89-336 WNITE - C�TV CLERK P�NK - FINANCE COIlI1C11 �� �� /- BI.UERV -'MAVORTMENT GITY O AINT PAUL File NO• �� Co ��� �ci esolution �, ----� , ��� : Presented By � - . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committ By Date �EAS, the Division of Publ c ealth has requested the City Council to hold a public hearing to cansi r the advisability and necessity of the correction or wrecking and remova o a two-story wood frame, fire damaged single family house and a dilapi garage, which are located on property hereafter referred to as th "Subject Property" co�m�only lmown as 110 Manitoba Avenue, Saint Paul, esota and legally described ass Lot 5 in Block 3 of "Lew s' Addition to St. Paul", according to the recorded plat thereo , nd situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstract Pro y. Wf�tEAS, based upon the recor n the R�amsey County Recorder's Office on October 14, 1988 the follawing pe sons are owners, interested parties or responsible parties of the Sub �ec Property: Lesley M. Johnson, 854 Rice Street, Saint Pau1, NIIV 55117 d Darrin R. Johnson, 854 Rice Street, Saint Paul, Nl[V 55117 WE�REAS, the Division of Publ ealth has issued orders identified as a "Dangerous Structure Notice" da October 14, 1988 which is attached and incorporated as part of this lution by this reference. This order was served on all owners, interes � parties and responsible p�arties of the Subject Property Imown to the e orcement officer. The notice and order infornied these parties that th two-story wood frame, fire darnaged single family house located on th ject Property is a dangerous structure and a nuisance pursuant 'to Sections 45.01, Subd. 3 and 45.02, Subd. 10 of the St. Paul Legislat !ve Code. The dilapidated garage is also a dangeraus structure and a nui e �zrsuant to Sections 45.01, Subd. 3 and 45.02, Si�bd. 10 of the St. Pa l islative Code. The October 14, 1988 order also had attached to i a list of deficiencies regarding the structures on the Subject Propert , id list is attached and incor�aorated as part of this resolution; and COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond �n� � In Favo ��� �':,,�����..� Rettman B - s�6e;be� _ Against Y Sonnen Wilson Form Appro d City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date � n .L�V � 3 Certified Passed by Council Secretary By — � ' By �lpproved by Mavor. Date Approved Mayor r S mi 'on to Council By B ' G� 89-�33 � in�REAS, the October 14, 19881Or er inforn�ed all owners, interested parties and responsible parties tl�at they �zst either r�air the buildings on the Subject Property by correc�.in the list of deficiencies or demolish the buildings, either action to t�ke place by Nov�nber 14, 1988. Wf�REAS, no action has been t�ke regarding co�liance with the October 14, 1988 notice and order a as a result the Division of Public Health requested that a p�ablic he�ri g be scheduled to take place on Tuesday, February 28, 1989 for th� C'ty Council to consider the advisability and necessity of ord ri g the correction of the nuisance conditions or in the alternative �on ider the demolition and removal of these buildings; and WHEREAS, the above referencedi ers, interested parties and responsible parties have been ger�o lly served notice of the ti.me and purpose of the February 28, 1989 l�ea ing before the Council; and Wf�REAS, a hearing was held b�fo e the Saint Paul City Council on February 28, 1989 and all testimo�y nd evidence was considered by the Council. NOW, THatEFC)RE, BE IT RE80L t t based upon all of the testi.m�ny and evidence presented at the Feb 28, 1989 hearing the Saint Paul City Council hereby adopts the fo 1 ing Findings and Order concerning the buildings at 110 Manitoba Avenue: ' 1. That on November 17, 1987 ',th house located on the Subject Property was deternuned to be vac t and open to access. The house has remained vacant and has been eith pen or boarded since November 17, 1987. 2. That since November 17, 1 7 the City of Saint Paul has on several occasions issued orders to the r to make this building secure and not accessable. On several occasions use of the inaction on the part of the owners, the City has had to h e a private contractor to make the building secure and not open to a e s. 3. That the owners of the S j t Property have repeatedly failed to register and pay the vacant build g fee for this property as required by City Ordinance. 4. That there are naw and ha n since November 17, 1987, multiple exterior Housing Code or Building, e violations in existance at the Subject Property. 5. That the owners, interest�d rties and responsible garties of these buildings are as previously'Is ted in this resolution. These individuals have been properly se�v notice of the February 28, 1989 hearing concerning these building$. 1� L l\�� �1 � ���� 2- ����i 1� , . � G�- 89-�3 L � 6. That the awners, interestl�d rties or responsi.ble parties have been ordered on numerous occasior�s repair these buildings and have failed to do so. 7. That on October 14, 1988 ja gerous Strt�cture Notice was sent to the awners, interested garties r sponsible parties ordering these persons within thirty-one (31> �s rom the date of the Notice to either deztiolish the buildirigs or make re�aai s and correct the list of deficiencies. 8. That the order of October 14 1988 has been disregarded by the awners, interested parties and re ible parties. 9. That the two story w�ood f , fire damaged, single family house located on the Subject Property i a dangerous struature under Section 45.01, Subd. 3, of the Saint Paul islative Code in that it is "a structure which is potentially ge to persons or pro�erty" incl�cling being "in danger of partial or a�p1 te collapse." 10. That the dilapidated gara e ocated on the Subject Property is a dangerous stnaature under Section�45 O1, Subd. 3 of the St. Paul Legislative Code in that it is "a .st ure which is potentially dangerous to persons or property" including be ng "in danger of partial or ccxYplete collapse." ', 11. That the dilapidated gara' �cated on the Subject Property is a nuisance as defir�d under St. Pa islative Code Section 45.02, Subd. 10, in that it is a dangerous st e located in the City of St. Paul that has created a dangerous or lthy condition or which threatens the public peace, ltiealth, safety or ry condition of the City or which is offensive or has a blighting infl e on the cotmrunity. 12. That the tw�o story w�ood f , fire damaged, single family house located on the Stibject Property i a nuisance as defined under Saint Paul Legislative Code Section 45.02, 10, in that it is a dangerous struature located in tl� City of ' t Paul that has created a c�angerous or unhealthy condition or which tens the public peace, health, safety or sanitary condition of the City 'or which is offensive or has a blighting infYuence on the camunity. 10. That the cost of abatement of this nuisance is estimated to exceed tw� thousand dollars ($2,000.00> r abat,�nent involves dar�olition of a b�ilding other than a structure a e sory to a residential building. � � U�;° The Saint Paul City Cowzcil h�r makes the following order: 1. The above referenced owne s, interested parties and responsible parties and their assigns shall the Stabject Property safe and not detrimental to the public peace, th, safety, and welfare and remove its blighting influence on the c 'ty by rehabilitating these buildings and correcting those deficie.ncies se forth in the list previously referenced in accordance with alli licable codes and ordinances, or in the alternative by demolishing 'ldings and filling the site in accordance with all applicable s and ordinances. The rehabilitation or de�nolition of these buildings be ccx�leted within thirty (30) clays of the clate of mailing of this re�ool tion. ' 3- � ����� � � � ; � '' � "`�� � `WHITE - CITV CLERK COLLflC1I PINK - FINANCE CAfJARV � DEPARTMENT G I TY O A I NT PA IT L OLUE - MAYOR File NO. � � ; Co l Res,olutio � Presented By ; � Referred T Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2. If the above corrective i n is not ca�leted within the thirty (30) clay time period, the praper it officials of the City of Saint Paul are hereby authorized to tak�e wha r steps are necessary to d�emolish these buildirigs and fill the site . charge the costs incurred against ttre S�,ibject Property pursuant to provisions of Section 45.08 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. 3. In the evpnt the building e to be d�a�lished by the City of Saint Paul, all personal propertyior fixtures of any kind which shall unreasonably interfere with the d ition and removal shall be renaved fran the buildings by the awners, ',in rested parties and responsible garties by the end of the thirty 30 day time period. If the personal property is not so removed, the C ty of Saint Paul shall remove and disrpose of swch property and f ixt e as is provided by law. 4. IT IS FORTE�2 O�tDERID tha a certif ied copy of this resolution aryd the incorporated Order and list o ficiencies be mailed to the last �o�wn address of the owners, inte e parties and responsible parties pursuant to Section 45.11, Subdi si n (5). 4- COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� In Favo Gusw;tz Rettman 0 B , Sc6eibel A gai n s t Y Sonnen Wilson L 1 r�C� 2 � 1�� Form Appr ved by i ttorney Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Pas e ouncil . et BY \ �3 By Approved b avor D _ 1 Approve y Ma r Su 'ssion to Council By l— v- lUBttSHED «A� 11 1989 � , � � ��� ,��..� � � '� . � � .��-�d�� �i�. Q13833 � Co�ux�ity Services Dgp��gpT . Steven R. Roy GONTACT N ' � 292-7718 pgppg : � � January 9, 198 DATE ' � ASSIGN NIt�IBER FOR ROIITING OitDER: (See v rse side.) � E �Department Director 3 liayor (or Assistant) E _ Finance and Zlanagement Services Dir t r 4 City Clerk • � � Budget Director 5 City Council �j�CE��� l. � City Attorneq _ . JAN $ 1989 i TOTAL NUMBES OF SIGNATURE_ PAGLS: 1 all locations for signaturs.) F ��11�.��, , q c��o:�/�ti�8ie� , The City will begin the procesa of hav g this ahandoned building declared a nuisance , and ordered repaired or razed. ' RE��IVED ,, ,i JAN `? � 1�89 _ �, , � �wavoR�� oF��c� !� C 3 N UDGET D P SO C D: f If the 'owner fails to repair or raze e uildiag, the City will raze the structure i and assess the costs against the taxe stimated costs $5,Oa0.00 - $7,OOU.00. � i Already budgeted. � ; i , f � N I S C T A V ER C OR D � (Maqor's signature aot required if under $1 ,000.) Total Amount of �ransgction: Activity Number: i `Funding Source: 03227 i ATTACHMENTS: (List and number all attac e ts.) List of deficiencies for the building c ed at 110 Manitoba A�nue�� R@S@at'CI1 C211t21' JAN 2� �i�8� - —= AD1�iINISTRATIVE PROCEDUR�S x Yes ,No Rules, Regulations, Pr e es, or Budget Amendment required? _Yes X No If yes, are they or ti ta le attached? DEPARTMENT REVIEW •, �ITY ATTORNEy REVIL�W x Yes _No Council resolution requir. d� Resolution required? _Yes _No _Yes X No Insurance required? Insuraace sufficient? _Yes No Yes X No Insurance attached? � L � V' V / ��T .��T�o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES . ; : ���P������ o� �� �,, �� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH "�� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor i I January 9, 1989 ! RfCEtVED t�tr. President and JAN 1 O 1J8J Me�nbers of the City Council � CITY CLEI�� Re: 110 Manitoba Avenue Date of Hearing: February 28, 1 89 District Council: 6 Honorable Council: The Division of Public Health is h$r submitting its report on the condition of the stru�ctures at the �l tion referred to above. The owners of record are: Lesley 1�. ohnson 854 Ric$ S reet (Fee Owner> Saint P�ul NA1 55117 Darrin ohnson 854 Ric �S reet (Fee Owner) Saint P ul, NIlV 55117 The legal description of the prope y is: Lot 5 in Block 3 of "L�vis' Addition to St. Paul", according t recorded plat thereof, and situate in Ramsey County, Minnesota. Abstr t roperty. The buildings are a two story, wooc� f , fire d�amaged, single family house and a dilapidated garage. The subject property has been unoc�' since November 17, 1987. The single family house meets one r re of the conditions that constitute a dangerous structure, a�s fined in Chapter 45 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code. The garage s one or more of the conditions that constitute a dangerous struct e s defined in Chapter 45 of the St. Paul Legislative Code. On October 14, 1988, the Division okE lic Health mailed an order to the owners, interested parties and re ns' le parties of these buildings requiring that the buildings be ei er repaired, by correcting the attached list of deficiencies, or ished on or before November 14, 1988. Inas�zch as the orders have t com�leted to the satisfaction of the Division and the continued g rous condition of the buildings contributes a blighting influence a d tential hazard to the , �i �� I �-��-33 � � i � Mr. President and , Members of the City Council ' - 2 - January 9, 1989 neighborYiood, it is the recomnen t on of the Division that the City Council pass a resolution orderi g e awners, interested parties and responsible parties to either re i or d�olish the buildings in a t�mely manner to the satisfaction of th C ty. i In the event the awners, interes parties or responsible parties fail to co�mply with the Council Resoluti n, the Division of Public Health should be authorized to demolish the ld ngs and assess all costs incurred in the demolition against the real s te as a special assessnent to be collected in the san►e manner as �x s. � Yo truly, I / , / I 'y �il � ' %��'" I rank A. S f n E7ivironmental; ealth Director Enclosure cc: John McCormick, Asst. City rney Steve Zaccard, Fire Marshal Jan Gasterland, Building In tion Warren Frost, PID District Housing Inspector I' I � � I 'I � ��yy- 335� ���_•o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL '� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES � �_�� �a �.'• � � �� DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH �� '��� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Psul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer (612)292-7741 Mayor NOTICE OF PtJBLIC i-I�ARING TO ORDER REPAIR OR DEINOLITION January 9, 1989 Darrin R. Johnson 854 Rice Street Saint Paul, NIDi 55117 Re: 110 Manitoba Avenue Dear Mr. Johnson: This is to notify you that the Ci uncil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has �c uled a public hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the -noted building to be either repaired for reoccupancy or torn . All owners and any other parties with a known interest in this bui �li are required to be notified of this hearing to allow them an opport 'ty object to the action requested by the Division of Public Health. Please be advised the Public Hear'ng is scheduled for: Tuesday, February 28, 1989 9:00 a.m. TACA�'I : CITY COUNCIL CHANNIBERS I 3RD FLOOR, CITY HALL 15 W. KELdACyG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, 1�IIDIlJESC)TA 55102 At this hearing you will be all present any evidence you may have to object to the recotrmendations f he Division of Public Health. If the City Council orders the d 1 tion of this building, all costs incurred to perform this work, i 1 'ng inspection costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fee the actual d�nolition and r�r�oval expenses, will be assessed again e real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the san►e manne a real estate taxes. If you have any questions concerning this matter, 'pl se call the Vacant Building Section at (612f 298-4153. Sincerely, ,�Z� � Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Ma e SRR/kjl � �C-�_33 � I .��T=�. CITY OF SAINT PAUL "� ' DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES : � ; ii o �,• I DIVISION OF PUBIIC HEALTH ���� 555 Cedar Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55101 George Latimer 'I (612)292-7741 Mayor I � NO�TICE OF PUBLIC HEARING IIt REPAIR OR DIIN�LITION � � January 9. 1989 �j I i Lesley M. Johnson 854 Rice Street Saint Paul, l�HV 55117 I Re: 110 Manitoba Avenue I Dear Ms. Johnson: � This is to notify you that the City� Co cil, in response to a request by the Division of Public Health has h uled a public hearing to consider the advisability of ordering the ve noted building to be either repaired for reoccupancy or torn d . All owners and any other parties with a )maan interest in this build ng are required to be notified of this hearing to allow th�n an op�portunit object to the action requested by the Division of Public Health. i Please be advised the Public Hearin i scheduled for: DA . Tuesday, February 28, 1989 TI . 9:00 a.m. LACATI : CITY COUNCIL CHA["IBERS 3RD FIIOOR, CITY HALL 15 W. KELIAGG BOULEVARD SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 At this hearing you will be allowed to present any evidence you may have to object to the recorm�endations of th Division of Public Health. If the City Council orders the demo it'on of this building, all costs incurred to perform this work, incl i g inspection costs, administrative costs, title searches, filing fees nd the actual demolition and removal expenses, will be assessed against �e real estate as a special assessment to be collected in the same manner s eal estate taxes. If you have any guestions concerning this matter, p ea e call the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-4153. Sincerely, jG� /� Steven R. Roy Environmental Health Program Manage SRR/kjl ������ ��;���.� CITY Of SAINT PAUL -•�� '^ '"� DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES g� �Il��l�nl �E �':�°" DIVISION OF PUBUC HEALTH ( "�"�� 555 Cedar Street,Saint P�ul,Minnesota 55101 George latimer (612)�92-7�41 Mayor S STRUCP[)RE CE October 14, 1988 Lesley M. Johnson Kenneth & Abigail Ttiill Uarrin R. Johnson 2525 Harding Way 854 Rice Street Litna, OH 45804 St. Paul, NH�I 55117 RE: 110 Manitoba Avenue Lewis' A�ddition to St. Paul, t 5, Block 3 Dear Sir or Madam: The Division of Public Health has rniined t1�at the above-noted building is a dangerous structure, which r 45 of the St. Paul Legislative Code def ines as: � "any structure which is potent ' 1 y dangerou.s to persons or ProPertY including but not limited to: � � (a) a stru�.cture which is in r of gartial or carQlete collapse; or (b) a stnx.•ture which has any �e rior parts such as chima�eys, eaves, porches, siding, railings Io trim which are loose or in danger of falling; or (c> a stru�cture which has any ' s such as porches, stairs, ra�, rails, balconies, or roof 'ch are aocessible and which are either collapsed, in dang f oollapsing, or unable to sup�ort a person." The Ordinance further states that rous stnxcture is a rniisance and it may be ordered torn dawn by the Ci y. If you do not want to have the City begin action to have the buil ' torn dawn you are hereby notified that the attached list of defici ie must be repaired or you must have the building torn dawn on or befor eniber 14, 1988. Any rep�ir or dgmlition m�st be ca�cpleted in a with all applicable laws. If the work is not c�o�leted or if have not had the building torn dawn by the above date, the Division of lic Health will refer this matter to the City C�uicil to receive author ty to raze the building and charge all costs iricurred against the real e as a s�ecial asses�nent to be collected in the same manrier as The City c7ouncil will schedule a public hearing to oonsider if the ' ding shauld be torn dawn. If a public hearing becomes necessary, will be notified of the time and date of the hearing and you will a lawed to present evidence to the City Council. A copy of this ord w 11 be kept on file in the City . . �1=�'l'�33� Dangerous Structure Notice 110 Manitoba Avenue October 14, 1988 Page T�ao clerk's office and a resolution d 1 ring this property to be a nuisance shall be on file in the Ramsey t Recorder's office. Cotipliance with the attached list of deficiencies wi 1 re=mve your building fran the list of dangerous stru�ctures, b�it it d s not mean that the building ca�lies with all applicable housing and '1 ing codes. The date for ��liance with the o ders shall not be extended unless yau receive written approval from t Di ision of Public Health. If y� have any questions about is order, please contact the Vacant Building Section at (612) 298-41 . Sincerely, u��,..., �. /C�. STEVEN R. ROY � E7�virorgriental Health Program e SRR:la ericlosure cc: Warren Frost Planning and Economic Devel t I � I � , . , ! � ��-33� DEFIC LIST 110 AVFTIUE 1 , 1988 All repairs and new installations be mactie in accordance with the appropriate codes. Penoits must be ined where ahanges and/or additions to an electrical system require upg a of the service size to current National Electrical Code (N.E.C.) r rements. Sane pl�ing re�aairs may ryecessitate updating of the fixture /or pipirig inv�olved. A permit is required for any rep�air or new ' 11 tion. Permits may be obtairled frosn the Building Inspection and Design iv sion, Roan 445 City Hall. Il�IaR 1 st E'Ii00iR Kitchen 1. Water damage to floor. Repair. 2. Sm4ke damage to walls, ceiling, s' , cabinets and ceiling light fixture. Repair or replace. 3. Illegal flexible gasline for e Provide a legal gasline. 4. Fire-c3amaged appliances. R�v . 5. Trash and fire debris on floor. e. 6. tieat, fire and smoke damage to and c�or. Repair. 7. Winclaws broken. Repair or repl with furyctional wind�aws. Pantry 1. Iieat and �arake damage to walls, ce ling and wirx3aw. Repair. 2. Windaw brok�en. Repair or repla ith functional wirxiaws. Dining Roan 1. Heat and smoke damage to walls, ce lirig, wir�c]aws. Rep�air. 2. Floor has debris. Re�ave. 3. Wind�aws brok�en. R�aair or repl ce with functional wir�daws. West Side Roan 1. Heat and �ake clairage to winclaw iling and walls. Repair. 2. Exposed and �mk�e and heat dairrz wood lath on ceiling. Remove. - . ��-33� Def iciency List 110 Manitoba Averu�e Page 3 of 4 October 14, 1988 South bedroan 1. Fire and s�nok�e clainage to ceil' . Repair. 2. Exposed wall stuc�s and w�ood la . Provide legal fire protection. 3. Debris on floor. Remove. 4. Fire dacr�aged wiring and electr ca parts. Repair or replace to meet N.E.C. rpquirements. 5. Windaws vandalized. Repair or lace with functional windaws. East Bedroan 1. Debris (�aood lath and cellulo lation) on floor. Remove. 2. Broken and exposed tiaood lath. ir lath. Provide legal fire protection. 3. Fire-damac�d cloor frame. Repa'r. 4. Light fixture and wiring fire ged. Repair to meet N.E.C. requiresnents. 5. Ceiling is �ke damaged. R ir 6. Wirulaa vandalized. Repair or ep ace with a fur�ctional windaw. BASII�Tr 1. Baspsnent cbor fire damaged. ' or replace. EXZ'FRIO� 1. Boarded windaws. Rem�ve boa provi�e functional windaas. 2. Brok�en east sid�e oor�crete . Re�aair or replace. Stair lacks harxlrail. Provid�e legal il. 3. No electric m�eter or service r . Pravicle. 4. Front Forch: a) Decking, walls and ceil' 're damaged. Repair or replace. b> Brok�en front st,epe. r. No handrail. Provid�e legal har�drail. , I _ 3 � . . ��y' 3 Def iciency List 110 Manitoba Averu�e Page 2 of 4 October 14, 1988 Livinq Room 1. Fire debris on floor and floor s ter dataaged. Resmve debris and re�air floor. 2. Walls, ceiling, wiridaws fire . Repair. 3. Exposed and broken and missing ' lath on walls; some is fire damaged. Repair or replace. 4. Expoaed and fire,damaged elect �c iring. Repair and replace to meet N.E.C. requirements. � Front �trYway and Stairs i � 1. Stair lacks handrail. Provideil 1 handrail. 2. No front door. Provide prime I . 3. Walls and ceiling fire damaged ir. 4. Charred ceiling joists. � o replace. 2nd FZi00[t Nor'th Bedroom 1. �iiood lath a�d celluloae insul i d�bris on floor. Remove. 2. Fire damaged and exposed wir' . R�p�air to meet N.E.C. requirements. 3. Exposed �aood lath on walls iling. Provide legal fire protection. 4. Walls fire and �noke damaged. ! 'r. 5. Windaws vand�alized. R�pair o ' r lace with functional windaws. Bathroom 1. Bathtub and toilet full of ri and fire damaged. Resmve debris. R�lace bathtub and toilet. 2. Brok�en and exposed �aood lath. ir. Pravide legal fire protection. i 3. Walls fire and mo�ke dan�ged.l ir. 4. No handsink. Provide. � I i �, . , . , �c f�-33� � i Def icier�cy List � 110 Manitoba Avenu�e ; ' Page 4 of 4 � Oct,ober 14, 1988 5. Fire-damaged aspl�lt siding. r or replace. 6. West side �ve fixe damaged, ro� and cracked at northwest corner. Re�p�air. 7. East side of hause aut of plutib�. ir. 8. Missing irartar, east side f ti n. Repair. 9. Missi.ng mortar on chinr�ey. ir. rascQa,�v�s I l. No water, gas or electric serv'ce. Provide. GARA�GE 1. Peeling and loose paint. 11 loose paint and provid�e a water-protective covering for 11 w�ood. 2. Rotted facia. Repair. 3. Unprotected wood siding. Prov de a water protective covering. 4. Roof sheathing rotted. Repair or replace. If yau are unable to finaryce the r ection or rehabilitation of the premi.ses to canply with this o , are state arid local rehabilitation programs for which may qualify. Infornrnnzation about these progra� is available from the t of Planning and Eaorranic Develapment, Rehabilitation Secti n t (612) 228-3105. Ask to speak to a loan officer. I i I � � � I i � ��y-33� CITY�OF AINT PAUL INTERDEPARTPNEN AL MEMORANDUM � ���� V �� UEST FOR I CE BUILDING DII"IOLITI N SOLUTION J A N 10198� DATE: January 9, 1989 CIT�' ATTO��iEY TO: John McCormick Assistant City Attorney ' FROM: Steven R. Roy � Environmental Hea Proc�r Manager SUBJECT: COUNCIL HEARING E'OR 110 1�AN TOBA AVEN[TE The owners, interested parties and 're nsible parties of the above-noted building were sent an order to rep�ir or raze the building. They have failed to comply with that order. �ur office has requested a public hearing before the City Council to 'iob in a Council order for the repair or demolition of this building. The Public Hearing is scheduled fo�: DATE: Tue�da , February 28, 1989 TIME: 9:0 A M. Please review the attached Resolut on to be considered by the City Council. If you would like to make an changes, please contact us. If the Resolution meets with your approva , lease fonvard as soon as possible to the Director of ComYxanity Services �' � SRR/kjl I I