89-332 — - �.�__ -- ---------�-�� - WHITE - C�TY CLERK I t k PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF A NT PAU L Council ��� � -- � � CANARV - DEPARTMENT ' BLUE - MAVOR File NO. . pA�� � � �8`�`" Council solution :�, �� � / ; �, �_�f Presented By ��� Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date � �� WHEREAS, The Council of the Ci�y f St. Paul did pass , Ordinance No. 17321 , n anuary 7 , 1986 , wherein �/ a fund to administer nd distribute the proceeds contributed by charit bl gambling in on-sale liquor establishments wa established; and � ; � WHEREAS, The Youth Athletic ancl S orts Fund Board , established by said o di ance has reviewed and j recommended for appro al the attached �y applications for gran s rom the above mentioned fund; now therefore, k��e ' t RESOLVED, That the Council of t le ity of St. Paul hereby approves the attached �ap lications for funding from the following or �an zations, for the I following amounts: ; � � Linwood Booster Clu � $1 ,000.00 Royal Guard Drum an IB gle Corps - $1 ,000.00 and does hereby autholiz the appropriate City officials to execute �gr ements as necessary to disburse the approved fu ds. ! � F nding Code : 33179 50060 Approved as to fund' y���� � w I � L Departm nt of Finance i Director, � & Mana ement Services g I''i�C� COU(�1CILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas DltriOrid Nays < < � t � � � � � .tz � I Goswi �_ In Favor Long � I f I Rettman _ Against j " Scheibel Sonnen �E8 � � rs�� WllsOn Form pproved 'ty ttorney Adopted by Council: Date I Certified Pas•e ouncil Sec r By By � � — � II Approved by Mayor for Sub ' cil Approved '4lavo . D� _ By _� -J An��� � -� 1 t�� 3'"9"��.r�TS"� . �, .., y y i�U � I', � � _ , _ _ `T— ; W N SH T � _ �.; .,_.�„ � � The GREEN SHEET has three PIIRPOSES: . � l. to assist in routing documents and in sie uring required signatures; 2. to brief the revievers of docwneats on 't e impacts of approval; � 3. ta help ensure that necessarq supporti ' materials are prepared and. if required, � attached. • . j Proniding complete information under the lis d headings enables reviewers to make � � _ decisions on the documents and eliminates fq lo�-up contacts that may delay execution. � Below is the preferred ROUTING for the fiv I t f ue t t e of d e ts: f CONTRACTS (assumes authorized budget exists ) _ ° 1. Outside Agency 4. or 2. Initiating Department 5. I+ nce Director 3. City Attorney 6. F nce Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than 10,000, the Mayor's signature is not required� if the department director signs. A contr ct must always be signed by the outsiSe agency before routing through City offices. � ;.� _ . � � ° °" ADMINISTRATIVE f�RDSR :(Btldget Revision) ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) ` .1., Aetivity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2.� Department Accountant 2. City Attorney - 3. DepartmenG Director � 3. Mayor/Assistant � � 4. Budget Director i; �.��._�1*} 4. City Clerk 5. City C9fe�1�v '" .�+° � , .� � ;�� 6. Chief �fC�6��a�t'�I�`�fi��r�+�a =�i�d Managem nt Services ,• ,+y�� T✓� :�., `f ,. ,�. �.',��..• � COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant Acceptance) COUNCIL RLSOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director 2. Citq Attorney 3. City Attorney 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Kgmt. , and Pers. Cte. 5. City Council 6. City Clerk � 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Managem nt Services The COST B NEF U Y D 0 CTS heading provides space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to b oader financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the ction) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent ( TE) positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must b completed to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, egulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinancelor resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures mjust be attached. SUPFORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS �e tion, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is �ell done, no letter of transmittel need be included (unless signing such a letter ' is one of the requested actions) . Note: If an agreement requires evidence o$ insurance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be one of the attachments a time of routing. Note: Actions �hich require City Council resolutions include contractua.l relationships with other governmental units; collective b gaining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent do in; assumption of liability by City, or granting by �City of indemnification; agreeme ts with state or federal gonernment under which they are providing funding; budget ame dments. / ' - � %: � . � � ; Ct� ��'.33oZ.. � ; � • � LINWOOD PARR BR CLOB, INC. 851 RI H �VENUB ST. PADL, M SOTA 55105 March 29, 1988 I' �� Youth Athletic and Sports Fundl St. Paul Division of Parks andlR creation 300 City Hall Annex 25 West Fourth Street St.� Paul�, MN _. 55102 j RE: Grant by Linwood Parkl! B oster Club Gentlemen: The Linwood Park Booster Club ha applied for a $1 ,000.00 grant to improve its softball, T-ba1JA , in-between ball and baseball programs. The application wa ic mpleted by the Linwood Booster Club president, vice-presiden ia d treasurer , along with assistance from the Linwood R �r ation director. i The Linwood Park Booster Club �me ers were polled during a meeting of the Linwood Recreai�io Center Design Committee. This is the committee that is work�ng with the Department of Parks and Recreation to develop a d si n for a new community recreation center as a result !of a $100,000.00 budget allocation approved by the St. Paul City !Co ncil. The Linwood Park Boosters ful�y upport the application for a -grant. ' If you need any ac3ditional in�or ation, please contact Linwood Recreation Center Director, C¢11 en Law or me. �, Sincerely, � ��' �� �,�2.�'� Larr . eterson Pre dent ' Linwood Booster Club, Inc. LJP:cros ' � 6 ZOOTg � a� B�R� r�� � OR�iT/l+��11 ��4Z41'1'ZO�l1 Date: M�ch 30, 1988 ��ck One: Loan Grant X Orqanization Name: L.inwooc9 _pgrk st� ci„r Description of Orqanfzation (include brief history) : in aAVroa��telv 1967, the ��tPr Club was inccrna�ated. Since then it has been oviding fin�cial, officia�irx;_at�d ppaC]71pq St1t�DGl�t f� t T.in{�,}Ipp�] RE?C at�nn l'cntar Nonprofit Status 501(C) (3j YeE X_ No _ Does the orqanization currently operate charitable qambling in the State of Minnesota? Yes _ No ,= Project Description (include purpose) zn,�-ove the aualitv o� the softball, T-ball, in-between ball and baseball vra�rams bv imrnavin� thP crn�y�nPn�at;r,., fr,►- tr,P Officiatina �ersan�,Pl• pav fcr leaaue entrv feeG r p1�P �ar��v ��gn �nifcmna far two � travelina b�aseball teams• reAla�P o� add to the suAAlv of helmets batG li and catcher's eauira�ent; and navina fcr the insurance costs af coverincr Booster Club f nd- rai in activit es. Pro�e�t Coord�nator Name Colleen Law and Larrv J. Peterscn Address _$51 Goodrich Avenue, St. Paul. Minnesota 55105 Phone 222-5298 -day aven nq Amount of Pro j ect $_2,900.00 1lmount Requested $ 1 .000.00 Liat and describe how grant cz loan tunda �ill bs us�d. E�timate cost � of each item. Attach additional sh�sts i! nec�asary. Item �� Unifo�ms far tw�o traveling baseball teatiis $ 900.00 � [�fi�iatinv fePa 600.00 Leaque entrv fees 400.00 _Frn,;�t - esoeciallv helmets which wpxe reauired fcr 800.00 the first time fc� so�tball last year ' Insur�ce covexa e - 200.00 � T��► � Qt s��� � s�oo.o0 L � G� 8�'� 33 �- , i . i If this application is a request or a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (�lttach ad itfonal sheete if necessary) . , _ �� If this application ie a request o a qrant, how do you plan to match - it? Please be specific. (Attach ;a ditional sh�ets if necessary) . Attached is the 1987 financial statemen � the 1 bud et� . ��� the :fund-raisin oceeds -the Booste � C ub is crnf ident that it an t , I� _ Bi�as• attaah th� lolloMiaq iafo ioa to your appliaations 1. Verificatfon of nonprofit sta�u and copy of orqanizational by- �� laws �� 2. List of Oflicers or Directorej� i 3. Letter verityinq orqanizatio }'s approval ot the proposal I� 4. Prevfous year's budq�t and li�a cial �ctatsment 5. Current balanc� sheet and inlc�m statem�nt, i! applicable I 6. Proposed budget (enp4ns�s anc� come) !or the activity - See reverse side I 7. E-���encs that insurance 1f ne�l�d d can ba vbtained by fihe orqanizatfon I I 8. Area aerved and number of pa�i fpar�ta. i�� - I I Plaase send complet�d applfcatfo�it : I Youth �ithle �ic 1�1ad Sports Fund St. Paul Di lis on o! Park� and Recraation 30o Cfty 8a sx 25 W. 4th S e t . St. Paul, M aota 55102 .fundapp ' i I . _._-__ - � - ; - � � < °__ — - _ . , R8GIILI�R l�[BBTI�TG D�TB/TIlLE:__ Whenever the �ograms and activities re4uire a meetincr. • LOCATION OF I�EBTIN68:_ When there are no activities at Linwood, that buildincr i.� used wBEN $LECTIONB 11RE HELD: Annually. PLE118$ 71TT�C8 � COPY OF BYI.Al18 (IF �iOT 71LREl1DY O�1 FILE) - pn f ile. I�TFORMATION FOR FINl11�TCIl�L BTATIBTICB s -^- Total money raised in 1987 $ O .�y�. a / .`_ = Total money spent in 1987 $ �, �� �• S� FINl1NCIAL GOl�LB FOR 1988 Obtain a $1 ,000.00 grant fc� each majc� spart; so�tball/baseball and soccer. Raise $5,500.00 fram fund-raisers and sport registration fees. �R8A8 YOIIR BOPPORT GROIIP �TFEDB ]16BIBTl1�iCB. How can the Division of Parks an Recreation assist your support qroup (ex. FundraiBing ideas, sample by-laws, for coaches, provide networkinq opportunities?) Sample Bylaws; sup�Crt fc� applications f� grants frcm the Youth Athletic and Spcgts E1�nd. it�tnrn by l�bruarp Zl, 1986 tos Howard Bell, SUPERVISOR OF VOLUNTEER SERVIC 300 City Hall �innex - 25 W. Fourth Street St. Paul, I�IId 55102 h ~r, �w � b �� � �, 3 - � $ REGIIL�IR MEETZNG DATB/TIME: Whenev I ams and activities r ire a meetin . LOC7ITION OF I�EBTINGB: When there ar n activities at Linw t ed , wBEN BLECTIONB 11RE HELD: Annuall . � PLEl�SE ATT71C8 !1 COPY OF BYLi�ill8 (Il� N T 11LREl�DY ON FI L8) - pn f ile. I�iFORt�ilITION FOR FINl�iCIAL BTATIBT CB: Total money raised in �i9 7 $ � �y�• a / Total money spent in I98 $ � � �• S� .. � 1rINANCIAL GOl1L6 FOR 1988 � � Obtain a $1 ,000.00 grant fc� each majc� js t; s�tball/baseball and soccer. Raise $5,500.00 frocn fund-raisers and spo�t r ' ' tration fees. � 71REl�B YOVR BIIPPORT GROIIP NE8D6 I Tl�TC$. How can the Division of Parks an Recreation assist your support q u (ex. Fundraisinq ideas, sample by-laws, for coaches, provide networkinq p rtunities?) Sample Bylaws; suppert for applicati s grants fran the Youth Athletic and Spc�ts Flind. , _ I I Roturn by F�bruarp 24, 1988 to: �Io ard Bell, SUPERVISOR OF VOLUNTEER SERVIC i30 City Hall Annex • 25 W. Fourth Street i S . Paul, 1�+IId 55102 � I ' I I �. LINWOOD BOOSTER CLOB 1988 BODGST Income: Grand Old Days $3.,000.00 Registration fees 3 ,000.00 Two $1 ,000.00 grants from Youth Athletic and Sports Fund �2,000.00 TOTAL INCOME 58 ,000.00 Expenses: .. Winter Carnival - Jr. Royalty $ 200.00 Family Skating Party 150.00 Sreakfast with Easter Bunny 300.00 Easter Egg Hunt , 250.00 Uniforms for two traveling baseball teams 900.00 Officiating fees 600.00 Softball/Baseball helmets and 800.00 catcher 's equipment League entry fees - baseball 400.00 Insurance premiums 200.00 Parent's night for softball/baseball/soccer 400.00 Breakfast with Santa 500.00 Soccer entry fees 400.00 Soccer balls and equipment 400.00 Hats and shirts 52 .500.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $8.000.00 � � i � 3 � � , � q, 3 � CJ� ADDITIO I NFOR!lATION GRAI�IT BY LINW S'1'BR CLII'B, I�iC. , I . Need for assistance: � � Based upon the 1988 budget, t er will be a short fall in money available to improve the soft al /baseball program. In 1987 , for the first time, helmets w re required for all softball teams and games. An inadequate sup �ly of various sizes of helmets exists. Additional helmets m �st be purchased for the 1988 season. The traveling unifor s or two of the baseball teams are in need of replacement. ,ur hermore, due to the various sizes of the players involved �in the softball/baseball program, additional and better catcheris quipment must be purchased. Given the guidelines regardin � registration fees for each player , it is not believed th t sufficient additional funds can be raised through the players �o their families to cover these additional costs. �; I� • � II. Stability of the softbal / aseball program at Linwood Park: The Linwood Booster Club has e n providing financial and volunteer assistance to the of ball/baseball program for the past 21 years. Attached is b eakdown of the number of participants in the softball ba eball program and soccer programs at Linwood Recreati n enter. These numbers have been stable, if not increasing ov r he past 5 to 10 years. There are no other public parks av il ble in the community which are accessable to the children i t is area. The Linwood Recreation Center softball/baseball pro ra has been very active and well attended, in spite of the li it d space available for these programs. III . Coo eration with h • ot er �r anizations in the communit . P 9 Y The Linwood Booster Club has� c operated with the St. Luke's Home and School Organization in aj � int fund-raising activity during Grand Old Days for the past i e or six years. The Linwood Booster Club and the Distric lanning Council for the Summit Hill area have jointly spons r d A Day in the Park during the summer which consists of er.r r ainment, food and music for the past five years. The Linwod ooster Club cooperates with the Open School and the West Sev n h Community Center in using their facilities for some of the r c eation center 's activities. The Linwood Booster Club and th L nwood Recreation Center director have sponsored and organize r creational activities at Edgcumbe and Palace when space is av �1 ble. The Linwood Booster Club i i � � has utilized the St. Luke's School auditorium, cafeteria and � gymnasium for various of its activities. In exchange for the use of these facilities, the Linwood Recreation Center is used by the St. Luke's softball teams. An area 4-H Club conducts an annual cleanup in Linwood Recreation Center each year. The Linwood Booster Club and the Linwood Recreation Center director have coordinated a program for students when there is no school. This has been done in cooperation with the area private and public schools. IV. Duplication of athletic programs in the area: There is no private or public school softball or baseball program in the area which is available to students during the summer months. There are not other recreation programs in the area which are not already full for softball/baseball activities. The attached documentation showing the enrollment in the softball/baseball program documents the fact that there is a strong need for an excellent softball/baseball program at Linwood Recreation Center. The park and recreation department program for softball and baseball in Linwood Recreation Center is the only known program in the area for children between the ages of 5 and 12. There may be .city baseball leagues available to children over the age of 12 and young adults. However, the grant is to improve the quality of the softball and baseball programs for the age groups 5 through 12. -2- i . � 3�� � , � , PARTICIPATION II� FTBALL/BASEBALL � I SOFTBALL: 1 . Five and six year olds - c�o- ducational - 5 T-Ball teams - 20 per team = 100 � 2. Seven and eight year olds !- o-educational - 5 In-between teams - 20 per team = 100i 3 . Nine and twelve year olds �- oys - 5 intramural baseball teams - 20 per team = 100i 4 . Nine and twelve year oldsi - o-educational - 4 intramural softball teams - 20 per t�a = 80 I Total softball enrollment , 380 .. BASEBALL: � 1 . Midget boys baseball - ag s 13 to 14 - 20 per team = 20 2. One pee wee boys baseball � - ages 11 to 12 - 20 per team = 20 � 3. Junior boys baseball - ag�es 15 and 16 - one team = 20 4 . Midget softball team - ac�es 13 to 15 - one team = 20 Total baseball enrollment�: 80 I Total softball/baseb�ll 460* *Linwood Recreation Centell s rvices Service Area A as designated by the St. Pa 1 ark and Recreati n Department. Approximately 35 to 40 p rc nt of the above '�e�rymembers come from north of Summi enue. That is outside of Service Area H. However� t e closest park to the north of Linwood is approximately o and one-half to two miles away. Therefore, many c i dren outside of Service Area A utilize Linwood Park for o ganized and unorganized recreational activities. � he above information is available for the soccer� p ogram upon request. Those figures were not readily� a ailable at the time that this application was complete�d. I i i I I i , i i �� LINWOOD PARR BOOSq'SR CL�B, INC. " . INCOME STATBMBNT DBCgIrIBER 31, 1987 Income: Fund-raising $4 ,177 .96 Registration fees 3 ,926.00 Interest Income 292.63 Misc. S 150.50 $8 ,547.09 Fund-raising Expenses -$2,761.88 Gross Income $5,785.21 Expenses: Uniforms and Equipment $4 ,373.06 Special Events: Breakfast with Santa Breakfast with Easter Bunny Valley Fair, etc. $1 ,259.00 League Entry Fee 920.00 Telephone 348.07 Misc. $ 205.00 Net Income $7 ,105.63 ($1 ,320.42) K . . � . , . ; � � . 3� • � �! � LINWOOD P STER CLUB, INC. FI I STATSMENT - DECEI�BE 3I, 1987 I Assets: ' Cash I�, $2,502.00 Equipment and Fixtures li 500.00 , TOTAL ASSETS I $3 .002.00 - I Liabilities: _. I $0 �I I � I I i ,�I i li I � I , II -- __---a--- - �. Form ST-17 y� � (Rev. 7-83) �;- R V-01014-02 Minnesota Department of Revenue—Sales and Use Tax Division Centennial Office Building—St. Paul, Minnesota 55145 � (6121 296-6181 CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPT STATUS— EXEMPT ORGANIZATION Under the provisions of Section 297A.25, Subdivision 1 (p) of tfie Minnesota Sales and Use Tax Law,the organization listed below is certified to be exempt from sales and use taxes on purchases, rentals and leases of tangible personal property. The property must be used exclusively in the performance of charitable, religious or educational functions or, in the case of senior citizen groups, in the pleasure,recreation or other nonprofit functions,of the group. rLinw�od Park Bo�ster Club, IT1C, � Certificate No. 961 Linc�ln Avenue E S '�'`3"''�� Date Issued z'1 , L St. Paul, Mi.nneso,ta 551U5 �tP RfPI S$L�: Sep';�mbex 6, 1984 J Commissioner of Revenue This certificate is valid until revoked by the By � �� Minnesota Department of Revenue. . . � ��r Sales and Use Tax Division The exemption does not apply to purchasea of ineals or lodging. ... � ,� �� - � � .._ , ,, .... , ! " � eox i ��6 . OF:S M (NF`.; . ,<:._.��_ ,�:,..� ,,.,� : ,. r ..._........ . I� 5030n g�� .. .... . _. .. . . -.... ... . [XECUT I O • ;: • + �u ��i► EFFEC IVE 7E EXPIRATION DATE TRANSACTION EfFECTIVE DA PRODUCER� �� �LI 2691 !b u/�p}� 5/ '1/}i£i :�/Ofi/`t7 `.�/:iti/��C, � R1:1Y�1,S��;:L.^S�ew."�.`.L�`r '��'���+:..'sc..�..�irtc._',�r.Yr'.c�., ,t•.' � : J-.:i . l.Yr:v.uOU n `, r, � , .. �.-•`•`' ,. _ �OBUGEE , Af1K �(JC.1 ,Tt (2�` CL.Ulsl � l: 1 T Y �.�f- �' 'd61 � lNCOL^i s�:t ., t • �avl- f.+%,%: L I i:�!v•.i E. t�t"•.i:N:I T i)1 V. ST. PAUL MN g5 � U5 �`��s �� ;'��q"� K?G_!. C I TY �a.L.i I 4;LL°t .• .LL-, �1 . . . L � .� .3 1 U� r 'J Q ll M;•� �' � •� � F� � f � � (�ry, ft��t�`:'�s F/"�r � ] .� h � �O. v��n_��C3�:�3 :'wGkaa.�:°l�.t��:.�4'�..... �-i: S,L .�-t-' l C1���.1 . � ��.� _ �/ ^ C�i F R ) F.. .,,.... .,..�. .,..,..-:1 ... _�:x, ,. ; .. . C K E a�E N C Y . I r�L . . ,.:,. . ._.. :.. ...,..: . . -.. � �o� su. s►.+r r�, a�� , � . , . / . . ��.� V' 57. DA'JL . �tN S:i I fj; • I �~s4Y !�`^ 1 � 'YyM G�';� ��.��'�A�11.�� .t w. � .� . . ,y� y . ...y �� �Y� �+'R!!':.:+J�3�PW�"�c�J�,s�.�i,� a.f.-�;:� ti.w. � .�. �..��_,l,rf'/.Y�,:�S' . ';. �.. ,!-.i ii� � w'. . �ND DESCRIPTION • ' ' 4 :`, ,.< , BOND OU T. CURqENT PREMIUM COMMISSION PREMIUM DUE COMPANV 3�2 F3EER = .3 � Ot?U ANSACTION s ��� S U.O % � � � s �;�� ,� RENEW L PR MIUM 3/03/!ib «� �'`�ta� �' ' � " �i , t Nt Wl�L '�.�1 rs • 4-�j .�t�yn '. �y s ) k � �y„����Q- ��..ti<.yY� �C:y� ,�•Y i . . µ���}�.�F�.�y��� . 1.�� ��} � ( yt!T^'}}' . . . . . �'�':���;<. S� '' . . I . . . � q�ir7 �_Gy r. �,M'.�'Nr�„ x' r a �. � , . - . . :a ��,,��5���q{'^ � i � r :S' ��'�wt rK� � f , . �+ w��4, 4� �,����� �>i. " ( . . _•.� " j f( � -i% �„i�w y�ti ..{ . 9 �"y�}"q � 7.. �.��� �i'y• (S ��'o � A � - . . . . o ��r�-ar �4 � . � '�.,nt�r�,��.'�'�efr��'�.A,k., ir - � � , � : . . fi :r�r�U��� � 1� �s��� �l���s��x�',.�' ��'^34�y� k , �Y ����� 1 1i' 1C ari[ �+ �.1 , . .�• . , �- : ��*` • ����r n.JZT����S �.^�.l �`v, � �.,� l N �. � ���,� r - 4 . � ._. ,. ., �.,d• ;� ,. i' �l-. .^, . . , . . .. . . . . ' . � Tr�I s eiOND I 5 ::t.�a r 1 :v��q.��, .c��r r,i_ .. �` �;, I IUM ( S PAIO T(7 AfdNjVF11'iAkY r�yw�;: +' RENrWAI. P►tF..r�IUM wi �� �.:� JI L£ �f�;� '"` � � ��:.�•:�::;r:.`. ':A T.:,�N+�I„�,v E�15 a R Y :1 A�L F�:;�; w E �y''�^R?:r � RECE.I Vr NUT i Ci: T�; C..;,r�i_EL . � �,"a���',r.�, t:� 'r, . i t��.r� . ���. � . -ti.. .. `i`a�.lu5?�7?.�`''.�'?>-i�i.,'�:,�t «Fx-.w...:.;i'��...�a .s.t�+�`� �'S _, p , :'l..t� ...�,a,..:�C,.l.,....--�- -- �- ._.. . . _ __.. . - . �uG. . PY,,.i.... _ ___. _.__...�_ ____. __ , :r:` �.�.. - .. -.:G. � �� .j,,, -.�� � �_.,.�. � u' ' ' .�.�.y.� _��:_..._ �.. �. . -.. .: .. ..... �y Council ile ranti -- �� � ._ .; _ �`�_, __� . 8 hg specific permission for the above. I _ . I� . . {, : � � . . � � � 8�i-�3�3� � Royal G�a d Jr. Drum & Bugle Corps , � 55 Thomas Avenue � St Pau� Mtnnesora 55 t o4 i � � January 18, 1989 i i I Mr. Howard Bell i Department of Parks and Recreation � 300 City iiall Annex � St. Paul, MN 55102 - i � Dear Mr. Bell: 1 The noyal Guard will raise the additiona $ 00 needed for our uniforms �+�ith a sale of Easter Lilies. We have 50 members and a ul s who will help with this sale. Our goal is for each person to sell ten plants. Ou profit will be about $3.75 per plant, so the total profit for the sale should bel'$1 75. $500 of this will be applied to the purchase of uniforms. As noted in our application, $1500 wi l e from the members' equipment deposits. If we have only 4Q merabers, these depo it will total $1000, but our uniform cost will then �e only $2000. I We plan to purchase the uniforms in Apri . Our first parade will be durino the first week in Nay. Members' equipment deposit r� st be in by March 18. The sale of plants will conclude the week before Easter, ic is on March 26. If you decide to grant us $1000 to help witiz our uniform purch �e, we will have our matchin� funds available by the end of March. Thank you again for tal:ino the tine to �on ider our request. � ISincerely, ; �� � , j Mary uschmann, Corps Director i I i i ; i i i � i i � � I i Royal Guard Jr. Drum � Bugle Corps 655 Thomas�►venue � SL Pau� Mlnnesota .55 t 04 January 8, 1989 Mr. I:oward Bell Department of Parks and Recreation 300 City Hall Annex St. Paul, MN 55102 � Dear Mr. Bell: Thank you for _providino us with an a�plication for�n and a copy of the guideliaes for the Youth Athletics and Sports Fund. Based on the inforniation about matching grants, we� would like to modify our original request to ask you for a grant that would help us to buy the full uniform that we have decided' to use for the summer of 1989. At our Board of Directors meeting held on September 22, 1988, the board reviewed the first draft of our 1989 budget. At that time, the board authorized me to proceed with the submission of funding requests to foundations and community organizations, including the Youth Athletics and. Sports Fund. As noted on the enclosed application form, our total cost for uniforms will be $3000. If we receive a $1000 grant from the fund, we will r�atch it with $200a of the performance fees we will receive next sumr�er for parades and drur corps sho�rs. However, since we will not receive this money until next summer, we will use the $25 e4uipr�ent deposit that we receive from each mentber to actually buy the unifor�s. For 60 members, this is $1500. We will then refund these deposits at the end of the season from the geriormance fees. The additional $500 will come fro� fundraisers. We are requesting your support because most of the money that we will be raising through fundraisers will go to pay for the additional equipment that will be needed for new Members. The corps had 24 members at the end oi the 1988 season. Since Septernber, we have made arrangements to purchase additional instruments to allow us to orow to a corps of 60 c,er�bers. Last sur.uaer, we kept the uniform very si;uple and asked r�embers to provide their own slacks. We provided red T-shirts and tennis shoes. This was fine for parades, but as we move into competing in drun corps shows, a nore iormal uniform is needed. Our members come fror� many communities throughout the Greater Twin Cities Metro Area. We rehearse at West Minnehaha and Hancock Recreation Centers and draw about 1/3 of our members from the neighborhoods near these centers. We have other members from the east side of St. Paul. We currently have 36 members, but we are working with schools in the area to recruit r�ore members for our February rehearsal. In addition to providing a youth activity for our members, we also provide audiences with a unique form of entertainment. Thousands of people saw our members perform this suruner. As you can see from our enclosed newsletter, we performed in a number of p�rades and community events in St. Paul. Knowinb that many of these were run by or�anizations with limited budgets, we did not request a performance fee for the local events. We have enclosed the additional information requested with our application. Thank you very much for taking the time to consider our re4uest. If you have any c�uestions about the corps, please contact me at 293-0982 (ho�e) or 542-4229 (work). Sincerel�, I w �rLJ w�✓ �..� _" _ _ � - . � �j� � c � BPORT� F�ND � � r � lIPPL CATION � . � Date: /- $' - $' 9 heck One: Loan Grant�_ Organization Name: o r �Or .S Description of Orqanization ( nc ude brief historyj : u � C s. � � � �� . �T� �K , Id� �d,� , lc�t r ' d�'i� � •r �( �K. / 1��1 IRS 501(C) (3) Nonprofit Status � Yes �_ No Applied _ Does the orqanization currentl o erate charit le gamblinq in the State of Minnesota? es No Project Description (include pu�p se) �AI� we�e/d �i k-t �O a�ru S � - � � ' r' � Y /� � d I�V �l� N • I� 9 ''"� � ' w� w.+�� K �s r e��6.`►-s s d it,Q ' d+�c� e. Project Coordinator Name �� Address ',js r d P S . pdw � /t� ,�/O Phone S�i/.� — y,Z,Z 9 — O 4�,Z. _ `-'day evening Amount of Project $ dp I Amount Requested $_ /D�O'rJ List and describe how qrant or 1 an funds will be used. Estimate �cost of each item. Attach additional sh ets ff necessary. Item Ccst #�s '�, � o s � 9 s �. � o _ q� ' # - �oo - o G O'0' Total � request � �� Q� T� �/a'�D'D � ra�-�I� w.k rd � ° t�t„S`d d 3 P�r� o �r � S '(-o �a�l, - . � If this application is a request for a loan, how do you plan to repay it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . If this application is a request_ for a qrant, how do you plan to match � it? Please be specific. (Attach additional sheets if necessary) . S f� w o�e 1� b t rv���-c l�� d w ; �l�-1�. ��Q��+D o .� _„s r _v�r�or �.�.e K c e �Q.¢.s S'rd r ed r a do s e,K d d r wA�. - to �os .e l�sw�. S�Mce we '/I M �ed �1�-l� �.. K � .�,d r«�S _b� �ort wt rt�e�vo f�,t � ees wt '�� aea /� f 1�.� �.� 'S ee� �e r�e K �- d e e os i f � r��.�, t o e li. � e n�. �io�- ��/S7?l�� �Iv �1+.c p`e v��i ar.se o K J �540 �r�� �`t.r.d r a,'s,¢ rs, Please attach tbe fol'lovinq inlormation to your application: 1. IRS ver�ication of nonprofit status or copy of application for - nonprofit status and copy o�qanizational by-laws �. List of Officers or Directors ✓3. Letter verifying organization's approval of the proposal ✓ Previous year's budqet and financial statement 5. Current balance sheet and income statement, if applicable ✓6. Proposed budqet (-expenses and incomej for the activity �i�/Or�•� O,PD✓J �/ 7. Evidence that insurance if needed can be obtained by the �',se G `t�py✓, orqanization �/ 8. Area served and number of participants. �,�p C ����{,r►, Please send completed application to: Youth �ithletic And Sports Fund �t. Paul Division of Parks and Recreation . 300 City Hall Annex 25 W. 4th Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 .fundapp ,� �. WG ek rr��I�/ ta�r� �idbi �i� � MS`t ♦� tt� dcc ; •� eN + ihst� r d-Nt�� a� d s�pec �-d �or ce V 6 r a��• _ Internal Revenue Service . Department of the Treasury ' District Director l� � , � 3 ('� �� • 1 1 SEP 1986 `�' o� Em�,.►w.�w��e�:3�s .�3 �E �, ��,��� T,CC �/ i � Foundstian Stitu�s dassilkatbn: ' Sc 9 <Q ) �� ) ° c�,YaL cU,��^ �i���jnR ' �pUM AM11 8Ur_•�� �d�ano.r�rtn`Perioa� � _ 3%_ �� . ����� i E�� 'H C h��5 A�'F Person to Ca�lac� , . cT P1UL � M�i cc 1,�4 . �. Ki i✓ ��r—' T Ca�bd TekphorN Numbr: - �3��� ��E - ��7 � - Dear Applicant: Based on inform�tion supplied, and a s ing qour operatioas •ill be as stated in your application for reco�ition of ex mp ion. re have dete�mined you are eaempt trom Federal income taa under section 501 c) 3) of the Internal Reveaue Code. Because qou are a ne�ly creatad org iz tion. �e are not ao� making a final determiaation of qour foundation•.status de section 509(a) of the Code. Bo�ever, �e have determined that qou can reasanabl b eapected Lo be a publicly supported organization described in section, se � ) C�� . • Accordingly. you �ill be treated as � p bliclp supported organization, and not as a private foundation, during ,an advanc� ling period. This advance ruling periad begins on Lhe date of your inceptton and �nd on the date sho�n above. Within 90 days after the end of your� ad ance ruling period, qou must submit to us information needed to determine rhethe p u have met Lhe requirements of the applicable support test during the advanc ling period. If you establish that you have been a publicly supported organizati a. you rill be classitied as a section 5A9(a) (1) or 809(a) (2) organization as lo g s ycu continue to meet the requirements of the applicable support tast. If you do no meet the public suppor! requirements during the advance ruling period, you wil b classitied as a private foundatioa for future periods. Also�, if you are clas if ed as a privz�te foundation, you �ill be treated as a private �foundation trom t e ate of your inception for purposes ot sectioas 507(d) and 4940. Grantors ar�d donors may rely on the et rmination that you are not a private foundation until 90 days after the end ot yo r advance ruliag period. If �ou submit the required information withia the 90 da s, grantors and donors may coatinue to rely on the advance determination until t�e ervice mukes a final determination ot your foundation status. owever. if aotic t at you will no longer be treated as a sectioa �C � �ci)�a.) ocganizationiis pub2lshed in the Iaternal Revenue Bulletin. grantors and donors map not rel� o this determination after the date of such�publication. Also, a grantor or dono y not relp on this determination if he or she was in part responsible for, or ra a are of. the act or failure to act that resulted in your loss of section ��' i a� (�j_) status. or acquired knoNledge that Lhe Interaal Revenue Service had giv n Lice that you �ould be removed from - classificatioa as a sectioa j� � �� � . � organizatlon. t �f 230 S. Oearborn St..ChicaQo, lll. 60604 Lette�1045(DO) (Rar. 10-83) l , It qour sources of support. or your purposes� character, or method of operation� . ��ange. please let us knoR so we can consider the effect of the change on pour exempt status and toundation status. Also. you should inform us of all changes ia your name or address. ' As of January 1. 1984. you are liable for taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (social security ta.aes) on remuneration of �100 or more you paq to each ot your employees during a calendar qear. You are not liable for the tax imposed under Lhe Federal Unemployment Ta�c Act (FUTA) . Organizations that are not private foundations are not subject to the excise taaes under Chapter 42 of the Code. However. you are not automatically exempt from �ther Federal excise taxes. If qou have any questioas about excise. employment. or ather Federal taaes. please let us know. Donars maq deduct contributions to you as provided in section 170 of the Code. ' 9e�uests, legacies. devises. Lransfers, or� gilts to you or for qour use are cdeductible for Federal estate and gitt tax purposes if they meet the applicable provisions of sections 2055, 2106. and 2522 of the Code. You are required to -tile Form 990, Return of Organization Eaempt from Income Tax, only if your gross receipts each year are normally more than a25,000. If a retura is required, it must be filed by the 15th day of the fifth �onth after the end of your annual account�ing period. The law imposes a penalty of �10 a daq. up to a maximum of $5,000. when a return is filed late, unless there is reasonable cause tor the dela;�. You are not required to file Federal iacome tax returns unless you are subject to the tax on unrelated business income under section 511 of the Code. If you are sub,�ect to this tax. you must file an income tax return on Form 990-T, Exempt OrgaaizaLion Business Zncome Tax Return. In Lhis letter. �e are not determining . xhether any of your present or proposed activities are unrelated trade or business as defined in section 513 of Lhe Code. You need an emploqer identification number even if you have no employees. If an employer identification number was not entered on your application, a number rill be assigned to you and qou will be advised ot it. Please use that number on all returns t�ou file and in all correspondence rrith the Internal Revenue Service. Because this letter could help resolve aay questions about pour exempt status aad foundation status, pou should keep it in your permanent recorQs. If you have aaq questions, please contact the person whose name and telephoae aumber are shown in the heading ot this letter. Sincerely yours. ` � � District Director ' ■ _u__ �w��itiA♦ Iw_"" •A 5�1� Z ��� . � . ._ � _ � Ro al G�ar Jr. Drum � Bugle Corps. � � ss Thomos Avenue � �St. auL Minnesoro SS 104 � Au ust 18 1986 �� g ' � � V ate of Minnesot Office of the Secretary of State _ 180 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 Persuant to the regulations of the Uni ed States Internal Revenue Service regarding the qualification of an organizatio�i a a non-profit corporation under section SO1(c)(3) of the IRS code, the followi g mendment has been made to the Articles of Incorpor�tion of the Royal Guard Jun or Drum and Bugle Corps. Section 3 of the Articles of Incorporation was amend t a meetin� of the Board of Directors on � August 16, 1986. At this time there re no members of the organization with voting rights. Therefare, the action wa aken in accordance with chapter 317.27, subdivision 4, of the Minnesota Non-pr�fi Corporation Act. The members of the Board of Directors voted unanimously to ado t he following as the revised Article 3 (the additions and changes are underlined): i � Third: Said corvoration is or aniz d exclusivel for charitable, educational, reliRious, or sciPntific ur o es within the meanin of section 501 c (3 of the Internal Revenue Code r orres ondin section of anv future federal tax code. I i The obiPCtive of said cor o at on is to provide an opportunity for youn� people to be involved in the d um and bugle corps activity in order: 1) To enhance the musical ed �ca ion that is available at local schools; 2) To provide a wholesome ac�iv ty for young people that will aid in combating juvenile delinq en y; and 3) To provide an organiza io in which young people can learn to work together to achieve comm n oals. In witness whereof, we have hereunto su scribed our names this 18th day of August, 1986. • � � 7j� � �,�„��,,�n�� ; • y��c.-cci� � Eliza .th ��oreno, Vice-presi en � P1ary�Suschmann, Secretary � State of Minnesota I ✓ County of Anoka , On this 18th day of August, 1986, bef�re me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for Said County and State, residing t er in, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared: Elizabeth Ptoreno and Plary Bu ch ann, to me known to bP the persons described in and wt�o executed the same as their free act and deed, for the uses and purpos s t e�ein expressed. ,�.� THOMAS D. HISE I ���''""`�'�' � d'�'-' 1� _ ' ,�► � NOTARYPUBLIC-MINNESOTA ; Notary Public, Anoka County, Minnesota ANOKA COUNTY W Commisslon ExPires O.ptll 19.1991 ' ' Articles of Incorporation of the • Royal Guard Junior Dn�n a� Bugle Corps The undersignerl, the majority of wha.n are citizens of thP Unite� States, desiring to form a Charitable Non-Profit Corporation urxjer the provisions of Chapters 309 and 317, Minnesota Statutes� Annotated, known ' as the Minnesota Charitable Solicitations Act anrl the Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation Act, �7o hereby associat? themselves together as a body politic unc3er arx3 persuant to the provisions of Chapters 309 and 317 and do hereby certify: First: The name of the Corporation shall be the Royal Guazd Junior nrum and Bugle Corps. Second: The place in this state where the principal office of the Corporation is to be located is the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County. The address of the tegistered corporate office is: 655 Thanas Ave. � St. Paul, Minnesota 55104. Thizd: Said corporation is organized exclusively to provide an opportunity for young people to be involved in the drum & bugle corps activity in order: 1) To enhance tik�e musical ec3ucation that is available at local schools; 2) To provide a wholesome activity for young people that will aid in cvmbating juvenile delinquency; anc3 ' 3) To provide an organization in which young people can learn to work together to achieve cartnon goals. Fourth: The names and addresses of the persons who are to act as incoroorators arr3 in the capacity of directors until the selection of their successors are as follows: Mary Busctunann 655 Thomas Ave. St. Paul, I�AI 55].A4 Elizabeth Moreno 861 98th Lane N.E. Blaine, N1r1 55434 Sal Norden 1�110 Wasson Circle River Falls, WI 54022 Carl Sletten 15A3 So. Harriet St. Stillwater, NR�I 55982 These directors are to renain on the board of directors until September, 1986. Other members of the boarc� of directors are to be eleeted in the month of July, 1986. Fifth: No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its manbers, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except that the corporation shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered a*xl to make payments anc� distributions in futherance of the purposes set forth in Article Third hereof. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall � be the carryir�g on of propogacrja, or otherwise attempting to influenee legislation, and the corporation sha.11 not p�rticipate . -•-• -- _•• ` • ••" •• �••••-+ �+a +y �.i� �+uutaeiit��y VL p16LL1DUtlOfl OI • statements) any �liti� l campaign on behalf of any candidate . , ' for public offiae. Notw th tanding any other, provisions of . these articles, the co r tion shall not carry on any other ' activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by a corporation exempt from federal inc ,tax tmder section 501(c) (3) of the . Internal Revenue Code, .� o rrespondirg section of any future federal tax code, or jb) by a corporation, co�tributions to which are deductible u er section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue C«�e, or correspo i g section of any future federal tax . code. • Sixth: Upon the c�issolution o e cor � � poration, assets shall be distributed for one or mo e xempt purposes within the meaning � of section 501 (c) (3) the Internal Revenue Cocle, or M correspondirg section of an future federal tax coc]e, or shall '� be distributed to 'the fede al government, or to a state or local / goverrment for a public rpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be dispo ed of by the Court of Comnon Pleas of the county in which the ri cipal office of the corporation is then located, exclusivel or such purposes or to such organization or orcjanizat on , as said Court shall dete=mine, which are organized and o_ ra ed exclusively for such purposes. Seventh: There.. shall be no person 1 iability of inemt�ers for corporate �• obligations arxj there s 1 be no method of enforcement ancl collection of corporate ob ig tions against the members. �, :��� Eigtith: The period of durati n of Corporate existence of this . , Corporation shall, be perpe ua . � • Ninth: •Said corporation .does no n w and shall not in the future have . , _ , any capital stock. In w\i�tpess whereof, we�have hereun b ubscribed our names this o� � `��day �. . .of �,(J� , 1986, , _ _ q���• - ,.r7� .. . • _ � 3� . .t:� - � . ' • •Mary Buschmann al Norden - c��c�.�,,�, �t�.c�t?����►t.:-�_ f ,Y�1 Q� ��.� , . � —1 : Elizabeth Moreno , �� rl Sle t n . . . . ... � � �.,;� . � .� . . ��a�> >c � - _ . . . � � .,. .State of Minnesota ��� � • county of w�s���n g. ��. . . .. On. this ZS��` . ' : . day " of� /�'td y ,' 1 86, before me, the undersigned, a • ' �Notary Public in and for• the Said C un and State, residing therein, �- � •duly cannis$ionec3 and sworn, person 11 appeared . . . .. M�a��+-�usetamacai'�. , _ .. .. � .. . , . ..- B`i3�abeth t�lorer�i� . . . : ' �a�-�Joid�n,1--- i . ... ! � I � ; � , � . R(JYAL GUARD JUNIOR DRUM �� BUGLE CORPS The name of this organization shall be the Royal Guard Junior nrtan and Bugle Corps, hereafter referred to as the Royal Guard. � The place in this state where the principal office of the Corporation is to be ' located is the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County. The address of the registerec3 corporate office is: 655 Thamas Ave. St. Paul, Minnesota 55104. The purpose of this organization is to provide an opportunity for young people to be involved in the drwn & bugle corps activity in order: [] To enhance the musical education that is available at local schools; j� To provide a wholesane activity for young people that will aid in canbating juvenile delinquency; and (J To pzovide an organization in which young people can leatn to work together to achieve cam�on goals. f . . . ROYAL GUARD JUNIOR R & AUGLF CORPS � BY_ , � . 33 , ��I� , . ARTI LE I r � U� MFT�BE SHIP Section 1. All new m�nbers seeking m er hip in the Royal Cuar� must aoply by submittirx� an application and Aaying their memUership dues. Dues are non-refundable. Section 2. The annual amount of inembe hi dues shall be establishec� by the Board of Directors. Members whose du a e not current shall not have the right to vote. (See Article VI - Voti ) Section 3. There are four classes of ine�nbe ship in the Royal Guard: [] Corps m�nbership is open to any e between the ages of 10 and 21, regardless of previous musical or d Lan anc� bugle corps exnerience. [] Family membership is onen to the pa en s or guardians of each corps metnber. [� Individual membership is open to a�yo e intezested in fostering the growth of the Royal Guard. , [] Sustaining memberships are availabl firms, organizations, societies, and agencies interested in our cont'nu'ng effort, the terms of which are to be deter:nined by the Executive Boar . ARTIC E I ORGANIZATION TRUCTURE Section 1. The governing body of t orporation shall be the board of. directors. Section 2. The governing body of the c rp proper shall he the Corps Director and the working board. The Corps Dir ct r shall attencl all meetings of thP board of directors but shall not be a m r of the Boar� anc� shall not 'be entitled to a vote. Section 3. The corps members shall belPn itled to elect a corps council frvm their members. This council shall ser�e as the interface between the coms members and the 8oard of Oirxtors, the�Co ps �irector, the workinq board, ancl the corps staff. ', ART IC�,E I I BOARD OF�DI ORS Section 1. This corporation shall be ad is by one board of ciirectors who � shall be responsible for the corporate us ness of the Royal Guard. The boarc� shall have general suoervision of the a fairs of the corporation hetwe?n general membership meetings, make rzc . n ations, and perform other c�uties as described in the rules o£ this organiza io . Section 2. Members of the board of directors shall be elected at the annual meeting in September by the general membership. The general membership shall be empowered to impeach any member of the board of direct�ors. Section 3. There shall be at least 4 and no more than 9 members of the board of � directors, including the chairman. � Section 4. Each director's term shall be for 2 years, with half of the board positions open for election each year. ARTICLE IV OFFICERS Section 1 . The corporate officers shall be a president, vice—president, secretary� and treasurer. The board of directors may appoint individuals as needed to serve as assistant offi�ers. Section 2. The corporate officers and the chairman of the board shall be elected by the board of directors from within their oWn ranks at their first meeting after the annual general membership meeting in September. Section 3. Officers are elected for a one—year term. To be eligible to hold a corporate office or to serve as the chairman of the board, a member of the board of directors must have served the previous year as a member of the board. Section 4. The board of directors shall be empowered to impeach the chairman or any officer. � ARTICLE V APPOINTMENTS and COMMITTEES Section 1. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to hire the Corps Director and to appoint individuals to fill various non—elected positions (e.g. fundraising manager, assistant corporate officers, etc.) Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to appoint committees as needed in this organization (e.g, rules committee, budget committee, etc.) to carry out the policies and decisions of the organization. ARTICLE VI - VOTING Section 1 . Members a. Voting in the Royal Cuard shall be by voice vote on all matters except election of the board of directors, ahich shall be by paper ballot. b. No proxy votes or mailed•ballots shall be allowed. c. Each elass of inembers has voting rights as follows: Corps members — One vote per member in all matters brought before the corps membership by the corps council. Corps members do not have voting rights and privileges in matters brought before the general membership. . . , Parents, guardians - One e per family living at the same legal address in all matters bro h before the general� membership. ,� Ir�3ividual members - One v e r membPr in all matters brought before .y�� , the general membership. � / - Sustaining members arP a cl�ss of inenbers without voting rights or �j privileges. �j Section 2. Board of Directors lJ a. Voting by the }�oard of directors shall be by voice vote on all matters except election of the chai a and officers, whic:h shall be by paper ballot. � b. No proxy votes or mailer] ballot s all be allowed. c. Each member of the board of re tors other than the chairman shall be entitled to one vote. The cha n shall be entitled to cast a vote only in cases of a tie vote by the h members of the boar�3. `�I TI LE VII _ I INGS Section 1. The annual general e ship meeting of the Royal Guard shall he held in Septgnber each year. Th m ting shall be called by the board of directors. The corporate secretar s all send written notification of the meeting to all voting members: As h last order of business at this meetirx3, elections for the board of director s all be held. Section 2. The board of directors s al meet monthly. These meetings shall be open to all metnbers. Manbers of th ard of directors who miss two meetings without valid reason shall be conta t by another board member to detennine if they are still interested in activ pa ticipation with the organization. Section 3. Those members not a�en ing a general membership meeting shall accept and abide by the c3ecisions o t e majority. Section 4. Those members of. the b ard of �3irectors not atten�ing a boar� meeting shall accept ancl abide by e ecisions of the majority. Section 5. A written agenda shall istributec� at least 5 days and not more than 30 days prior to each meetinq. y member of the organization may submit an item for the agenda of a general m rshio meeting or a boarc� meeting. The item must be submittecl in writing tp t e chairman of the board at least 2 weeks prior to the meeting. At the discr�ti n of the chainnan, the item may be adderi to the agenda of the next meeting , or scheduled for discussion at a future meeting. i TI LE VIII IS YEAR I The f.iscal year of the Royal Guard ha 1 be from Jarniary 1 to T)ecPmber 31. The signatures of at least 2 board- inted persons shall be requirerl on all checks, drafts, notes, etc. The a_ ro al of the board of c�irectors shall be required on all expenc3itures and p c ses over S1,90GJ that are not included in the approve� annual budqet. �i i , • � ' • . � ' ' The board of directors shall be in charge of aucliting the financial books and records of the Royal Guarc� before the December meeting a�xi upon the demanc3 of the majority of the voting membership. � ' ARTICLE IX . PARLIAMENTARY AUTHORITY The rules contained in the current erjition of the Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation Act (Chapter 317, Minnesota Statutes Annotated) and in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order Newlv Revised shall govern t-his ore�anization in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution anc] any special rules this organization mav adopt. In �particular, the following itens are governec7 by the Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation Act: 317.15.2(1) Adoption and Alteration of Ay-laws 317.20 Vacancies on board of directors, removal of inembers of boar� of directors 317.2A.8 Meetings of the board of directors 317.22 y Meetings of Menbers 317.23 Quonans 317.27 Amencjment of Articles of_ Incorooration 317.28 Books and records, financial statements ARTICLE X DISSOLUTION This corporation may be dissolved either voluntarily or involuntarily. In the event of dissolution, �ssets shall be distributed for one or more exemot gurposes within the meaning of section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax ca3e, or shall be distributed to the federal government, �r to a state or local goverr�ment for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of. shall be :�isposed of by the Court of Cam�on Pleas of the county in which the princinal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such ourposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operate3 exclusively for such purposes. Such c3istribution of assets shall be at the discretion of the boar� of clirectors in a voluntary dissolution. Regulations detailecl in Minnesota Statute 317 (Su}x3ivisions 44 - 61) shall govern procedural matters in a voluntary �iissolution of this corporation. . . . ' _: ��y.�:� i . Royal G ,a d .Ir. Drum & Bugle Corps �jo� ss Thomos Avenue �� � St. ou� Mtnnesotcr,55104 � V' I I BOARD OF IR CTORS � Carl Sletten - President K hi Kirchoff Christy's Country Store Di tr'ct 11 Planning Council 1740 Van Dyke St. 1 58 innehaha Ave. West Maplewood, NIld 55110 St, ul, MN 55104 Pat Donahue - Vice-president M ue Melendez Andersen Window Corporation S to Printing N. 5th Ave. 2 thenbach Ave. Bayport, MN 55003 W t t. Paul, MN 55118 Mary Buschmann - Secretary K �thi Stuempert Honeywell, Inc. Se f- mployed ,tiL�15-2597 2 12 . Ariel St. 1625 Zarthan Ave. N ; S . Paul, MN 55109 St. Louis Park, ;Ki� 55416 � H or r Board Member Pat Manley - Treasurer Bi 1 ilson U.S. Department of Agriculture City all - 7th Floor 100 i�. 6th St. 1 W. Kellogg Blvd. Minneapolis, MN 55403 St. ul, MN 55102 � Woody Edstrom I Sherburne Software Inc. . 3928 Beau d' Rue Drive, Suite A ' Eagan, NIlV 55122 REFE N S The following people may be contacted as r�ef ences for the Royal Guard: � Ms. Dawn Goldschmitz Mr'I;. ul Prior Former Community Organizer of D'rec or the District 7 Planning Council W�st inneheha Recreation Center 368 Sherburne Ave. 6 5 st Minnehaha Ave. St. Paul, MN 55103 S�. ul, MN 55104 Dr. Roger Grusznski M . t Rogers Psycholooist S ci 1 Worker 3600 Pleasant Ave. So. 1 31 romwell Ave. , #9 :•linne�polis, �1N 5�=+09 S . ul, ti1N 55114 Information regarding current financial s pp rters is available upon request. � Royal Guard .Ir. Drum & Bugle Corps 655 Thomas�►uenue • St PauL Mlnnesota SS t 04 12/31/88 ear-to-date Budget - Fiscal Year 1988 EXPEi1S�S Equipment & uniforu►s _ $780 Fundraisino costs 200 Insurance 235 Loan repayment - 50 Membership fees - associated organizations 220 Office expenses, publicity, etc. 785 Rental - rehearsal facility � 1800 Services (Instructors, Park Staff, FICA) 6260 Travel, food, & lodging 500 TOTAL EXPENSES $10,830 IiJCOME Donations $4750 Dues 610 Work program 1800 Fundraisers $20 Loans 900 Performance fees 1950 TOTAL INCOME $10,830 - - . T � 8'9- 33 The Official N ws Bulletin of the Ro al Guard r. Drum & Bu le Cor s i YOU'RE INVITED � A S�SSF�JL 1988 SEASON The Royal Guard's 1989 season The 1988 winter color guard of the begins on Saturday, November 12, Royal Guard was given the "Most at West Minnehaha Recreation I Improved Unit" award at the North Center. � Star Circuit finals contest on March i 19. This is the day set for our open house and auditions. Be there by The summer corps had their first 9:00 AM to join us for a full day of � 'rehearsal on April 23. At first rehearsal. Then stay around for � there were less than 10 members pizza and a get-acquainted dance. of the corps, but the season ended in September with 25 members. There are openings in the horn line, � The corps' summer schedule was the drum line, and the color guard. quite full for such a small group: All sections are open to both guys and gals and no experience is 5/30 Stillwater � required. �one between the ages 6/16 Hancock Rec Center of 9 and 21 is welcome. ; fi/� 9 North Branch j 6/25 Horton Park Plan to join us on Saturday� Nov. 12, I 6/26 So. St. Paul at 685 West Minnehaha Ave. in St. I 7/02 Hudson Paul. This is one block west of I 7/04 Forest Lake & Richfield Dale. The day starts at 9:00 AM and 7/10 Litchfield winds up at 10:00 PM. � 7/18 Calhoun Beach Club " � 7/24 Stillwater Horn players - bring along a I 7/28 White Bear Ave. mouth-piece and a music stand if ! 8/07 West 7th St. . • you have one. 8/09 University Ave. � � 9/10 Selby Ave. �Northfield :: . D r u m m e r s - bring � along I . 9/11 . Northfield . drumsticks if you have them.. 9!17 Payne Ave. : 9/24 Frogtown �Mechanic Arts Everyone - bring along a bag lunch i � Reunion for the noon break. � For more information, call � 2 9 3- j 0982. i � � _ i i . ., The Royal Guard had a very busy day At 5:15, everyone headed to on September 24, and it turned out Hamline Library for the corps' to be a great way to wrap up the '88 banquet. After an excellent potluck ' season. dinner, the horn line and 3 drummers left to make their The day started with rehearsal at aPPearance at the 50th reunion of 10:00 AM. At noon, the corps Mechanic Art's Ciass of 1938. They stepped off as the lead musical unit +�+ere a big success with their of the Frogtown Festival Parade. rendition of "On Wisconsin"� which At the end of the parade route, the had been the = school song of corps performed a standstill Mechanic Arts. concert for the crowd at West Minnie. - In the meantime� everyone else at the banquet watched some of the After a brief rest, members of the videotapes of the corps from corps pitched in to clean up the Northfield and the winter guard park. They the� took over the shows. When the horn line and tennis courts and took turns drummers returned, an awards challenging each other to tennis ceremony was held. matches. In between matches, members of the horn line learned As if that was not enough, most of the tune "On Wisconsin", the members returned to West Minnie for a Teen Dance and to help with a final cleanup of the park. � S.� Everyone left that night all #ired up - � ,� and anxious to begin the 1989 season. — � CAPTI�1 HEADS FOR 1989 � �� � �� BRASS - Howard Stuempert . . ' PERCUSSION - Beth Beebe : � : VISUAL - Bill Sucha � � �,r�i:+� � . r r� i� ..-t �' �:. -':� ':� WINTER Gi�IRD - , > �'� , The 1989 winter guard began rehearsals on October 8. This year's instructors are Bill Sucha and Bridget Farley. Currently we ` have 25 members attending '��- rehearsals, if you are interested in �''.�.'�t�it'i� 4qa-� _.�• Joining the winter guard� come to the next rehearsal and sign-up. Come and join the fun!!! _ � - i � g9- 3 3 . . � Winter guard rehearsals: ' 1 1 /19 Leadership Training , (At West Minnie) ' Tentative North Star Circuit Oct. 29 9:00 - 1 :00. 1989 Winter Schedule: Nov. 0 5 9:00 - 1 :00 � �21 Scholarship - North S#ar 13 1 :00 - 5:00 (PM) * � Circuit 26 9:00 - 1 :00 j 1 /28 Minnesota Brass � 1 /29 Chippewa Falls, WI Dec. 03 9:00 - 1 :00 � 2/04 Willmar High School 10 9:00 - 1 :00 � 2/05 Firestars - Foley 18 1 :00 - 5:00 (PM) * I 2�� 8 Rosettes 1 2/19 Sundowners - Eau Claire, WI * Denotes Sunday Rehearsals 3/11 High Society - South Saint ; Paul Full Corps Rehearsals: 3/12 Royal Guard - St. Paul Central (At West Minnie) - � � �3/18 Finals - Hill Murray High Nov. 12, 1988 9 : 0 0 a m I_ School 10:OOpm Dec. 17, 1988 9:0 0 a m : 6:OOpm Jan. 7, 1989 9:0 0 a m 6:OOpm IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN THE ROYAL GU RD, COMPLETE THIS FORM AND BRING IT WITH YOU ON 11/12 OR MAIL IT T0: 655 Thoma A . St. Paul, 5104 name How did you hear address � about the Royal Guard? ci ty _friend/neighbor/relative newspaper state/zip ! radio phone ( ) aqe qrade� _school announcement —�-- music teacher Do you play an instrument? yes Ino letter if yes, please list � _poster _color quard show school attending parent(s) names I am interested in joininq the. . . _ hornline, and my prefer d 'nstrument is the. . . � O-soprano (trumpet) , O lophone, O-French horn, O-baritone, O-contra ( u ) , O-no preference. _ percussion section, and m specialty is the. . . O-snare, O-quints (ten r ) , O-bass, O-cymbals, O-timpani, O-keyboard e ussion, O-no preference. _ color guard, and I am i t rested in the. . . O-flags, O-rifles, O-n reference.