89-228 (2) � - � �.�i�S �`� City of St.Paul COLINCI�FILE N0. FINAL ORDER IN � i r` - � - „ gy ; . -. . � '.��..7.._. ...........M-�--''� ,- CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS File o. i8�il.6—S . -. f ,.....,. ,. , .:.., .�.+ I''�'Y , ,.. � �f_, j_';:? ';/ �r... i ,�-' Votitig In the Matter of _�,J,.f�``�'� HarQ _ 3 - Candaaaing am� tik�A� an ess ace t in tt�Q lind �eeees�ary for the alopee, cuts sad lill,s, ��c �din� right of r��c►vsl of lateral support fro� ��si►�act l�tnd o e�afnder �heren� � occs�ioaed hp e�ccav�tion� ther�o� or coASt ac ion of siap�s ia the gr�tdi�g and pavia� of the allcy i� 8iacic I Clarke 's 2Ad Additian attd B2ock 2, AiN�OD�i Sth Additio�t. , ; under Administrative Order � approved �� under Preliminary Order d �l � approved �� "'�—�✓ I A public hearing having been had upon th { ab ve improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativ th reto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City f S 'nt Paul hereby orders said improvement to be made e � ���C� FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Couneil her y d termines that the estate required C.or Lhis improvement be as describ- ed above, and that the proper City officers submit a r port to the City Counail for the putpose of the Counoil's making an award of damages for the interest aqa�il�and deter nat' n ot asaessments, if any, against the benefited property. acquired COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date FEB 2 8198g YeaDimpnd Nays �y��a Certified Pass d b Counci c r Long � RgttmaA � In F or By Scha�bel � • &onxuan } �L_Agai t Ma or w�Ieoa , — 1 19$a Y �� PUBIIStiED t�`«f� 1 1 1989 V&A 1/9/ 9 `�/ �I 9�' �5�3313 . ORIGINATOFr ' DATE UNM DATE C � Paul st. Martin � � 12-2 -$ G R E E N S H T No.0�3 5 3 1. �,.: co�r�PeasoN Jack Davis _ ��►+raR�cra+ _�,►�+,oA�,um ��. Publ ic Works Department Nu�E ;FO _ A"'""�,"'�"���"`"�so�a�cro� �crrYC�c . �rnncr o e,cr�rq. ROl1Tl ewaer anECroa Pub 1 i c Works ORDEii: ' - �s � Co ci_ l�Res�arch 2g2-(2$� cm�nawev Must be in the i��.'�ler s ce ' SUBJECT/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT/REQUEST: IIO ater t an noon Monday, January . Must e ' one Agenda Tuesday, January 17. Grade and pave the ALLEY IN BLOCK t , CLA KE'S 2nd ADD. (Wheelock, Larpenteur, Westminster Edgemont) and IN BLOCK 2, DAWSO 'S STH ADD. File No. 18544 and 18544-S. RECOMMENDATIONS:(Approve(A)a Reject(R)► COUNCIL ES H REPORT: PUNNIN6 COMMISSION CMl SERVICE COMMISSION DATE IN pATE OUT ANAIYST PMONE Np. . ZONINO CAMMI3310N ISD 825$CFqOL BpARO , _,/, STAFF CMApTER CAMASSpN S IS -ADDL INFO.AOOED� - �F q pOD'l IN OA*T _�FEEDBACK ADDED* � DISTAICT COUNC�I •IXPLANA ON: . 3UPPORTS WHN�1 CAUNCIL OBJECTNE? . Better and safer neighborhoods. Ward 5 INITIATIN�PROBLEM.ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(Who,What.When.Where.Why1: This project was initiated by a petition r pr senting 3 of the 8 properties abutting the improvement. JU8'i1FICATION(Cost/Bensfib.Advanlagss.Resulta): This improvement will eliminate the mud an e osion problems associated with a dirt altey. � It will enhance the aesthetics of the neig bo hood and reduce the maintenance costs. CONSEOUENCES(Wha�When.and To Whan►: � The total cost of this project will be ass ss d against the abutting properties. � � AITERNATIVE3: PRO CONS C ., Do nothing. N assessments to proper y Muddy conditions and o ners. erosion will continue. No reduction in maintenance costs. HISTORYlPRECEDENTS: LEGAL ISSUES: PERFORMANCE HISTORY OF SPONSORING FlRM/ORGANiZATION/PRINCIPALS: . . � • . - . . � .. STAKEHOLDERS(List) PoBmON(+,-,O) -i r wiu TESnsr�riN) RATOnnl.e(Summe�;z.Mein aqumsms) Residents ? ? � FINANCIAL IMPACT . flASr��R�s��o�� SECOND VE4R Nores: OPERATING BUDGET: ' REVENUES GENERATED N/A EXPENSES: Salaries/Fringe Benefits........................................................ Equipment.....................:......................... Supplies ................................................................................. Contracts for Service............................................................. Other PROFlT(LOSS) ................................................................................ FUNDING SOURCE FOR ANY LOSS(Name and Amounq CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET: OESIGN COSTS �� �400•�� ................................................................................ x,�R�pp�4tc��x Assessment Costs 00.00 � ..................................................................... .3 coNS�ucnoN cosrs 100.00 7, TOTAL $8,800.00 - .................................................................................................... SOURCE OF FUNDING(Name and Amount) Assessments $8,800.00 IMPACT ON BUDGET: AMOUNT CURRENTLY BUDGETED N�A AMOUNT IN EXCESS OF CURRENT BUDCET ,,,_„_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SOURCE OF AMOUNT OVER BUD(iET........................................ PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST) ,.,,,,,,, IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY: DEPT/OFPICE � DIVISION � � FUND T171E � Public Works Department Street En ineerin BUDf3ET ACTIVITY NUMBER 6 TITLE . ACTIVITV MANAGER Jose h Koen.i HOW PERFORMANCE WILL 8E MEASURED4: PROCaRAM OBJECTIVES: PROGRAM INDICATORS 7ST YR. 2ND YR. EVALUATION RESPONSIBILITY: pEq� DEPT. Pr+ONE roo. REPORT TO COUNCIL OF DA7E FIRST QUARTERLY . PERFORlMANCE REPOR7 BY � . , � ���-33�' . a �- embers: T F S I p UI, . ger J. Goswitz, chair fi�`ii��i i°ii OFFICE OF H CITY COUNOI anice Rettman � .11 - , Tom Dimond , ������� Date: February 22, 1�89 ' RECEIVED Comrr�itt e Report ; . �B 2 21989 � To: Saint Paul City Councili c��rY c�tKK From :Public Works, Utilitie�, nd Transportation Committee � � Roger J. Goswitz, C ai The Public Works Committee at it� m eting of February 22, 1989 took the following action: 'i ', 1. Approval of minutes �!,of February 8, 1989. Hearin Date 2.»�.+Z 28 9,",* FINAL ORDER: " Imprdvi g the alley in Block 1, Approved Clarke's 'Addition lan in Block 2, Dawson's 3-0 . � Addition by gradin$ a d paving. (bounded by ' Wheelock, Larpent�eu , Westminster and Edgemont) . Alpo, condesniag �nd taking an easement for the slopes in the ka ing and paving of - the above said alley. � 3. 3/7/89 FINAL ORDER: Acq �r ng easements for the Agproved STARKEY/PLATO AREA �0 SEWER SYSTEM. 3-Q � with caveat. , 4. 3/7/89 FINAL ORDER: Acq ir ng easements for the Laid over in SYLVAN/ACKER AREA S 0 SEWER SYSTEM. Committee ' to 3-8-89 �I 5. FINAL ORDER: Const uc ing a sanitary sewer in Laid over � WHEELOCK PARKWAY f om Edgemont Street to 160 Indefinitely feet east of Edgemo t, treet. ' Also constructing s nitary sewer service ! connections. } Constructing a wat r ain in Wheelock Parkway � from Edgemont Str et to 170 feet east of Edgemont Street. � A so constructing water , service connections.' Acquiring a 20-�0o easement for sewer purposes. (Laid ove�j i Committee) . � � i i I CITY HALL SEVENTH FLUURJ SAINT PAUI,� MINNESOTA 55102 �� I Summary of E gi eering Recommendations ,33 Report Pre ar d - December 20, 1988 �� PROJECT I Grade and pave the alley in BLOC 1, CLARKE'S 2nd ADD. (Wheelock, Larpenteur, Westminster, Edgemo t). Also, condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for th slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support fr m ubject land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof r onstruction of slopes in the grading and paving of said alley. i INITIATING ACTION This improvement was initiated by p ition signed by 3 of the 8 abutting property owners, representing abou 6 % of the abutting property. EXISTING CONDITIONS This is a dirt and gravel alley but do s ot have major drainage problems and can be constructed without se rs The right-of-way width is 20'. The homes on the west side of the Ile face Westminster. The two homes on the east side, face Larpenteur or W eelock. PROPOSEDIMPROVEMENT Pave this alley with bituminous mat rial to a width of 16'. E TIMATED T AND FINAN IN Construction Costs $8,500.00 Valuations and Assessments �e ices 300.00 Total Expenditures $8,800.00 Rate per assessable foot: $ 18.00 Finance by assessments only. R E F ADDITI NA INF R AT N J � � g` For additional information, contact�ac Davis at 292-6281 . n ,��.�- �i'33 � V' RECOMMENDAl10N The Department of Public Works fel Is hat this is a ve worthwhile ry project and recommends approval f t e order. Respectfully submitted, � Donald E. Nygaard Director of Public Works i � � . . �� Zo-Z - � I , � � 6� � � � _ � � - ,°., • i � " . �. 3a 30 �►z . �L . - .. .. � .• �o•.. . � ^ �0 ��- (,l b, � } 60 �r . ' ,� � 1, �� �`6 o so • � .; -�= C141 ' ' - - � 2— ' ojo - . " ��) �� I � �z � (�tl I o ZL S 5 �,z� : • "� � . . � � 7,.10�3-—-- �9� t (+ol 3 0�, ��cl �4 (►�) . � v� • 6'�+.,, 1 �/ ! . �L3�4;�5�3) � v� _ � � ° �.es�st y� µ✓ L� ^ � _ 13 � - w� ,, � � �2 (t2} 5 � L2 � � �' — — � LfL e, �z � (I�) --- - ;� , � I1 6 � - � (5) ��� � ���� �u I( 1 . �_-1;_) 7;s1J �.-';cp i , � _ o: �T' L _ � - � • , � � 7 � o '� � 3 > � , 8�s.s��) b ` ���� 8 9 ., 3C � _ -� i �-, °� � . � N '4 � , � I ' \� / 1 ,_ � _ � i " > , �� { - � I c- - - - - -i i- - - - - - -i . i. i �3 ! • 4 ( � 2 0 • '. . � ���� � �- - - - - - ' r Q r .. ' .� � . � . ' .� . � � C I � � � 2 s . ' . i,_ _ _ _ _._•�_-.�.. �_ _ • _ _ '. � i ..� 3 T � � - ��� , . - - --�. �- - - - - - - � �- - - - . . `r 1 f � i � I � I O Il'�C��� �{,,,��I �/eD/1�/J``L�. � . , (.3Q1 ' � � �'T'� ( (� 1 � - ry S/Giri�^ �'j�•r-f•�•-�+p/'� � v � � � � � � I I ��� �`� • • � ^', � � � � � � � � � r _ oz 9 '`r - �iv ;� c c � = f. '�. �� 6 ° � = � , . I ,..- I ' '•^ ' �, `i . r I - _ : - 1 8 I: • � . � - � � o � . , o � o y 8 ► - - , � �z s 3 i za`� iQS } ' 7 ► . iZS ' �a f J�s � , . : .� E . 1 DA � . ���.T�� ,_.d_,y,- ���. ..�,. ,9s^.�j A�/E. ,2s.� o ,zs � a � .; o �1S` . zO �2S . �, . �0 � _ � � �� � � Zs , s . _ . 29 . � �2 - - 24 Zo� - � � � � � 2 28 - �� �. - � 23 °44�, i . i � , tsc,�co'' I 3 + '/ 2T � �' 4 � / - , I 2 2�a-3) ; 4 , 26 ,� y 5 _ � _ ' -/ r; I �1 � S :� � 25 � � � � '6 .� " � 24 i 6 �� 24 � � � �7 !� ; �o I �. � � � I � . . � � � I 7%/ L ' / � � I � � � , � ,. _____ _ _ _ . , I _,._ :�.: ; . � `�� � CI Y SAINT PAUL � J� ' � � - "' INTERDEPAR M NTAL MEMORAN�UM � ' �' ' ' '`'�' i i . � . - _ _ f I .r_..........__,___. I To : Tom Kuhfeld � Public Works Engin er 8th Floor City H 1 Annex rrom: Peter White Valuations an A s ssments 218 City Hall ,I Date : December 15 , 198� Re : Estimated Costs �or improving the Alley in Block 1 , Clarke' s 2nd Add�tion � Per your request , the follo�in : Contract $8 , 500 Valuations and Assessments 300 TOTAL XP NDITURES $8 , 800 Rate/Assessabl F ot -- $18 . 00 Financed by As es ments . When requesting a date �f ublic hearing , please send the required green sheet. Please call me or John Saum eb r with any questions at Ext. 5317 . I PW:JS:ag I cc: Jack Davis I (Kuhfeld) I I � I I . � � . - � � � � St. Paul, Minn.-...�. ...��....---•-..._.......19�... Tu The Honorablc, The Council, /� J��33 City of St. Paul, Minn. ���� Gentlemen: �Ve, the undersigned property n rs, hereby petition yvur Honorablc Bociy to cause the fullowing improvement to be made: -- •----�`�-'/:�c.<t/ --.r.�.�; ..----•-• • "�"�""� �g Gtil��.,��.�e..Y-•--......--••................................ . ........ ... . ...1.... .---•-•-••--�.......--•-••.. . ......... .. ........•---•-----....................................---•-----•-- •St. Ave. from ..L-.G�1:'.�1�/.1:��.E.lr.l.:'..............•----- ` Av to._.1�_Y.�.E.�.f.CZ�.�._..._�i'/�.ii'.�1.�.. .� � .._......-••---•--•--•--•.............••---•••-........... .St. Av W�, N�.IIE T BLOCK ADDITION �q�•��� � e G�ti"�scn,' , ¢ Da:,:..�.c-»'.:L - i.�l� ..�.�r-�.�' �f � '7L' � �� ��C"'L' /�. /"�� r l C 4 ����� , ' � �,:2 �� ,�a.'r� r.-->+ F� ��:: �, _ � � � ��:-. _ � � ' � / � % , � � • ,. ,, U � � � I � , , , ,, i G� � � 'P I � I / �, ♦• �- // C' °(- /= `� -Y � I ` � I� ,,, "' , �.;�,d,�� a...., u �� � � � / �.G++�' c ��f /'��L L` I '!/ �• —c.. I (/ ^'.7 _C �J v �� L4t'�'• ,.f•� 'J�G'L'� q i , '� ,f'1 � e.- �, , �f �,,.. � `._� ...�— .��. I I I I ( I I t ' I I I ( I ( I I I I I I I I � I � I I I�I il I i c �� ST. PAU � ITY COUNCIL c��� PUBLIC H RING NOTICE ���-�3 � PUBLIC IMPROV ENT CONSTRUCTI�N City Council District ��5 RECEIVED District Planning Council #5 Dear Property Owner: �i FEB 101989 File No. 18544 and 18544-S CITY CLERK To decide on wheth r o proceed in the grading and paving of the PU R PO SE alley in Block 1, la ke's 2nd Addition and in Block 2, Dawson'� 5th Addition (boun ed by Wheelock, Larpenteur, Westminster, and Edgemont) . Also, lo e construction and a temporary construction AN D easement in the gr di g and paving of said alley. � LOCATION �� Tuesday, February 8, 1989, at 9:00 A.M. H EA RIN G City Council_Chamb rs _Third Floor City Hall -- Court House ----- ------------------------------------------- Please note that t �e ublic Works Committee of the City Council will discuss this item Ind develop a recommendation to the full City Council. Please b in any unresolved concerns that you may have . to this meeting on We nesday, February 22, 1989, in Room 707 City Hall - Court ou e at 9:00 A.M. If the Council app ov s this project, a portion of .the costs will be FINANCING assessed (after co st ction) against benefitted properties. The estimated assessme ts for this pro�ect are as follows: IN FO R MA TIO N ESTIMATED CON R TION COSTS $8,800 Rate per asses ab e foot -- $18.00 Fin�nnn� },<. � � .�p..�. ,...�� il I iI i I ����'�..33� -.. :: ?. � � . . �. �:5. . �.�1 al 2>` .;� t �,' '1 5}.'! L' r ; : n:; . , �_ .. tt ,�� :�;, � , � :, -, . <r , � . a;� , �,; � Co�iucil p�B�Q.;?�7 ,�,+Jan � > > „s the�sIo � � �y� re�O.v$l.o�` ,}i i � . subject ` • - . COIIStTU .�r � ` `�' � -' � � '��5��� sF � � �X . • 2nd Ad .,,�s��$ s6Q�� �c� . ���� ���,; �'s. r - ThE Cotx�c�l 01 the Citq Ot Ssint, u1 y au._ ; upon;°�-.s�4�a1t�::� �t q ia8 necet�`ti�� �t��3r�:,, t resolves: � � . E :�:�i e� $�<,���,h�e1�?.Y: 1. � � , _ �. ,r .. y i a7#��.., ���1�f�." �t i�e'�0!'�� �w�th �'o , �• � °�► }�t., ,������ �` �,A,t��t �.� - 3• �::�t�ioe�oi ea�a �tM�cs•; ;:�,�La ��ac��� ,k2,� � �sr..�'�i�bg=the . . ��i�e��+�oe ai�ear�,; the nature�af the improvem '. �� File Na�}A6�4� �::,_ ,. , . t t - .. ,_ . :�