89-324 ' - � • ! ' . WHITE ='CITY CLE�iK � • � ' PINK � -�'FINANCE � f ' �� COLICICII a��e"'r'MAYOqTMENT GITY O� SAINT PAUL File NO. ��`����� y ' - V� 'nance Ordinance N0. �l''jl ' � � .. . . r � - Presented By � ` � � ' �Referred To � � ' Comrr.ittee: Date �� `� � , T ,♦ Out of Committee By Date • An ordinance creatfhq a Cftizen Service Program; creating a �iayor anld ity Council Infor:ciation end Co:i►plafn� Office, tpg ther with the objecti;res ta be established forlth Citizen S�rvice Progran:f � creatinc� a positiar�j o Citfz�n Service �rogram Direc�o'r and the du�ti s thereof; and abolishing Section I6.04 of thie r�sent Ad.-ninistrativ� eode. THE COUt.CIL OF TY.E CITY OF SIAI T PAUL HER�BY ORt7AIi�S: iSe tian 1. Tha� a progra.ra ent5.t ed "Citfzen Service Progra�" is hereby created v�nich sh311 � b under the supervision and contro� of th� mayor. i � . �Se tion 2. . That there is herea� created a t�ayor and City �Counci2 , Inforrnation and Complaint {') fice which sMall be responsi�Ie for developing and oper ti g the Citizen 5ervice Progra�. . The office shall be loca gd in an easily accessible locatian on �he first floor o€ City al . Se tion 3. . That the following � o Jectives are hereby established ��' fo: the Cit�.zen Service Pra�r r : l. To act as an advocate f r c�tizens in respQnding to requ�sts an� co�pZaints that p�r in to City servicAs. 2. Ta �rork c2os�I�r wit� 11 City de�art�ents ta constantl;� . • i�nprave �he City's jre poase to requests and comalafnts. COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas " Nays Dimond . ' . �ng In F�vo coswitz Rettman � B , �,;h�;�� Agai st Y Sonnen ! Wilson ' ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By . . By . Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By . • 1� . � � ��' ���� �. � , � ����i � � . 3� �- . � 8� . 3. To report regularly to� he mayor and the city council on the performance of c ty departments in response to requests and complaint$ and"�he relative satisfaction of the citizens with the ici y' s response. 4. To work closely with �ci y-wide information services to � operate a fully computeri�ze complaint referral and follow-up system. 5. To provide public info�m tion on city services, events , and who to contact for �es onse to requests and complaints. S�ct on 4. Citizen Service Program �i ector -- appointment and qualifi- cations. The mayor shall a�p int with the concurrence of the city council a citizen servjic program director who shall be in the unclassified service o t e city. The successful candidate shall demonstrate experience nd knowledge in communications, public relations and public �ad inistration and shall have such qualifications as may be prov de by ordinance. � S ct'on 5. Citizen Service Program D' rector -- Duties. The citizen service program director shall ct as a liaison between complain- ants, the city council and ity offices and departments re- sponsible for responding t itizen complaints and requests. The director shall be respon i le for the program and the super- vision of the citizen servic rogram; development and operation of the computerized referral� ystem; the es�ablishment of pro- cedures; training of personr�el making presentations to various groups; and the provision qf information on city services and events. S c ion 6. Pursuant to the provi i ns of Section 16.04, subd. d, of the Administrative Code�,', upon the passage, approval and publication of this ordinancel, ection 16.04 of the Administrative Code shall be abolished in it�s ntirety. I , 2. r+�TE - CJTV CLERK � � . PINK FINANCE - COl1I1C11 CANARY�OEPARTMENT • GITY OF AINT PAUL � , _ :%:r._:`.� e�we -rr;,YOa File NO. ~ 0� n�nce Ordinance N0. % �' �' •� Presented By � f i �= Referred To Committee: Date . � Out of Committee By Date S tion 7. This ordinance shall t ke effecz and be fn force thirty , days fron and after its pas�a e, ap»roval a.*�d n�iblieation.� . . � .Z} . � '� � . , . � . . � . I i ' ' . . � I - . .. . . � �.� . . . . . i . ,3. •�.� � . �,� �s COUNCIL MEMBERS ` - - ' Requested by Department ofi Yeas � Nays ! � �, � •#`•.: , � ��: Dimond ':3 : r �. � .r: �ns '-' In Fav' r Y:�f �. _ Goswitz `� ,----�� : 4 Rettmaa :� �`'�..`�",;-..t � s�he-t�a ` Agains . By ; ��� ^ _ -- w.sunaen : 'i � `� r.. , y' - - . ,; ar,.. .3.�� ; L :Ui; Form App oved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �: �,. ' ;r .. . '�.. Certified Passed by Council Secretacy � BY ' _ �''=' - � � � BY ;�� ��.�;.. Y i ��i�.�_:�,-' , � � ' E Approved by Mayor• Date Approved by Mayot for Submission to Council . _!.. - By BY . . WHI7E - CITV GLERK �� - � -��-- PINK - FINANCE - CANqRY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y BIUE - MqVOR OIF SAINT PAUL Council , , File N 0. '� , Councz Resolution Presented By .�,��lf"�'�l I � . . Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � RESOLVED, that the Sailnt Paul Cit consent to and a � Y Council does hereby pprove of t e appointments , made by the Mayor , of the following-named persbn to serve as members of the City of Saint Paul Anti-Drug ask Force . Their terms shall expire November 29, 1990. RE P I RESE NTING GENERAL CIT IZ I EI�1RY Cynthia Rowe Carlson � REPRESENTING YOUTH Christopher L. Miller I COUNCIL MEMBERS Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Dimond �� � cosw;tZ [n Favor Rettman s�netn�i � _ A gai n s t By Sonnen -�-- Wilson ��� � � D��� I''. Adopted by Council: Date Form A by C'ty Attorn Certified Pas ° C S ouncil S eta By - �, 7 � y By �pproved Ylavor Da _. � — 1 1989 ApP�o� � �i y Mayor for Su is ion tio Council By -��__�� By PUBLI�D �"�t� 1 1 1989 \ ,, _ '. -- _ � - HOW TO U � GRI�' H T - - . ' - . . ,� .4l+4.fl. �. The GREEN SHEET has three PURPOSES: . 1. to assist in routing docum,eats and in s� uring required signatures; 2. to brief the revieMers of documents on � e impacts of approval; 3. to help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepar�d and, if required, � attached. . Providing complete information under the list d headings enables reviepers to make ; decisions on the documents and eliminates fol ow-up contacts that may delay execution. � Below is the preferred ROUTING for the ve st e uent t es o d cuments: CONTRACTS (assumes autho�ized budget exists 1. Outside Agency 4. Ma or 2. Initiating Department 5. Fi ance Director 3. City Attorney 6. F� ance Accounting Note: If a CONTRACT amount is less than $ 0,000, the Mayor's signature is not required, if the department director signs. A contrac�t must al�aqs be signed by the outside agency before routing through City offices. i �D�IINISTRATIVE ORDER (Budget Revision) �, ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER (all others) 1. Activity Manager 1. Initiating Department 2. Department Accountant 2. City Attorney 3. Department Director � 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Budget Director ' 4. City Clerk - 5. City Clerk 6. Chief Accountant, Finance and Managemem Services COUNCIL RESOLUTION (Budget Amendment/Grant ceptance) COUNCIL RESOLUTION (all others) 1. Department Director I 1. Department Director 2. Budget Director j 2. City Attorney 3. City Attorney i 3. Mayor/Assistant 4. Mayor/Assistant � 4. City Clerk 5. Chair, Finance, Mgmt. , and Pars. Cte. i 5. City Council 6. City Clerk � 7. City Council 8. Chief Accountant, Finance and Manageme� Services The COST B NEF G T D ERSO L C S heading provides space to eaplain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs a d benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to bro der financial impacts (cost to users, homeowners, or other groups affected by the ac�ion) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FT � positions. The ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES section must be ompleted to indicate whether additional administrative procedures, including rules, r�e ulations, or resource proposals are necessary for implementation of an ordinance o resolution.. If yes, the procedures or a timetable for the completion of procedures muis be attached. � SUPPORTING MATERIALS. In the ATTACHMENTS sect on, identify all attachments. If the Green Sheet is �ell done, no letter of transmittal n ed be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . � Note: If an agreement requires evidence of in urance/co-insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be ona of the attachments at, ime of routing. Note: Actions which require City Council reso utions include contractual relationships with other governmental units; collective barg ining contracts; purchase, sale, or lease of land; issuance of bonds by City; eminent domai ; assumption of liability by City, or granting by �City of indentnification; agreement with state or federal govern�aent under which they are providing funding; budget amend ents. � � _