89-345 WHITE - GITY CLERK COUflCll /�'J� PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L / BLUERV - MAypqTMENT File NO• I _��� Co,un 'l Resolution -�; Presented By �� ��, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date - RESOLVED: That application ( p 15551) for an On Sale Liquor and Sunday Liquor Lice se, applied for by the Civic Center Authority for the ivic Center Complex, I.A. 0'Shaughnessy Plaza, be and the �m is hereby granted in accordance with Mirinesota Laws 197 , hapter No. 396 and Counci1 File #255594, September 3, 1971 , th t the bond requirement is waived and that the License I �p tor is directed to issue said licenses. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �� In Fav r Goswitz Rettman D B �be1�� A gai n s Y Sonnen Wilson �Eg L g j Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Pas ouncil Secretary By . � � � By Approved by vor: Dat _ MAR — � � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � � By - By �U�l1St�D �i�K 1 1 98 ,;� `_` G� S f-�S'" i ��_ .d�,,,,,� �„� �„�� +E�f��t�f �li��"" No. 0 0�4 7 0 ; J: Car edi �,�� _ �P,�� �,,,����, j: _ . �a�un�a�r�ae+v�s� 3 crtr p.�c � �„� . `�` "°. — ��� ` 2 Counci1 Research . � .. . . � �_� .�. CR7 A77GNMI�Y � � � � - . � � ' .., . . . _ . . . . .. . _ . . , . .: . . , Renewal of On Sa1e Liquor and Su day Ofl S�le Liquor Licenses. ; I _ n[Cb��71d�I�OD��(A)Or Reha(R)) RERORT: � � PLAN'ifi0 OOIiN�ION . qVIL SERVICE COMMI3SION � DATE IN DATE OIf�. .. MYILVST . . � PHONE NO. . �. mtN90 C01�R8810N . 130 828 SCIi00L 90ARD . . . . � . . .. . � STAFF. � - (xiARTER(%IA�MA8810N . � AS�S �. � ADRi MFO..ADDED* . � RE7'�70 OONiA�T . OONBTTF�NT .� - � �� - � � � . - . _ . _FOR AODL YIFO. _FEEDBM7C It3DED* � j��: . 018TRICT OOUpCL . �� �� � . . '. � BUPPORT8 MM1i1CF1.E0UNCIL OB�CTNE7 � � � � . . � . .. . " i. �.�E__. � . . . � . � � . . ,� . . . . �J��.. � : � . - . . . .�- .'� : .� . . . . . .� : . . .. . ... � . . .. ' �.� . � .. . � � . .. . . .. Nf1M7N0 PR�L�Ir�6t1E.OPPORTtN�TY(VVIfO.1N1'19t.YV11on.VN1Ble.VN11�:' . i Request Council. ap�roval of. t enewa1 .of the On Sa1e Lic}�or and On Sa1e . Sunday Liquor Licenses -issued the Civic Center Authority. �us�ric,►�or�tc�,ea»n�.,�.�wn.y: The Police Department, Phi1 6 and Joseph.C�rchedi haye r.eYiewed the licenses and have agreed that h ,License Division may now fc�rwarc#�them to the St. .Pau1 City CounciT. T License Division's .reco►�r�datian is for a�rproval . �Mma.vrns�.�e rc ra�w��: . If Council approval is not re i ed, app1icant wi11 be scheduled for a r.eview before a hearing officer. � �u.�.a�s: � m,as � . _ � F � . . � CC�,`'„�� �@Sf'U'"C�l C�n� � wsronr�rrs: - j FEB 15 i�rs� . i . , ��: _ � WMITE - C�TV�CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PA U L �� 3�� CANARV - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Coun 'l Resolution pAC� ONE (1) of � �2, , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Whereas, the Saint Paul Folice Department as applied for a Grant from the Minnesota Department of Public Safety, State and Local Assistan or Narcotics Control Program to Purchase Equipment, S�ipplies and Services to improve Identific ti n, Apprehension and Prosecution of Drug Offenders, and; Whereas, the Minnesota Department of Publi S fety Grant w�uld cover $15,615.00 of costs for the Project and requires a City ma,tch of $5,20 . and; � � Whereas, costs to the City of Saint Paul ul be $5,205.00 of which is to be provided by Special Investiga.tions (Ftiuid 436), and; Whereas, the Ma,yor, pursuant to Section 10.07 1 of the City Charter does certify tha.t there are available for appropriation, revenues in e ce s of those estirna,ted in the 1989 Budget, and; Whereas, the Ma,yor recomnends the followin c ges to the 1989 Budg�et: -�izage� Changes -�u�ge� Financing Plan: 436 Police - Special Projects 34128 Narcotics Control Grant-C�ime ratory 9890 Undesignated Fund Balance 0.00 4,120.00 4,120.00 3199 Federal Direct Grants-State A 'n'stered 0.00 15,615.00 15,615.00 7399 Transfer from Special �,inds 0.00 5,205.00 5,205.00 All Other Financing 910,596.00 0.00 910,596.00 910,596.00 24,940.00 935,536.00 (Continued on Next Page. . . . . . .) COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays .� Dimond I Lti��t.�. Long [n Fa or Goswitz xettman __ A ain t gy �� ��.-�.� , � ��.;�z,��-.,__ Sc6eibel g � r�� f !. Sonnen Wilson Form Approve b City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Z'� � � gy. Approved by Mavor. Date _ Approved ayor or ub ' sion to C� By BY ,�