher responded the City provides the records of where things aze located. The policy is the company should be using premanufachued openings to take the cover off. However, they are given the oprion for attaching to the main in other fashions instead of chopping holes. Does the City inspect the work, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr, Gallagher responded the work is inspected in an open trench. He could not say 100% of the work was seen in 1920. Gerry Strathman reduced the assessment to $1,500 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $1,540. From the legal position, it is the homeowner's responsibility. However, there is some question as to whether the City has some culpability going back 79 years in allowing this connection to be done in an ixnproper fashion. It seems the homeowner has acted in a reasonable and responsible way, and was consulting with City officials. It seems eactraordinarily burdensome to have the homeowner face $1,850 plus an additional assessment of $7,500 for a mistake made by someone 79 yeazs ago. � 43Q Case Avenue; Richard and Audrey Russ. (39905A1} (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Dorothy Kullney, accountant for Richazd and Audrey Russ, appeazed. The owners were sent a bill for clean up. She was not sure what was on the property at the tune. Since then, Ms. Kullney has cleaned the property. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman stated it looks like the City mowed the lawn, cut down the trees, and picked up debris. Ms. Kullney responded the boys said they took care of this, but it looks like they didn'� Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. Summary Abatements: File J9904V Towing of abandoned vehicles during April and May 1999; File J9906A Property clean-up or grass cutting during July 1994; File J9906B Boarding-up of vacant properties during June 1999; File J9906C Demolifion of vacant buildings during July 1999. File J9907A Property clean-up or grass cutting during the last week of July and during August 1999; File J9907B Boarding up of vacant buildings during July 1999; File J9907C Demolition of vacant huildings during September 1999; File J99GRASS Grass cutting by contractor during July through mid August 1999. ,t ���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF 10-5-99 631 Thomas Avenue (J9906,A� Allan Ige, owner, appeazed. (A videotape was shown.) Page 3 Mr. Ige stated there was a blue caz in the videotape. They aze suppose to notify him to take caze ofthe vehicle. Guy Willits reported orders were mailed on 7-1-99 to Mazk Pierce on 4`�' Street, Alan Ige on Laurel, and the occupant. The door was posted. No mail has been returned to lus office. His records show that the property owner called and asked for an e�ctension of time to take caze of the problem. Mr. Ige responded he does not know who called. Code Enforcement should have written down the name of that person. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment citing he cannot find any fault. The records show that owners were notified, the properiy was posted, and an extension of time given. Code Enforcement is required to mail to the legal address of the owner of the properties. In this case, they posted the property and even gave an extension. It seems the City did more than what was required. 81 Winnipee Avenue (79907B) No one appeazed representing the property. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 270 Seventh Street West (J9907C) Janie Berg, speaking on behalf of the owner, appeazed and stated this properiy has been in front of the Council and legislative hearings for 15 yeazs. The Bergs have initiated for the demolition of this building., They are pleased that it is no longer standing. However, it was a surprise to the Bergs that a motion was made by Councilmember Coleman that there would be a hearing on July 6 as to whether the building would be repaired or demolished. The Bergs were unaware that this action was being taken, and no one called them to say that an assessment of the properiy was needed. An azchitectural firm was hired to give an account of the situation. Had anybody notified the property owners, this $3,115,71 assessment could have been eliminated because this already was done in 1990 at the request of the City. Gerry Strathman asked did that report include the cost of rehabilitation. Ms. Berg responded yes. Steve Magner reported the issue is the assessment of two thiugs: the azchitectural report for $2,060 and the asbestos report of $1,055.77. He will touch on the asbestos report first. In the �Dl tJ — l� � LEGISLAITVE HEARING MINUTES OF 10-5-99 Page 4 process of going to demolition they needed a hazd cost figure of the demolition costs. That was only obtainable through having the building surveyed because bids were from $10,000 to $50,000 to demolish this building. It was prudent to spend this money so the demolition contractors could come up with the actual cost. At the time of public hearings, Code Enfozcement wanted to give the City Council information they would require to make their decision. This was not an ordinary building to tear down. The asbestos was more eactensive than first noted. Even though the owner did the demolirion, the owner would have been required to have the asbestos report done. The report was given to the owner so they could have their own contractor do the work. Steve Magner reported the second issue is the architectural report. A letter was received from David Berg. (Mr. Magner read this lettet.) The letter indicated Mr. Berg was awaze that this was being worked on. Mr. Berg called Mr. Magner periodically that things were not happening fast enough. After the building deficiency inspection report was compiled, a re-use study of the building needed to be done by a hisCorical architect, which would show the condition of the buitding, the historical content, whether it could be restored historically, and whether the cost would over exceed that amount. Mr. Magner contacted a number of firms, and there was only one response. Code Enforcement contracted with that firm to have a report done, and that was the report that was used for the public hearings. Mr. Strathman asked the date of that report. Mr. Magner responded the invoice daie is 5-26-49. He has no knowledge of the report refened to by Ms. Berg. With regazd to the asbestos, Mr. Strathman stated, it is reasonable for the City to incur that cost as part of preparing for action on this properiy in respect to demolition. The owner received the value of that report which they would have had to do anyway. With regard to the assessment of the historical significance of the property, that was essential and called for by the State to make the proper assessment of the historical significance of this building. It was not just figiuing out the cost of rehabilitating it, but also whether it could be rehabilitated. It is cleaz from the letter Mr. Magner read, Mr. Berg was aware that the City was actively engaged in assessing this property. He could have offered the 1990 report if he had wanted to. Even if he had, it would have been nine years old, and the condition of the building may have changed in nine yeazs. It would not have been prudent for the City to rely on an assessment done nine years ago. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1834 Marvland Avenue East (J990bB) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the November 2, 1999, Legislative Hearing per the owner's request. .i ���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF 10-5-99 1183 Arkwrieht Street (J9907A) Page 5 Gerry Stratbman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing per the owner's request. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 559 Lawson Avenue East If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Photographs were shown and later retumed to Steve Magner.) The following appeazed: Pat Olowsky, First Preston, Rich Lemcke, HUD (Housing and Urban Development). Steve Magner reported this building was condemned on 9-30-98 and has been vacant since 9-28- 98. The current owner is HLTD. It is being managed by the local contractor, First Preston. Two summary abatement notices have been issued to remove refuse and cut tall grass. On 1-27-98 an inspection was conducted, and a list of deficiencies were found that constitute a nuisance condition as developed. As of this date, the properiy remains in the same condition. Vacant building fees aze due. Real estates t�es aze paid. The market value is approximately $38,300. A bond has not been posted. Mx. Olowsky stated there is a purchase agreement on the property, and he requested a postponement. Mr. Strathman asked were there any active problems with this properry. Mr. Magner responded there have been some issues with the building being broken into. HUD has attempted to keep it secure. Mr. Magner suggested any new owners be norified of all the requirements as follows: a $2,000 performance bond would need to be posted, pernuts obtained, and the $200 vacant building fee paid at time of closing. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the January 4, 200Q Legislative Hearing. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 851 Magnolia Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (No one appeared representing the properry.) (Photographs were shown.) Steve Magner reported this properry was condemned on 10-15-97. Two summary abatement notices have been issued to remove refuse and cut tall grass. The vacant building fees aze paid. LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINUT'ES OF 10-5-99 •' _�� � � • -. Real estate t�es aze paid. A code compliance inspection was done. A$2,000 bond has not been posted. The properry has been sold on an unrecorded contract The contract purchaser had made attempts to do things on the properry, but has since let the building be stagnant. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. 875 Palace Avenue (J9904� Cazolyn Madison got a car for her son. He worked on it and installed new parts, but the cost got way out of hand. The caz was never moved. Parts were taken off of it for another vehicle. Then she received a certified letter that it was towed. She works two jobs and cannot afford this assessment. Mr. Strathman stated six orders were mailed to Ms. Madison. Ms. Madison responded she got at least two of those. The car was not abandoned. Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $202.50 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $242.50. 531 Edmund Avenue (J9904V) Linda Moua, 531 Edmund Avenue, appeazed and stated she rents the house, and this involves her husband's caz. According to the records, stated Mr. Strathman, a notice was sent on 3-3-99 to Vue Lee Leenhiavue and it was posted on the door. The caz was not removed until two months later. Mr. Willits reported the vehicles were posted, orders were never returned, and there were no phone calls from the property owner. Gerry Strathman recoxnmended approval of the assessment. 1885 Seventh Street East (J9904V) Owner appeared and stated these are not his cazs. Gerry Strathman responded it is the owner of the properry that is assessed. The owner responded he became the owner 1'/z yeazs ago. When something is bought contract of deed, it sometimes gets lost in the paperwork. If he had vehicles to tow, he would tow it himself. Mr. Strathman stated Donald Johnson is recorded as the owner of the property and he is the one the notices were sent to. Roxanne Flink reported George Lowe is recorded as the owner. Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $335 plus the $65 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $400. 1b�� �l�l � LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF 10-5-99 1895 Ma�olia Avenue East (J9906A) Page 7 The following appeazed: Holly Zschokke, former owner, Floyd, realtor who sold the property. Guy Willits reported he does not have the videotape with him because this property was not scheduled for today. Ms. Zschokke stated she closed on the property on 8-4-99. The notice was received in eazly July. Cleanup was done by that time. Floyd said he talked to the buyer about tius. Personal items were removed: lawn mowers, freezer, tools, and equipment Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing in order to view the videotape. 917 Euclid Street (J9906A) Floyd (from the previous address) stated he would like to see the videotape on this address as well. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislafive Hearing in order to view the videotape. 559 McKnieht Road South (J9904V) Leonazd tlnderson owner, and Win Borden, his attorney, appeazed. Mr. Borden stated this assessment is appazently for an additional vehicle that was towed and not included in the previous assessment for this address. This vehicle was properly licensed. There was damage done to the vehicle when it was towed and in storage. They aze asking for the assessment of $1,072.80 to be set aside. Roxanne Flink reported she has two buses listed in her records. Mr. Borden responded it may be labeled as a bus, but it is a trailer and licensed as such with a license number of T8699F. Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment for the following two reasons: 1) there is already a assessment of approximately $12,000 pending on this properiy, 2) the attorney claims the assessment for these vehicles is included in the eazlier assessment. 1199 Ross Avenue (J9907A) Donald Conroy, owner, appeared Gerry Strathman stated orders were mailed on 2-23-99 to the owner's address in Oakdale. The order was to remove improperly stored refuse. Mr. Willits reported the owner was also called. ! � ��.' a� LEGISLAZTVE HEARING REPORT OF 10-5-99 (Mr. Willits presented photograph to Mr. Conroy.) �� Gerry Strathman recommended approval citing the $145 seems reasonable and is lower than usual for an assessment. The meeting was adjoumed at 11:48 a.m. � City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSb�N'P o�� vi� p !o COUNCIL F LE N0. Iq ��FI�Q By /GL/ File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW `�me��.e� - o <�. 1� �1R`l� Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses £or 2 J9905A1 (9847) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up) at 430 Case Ave_ /� SS SSA9901A (9848) Sanitary Sewer Service Repair at 1707 Jefferson Ave. — R��.� ass�-ss�,�zv��-4-e � l�5°p (�\ws �4-ti ���� .C,` o s er v i��, � � e.. �v v� �.. -F-o�\ c*,�'' �, LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-99 TO 10-13-99 LEGISLATIVE HEARING ON 10-5-99 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Except file SSA9901A to be payable in Ten equal installments. COIINCILPERSON Yeas Nays �enanav +�akey i.'1�o:r,�� Bostrom � 1 eman .�'i' i s �antry �iter (�o In Favor l�` Against � i�bs��.� Adopted by the Council: Date b�. �� `��� Certified Passes by Council Secretary To Legislative Hearing Officer - 10-5-99 RE-9-27-99 Public HearinQ Date - 10-13-99 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: :oataM Yerson and Ph e Roxana F7ink �. 266-8859 a�e ne oo co��a ngenaa ny: Public hearing is set 'or 10-13-99 iIust be in Cuuncil Research OfTice # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/24/99 EPARTMENT D TPPATfORNEY Qq.)bl � Green Sheet Number: 100842 II2ECfOR CITY COUNCQ. DIItECfOR �f.`��9 .`�V�\:YYI ALL LOCATIONS FOR 11Y CLERK IN. & MGT. SVG DIIL 1 OUNCII.RESEARCH At Council's request on 9-22-99 to 10-13-99, Summary Abatement (property clean-up) for property at 430 Case Ave. J9905A1 and Sanitary sewer service repair for property at 1707 Jefferson Ave S5A9901A was laid over for further discussion. UMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF,JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CONIMISSION A STAFF . Has the person/£um ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMMISS[ON A Public Health . FIas fhis person/firm ever been a City emplayee? YES NO . Daes this persoo!£u�m possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cis Commrrrse A current City employee? rts whidh Council Objective Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. Neighborhoods Ward � NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNII'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 09437" IF APPROVED: IF APPROVED: NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ga � p � , EdcE��a# y .�e�$°�"C�i b¢�"'-?T S�P � � �999 MOUN'C OF TRANSACTION: $'] ,gg�,33 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � SOURCE: ASSCSSI[1CRYS OII�3' ACTIVTTYNUMBER: 1L L�'FORMATION: (EXPLAI� 2 property owners will be notified of the public hearin� and char�es. ,; ALCjcj To Lzgislative Hearing Officer - September 7, 1999 RE-7-16-99 �;�(YL Public Hearin� Date - September 22. 1999 � Ad. il �� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: act Yenon and Yh ne Y mber: Roxana Flink�� 266-88�9 be on Councit Agenda by: $-Ig-99 be in Countil ReSearch Oft"ice aoon on Friday 8-13-99 �TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 REQUESTED: 7/9/99 Green Sheet Number: 09437 DIRECIOR ITYCOW. CIL ATTOF4YEY '�ET DIRECCOR )R (OR ASSISiAh"n CLERK hIGT. SVG D[R ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Set date of public hearing and approve assmts for Summ Abate (property clean-up and/or grass cutting) during June 1999 (J9905A), Demo of vac bldg. during 3une 1999 (39905C), Towing aband vehicles during March 1999 (J9903V), Boarding-up of vac bidg. during May 1999 (J9905B) and Sanitary sewer serv repairs (SSA9901). dMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NIOST ANSW R THE FOLLOFYING: PLANYING COM�IISSIOH A SCAFF . Has the persodFirm ever worked under a wntract for this department? YES NO CIV[L SERVICE COMbIISSION CB CON\IITIEE rts whidh Council Objec[ive Neighborhoods A Public Health A VacanlBldg W ard 2 Esplain ail YES answers on a separate shee[ and attach- YES NO YES NO .IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'TS3NIT7 (Who, What, �Vhen, Where, Why?): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept ua. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatement, Demolition Towing abandoned vehicles, Boarding-up and Sanita. This inciudes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidervaik and cross walks. IFAPPROVED: If Councii does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not IF NOT APPROYED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values wouid decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate evervwhere. Disease and uests could become a nroblem. A\lOUNT OF TR�itiSACTION: � lOJ� 530.54 COST/REVEh'UE BUDGETED (CIRCLE O\'E) YES I�O SOURCE: ,�SSCSSIttCI1tS 1LIVFOR�L�TIO\:(EXPLAIN) 155 property owners will be notified of the Has Ihis person/Frm ever been a City employee? Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current City empioyee? ACTIVITY NUI4IBER: and City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMEN'P COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW � �q,/DI o Voting Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for 2 J9905A1 (9847) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up) at 430 Case Ave_ SSA9901A (9848) Sanitary Sewer Service Repair at 1707 Jefferson Ave. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-99 TO 10-13-99 LEGISLATIVE BEARING ON 10-5-99 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs $7,547 Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $ 25 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $ 25 Abatement Service Charge $ 30 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $7,887 $ $7,887 33 00 00 00 33 33 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $7,887.33 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ///rrr /1 Dated 7'���� /� ?.�,... � � �_�!�-u.t� j� ,V,aluation and Assessment Engineer ��� � � a a C] a C7 £ 0 � a E £ y � a rn � N 0 � .i O �� �� qio H I O � � N�N E+ � cn a i � W � N W � N Oi� a�m d � N � im � N lA � O O O II O E� O o 0 11 0 y � • - . n • ]� vi �n ui n ui � i� N ci 11 l(1 i cn vrvr n r� � rir n +� � 1 p � II Q i II W II I UI I O00 [ti i 000 H i O O O 'y I 000 � I 1 � N N a��+ o�M E� U� Wi i w�000 �i000 i000 i � � N F� N� H 1 ] I 1 I I I 1 � a � w vi c i w � �p� O � i r.CUU z �rxw ry � � U U W i � W i W i O � � E z� ww o � � o a � aa"'w ri � r+ 3 W U i w E W� O W i U]�nF�mz C] � W O W UEFO Xcn F � dz W r W � ON .7in a � Q H�.�-i.�-� a ,- n i a � £C O a � W FC w� a S i i � � � a � a � i }� r� t� i W m .a � A S r�n �o r� >�w� w � m �� �a wEwm a � Q xavc� O � O N.] 2 i H O H w � �n�w� i Umav]o W i H`J �00 W O � [�'4.'oa' a a 0 0 o n o 0 0 o n o •n ui ui in n ui '-I N r-I II ul M U} t? 11 t+f Z} il [? n n II 11 11 i n n n u n n u • W W II W m U' 11 WO�ii Sc UU II n �.xw na �UU n FC w r, n E. x�no �W W ii mc4� n F ,7 11 U �r�� ii 7 FEEi�O L-�, (�-i � ii a � a W � a E a £ w x m 0 a w U � N � r / � :- ., '.i�- � � l / � � nI L Y ' U � � � N m a a a n a W � � � m 4 E £ N � Q � � rn O N � 0 �o + �m � A�ti � H�o � � � N � N � H,.. n � a�� w�M o a�N � o � �i � cti�m 7 i a�N � � � ,m ; io � � � i m � oo�r� E � o o n � � �G i • • II � b � �n in n i � N rl II i +2 vt n � n � i n � x i +� n +ir F i � II i � � O 6 � i� 11 i w ra, - n � vi i boo i E�000 � H I M O O Z i t�t O O � � I • • I � N ti ti a. I M � O�N � Eih � U i Q � W i i i Wi000 i F�000 i rC i o0o i cC � � � � N N F� Nti H � z I I a 1 I 1 I I , I I ' I 1 a I IH W � � a' a� � ^ i�WU i ��aww � C4 � W U � �m7.N � /C � 3�R7 � i W � m cn i i i i i � i i i i i i i z� � o� � H i H i i W i V] i r+ i FC W W � .] F � U i .7 O yiHOz � ([� I � fi 1 A �aum � � �waaw � iNWWO � � �n a � � w i wa,am � a�aN rn p i r� r i w' UF+ > i w� H � � � � � � w i �z �� � �� �w m� � z r, w r+ � � r >oam i r�h�zoo�'� K � 20�+�]W � °' � > �a�w� � '�a�aaw wm� E � x �J W £ W � � x � a w hc7 � 0 0r1' ��t�t z i �� x�ma�a�ca� z W � a � S � SFCtiFoa � O � UUOU1+ + � n o o n M t+1 O O II M . �� . N �f1 �I1 II N �+1 N � 11 h N � � II � 11 � ur ir u r� n u n n n �� n II II II �� a �� H W 11 a �ii a w ii� N H 7 I I O a$ u H ajr.�c ii F aaaiiw �r2r� n n ENE li O EHE�nw � a w U Q� �. a � w x m 0 a W U � � i � � � iII_ REPORT LEGISLATIVE HEARING Date: October 5, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. 1707 Jefferson Avenue; Christopher and Carol Jorgensen. (SSA9901A) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) �, i � _::� Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $1,500 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $1,540. 2. 430 Case Avenue; Richard and Audrey Russ. (J�905A1) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 3. Summary Abatements: File J9904V Towing of abandoned vehicies during April and May 1999; File J9906A Property clean-up or grass cutting dsri�g July 1999; File J9906B Boarding-up of vacant properties during June 1999; File J9906C Demolition of vacant buildings during July 1999. 631 Thomas Avenue (J9906A) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1834 Marvland Avenue East (79906B) Gerry Strathman recomxnended laying over to the Nc :: .: er 2, 1999, Legislative Hearing. 875 Palace Avenue (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to ,n202.50 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $242.50. 531 Edmund Avenue (J9904� Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1885 Seventh Street East (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $335 plus the $65 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $400. �o�o q9 -.�' LEGISLATTVE HEARINC� REPORT OF 10-5-99 Page 2 1895 Maenolia Avenue East (79906A) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislarive Hearing. 917 Euclid Street (J9906A) Gerry Shathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legisiative Hearing. 559 McKni¢ht Road South (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment. 4. Summary Abatements: File J9907A Property clean-up or grass cutting during the last week of July and during August 1949; File J9907B Boarding up of vacant buildings during July 1999; File J9907C Demolition of vacant buildings for September 1999; File J99GRASS Grass cuttiug by contractor during July tnrough mid August 1999. 81 Winnipee Avenue (J9907B) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 270 Seventh Sueet West (J9907C) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. I 183 Arkwripht Street (J9907A) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing. 1199 Ross Avenue (J9907A) CTerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the buildir^ °` G59 Lawson Avenue East, ff the owner fails to comply with the resoluHon, e,ade Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the January 4, 2000, Legis:ative Hearing. 6. Resolufian ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 851 Magnolia Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended approval. � �. � r - _ MINUTES OF TF� LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, October 5, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Stratlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Roxanne Flink, Real Estate; Peter Crallagher, Public Works-Sewer Utility; Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Guy Willits, Code Enforcement � 1707 Jefferson Avenue; Christopher and Carol Jorgensen. (SSA9901A) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Christopher Jorgensen, owner, appeared. Approximately two yeazs ago, a hole developed in the boulevard next to the street. An inspector said he found some rat pilings in the bottom of the hole. Mr. Jorgensen paid Carlson Sewer Company $1,850 to fix the problem. Mr. Jorgensen had his sewer photographed, and there were no breaks in his sewer line. The next summer, there was another hole in the same spot. Mr. Jorgensen called the City again. The street and the sewer line were dug up. Instead of using the pre-cut holes in the main, it was found that someone chopped a hole 2 to 3 times bigger than what was needed in the connection. That is where the rats were coming from. Mr. Jorgensen's sewer service was fine. The pipe replaced was the xniddle section of the sewer line, a part that was not broken at all. He got assessed $7,57233 for the work that was done by the second contractor. It would not have been so expensive, but the street restoration chazges doubled the bill. Cazlson Sewer Company replaced about 15 feet of pipe from a foot behind the properiy line to the edge of the pavement. Peter Gallagher reported there was a fog test done on 9-25-97 which showed posirive for rat infestation at the site. His question would be why 15 feet of pipe was replaced the first time. Code Enforcement got a contractor to do the work. Sewer maintenance televised the main and determined the pipe had not been put in one of the manufactured y's in ihe pipe, tapped into the main, mortared with brick and concrete, and it appears the pipe had fallen one joint off--about two feet--back from the main. If Mr. Gallagher feels it was a problem on the main, that is a judgement call. Mr. Jorgensen stated everyone was amazed how lazge the hole was in the main. It was an ixnproper insulation. He does not understand why a precut hole was not used. A person does not cut a hole lazger than what is needed to connect another pipe. Gerry Strathman asked when this connection was made. Mr. Gailagher responded 1920. Mr. Strathman stated in 1920 when the original connecfion was made, in all likelihood the connection was not done conecUy at the main. Over the yeazs, that connection deteriorated, and gradually became large enough that rats went through it, and hence there is a problem. The question is where does the responsibility for that lie. Mr. Strathman asked when an installation is l�lb �t�l � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINtJTES OF 10-5-99 ' page 2 being done, does the City have any role in this. Mr. Gallagher responded the City provides the records of where things aze located. The policy is the company should be using premanufachued openings to take the cover off. However, they are given the oprion for attaching to the main in other fashions instead of chopping holes. Does the City inspect the work, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr, Gallagher responded the work is inspected in an open trench. He could not say 100% of the work was seen in 1920. Gerry Strathman reduced the assessment to $1,500 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $1,540. From the legal position, it is the homeowner's responsibility. However, there is some question as to whether the City has some culpability going back 79 years in allowing this connection to be done in an ixnproper fashion. It seems the homeowner has acted in a reasonable and responsible way, and was consulting with City officials. It seems eactraordinarily burdensome to have the homeowner face $1,850 plus an additional assessment of $7,500 for a mistake made by someone 79 yeazs ago. � 43Q Case Avenue; Richard and Audrey Russ. (39905A1} (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Dorothy Kullney, accountant for Richazd and Audrey Russ, appeazed. The owners were sent a bill for clean up. She was not sure what was on the property at the tune. Since then, Ms. Kullney has cleaned the property. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman stated it looks like the City mowed the lawn, cut down the trees, and picked up debris. Ms. Kullney responded the boys said they took care of this, but it looks like they didn'� Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. Summary Abatements: File J9904V Towing of abandoned vehicles during April and May 1999; File J9906A Property clean-up or grass cutting during July 1994; File J9906B Boarding-up of vacant properties during June 1999; File J9906C Demolifion of vacant buildings during July 1999. File J9907A Property clean-up or grass cutting during the last week of July and during August 1999; File J9907B Boarding up of vacant buildings during July 1999; File J9907C Demolition of vacant huildings during September 1999; File J99GRASS Grass cutting by contractor during July through mid August 1999. ,t ���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF 10-5-99 631 Thomas Avenue (J9906,A� Allan Ige, owner, appeazed. (A videotape was shown.) Page 3 Mr. Ige stated there was a blue caz in the videotape. They aze suppose to notify him to take caze ofthe vehicle. Guy Willits reported orders were mailed on 7-1-99 to Mazk Pierce on 4`�' Street, Alan Ige on Laurel, and the occupant. The door was posted. No mail has been returned to lus office. His records show that the property owner called and asked for an e�ctension of time to take caze of the problem. Mr. Ige responded he does not know who called. Code Enforcement should have written down the name of that person. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment citing he cannot find any fault. The records show that owners were notified, the properiy was posted, and an extension of time given. Code Enforcement is required to mail to the legal address of the owner of the properties. In this case, they posted the property and even gave an extension. It seems the City did more than what was required. 81 Winnipee Avenue (79907B) No one appeazed representing the property. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 270 Seventh Street West (J9907C) Janie Berg, speaking on behalf of the owner, appeazed and stated this properiy has been in front of the Council and legislative hearings for 15 yeazs. The Bergs have initiated for the demolition of this building., They are pleased that it is no longer standing. However, it was a surprise to the Bergs that a motion was made by Councilmember Coleman that there would be a hearing on July 6 as to whether the building would be repaired or demolished. The Bergs were unaware that this action was being taken, and no one called them to say that an assessment of the properiy was needed. An azchitectural firm was hired to give an account of the situation. Had anybody notified the property owners, this $3,115,71 assessment could have been eliminated because this already was done in 1990 at the request of the City. Gerry Strathman asked did that report include the cost of rehabilitation. Ms. Berg responded yes. Steve Magner reported the issue is the assessment of two thiugs: the azchitectural report for $2,060 and the asbestos report of $1,055.77. He will touch on the asbestos report first. In the �Dl tJ — l� � LEGISLAITVE HEARING MINUTES OF 10-5-99 Page 4 process of going to demolition they needed a hazd cost figure of the demolition costs. That was only obtainable through having the building surveyed because bids were from $10,000 to $50,000 to demolish this building. It was prudent to spend this money so the demolition contractors could come up with the actual cost. At the time of public hearings, Code Enfozcement wanted to give the City Council information they would require to make their decision. This was not an ordinary building to tear down. The asbestos was more eactensive than first noted. Even though the owner did the demolirion, the owner would have been required to have the asbestos report done. The report was given to the owner so they could have their own contractor do the work. Steve Magner reported the second issue is the architectural report. A letter was received from David Berg. (Mr. Magner read this lettet.) The letter indicated Mr. Berg was awaze that this was being worked on. Mr. Berg called Mr. Magner periodically that things were not happening fast enough. After the building deficiency inspection report was compiled, a re-use study of the building needed to be done by a hisCorical architect, which would show the condition of the buitding, the historical content, whether it could be restored historically, and whether the cost would over exceed that amount. Mr. Magner contacted a number of firms, and there was only one response. Code Enforcement contracted with that firm to have a report done, and that was the report that was used for the public hearings. Mr. Strathman asked the date of that report. Mr. Magner responded the invoice daie is 5-26-49. He has no knowledge of the report refened to by Ms. Berg. With regazd to the asbestos, Mr. Strathman stated, it is reasonable for the City to incur that cost as part of preparing for action on this properiy in respect to demolition. The owner received the value of that report which they would have had to do anyway. With regard to the assessment of the historical significance of the property, that was essential and called for by the State to make the proper assessment of the historical significance of this building. It was not just figiuing out the cost of rehabilitating it, but also whether it could be rehabilitated. It is cleaz from the letter Mr. Magner read, Mr. Berg was aware that the City was actively engaged in assessing this property. He could have offered the 1990 report if he had wanted to. Even if he had, it would have been nine years old, and the condition of the building may have changed in nine yeazs. It would not have been prudent for the City to rely on an assessment done nine years ago. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1834 Marvland Avenue East (J990bB) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the November 2, 1999, Legislative Hearing per the owner's request. .i ���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF 10-5-99 1183 Arkwrieht Street (J9907A) Page 5 Gerry Stratbman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing per the owner's request. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 559 Lawson Avenue East If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Photographs were shown and later retumed to Steve Magner.) The following appeazed: Pat Olowsky, First Preston, Rich Lemcke, HUD (Housing and Urban Development). Steve Magner reported this building was condemned on 9-30-98 and has been vacant since 9-28- 98. The current owner is HLTD. It is being managed by the local contractor, First Preston. Two summary abatement notices have been issued to remove refuse and cut tall grass. On 1-27-98 an inspection was conducted, and a list of deficiencies were found that constitute a nuisance condition as developed. As of this date, the properiy remains in the same condition. Vacant building fees aze due. Real estates t�es aze paid. The market value is approximately $38,300. A bond has not been posted. Mx. Olowsky stated there is a purchase agreement on the property, and he requested a postponement. Mr. Strathman asked were there any active problems with this properry. Mr. Magner responded there have been some issues with the building being broken into. HUD has attempted to keep it secure. Mr. Magner suggested any new owners be norified of all the requirements as follows: a $2,000 performance bond would need to be posted, pernuts obtained, and the $200 vacant building fee paid at time of closing. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the January 4, 200Q Legislative Hearing. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 851 Magnolia Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (No one appeared representing the properry.) (Photographs were shown.) Steve Magner reported this properry was condemned on 10-15-97. Two summary abatement notices have been issued to remove refuse and cut tall grass. The vacant building fees aze paid. LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINUT'ES OF 10-5-99 •' _�� � � • -. Real estate t�es aze paid. A code compliance inspection was done. A$2,000 bond has not been posted. The properry has been sold on an unrecorded contract The contract purchaser had made attempts to do things on the properry, but has since let the building be stagnant. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. 875 Palace Avenue (J9904� Cazolyn Madison got a car for her son. He worked on it and installed new parts, but the cost got way out of hand. The caz was never moved. Parts were taken off of it for another vehicle. Then she received a certified letter that it was towed. She works two jobs and cannot afford this assessment. Mr. Strathman stated six orders were mailed to Ms. Madison. Ms. Madison responded she got at least two of those. The car was not abandoned. Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $202.50 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $242.50. 531 Edmund Avenue (J9904V) Linda Moua, 531 Edmund Avenue, appeazed and stated she rents the house, and this involves her husband's caz. According to the records, stated Mr. Strathman, a notice was sent on 3-3-99 to Vue Lee Leenhiavue and it was posted on the door. The caz was not removed until two months later. Mr. Willits reported the vehicles were posted, orders were never returned, and there were no phone calls from the property owner. Gerry Strathman recoxnmended approval of the assessment. 1885 Seventh Street East (J9904V) Owner appeared and stated these are not his cazs. Gerry Strathman responded it is the owner of the properry that is assessed. The owner responded he became the owner 1'/z yeazs ago. When something is bought contract of deed, it sometimes gets lost in the paperwork. If he had vehicles to tow, he would tow it himself. Mr. Strathman stated Donald Johnson is recorded as the owner of the property and he is the one the notices were sent to. Roxanne Flink reported George Lowe is recorded as the owner. Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $335 plus the $65 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $400. 1b�� �l�l � LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF 10-5-99 1895 Ma�olia Avenue East (J9906A) Page 7 The following appeazed: Holly Zschokke, former owner, Floyd, realtor who sold the property. Guy Willits reported he does not have the videotape with him because this property was not scheduled for today. Ms. Zschokke stated she closed on the property on 8-4-99. The notice was received in eazly July. Cleanup was done by that time. Floyd said he talked to the buyer about tius. Personal items were removed: lawn mowers, freezer, tools, and equipment Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing in order to view the videotape. 917 Euclid Street (J9906A) Floyd (from the previous address) stated he would like to see the videotape on this address as well. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislafive Hearing in order to view the videotape. 559 McKnieht Road South (J9904V) Leonazd tlnderson owner, and Win Borden, his attorney, appeazed. Mr. Borden stated this assessment is appazently for an additional vehicle that was towed and not included in the previous assessment for this address. This vehicle was properly licensed. There was damage done to the vehicle when it was towed and in storage. They aze asking for the assessment of $1,072.80 to be set aside. Roxanne Flink reported she has two buses listed in her records. Mr. Borden responded it may be labeled as a bus, but it is a trailer and licensed as such with a license number of T8699F. Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment for the following two reasons: 1) there is already a assessment of approximately $12,000 pending on this properiy, 2) the attorney claims the assessment for these vehicles is included in the eazlier assessment. 1199 Ross Avenue (J9907A) Donald Conroy, owner, appeared Gerry Strathman stated orders were mailed on 2-23-99 to the owner's address in Oakdale. The order was to remove improperly stored refuse. Mr. Willits reported the owner was also called. ! � ��.' a� LEGISLAZTVE HEARING REPORT OF 10-5-99 (Mr. Willits presented photograph to Mr. Conroy.) �� Gerry Strathman recommended approval citing the $145 seems reasonable and is lower than usual for an assessment. The meeting was adjoumed at 11:48 a.m. � City of St. Paul RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSb�N'P o�� vi� p !o COUNCIL F LE N0. Iq ��FI�Q By /GL/ File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW `�me��.e� - o <�. 1� �1R`l� Voting Ward In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses £or 2 J9905A1 (9847) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up) at 430 Case Ave_ /� SS SSA9901A (9848) Sanitary Sewer Service Repair at 1707 Jefferson Ave. — R��.� ass�-ss�,�zv��-4-e � l�5°p (�\ws �4-ti ���� .C,` o s er v i��, � � e.. �v v� �.. -F-o�\ c*,�'' �, LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-99 TO 10-13-99 LEGISLATIVE HEARING ON 10-5-99 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in One equal installments. Except file SSA9901A to be payable in Ten equal installments. COIINCILPERSON Yeas Nays �enanav +�akey i.'1�o:r,�� Bostrom � 1 eman .�'i' i s �antry �iter (�o In Favor l�` Against � i�bs��.� Adopted by the Council: Date b�. �� `��� Certified Passes by Council Secretary To Legislative Hearing Officer - 10-5-99 RE-9-27-99 Public HearinQ Date - 10-13-99 T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: :oataM Yerson and Ph e Roxana F7ink �. 266-8859 a�e ne oo co��a ngenaa ny: Public hearing is set 'or 10-13-99 iIust be in Cuuncil Research OfTice # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 9/24/99 EPARTMENT D TPPATfORNEY Qq.)bl � Green Sheet Number: 100842 II2ECfOR CITY COUNCQ. DIItECfOR �f.`��9 .`�V�\:YYI ALL LOCATIONS FOR 11Y CLERK IN. & MGT. SVG DIIL 1 OUNCII.RESEARCH At Council's request on 9-22-99 to 10-13-99, Summary Abatement (property clean-up) for property at 430 Case Ave. J9905A1 and Sanitary sewer service repair for property at 1707 Jefferson Ave S5A9901A was laid over for further discussion. UMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR RF,JECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING: PLANNING CONIMISSION A STAFF . Has the person/£um ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO CNIL SERVICE COMMISS[ON A Public Health . FIas fhis person/firm ever been a City emplayee? YES NO . Daes this persoo!£u�m possess a skill not normally possessed by any YES NO cis Commrrrse A current City employee? rts whidh Council Objective Explain all YES answers on a separate sheet and attach. Neighborhoods Ward � NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTIJNII'P (Who, What, When, Where, Why?): "SEE ORIGINAL GREEN SHEET NUMBER 09437" IF APPROVED: IF APPROVED: NTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: ga � p � , EdcE��a# y .�e�$°�"C�i b¢�"'-?T S�P � � �999 MOUN'C OF TRANSACTION: $'] ,gg�,33 COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO � SOURCE: ASSCSSI[1CRYS OII�3' ACTIVTTYNUMBER: 1L L�'FORMATION: (EXPLAI� 2 property owners will be notified of the public hearin� and char�es. ,; ALCjcj To Lzgislative Hearing Officer - September 7, 1999 RE-7-16-99 �;�(YL Public Hearin� Date - September 22. 1999 � Ad. il �� T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: act Yenon and Yh ne Y mber: Roxana Flink�� 266-88�9 be on Councit Agenda by: $-Ig-99 be in Countil ReSearch Oft"ice aoon on Friday 8-13-99 �TAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 REQUESTED: 7/9/99 Green Sheet Number: 09437 DIRECIOR ITYCOW. CIL ATTOF4YEY '�ET DIRECCOR )R (OR ASSISiAh"n CLERK hIGT. SVG D[R ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Set date of public hearing and approve assmts for Summ Abate (property clean-up and/or grass cutting) during June 1999 (J9905A), Demo of vac bldg. during 3une 1999 (39905C), Towing aband vehicles during March 1999 (J9903V), Boarding-up of vac bidg. during May 1999 (J9905B) and Sanitary sewer serv repairs (SSA9901). dMENDATIONS: APPROVE (A) OR REJECT (R) ERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS NIOST ANSW R THE FOLLOFYING: PLANYING COM�IISSIOH A SCAFF . Has the persodFirm ever worked under a wntract for this department? YES NO CIV[L SERVICE COMbIISSION CB CON\IITIEE rts whidh Council Objec[ive Neighborhoods A Public Health A VacanlBldg W ard 2 Esplain ail YES answers on a separate shee[ and attach- YES NO YES NO .IATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR'TS3NIT7 (Who, What, �Vhen, Where, Why?): Property owners or renters create a health hazard at various times throughout the City of Saint Paul when their property is not kept ua. IF APPROVED: Cost recovery programs to recover expenses for Summary Abatement, Demolition Towing abandoned vehicles, Boarding-up and Sanita. This inciudes cutting tall grass and weeds, hauling away all garbage, debris, refuse and tires. Also, ali household items such as refrigerators, stoves, sofas, chairs and all other items. In winter this includes the removal of snow and ice from sidervaik and cross walks. IFAPPROVED: If Councii does not approve these charges, General Fund would be required to pay the assessment. Assessments are payable over 1 year and collected with the property taxes if not IF NOT APPROYED: Neighborhoods would be left to deteriorate and property values wouid decline. Nobody would take care of their property, especially vacant or rental properties. Rodents, filth, garbage and trash would accumulate evervwhere. Disease and uests could become a nroblem. A\lOUNT OF TR�itiSACTION: � lOJ� 530.54 COST/REVEh'UE BUDGETED (CIRCLE O\'E) YES I�O SOURCE: ,�SSCSSIttCI1tS 1LIVFOR�L�TIO\:(EXPLAIN) 155 property owners will be notified of the Has Ihis person/Frm ever been a City employee? Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current City empioyee? ACTIVITY NUI4IBER: and City of St. Paul Real Estate Division Dept. of Technology & Management Serv. REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMEN'P COUNCIL FILE NO. File No. SEE BELOW Assessment No. SEE BELOW � �q,/DI o Voting Ward In the matter o£ the assessment of benefits, cost and e�enses for 2 J9905A1 (9847) Summary Abatement (Property clean-up) at 430 Case Ave_ SSA9901A (9848) Sanitary Sewer Service Repair at 1707 Jefferson Ave. LAID OVER BY COUNCIL ON 9-22-99 TO 10-13-99 LEGISLATIVE BEARING ON 10-5-99 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Valuation and Assessment Engineer hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs $7,547 Valuation and Assessment Services $ Administration Charge - Public Health $ 25 Re-Check Charge - Public Health $ 25 Abatement Service Charge $ 30 TOTAL EXPENDITURES Charge To Net Assessment $7,887 $ $7,887 33 00 00 00 33 33 Said Valuation and Assessment Engineer further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $7,887.33 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Valuation and Assessment Engineer, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ///rrr /1 Dated 7'���� /� ?.�,... � � �_�!�-u.t� j� ,V,aluation and Assessment Engineer ��� � � a a C] a C7 £ 0 � a E £ y � a rn � N 0 � .i O �� �� qio H I O � � N�N E+ � cn a i � W � N W � N Oi� a�m d � N � im � N lA � O O O II O E� O o 0 11 0 y � • - . n • ]� vi �n ui n ui � i� N ci 11 l(1 i cn vrvr n r� � rir n +� � 1 p � II Q i II W II I UI I O00 [ti i 000 H i O O O 'y I 000 � I 1 � N N a��+ o�M E� U� Wi i w�000 �i000 i000 i � � N F� N� H 1 ] I 1 I I I 1 � a � w vi c i w � �p� O � i r.CUU z �rxw ry � � U U W i � W i W i O � � E z� ww o � � o a � aa"'w ri � r+ 3 W U i w E W� O W i U]�nF�mz C] � W O W UEFO Xcn F � dz W r W � ON .7in a � Q H�.�-i.�-� a ,- n i a � £C O a � W FC w� a S i i � � � a � a � i }� r� t� i W m .a � A S r�n �o r� >�w� w � m �� �a wEwm a � Q xavc� O � O N.] 2 i H O H w � �n�w� i Umav]o W i H`J �00 W O � [�'4.'oa' a a 0 0 o n o 0 0 o n o •n ui ui in n ui '-I N r-I II ul M U} t? 11 t+f Z} il [? n n II 11 11 i n n n u n n u • W W II W m U' 11 WO�ii Sc UU II n �.xw na �UU n FC w r, n E. x�no �W W ii mc4� n F ,7 11 U �r�� ii 7 FEEi�O L-�, (�-i � ii a � a W � a E a £ w x m 0 a w U � N � r / � :- ., '.i�- � � l / � � nI L Y ' U � � � N m a a a n a W � � � m 4 E £ N � Q � � rn O N � 0 �o + �m � A�ti � H�o � � � N � N � H,.. n � a�� w�M o a�N � o � �i � cti�m 7 i a�N � � � ,m ; io � � � i m � oo�r� E � o o n � � �G i • • II � b � �n in n i � N rl II i +2 vt n � n � i n � x i +� n +ir F i � II i � � O 6 � i� 11 i w ra, - n � vi i boo i E�000 � H I M O O Z i t�t O O � � I • • I � N ti ti a. I M � O�N � Eih � U i Q � W i i i Wi000 i F�000 i rC i o0o i cC � � � � N N F� Nti H � z I I a 1 I 1 I I , I I ' I 1 a I IH W � � a' a� � ^ i�WU i ��aww � C4 � W U � �m7.N � /C � 3�R7 � i W � m cn i i i i i � i i i i i i i z� � o� � H i H i i W i V] i r+ i FC W W � .] F � U i .7 O yiHOz � ([� I � fi 1 A �aum � � �waaw � iNWWO � � �n a � � w i wa,am � a�aN rn p i r� r i w' UF+ > i w� H � � � � � � w i �z �� � �� �w m� � z r, w r+ � � r >oam i r�h�zoo�'� K � 20�+�]W � °' � > �a�w� � '�a�aaw wm� E � x �J W £ W � � x � a w hc7 � 0 0r1' ��t�t z i �� x�ma�a�ca� z W � a � S � SFCtiFoa � O � UUOU1+ + � n o o n M t+1 O O II M . �� . N �f1 �I1 II N �+1 N � 11 h N � � II � 11 � ur ir u r� n u n n n �� n II II II �� a �� H W 11 a �ii a w ii� N H 7 I I O a$ u H ajr.�c ii F aaaiiw �r2r� n n ENE li O EHE�nw � a w U Q� �. a � w x m 0 a W U � � i � � � iII_ REPORT LEGISLATIVE HEARING Date: October 5, 1999 Time: 10:00 a.m. Place: Room 330 City Hall 15 West Kellogg Boulevazd Gerry Strathman Legislative Hearing Officer 1. 1707 Jefferson Avenue; Christopher and Carol Jorgensen. (SSA9901A) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) �, i � _::� Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $1,500 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $1,540. 2. 430 Case Avenue; Richard and Audrey Russ. (J�905A1) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 3. Summary Abatements: File J9904V Towing of abandoned vehicies during April and May 1999; File J9906A Property clean-up or grass cutting dsri�g July 1999; File J9906B Boarding-up of vacant properties during June 1999; File J9906C Demolition of vacant buildings during July 1999. 631 Thomas Avenue (J9906A) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1834 Marvland Avenue East (79906B) Gerry Strathman recomxnended laying over to the Nc :: .: er 2, 1999, Legislative Hearing. 875 Palace Avenue (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to ,n202.50 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $242.50. 531 Edmund Avenue (J9904� Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1885 Seventh Street East (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $335 plus the $65 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $400. �o�o q9 -.�' LEGISLATTVE HEARINC� REPORT OF 10-5-99 Page 2 1895 Maenolia Avenue East (79906A) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislarive Hearing. 917 Euclid Street (J9906A) Gerry Shathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legisiative Hearing. 559 McKni¢ht Road South (J9904V) Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment. 4. Summary Abatements: File J9907A Property clean-up or grass cutting during the last week of July and during August 1949; File J9907B Boarding up of vacant buildings during July 1999; File J9907C Demolition of vacant buildings for September 1999; File J99GRASS Grass cuttiug by contractor during July tnrough mid August 1999. 81 Winnipee Avenue (J9907B) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 270 Seventh Sueet West (J9907C) Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. I 183 Arkwripht Street (J9907A) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing. 1199 Ross Avenue (J9907A) CTerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 5. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the buildir^ °` G59 Lawson Avenue East, ff the owner fails to comply with the resoluHon, e,ade Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the January 4, 2000, Legis:ative Hearing. 6. Resolufian ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 851 Magnolia Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. Gerry Strathman recommended approval. � �. � r - _ MINUTES OF TF� LEGISLATIVE HEARING Tuesday, October 5, 1999 Room 330 Courthouse Gerry Stratlunan, Legislative Hearing Officer The meeting was called to order at 10:03 a.m. STAFF PRESENT: Roxanne Flink, Real Estate; Peter Crallagher, Public Works-Sewer Utility; Steve Magner, Code Enforcement; Guy Willits, Code Enforcement � 1707 Jefferson Avenue; Christopher and Carol Jorgensen. (SSA9901A) (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Christopher Jorgensen, owner, appeared. Approximately two yeazs ago, a hole developed in the boulevard next to the street. An inspector said he found some rat pilings in the bottom of the hole. Mr. Jorgensen paid Carlson Sewer Company $1,850 to fix the problem. Mr. Jorgensen had his sewer photographed, and there were no breaks in his sewer line. The next summer, there was another hole in the same spot. Mr. Jorgensen called the City again. The street and the sewer line were dug up. Instead of using the pre-cut holes in the main, it was found that someone chopped a hole 2 to 3 times bigger than what was needed in the connection. That is where the rats were coming from. Mr. Jorgensen's sewer service was fine. The pipe replaced was the xniddle section of the sewer line, a part that was not broken at all. He got assessed $7,57233 for the work that was done by the second contractor. It would not have been so expensive, but the street restoration chazges doubled the bill. Cazlson Sewer Company replaced about 15 feet of pipe from a foot behind the properiy line to the edge of the pavement. Peter Gallagher reported there was a fog test done on 9-25-97 which showed posirive for rat infestation at the site. His question would be why 15 feet of pipe was replaced the first time. Code Enforcement got a contractor to do the work. Sewer maintenance televised the main and determined the pipe had not been put in one of the manufactured y's in ihe pipe, tapped into the main, mortared with brick and concrete, and it appears the pipe had fallen one joint off--about two feet--back from the main. If Mr. Gallagher feels it was a problem on the main, that is a judgement call. Mr. Jorgensen stated everyone was amazed how lazge the hole was in the main. It was an ixnproper insulation. He does not understand why a precut hole was not used. A person does not cut a hole lazger than what is needed to connect another pipe. Gerry Strathman asked when this connection was made. Mr. Gailagher responded 1920. Mr. Strathman stated in 1920 when the original connecfion was made, in all likelihood the connection was not done conecUy at the main. Over the yeazs, that connection deteriorated, and gradually became large enough that rats went through it, and hence there is a problem. The question is where does the responsibility for that lie. Mr. Strathman asked when an installation is l�lb �t�l � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINtJTES OF 10-5-99 ' page 2 being done, does the City have any role in this. Mr. Gallagher responded the City provides the records of where things aze located. The policy is the company should be using premanufachued openings to take the cover off. However, they are given the oprion for attaching to the main in other fashions instead of chopping holes. Does the City inspect the work, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr, Gallagher responded the work is inspected in an open trench. He could not say 100% of the work was seen in 1920. Gerry Strathman reduced the assessment to $1,500 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $1,540. From the legal position, it is the homeowner's responsibility. However, there is some question as to whether the City has some culpability going back 79 years in allowing this connection to be done in an ixnproper fashion. It seems the homeowner has acted in a reasonable and responsible way, and was consulting with City officials. It seems eactraordinarily burdensome to have the homeowner face $1,850 plus an additional assessment of $7,500 for a mistake made by someone 79 yeazs ago. � 43Q Case Avenue; Richard and Audrey Russ. (39905A1} (Per City Council meeting of 9-22-99) Dorothy Kullney, accountant for Richazd and Audrey Russ, appeazed. The owners were sent a bill for clean up. She was not sure what was on the property at the tune. Since then, Ms. Kullney has cleaned the property. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Strathman stated it looks like the City mowed the lawn, cut down the trees, and picked up debris. Ms. Kullney responded the boys said they took care of this, but it looks like they didn'� Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. Summary Abatements: File J9904V Towing of abandoned vehicles during April and May 1999; File J9906A Property clean-up or grass cutting during July 1994; File J9906B Boarding-up of vacant properties during June 1999; File J9906C Demolifion of vacant buildings during July 1999. File J9907A Property clean-up or grass cutting during the last week of July and during August 1999; File J9907B Boarding up of vacant buildings during July 1999; File J9907C Demolition of vacant huildings during September 1999; File J99GRASS Grass cutting by contractor during July through mid August 1999. ,t ���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF 10-5-99 631 Thomas Avenue (J9906,A� Allan Ige, owner, appeazed. (A videotape was shown.) Page 3 Mr. Ige stated there was a blue caz in the videotape. They aze suppose to notify him to take caze ofthe vehicle. Guy Willits reported orders were mailed on 7-1-99 to Mazk Pierce on 4`�' Street, Alan Ige on Laurel, and the occupant. The door was posted. No mail has been returned to lus office. His records show that the property owner called and asked for an e�ctension of time to take caze of the problem. Mr. Ige responded he does not know who called. Code Enforcement should have written down the name of that person. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment citing he cannot find any fault. The records show that owners were notified, the properiy was posted, and an extension of time given. Code Enforcement is required to mail to the legal address of the owner of the properties. In this case, they posted the property and even gave an extension. It seems the City did more than what was required. 81 Winnipee Avenue (79907B) No one appeazed representing the property. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 270 Seventh Street West (J9907C) Janie Berg, speaking on behalf of the owner, appeazed and stated this properiy has been in front of the Council and legislative hearings for 15 yeazs. The Bergs have initiated for the demolition of this building., They are pleased that it is no longer standing. However, it was a surprise to the Bergs that a motion was made by Councilmember Coleman that there would be a hearing on July 6 as to whether the building would be repaired or demolished. The Bergs were unaware that this action was being taken, and no one called them to say that an assessment of the properiy was needed. An azchitectural firm was hired to give an account of the situation. Had anybody notified the property owners, this $3,115,71 assessment could have been eliminated because this already was done in 1990 at the request of the City. Gerry Strathman asked did that report include the cost of rehabilitation. Ms. Berg responded yes. Steve Magner reported the issue is the assessment of two thiugs: the azchitectural report for $2,060 and the asbestos report of $1,055.77. He will touch on the asbestos report first. In the �Dl tJ — l� � LEGISLAITVE HEARING MINUTES OF 10-5-99 Page 4 process of going to demolition they needed a hazd cost figure of the demolition costs. That was only obtainable through having the building surveyed because bids were from $10,000 to $50,000 to demolish this building. It was prudent to spend this money so the demolition contractors could come up with the actual cost. At the time of public hearings, Code Enfozcement wanted to give the City Council information they would require to make their decision. This was not an ordinary building to tear down. The asbestos was more eactensive than first noted. Even though the owner did the demolirion, the owner would have been required to have the asbestos report done. The report was given to the owner so they could have their own contractor do the work. Steve Magner reported the second issue is the architectural report. A letter was received from David Berg. (Mr. Magner read this lettet.) The letter indicated Mr. Berg was awaze that this was being worked on. Mr. Berg called Mr. Magner periodically that things were not happening fast enough. After the building deficiency inspection report was compiled, a re-use study of the building needed to be done by a hisCorical architect, which would show the condition of the buitding, the historical content, whether it could be restored historically, and whether the cost would over exceed that amount. Mr. Magner contacted a number of firms, and there was only one response. Code Enforcement contracted with that firm to have a report done, and that was the report that was used for the public hearings. Mr. Strathman asked the date of that report. Mr. Magner responded the invoice daie is 5-26-49. He has no knowledge of the report refened to by Ms. Berg. With regazd to the asbestos, Mr. Strathman stated, it is reasonable for the City to incur that cost as part of preparing for action on this properiy in respect to demolition. The owner received the value of that report which they would have had to do anyway. With regard to the assessment of the historical significance of the property, that was essential and called for by the State to make the proper assessment of the historical significance of this building. It was not just figiuing out the cost of rehabilitating it, but also whether it could be rehabilitated. It is cleaz from the letter Mr. Magner read, Mr. Berg was aware that the City was actively engaged in assessing this property. He could have offered the 1990 report if he had wanted to. Even if he had, it would have been nine years old, and the condition of the building may have changed in nine yeazs. It would not have been prudent for the City to rely on an assessment done nine years ago. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the assessment. 1834 Marvland Avenue East (J990bB) Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the November 2, 1999, Legislative Hearing per the owner's request. .i ���� LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINiJTES OF 10-5-99 1183 Arkwrieht Street (J9907A) Page 5 Gerry Stratbman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing per the owner's request. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 559 Lawson Avenue East If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (Photographs were shown and later retumed to Steve Magner.) The following appeazed: Pat Olowsky, First Preston, Rich Lemcke, HUD (Housing and Urban Development). Steve Magner reported this building was condemned on 9-30-98 and has been vacant since 9-28- 98. The current owner is HLTD. It is being managed by the local contractor, First Preston. Two summary abatement notices have been issued to remove refuse and cut tall grass. On 1-27-98 an inspection was conducted, and a list of deficiencies were found that constitute a nuisance condition as developed. As of this date, the properiy remains in the same condition. Vacant building fees aze due. Real estates t�es aze paid. The market value is approximately $38,300. A bond has not been posted. Mx. Olowsky stated there is a purchase agreement on the property, and he requested a postponement. Mr. Strathman asked were there any active problems with this properry. Mr. Magner responded there have been some issues with the building being broken into. HUD has attempted to keep it secure. Mr. Magner suggested any new owners be norified of all the requirements as follows: a $2,000 performance bond would need to be posted, pernuts obtained, and the $200 vacant building fee paid at time of closing. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the January 4, 200Q Legislative Hearing. Resolution ordering the owner to remove or repair the building at 851 Magnolia Avenue East. If the owner fails to comply with the resolution, Code Enforcement is ordered to remove the building. (No one appeared representing the properry.) (Photographs were shown.) Steve Magner reported this properry was condemned on 10-15-97. Two summary abatement notices have been issued to remove refuse and cut tall grass. The vacant building fees aze paid. LEGISLATIVE HEARING NIINUT'ES OF 10-5-99 •' _�� � � • -. Real estate t�es aze paid. A code compliance inspection was done. A$2,000 bond has not been posted. The properry has been sold on an unrecorded contract The contract purchaser had made attempts to do things on the properry, but has since let the building be stagnant. Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the resolution. 875 Palace Avenue (J9904� Cazolyn Madison got a car for her son. He worked on it and installed new parts, but the cost got way out of hand. The caz was never moved. Parts were taken off of it for another vehicle. Then she received a certified letter that it was towed. She works two jobs and cannot afford this assessment. Mr. Strathman stated six orders were mailed to Ms. Madison. Ms. Madison responded she got at least two of those. The car was not abandoned. Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $202.50 plus the $40 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $242.50. 531 Edmund Avenue (J9904V) Linda Moua, 531 Edmund Avenue, appeazed and stated she rents the house, and this involves her husband's caz. According to the records, stated Mr. Strathman, a notice was sent on 3-3-99 to Vue Lee Leenhiavue and it was posted on the door. The caz was not removed until two months later. Mr. Willits reported the vehicles were posted, orders were never returned, and there were no phone calls from the property owner. Gerry Strathman recoxnmended approval of the assessment. 1885 Seventh Street East (J9904V) Owner appeared and stated these are not his cazs. Gerry Strathman responded it is the owner of the properry that is assessed. The owner responded he became the owner 1'/z yeazs ago. When something is bought contract of deed, it sometimes gets lost in the paperwork. If he had vehicles to tow, he would tow it himself. Mr. Strathman stated Donald Johnson is recorded as the owner of the property and he is the one the notices were sent to. Roxanne Flink reported George Lowe is recorded as the owner. Gerry Strathman recommended reducing the assessment to $335 plus the $65 service fee, which brings the assessment to a total of $400. 1b�� �l�l � LEGISLATIVE HEARING REPORT OF 10-5-99 1895 Ma�olia Avenue East (J9906A) Page 7 The following appeazed: Holly Zschokke, former owner, Floyd, realtor who sold the property. Guy Willits reported he does not have the videotape with him because this property was not scheduled for today. Ms. Zschokke stated she closed on the property on 8-4-99. The notice was received in eazly July. Cleanup was done by that time. Floyd said he talked to the buyer about tius. Personal items were removed: lawn mowers, freezer, tools, and equipment Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislative Hearing in order to view the videotape. 917 Euclid Street (J9906A) Floyd (from the previous address) stated he would like to see the videotape on this address as well. Gerry Strathman recommended laying over to the October 19, 1999, Legislafive Hearing in order to view the videotape. 559 McKnieht Road South (J9904V) Leonazd tlnderson owner, and Win Borden, his attorney, appeazed. Mr. Borden stated this assessment is appazently for an additional vehicle that was towed and not included in the previous assessment for this address. This vehicle was properly licensed. There was damage done to the vehicle when it was towed and in storage. They aze asking for the assessment of $1,072.80 to be set aside. Roxanne Flink reported she has two buses listed in her records. Mr. Borden responded it may be labeled as a bus, but it is a trailer and licensed as such with a license number of T8699F. Gerry Strathman recommended deleting the assessment for the following two reasons: 1) there is already a assessment of approximately $12,000 pending on this properiy, 2) the attorney claims the assessment for these vehicles is included in the eazlier assessment. 1199 Ross Avenue (J9907A) Donald Conroy, owner, appeared Gerry Strathman stated orders were mailed on 2-23-99 to the owner's address in Oakdale. The order was to remove improperly stored refuse. Mr. Willits reported the owner was also called. ! � ��.' a� LEGISLAZTVE HEARING REPORT OF 10-5-99 (Mr. Willits presented photograph to Mr. Conroy.) �� Gerry Strathman recommended approval citing the $145 seems reasonable and is lower than usual for an assessment. The meeting was adjoumed at 11:48 a.m. �