89-320 WHI7E - C�TV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF; A I NT PA U L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR ���� � File N 0. CounciJ� esolution �,, � �� _ �:� _ -, � � _. . . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date i � RESOLVED: That application (ID #9 993) for renewal of a State Class A Gambling License by he Shop Pond Gang at 1079 Rice Street, be and the same is h re y approved. I i � COUNCIL MEMBERS Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Dimond ' �� In Fav�or Goswitz � B �h�' � _ Again�t Y Sonnen Wilson C FCB L �i ���� Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date - �f',' �p Certified Pass by C n il Secre By II� Z'G 'lS' , �� gy, I �E ^ - ''�"' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Approved by � vor te � ' ' � — �'�" BY PUB1tSNED i�' " , . Cf S9-3a.o �,►,�, . o��� �,�� ��� -� s���`�°po. 0 0 3 5 2 2 � 1. Garchedi { � � COK�ACT ` � . � . . . . . DEPARTMENT DNiECTOR . - MNYOR(Oh-11S818TMlT)� . .. Christine Ro.�ek: � � — ������ ��«� ��*. �•^�, �: �Council Research � �a� Fi nance &. t. 29�-5 6: a�: � ��„�, `�' Application far renewal af a St te Class A Gamb1ing License (A11 Forms). iVotificatfon Date: 2-3-89 Hearing Date: ' 2-23-�9 �,�o�s:c�vv�.w«�r au i �n+� �o�: „ - WANlNN6 OOMMISSION - � GVIL 9ERVK�COMMMS810l1 DATE IN DATE OUT - � ANALY$I .. � Pf10NE NO. . ... . . .. �.... -^�ONM�10�MIA�qN . � ... IBD 626 BCIIOOL 8Q4fiD . � - �� � . .. . . . . . � � � STAFF... � . . CJiIiRIER OOMWS810N � � S IS �� . ADD7.pFO.AOOED�-. . .. .� .AETD TO.COHTA�T . ' ...ODNS7TI11EN1' . - � � - � _ . � _FOR ADDL UJFO. . _._�E A(i�+ DIS7AICT OOIMC� ; � . .. � � � � � EXPLANA �. . . . . . - �- BUPPONiB.YYFMGI-COUNCIL OBJECTtVE4 . . � . . . � � . �� � . . .. . . - � ..��: .. . . . ... ... � .. . � .. . . . � .. . . � . � : . �. �. . .. . . .. . .. : .. � . � � � . . " . . YNIIA'1f10 PRO��MlUE,O�Ppli111M1Y(VNw+wh�f.VYfMn,VN�re.WhY): Philip Kos�olnik, on behalf of �h Shop Pond Gang, at 2079 Rice Street requests � Council ap�roval of his app1ic ti n for renewa1 of a� Class A Gamb1ir�g License (�11 forms . Bingo sESSions a e eld Thursdays betWeen the hours �f 8:Ofl PM and 12:04 PM.. Proceeds are used � s onsor and pro�tote�amateur athaet�cs for boys and girls in the Com� Park are . �a►,�-i�ei.n�r.w�r.o..,aa�o�r. � Ai1 fe�s and applications hav b n submitted. A11 10% contributiar�s are current _ to the :Gity Y�uth Fund. _ . .� _ . 091�EG[I�It�Ei lYlIIMR-MVMn.'�nd Tb:Whom): , ;`' If Cwncil approval is given, h 'Shap Pond Gang wii1 continue to spo�sor a binga session at The North En I provement Club. - K,uru►nvs: coNs _ . ��u��i Research Center, EB � ��39 _ �„►�: LEBAt 18SUES: i i i � � . �a�uuwc��ertx+�r oF�o�oa�a a��rc�w�►rvn�n,►�s:- - ; t; � : i _ sr11KHi0LDERS cusy ro�noN c+:-.o► -�, i-wu ��rnr� wrnowwE f�wn�.n«as) i I � _ � I � " I � . � I FINANCIAL IMPItCT �sr es�,o�� s�coNO,r�a No,ES: on�a euoGer: . REYENUES GENERATED :.......;.:. ` ; . EXPENSES: Selaries/Pringe Ber�efits : , . ; � . , , : .. . EQuiP�..................... , I Siipplies. ......... ......... ....... .... .. ..... ..... :^"�.,—� , ' CoMracts fw Service Other PROFlT(LOSS).......:.............. ..:..........:.... , ,. , tNNDMKi�$OURCE:FOR ANY L�S:(N81ne and AfinorAx). CAPITAL IMPBOVEMENT BUDGET: �QN COSTS................................................................................ I ? _ _ .� .. : IICQW$RiON_GOSTS...:........:.................................................._..,.. . � -_ ,. _ .. ° , . , _.,. C�ONS7"RUCTION COSTS ..................................................... ....... ,.. , TD7'AL ....................... _ � _ ` , : souAC.E oF wHO�Na�ideme erw anwn,t> . I pAPACT ON BUD(iET: ` --<.. -. . , ; . .. . ., r. - AMOUNT CURB2NTLY BUDOE7ED.............................................. . .. . . . _ .. , _ .. ;. . . AMOUNT M EXCE.SS OF CURREdT BUDtiEf „........ ....:.... � � 30URCE OF AMOUPfI'OVER BUDOET ........ ......... ....... < PROPERTY TAXES GENERATED (LOST):.....:.. _ ,.. . � � - ' �HranoN RESPOr�ewm: � a�'ioF�ce : ... ._ :. -. rnvtsicmi � : � �n m�:--:�:. , , ; BUDOET.ACTNRV NUMIBER d TITLE � . _-� .' .. " ' . ..� �{�� . � '_ -�. ACTIVI'fY MANA(iEq �.•�. : ... -. .-...��. . • � : t10YY PEl9FORMANC�E WIL.L BE MEASURED?: , ' ' ' PROtiRAM OBJECTIYES: PROGRAM INDICATO _. ._ 1ST YR. 2ND YR. ; : .. , _ . - i - , -„. 4 EVALUA710N RESPONSiBILITV: . . . , ' � PERSON; � � . . � . DEPT. . � PHONE NO. � �.. �R�PORT�TO�C.'WAYEIL OF ', DATE . FlRST QUART£RLY .�.. . ,., . __ .. .- . ; _ , . . By I � � C� 8�-�a� � UiVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINIST T ON DATE � g 1/ ! �� �� INTF,RDF.PARTI�fF.I�'TAL REVIEW CHECKLIST � A.ppn P oc ssed/Received y Lic Enf Aud Applicant �� � Os�l h l�� � Home Address �a�� �• �Q.Y�211�(.�v �'�� _ i . Rusiness Name � h,p� -�pnd ��nC� Home Phone Business Address l��� ����, �f I Type of License(s) �Q,h�',(,V ��� _ Business Phone � (Zyh IQ�� v�(� L[(�Q�S� Public Hearing Date °�` � License I.D. 41 � 3 l�� at 9:00 a.m, in the Counci Chau ers, 3rd floor City Hall and Courthouse State Tax I.D. �6 � l� llate I�'utice Sent; Z��� $� ��q�� Dealer �1 /� ��} to Applicant rederal I'i.rearms 46 /� Public Her.iring DATE II�SPEC IUN REVLEW VERFIED (COMP TE ) CUMMENTS Approved Not oved � i Bldg I & D � � � , I Health Divn. ' , � Pr ! i Fire Dept. � I � ,� � I (� Police Dept. S��� � I '� � �q O � ' K � License Divn. If2��g ' i Q � �r � . � City Attorney � �I6�� � � � � Date Received: Site Plan � I(�' G �( To Council Research � O v Lease or Letter Date from Landlord I � � � �3� 93 9q3 Ci y of Saint Paul Department of F1ina ce and Management Services LiceMse nd Permit Division ' 03 City Hali St. Pa I, Mi nesota 55102•298•5056 APPLI�A ON FOR LICENSE CASH CHECK CLASS NO. w Renew 0 0 � � ., � I(� y` Oate t9 Code No. Title of License From 19�TO �� °?� 19� �-( �•�v � ���:���� � - � I, n�, � �o'a �o�� �� C���� j ,�, ���- � ,? ApplicanUCompany Name � �oo �U 7Ci ��.I(1L �'{�{2Q'�' 100 eualness Name ^ 100 S` T L!L�..I �'� Y^) Business Addresa Phon�Na 100 100 Mail to Address Phone No. r'� + � � � �oo -�11� i � ��� �_j• 1`� U�-�-J �vT�� � ManapsNOwner•Name � /�� —�y� . ,00 ��� U ��. �i ✓ � 1� ��?U 100 AlanayedGwner•Home Addresa Phon�No. Rece ved the Su1m otlon Fee 2•�� 5� � �� If � �•l ���� ('(' • ManapedOwner•City,Stste 3 Zfp Code 100 � Tot I 100 /� �� ��� � �- '' � ` `/ y/��- i-�_� � � ��— .v� License Ins ector v� J g ; '� c �"`� `� / , �� r r�'.,_� P Y ` ' " I ' / � iSignature of Applieant i G� � Bond: Company Name Policy No. Expiratlon Oate Insurance: Company Name Policy No. Expiradon.Date Minnesota State Identification No. Social Security No. Vehicle Information: Serial Number Plab Number �tft@f' THIS IS A E EIPT FOR APPLICATION . THIS iS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE.Your application f r li � nse will either be granted o�rejected subject to the provisions of the zoning ordinanCe and completion ot the inspections by the Heat h, F re,Zoning and/or License Inspectors. � � $15.00 CHARGE FO ALL RETURNED CHECKS �� � � / � � _2 ���° � '� . . • • j Cic;� bf ainc Paui C� 89'' 2Q,V . Decar:�enc oi rina�ice and �Sanagement Ser�ices �'� . Otv±sion oi Licen�se nd Pe:aic �egist:ation I�IFORI�ATION REOUI4� �«I'*?i :�P°LiCaTION ?OR' ?_.'iI? TO CONDUCi C3A.RI?'.�3L.'. CA.'�3L�VG G�1I�!E' :V � SaIN? ?:�UL 1. Ful and compl n aame o" arganizaci.�n • hich is applying for license ; i � � 2. Addres vhere games vill be he d / C T �. 7 �- ;lu ' er S tree t Cicy Zip ' 3. Name o� maaager sigaiag this applicaq:on vho �ri� conducc, aperace and aanage Gambliag Games O��iQ� (JS �� /1�f} Dace af 3irca /aZ � (a) Length of c:me manager has bean �e�b r o= appljcaac organizac.on ,3 7 �GT �4�P5 4. Address of :tanager �p C� �fl�� /1�� .��0 Yumcer c:eec C:t;r Zip 5. Day, dates, and 'nours chis aoplicac�cl i =or��,(��$�8%�PNJ•��i2:n0/�+9/A/�r� 6. Is che appl.+cant or organizacion orga iz d under the laws o? che �tace ei w?d? _/���5 "7. Date of iacorporacion U/YE � 8. Dace whea registzred vich the Stacz o w esoca V�F O � � 9. How long has organization beea ia exi�ca ca? �f� 5 _. _ . ,� 10. �ow Iang has organizacion bee� ia �Y+ ce c� ia �t. �aui". .� EA S I1. Whac is the purpose of the organ;zati n? olf.s0 I�D/l�o1'� � JQ LE7��5 D O S N C�lR S /�! E C�OMo �/Q E!� I2. Officers af appiicanc or3an�zat{orc Nante � � Ya�e /�/�� v 5TvG��f� / +� � R�� Address�3 . $ LYA. .�S� • q.te� �ddrzss ro{�o 1/Y� G.R�Pf�/S�7'-EUf�' aj°7 M�/..R'/(.3 {�i���,���u-rAy TitI.e�E,s'/f��/�('� DOB 3 � "s"�° TI�EASu� 709 �G /O L---- Yame � C�{R/Q� /�;/YvE�✓�'o/t�' � Vame �Y/ /L/P C'f)SSEI L/�/.�" address ,��/�f�lQl�y(��+ 5`I��ff�L,/t�IK�i ? ?�dd_ass /�dtQ�ESS, ST/,qvL M�V.,r�43 G BRA R�cv� Ticle �EGtPEY�R/e� DOB D / � :'_c_a ��ASri�6,e __ ]03 / d .3� T—' f 13. Give names oi oc:icers, o: any oc;e� ��rs r,s �no :a:_ cor sar:'_css _:. _:e �r3a^.:_ac:�rc. � Vame �_ Yame Address add:_ss Tic1a --=-= (,::tac^ se�a:a�e ;.e� . - :::�-=--••-- "=_=-• '� . � Cj �9- 3a � I4, actac:�ed he:eco is a lisc of naaies a�d aa:esses ot alI aembers oP che or3anizac:on. 15. In wnose csstody vill orgaaizat2on's ;re ords be kepc? " x�� rL� - , Sr r'�, . � D 57oLN/� address /d�v VY.�A�P�VT�"v�Q�`do�, �`��-'��,� � I6. •Persons who vill be conductiag, assi�ti g in conduccing, or operac=ng che games: v�e p �� V✓�� hlf�� Date oi Birt:� oZ address � MO �j�CE $'Jt' dL• , �.T O.� Name oi Spousa � �$ �157`E A Dace of 3irth �� �. Daces vhen suc^ oersan ui� conducc, �tss sc, or operace �rJ�,$��f�y,S Name Dl`�/1/ C(> �/5 Da:e of Birth /� aaaz�ss �O �d O VC. ' T"�i��G tiIK'- .fr,(-o3 i � Nane o* Spouse r�GLt� � Dace of Birth Dates :aen suca oersoa •.riLZ conctct, �ss's�, or ope:ata '��{v/P,s1'j{��lS � I7. Have nou T T � � , .aac a_c �o �au c�orougal� ux�ce_ zand che orovfsiacs oE a�l Iavs, ordinances, _. and regulacjo�s _cver.t_^.g_ ;�e ope=ac=ajn c" C�ar_tab_e Gaab�izg g�szs.' 18. Attac::ed here_� oa. c�e :a:= �uris:sed �� �.e Ci�7 0� St. ?aLl is a rinaacial Repor: vhica _.e�:�es a?_ ;ecei=cs, e.�eases,�lan ' " ' d_s�urse�encs o= c^a aool:canc organizac:an ' as aa?_ as a:. o:�ar.::.a::oas :-'r.o aahe �ec _rea :sads �or cie pre a '.�g caleadar �ear �, • � :rhic:^. .�id5 JB�:: 5�3_^.e�� C:�73r�d� 3IIQ V�:� �t.'C �Y� i . ' tiame � O YY � L-/� U J�7' /�dG /vl�✓, .1~J���,� :� �5; • . crho is cE:e !/11G0 R/)'D - � .Sd E o: �4e applicaac Orgaaizat=on. ' Ya3e J� Oi� �s ' 19. Operaco: a: pra�:;es �ae-_ ;=ames ::Z: ae Ls: rr�e o n� /n�P o E . CL vB B�siness tidd_ess O C'�' . ST/��vG /yj/�. f� , Home address 20. amounc o� -er.c �aie �y a�oL_._ac J:��.: ac �n =ar _e�c o: c�e �za??; spec::;T aaounc �. � 5'. Q C/4-f� _..��a paid ?er j-hou: se==:oa �' '� ,�� � � �/ / r��V ZI. ihe proceeds o: tae 3arses vill be �dis ursad aiter deduc::ag prize ?avouc coscs and , ope:acing ax�enses tor �he Lollovf�ng urposes and uses: O S v�Sole N'� RoMVT�`' S ,y� G � o u T1`f f�SEQ,�G Sofr,df�� 007' GL $o«E o c � /�ALG �l�rS�Sr°EED S�'A?'�i✓G /�Y T�E � �`O Mo �4R R ER• I1liF ,E AR�ouS A� ETrc oc� cT�vrri � v c R GA G' ov CE T�' • �2. Has the premises vhere che games �re co Se held been certified for occupanc; by che Cicy oc Saizc °auL? 23. Eias �our or3ar.izac=on �+_Lad : der�. on 9°0—i'' _�� L� ansver is yes, please accach a cooy vic� �=:s apol°cat:on. t: an •a: is no, e alain vhy: Any changes desi:ec b7 c;e app??ca::c z�sa iac_on a�a� be aade on1;� vic� c:;e cans2r.� o� c;�e Cicy CounciL. � , Orgaa:za on � Date ' f � Bv: ��L� � ► `.� i�.Q�s?��.�Y�.�,�t � �aaagzr _n charge aL gaQe . • � c � _ � 2 �� � �� � - - .. - c� cn 9 � 7 '< : 1 � ' � 3 � ` O � rr r- �j S � :7 rr � = C% fD f0 � � . �: =j � � '0 � v � I r- f� � n � •i : ;I � '1 ;� � v �.. _ � e�r .• r• - O � _ �' r7 r� � � � � ,� _ :d � �. o r. � m : •�, n � •c � ■ � � :� - �e .�� = '3� � �. � .�".',,. v � " 3 � l' iJ !-r Ib,�.ti'� � � ? � rr :� � :� � 'r � i..�'i"L ; � - '� r+ E p� 3 = �y: � � - � i � C I � rs � ' = z ' 3 ��'`; i�. _ � R •� � m y � :e -'r � - '� m J � I� � � �e O . r � �.� _ ... ,,> � e+ 7�' 'D � � G � � I - ? � � � ! n �7 �O �9 1 < � .I� � ' � � Z 9 �e � 'e! ` - r �a E � �e � ...�... � � _�� � � ,T - I c p .► .- ( ''i$ � � - � y r .e � I ^ .� - o I V' :n r- �o n ! = ' - �0 1 ^� �-. A A i � • • i� � � — (9 C� :' %r� I � � A � I� '� �f � : � � � ^' ^► � � A � � �i� ! � ' .T � �9 I R (� ' �, � �-n - I � _ - � _ � > ., �C=; � � � :. � _ = - - � - � - „ I :� ; � ' :, .;�,� , .. - ' � < � � i :o ; - _ � _ � ?� ' 1 I � ' �J ' ' ' �'�,� .� '� � 3 ( � I _ i � � � � �0 7 ? a ( :' ; ! �9 _ ° � _ ! - -, � � �i ,I � ' C� �-3aa �ity of Saint Paul Pas• 1 � Departa�at of� �i nc• and Managesene Ssrvic�s Di�ision of L�Lcea a and P�rsit Adsinistratioa . UNI�OBlt CNARI�AE GAMELING 1►INANCIAL REpORT ' � n Dat� 9 i �Ci � 1. pa� of Organization /��� • 2. Addre�s nhera Cluritabl� Gub i conduct�d O �� T Iqv .�f��7 3. Aaport for period covaring K AR 19,� ehrou6h DECBMBER a�9_ 19,� 4. Total nwbar of days pLyed S. Gsos� r�eeipts fo� abova p�rio� ; �`.7���0�9'7 6. Gross prisa payout� for abwa plsri (includa cash shozt) : �y"a 7.77 7. N�t s�caipts - lin� 5 dau� liqe 6 ; ��{�3�+ /� , 8. Expenses incurred in conducti I operating 6asa: A. Grosa vsges paid. Attae6 r list rith �/ names� addreases� aro�s •. u�bar of hours ; ! ��d��� workad. and amount paid pe 6 . . 8. R�nt fos �U veeka � ������ C. Licen�a fea ; D. In�uranc� 'i ; • i 6. Bond = !. Dishonored ch�cks not reeo�ere � `Tb0,00 G. Accountiag Expense ; H. Esplo�ars F.I.C.A. _ . I. Pulltab Tax Paid to Depard�at of Ravemi� � ��•oab J. l�tinn. U.C. Ta�c = 1C. Tederal Exeiee Tax 6 Stup i � l��S•O t� . L. Stata Gubling Tax � ����.(D� !1. Miseellaneous Expawes. I ent fy tha asount • and to who� paid. I �'������+�r�„c'�. s v�O �v�� . 2•o-�'�-.,�-��'�M�s� : ,af� 3. /I i 4. f 9. Total Expaaees. TOTAL � �� � � �'✓/ 10. N�t Incoa� - lina 7 siaus liaal 9 3 JOZ-��`• �� 11. Checkbook balanca begitming ofI per od ; 74"�'1'i/ 3 12. Total of line 10 aad 11 � ; �9T��?9 :'`Y°;". 13. Total coneributione (froa atta{�hed vorkshaet) _ ��� �� 14. Checkbook balanc• end of repot�tin6 p�riod - � / 3� �� ' lina 12 less line 13 ! ; �- �� • : '�< ' I . ' CI?Y F ST. PAUL �-�l ��� PAGE 2 UNIFORM CNARITA64E BLING FINANCIAL REPORT �i���,�- / ���' LAWFUL PURPOSE CqNT IBUTIONS - WORKSHEET Line #13 - Total Lawful Purpose Cdnt 'butions. $ �:, � �� G� List below all checks writtern fr m gambling funds Nhich are charitable lawful purpose con�ri utions. The total dollar amounts of these checks must �nat h the amount claimed in line #13. Use additional she�ts as necessary. CHECK # DATE � PAYEE ,�, C�iECK AMOUN PURPOSE i...�3� � ..�' ;'�,����� �y�Ua , n �,,d, � �.�::� __._- .�- -_-------------. ___.______._______ 2 �� �� � r� ��.-� � -- � - _L, �.GV � 1 ^ _.�_��� __.-����_ � „ `�- -, , _ �. __ 3�� 3 i���p _. �_�� _.__. �-''� �- � ���?�'�'r��..��c� �+�- - ,t� . ���- _ a.�.�� .� 1�'� � +_ ..-- -----_ .1.�.�� u��'-, . ._ .__ .-- _ _ __ �� �.. � . . _ r _ - - - -�" --.___ ;._ 5.�i.�.y_�.µ_ ___`�.�.��'8 ���.� ___ _ . � ;., . . ._ 3���a _�� _. �����..����`�- � � . . . _ __. ____ . 6.��� �f r,�� �c�.�i�' �� �3a.�o. �� _ { �-�,.�. ___. _ . � . , .. ....__ ' ?� /` � '/ � ��%�{ �u'�•r� , 7._____..a�..��...� .`���� �'a-�' _ -�-'' . �a:-�! _ .�___ _ � ,���'�� � �, ,; .�; �� , Q`�'.� s ��-�6 `{�r�g� �" ' �� � _ __���� - �' ������� __� .._^ .�.�. ; / g ,�.� � �3 'F �� b 0 U a ���'C�'a�r f � �. _ - �.... . -- --- - ,.__.. .�_ __.._. , .�.:._. ___ . ..--- , _ _ ,._ , , �a �a.�� �� ' 3,�s _� ° �o� � �� � _� �C�''�. .._.,, _�_ � _. - ., - . a � � � � .�oo � � " _ � I1 _ 1 �'�o ._ _.W__�____ _�__..�._.. .__r _�_._ -__. _ � � � /� , 7 i ^ / � .._ !2___�._�4.. � .����g ��,.���j ��, �o,3.lU ,� ' ..��_ __ , _ . _ �. . � �3 c2 .✓�-�'o �- �.. ...._�_ �� 3.o o _ d :� __ _.__ �'� i �� - � , � ��� `,� +�_,a'"'''f��-`���-s�� � 1 TOTAL CHECK A UN $ � � NOTE: These expenditures will be provide t Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial report is complete and accurate. w ��r � - : � a �� M � = = 3 � .; �= a = � .. • >I � � • C > � C A �t�NVV�I��MVN ►� a . '��' .�I � w •� 1 /1 • 7� S � ,�i� '� � �'_ � " '� °' '' ' � - � � � i a ��a � � w e rl ! � � � '� or j ? T, q �.'j w � !� i n. V w r T 7 � � C._ ��.✓3 � ? r a � � ' :, a ...� � ; • S A 'r r � "� � � 1 a :7! � A N � . / . ._. < � � - w s ( r � • ~ �� .. � t � � � � � � � � � -� n s \ � i , I� .� � s � � • I£ � � _- O !7 w � e • � � n o a � s •� 9 '" • w + C __ s � e P � v.rv a � n r (/1 w � (C rj i v.rv ����+- . = i 7 � s � � * -� ` .� a 7 ..�\ � . � � � � _ � 7 t• i i + � � � �- �� ^ s � '� � � � � s C� � � � .�. a � �� .. s .°. : a � . a � � I �; r � � ` � � = _ • w � � � : � ^ � r � � r � j � � � �-t � � �b � � � �� w � a � `� � � o�� = � > . ......,�V1 i ��� ; ; ^ � � ;:� � a � C .� _t � , A - '! � " �i� s � }�� � i I . � .�F .i � s't\• �� � CI'�lf ST. PAUL �PAGE 2 UNIFORM CNARITABI�E BLIN6 FINANCIAL REPORT �,�,.� ��e.�-� ' LAWFUL PURPOSE CQN IBUTIONS - WORKSHEET Line �13 - Total Lawful Purpose Co�ntr butions. a � List below all checks writtenlf gambling funds which are charitable lawful purpose con�ri utions. The total dollar amounts of these checks must �at h the amount claimed in line #13. Use additional shetts as necessary. CHECK � DATE � PAYEE , CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE ( � �o��f � J� N.t�- � �� n�l�t+��^�1`'��r rt • .� f� � �Q �l�i�� ` (ft;`� � ? �o. �J '/'•+// i ro � ` �� ��, . .�a S'� � �l� , � �-o � ' '� � Q�� �q- :��".r �l;�I� �;� `' � y�o � ��- ������ �--� �� �6 `��n�� �'',�P � � .s� C'� .�i.3�=�s��� �',. n �� /^• r� ' ,a�- O / '"/ � ,f 7 oO• / j�. � �. -�r.� � �o �� u-� � " �r �� � � � �' - ' � , . �c �. 7 1 � ' . llc� .� o o aZ 7 �+• a` � r r? . �� ifosPrT �o ;c�� o �� �' d �o� �8'I� ° t.�o.r�,�.� o � . _ , �) - o � � � ' , .o az/ -�------- �� a�o � l� l� i�l-�o,,� � ,��- ����.� ' �:�.� �:� a� �o �l3� �` '� .� .s� o a � �:��, . �, � ; , `'� a� ����� � �'�� ��� ��� • ���a ���-�- r ��'...Q.� � J TOTAL CHECK AI�UN E I,7`��1�D ; NOTE: These expenditures will be providejd t Council htembers at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial reportl� is complete and accurate. /y� « .. � -• � = �_ F .,ln/�/�NVN�■ � �.,. � � `� � � � • .� ♦ 'J �N � _ � � � � �`��� � � ; A y � � A � K w ` i� �°'^� ;i � • • •� � � O ♦t� " yf�/f �. � ■ � ! i � � � O! _ �'�, s � i � � �� ��\'_ .. � .. � "s : s . � � � ,t T 7 �\'�\JA + V i i � Z - �Jal' �' s M 1� <a ^' � � w �� « : i r � • � y � �� V� w s ��,�'� � � - • � � � � ( w s � •� � • \ + � 'W � , � e A � � �„ _ ' _ 'Q . . �� q • A .l � '�t� � • ' J � 3 r w • r � b �rrrv . � ! ' � "'}— 7 a 7 �.r '� v..,. � � � s w s '� � ; :: ,��, L� • � � w • � ^ ,� . n v • �f`.. w� �.�. � S � " . � : � + � ��" s .�i i �s . � f � • - - � ` ` � � =• � ; ry� r A � � s� � ( \ ' � ! I s �� I— O� � I ;T ! A - y » � • 'V•� � � � � � � ��JV'JvVVV1NV■ � �, � � . w .,-� �� � ' v � � .� � �? • ��� i I� � ,� . i t� 7 i 1 � I' C�8r9—�3G�o CI F ST. PAUL PAGE 2 UNIFORM CHARITAB E AMBLING FINANCIAL REPORT � ' LAWFUL PURPOSE C T IBUTIONS - WORKSHEET �"`�� `! � Line #13 - Total Lawful Purpose C�nt ibutions. E � ; List below all checks writteh f qambling funds which are charitable lawful purpose co tr butions. The total dollar amounts of these checks must ma ch the amount claimed in line #13. Use additional sh et as necessary. CHECK � DATE � PAYEE CHECK AMOU PURPOSE a,�: � � � � `f`fG,v� ����- I'��DAM. a� ' Q� r d .� o,e t� E -�--`- ,- ' � �S� � � ! ��(� � � .�O ti � � ��titi�� �Y ' `� � ' ' /� ' ' �; �l I ���� �'�c� � � �l aZ (�L i-c�-�-rt� G f v �'i �. � 3r�� �����. � ,rr �.,- � . � 3� : 3 r �l �= .' , ,� �-��- �' 33 . � �� /��'� � sG � M- aC - U,U D � ai,�o�'I 30 � � .�O o o ,��Q 1'�s� � 3� 3� o � � � , 7��K-�'r�.� ,� p o,�.a ;; �*°� �Q OO RTt+c�P�a r�.�;pv R�nrG � �3�3 o Q"� �� LG� � 0.6w � .� ,� � � 3 3� 3� L � 3�° ` � .. 7 , � , , 3,� � 33 �a 3�� � -/� �.� a a�-' :u.�7"����_ 3 �r ib � ' � �o0 7'..�� � .� � � TOTAL CHE K MOUNT a 3 .oZ�c �-�- �,��.,�• �' ' ti- / NOTE: These expenditures will be pr �vi ed to Council Members at your Cou cif hearing. Be sure that your financial r ,po t is complete and accurate. I . r � .� � • .� I ,w� � i ... i 3 s w •'-�i� ■tiw�^M^ : '' � i ; � � a i � .. a �w ��'�`. ` .�i r. j .• e� � � � w i { w � �� 3 ���� � � • w � O � ` _ ♦ � i O � p> • 1 ° .� s ! � � • S : ' r w v A � � _ r!s � .� .. .. � � �wa s r � �' � � -a� a 1 < _ � � � �~� r � � � 1 M �a• � ' � ^ � � � � n � � O »s � ♦ �� � � � : � � � .r " � t � � � : � � � __ r.: � a � � � CJ� ; > `s, � ��.. ( IW � • �� w • • '�' • — • � �'' � • �s . D � A � � �' � O A � v� \I�II�/ � � ! ; _ D r w � r�� ; � v v n .�``.. • � : �.}" � w s � i � , :� ;.�,� � i � .� w; "----a . ' . � r • -, � f�� , �:-c A + � � ` '! '� �'v� S . , � 1 � � 4 (1 • s � ^ � i � _- . . r � i �! i r � w � w s � ... � ' � t� A., ! `,� `_ '�� • � � < i. ! � � 'j 1�y�+. � � �. �= �.Nl..uV���W■ ti » � �' �� � ��`�. � �. �1t'1 � • i 1�� ^• �� w�,(, � � <'. �i J F i � + r . � ' �i �". .C. <-- � , w �.{�...f�� �c`��... � •�i r- S �`. ' 3a a � $�� PA6E 2 CI�1f F ST. PAUL , UNIFORM CHARITAB E LING FINANCIAL REPORT �,��� °��{" ' LAWFUL PURPOSE C�NT IBUTIONS - WORKSHEET Line #13 - Total Lawful Purpose C�nt ibutions. E � List below all checks writte f gambling funds which are charitable lawful purpose co tr butions. The total dollar amounts of these checks must ma ch the amount claimed in line #13. Use additional sh�et as necessary. CHECK � DATE ' PAYEE ; CHECK AMOUN PURPOSE pb °Z�✓�� (/ o ��— �i'd'Y .�02 d ° �, ��'' �p � , , i ; � 1 � , � � t �h, aZ F� � DO, O D J x �J.7 � � _ U O �- 3� i�l. Q� ���` � 1 �� .�,� ��� �' u�v�- � . � � /�' � � r 9 � . ,� '��q lr�i (r ;� '� : � ��. � o :�,�1!�� , u,d- 1,.-z�` '=L� , �.-�)`n �"�� ' �,�� ��,1 i. � . � � � •� � . i ,..... _.,_.._..�. � _ ) — ; . .,�. 3 , r TOTAL CHEC i A UNT a .�'7 , ' NOTE: These expenditures will be pro �de to Council Members at your Council hearing. Be sure that your financial re br is c�lete and accurate. � • �+ � • '' � � .�'. i � � e � � � �QN , � � R nMVV�Mnn • w w ., _ � + ; � e ` i� � f�%°� � s � � � � � � � � � = a s � '' �' _ < .,�. i .a v e �� ?_ � �. A .j w i� . `�\� . A � � ! ! � � i=1 t � , �' f ^ w t\'•. �� �1 � � � Y .� � s S ^ � � w �, � �. � � O w s .� -.. . s : - t� � • t � � • A � �� _ � � . . i � • `• � � � � � ' �J .�_ � i A ( \ • � � �. i • y � 'OJ A .��rv i ' � . . . �a • � A • �r 7 ` � . s . �; � sY ! ,�. � � s " • • n - � ,� � r � • e. � s � s � �• .� � � S � �f � • � -� s s � � ! + � � s �� ` + i w � r � w � ,� � a n � i� <� '. � A � i M ,� - I \ _ � ;� � -.- �-- � U O � � � t' T � ! � � � �� C . �vv��'�vvw'vti• � , � �• � � . � ^ � . , �� • � ;; , � � � �� ; � ��� i � I � � i �